House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Τόμος 129,Τεύχη 236-245E. Cloutier, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1988 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 87.
Σελίδα 12139
... interest to a lot of speculation from opposition Members about how this agency is going to work and where it is going to get its money and whether it can be successful . I have the distinct advantage of telling those Members that what ...
... interest to a lot of speculation from opposition Members about how this agency is going to work and where it is going to get its money and whether it can be successful . I have the distinct advantage of telling those Members that what ...
Σελίδα 12147
... interest of justice and in the public interest to charge three ordinary Canadians with a serious offence but a Minister of the Crown is excluded ? ( 1430 ) While he is answering that question , does he not think there is a dangerous ...
... interest of justice and in the public interest to charge three ordinary Canadians with a serious offence but a Minister of the Crown is excluded ? ( 1430 ) While he is answering that question , does he not think there is a dangerous ...
Σελίδα 12193
... interest to prosecute him . I ask why is it not in the public interest to prosecute a Minister of the Crown who breaches an Act passed by this Parliament ? Why is it in the public interest to prosecute ordinary Canadians who run stop ...
... interest to prosecute him . I ask why is it not in the public interest to prosecute a Minister of the Crown who breaches an Act passed by this Parliament ? Why is it in the public interest to prosecute ordinary Canadians who run stop ...
Published under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queens Printer for Canada | 12032 |
Labour Relations | 12050 |
Petitions | 12104 |
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