
Michael Curtis
Transaction Publishers, 1 Ιαν 1979 - 128 σελίδες

This major new work from a foremost political theorist provides a reconsideration of the utility of totalitarianism as a concept in light of the empirical data now available about the operation of the Soviet, Nazi, and Fascist systems. The book discusses the meaningfulness of the term "totalitarianism' ' as a classificatory category including the systems "of "the Soviet Union under Stalin, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy. It forges a model of totalitarianism, examining basic characteristics of the model in light of its actual operations in different European contexts. Curtis concludes that totalitarianism remains a useful term to distinguish systems of a certain kind from dictatorship, despotism, or traditional authoritarian systems.

Curtis presents a major new work in the continuing discussions about the validity of the concept of totalitarianism. In a nonpolemical and objective approach, the book examines the relevant information to determine the validity of the concept. The work draws more than customary attention to the voluntary cooperation of citizens, their relatively easy mobilization by the regime, confusions in decision and policymaking, and the ambiguity of the relationship between party and state that exists in most totalitarian regimes.

"Totalitarianism "is directed toward advanced students and those generally interested in contemporary affairs. It will prove especially valuable to readers trying to understand contemporary communist affairs, the classification of political systems, and comparative politics generally.

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Επιλεγμένες σελίδες


The Process of Becoming Totalitarian
Development and Dictatorship
The Dictator
Total Control
Total Scope and Economics
A Monolithic Entity?
Ideology Objectives and Support
From Totalitarianism To Authoritarianism
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 73 - We are in favor of the State dying out, and at the same time we stand for the strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat which represents the most powerful and mighty authority of all forms of State which have existed up to the present day.
Σελίδα 21 - He saw this from the position of the interest of the working class, of the interest of the laboring people, of the interest of the victory of socialism and Communism. We cannot say that these were the deeds of a giddy despot. He considered that this should be done in the interest of the Party; of the working masses, in the name of the defense of the revolution's gains. In this lies the whole tragedy!
Σελίδα 29 - We stand for the withering away of the state. At the same time we stand for the strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat, which is the mightiest and strongest state power that has ever existed. The highest development of state power with the object of preparing the conditions for the withering away of state power — such is the Marxist formula. Is this "contradictory"? Yes, it is "contradictory.
Σελίδα 38 - I can say to him is this: In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme Justiciar of the German people.
Σελίδα 117 - Roy A. Medvedev and Zhores A. Medvedev, Khrushchev: The Years in Power (New York, 1978), p 20. 15. Nikita Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers, Strobe Talbot, ed. (Boston, 1970), pp 29-30, 352-353; and Roi Medvedev, "Diktator na pensii
Σελίδα 54 - SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal and comradely to members of our own blood and to nobody else. What happens to a Russian, to a Czech, does not interest me in the slightest. What the nations can offer in the way of good blood of our type, we will take, if necessary by kidnapping their children and raising them here with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to...
Σελίδα 88 - ... Politburo" (Political Bureau), which are elected at plenary meetings of the Central Committee, five members of the Central Committee to each bureau. This, then, looks like a real "oligarchy." Not a single important political or organisational question is decided by any state institution in our republic without the guiding instructions of the Central Committee of the Party. In its work the Party relies directly on the trade unions, •which, at...
Σελίδα 59 - What we look for from our German youth is different from what people wanted in the past. In our eyes the German youth of the future must be slim and slender, swift as the greyhound, tough as leather, and hard as Krupp steel.
Σελίδα 120 - John S. Reshetar, Jr., The Soviet Polity: Government and Politics in the USSR (New York: Dodd Mead, 1971), pp. 160, 229; N. Mironov, "Persuasion and Compulsion in Combating Anti-Social Acts,

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