Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ii, iii, v, vii.

enees, vi, 243; through Popo- United Brethren Churen, in vois. i, Veinteinilla, Gen., made dictator
catepetl, viii, 537.
in Ecuador, iii, 260; govern-
ment of, iv, 328; v, 231; defeat
and flight of, vii, 225; viii, 287.
Venezuela, i, 795; vi, 860; viii,
812; ix, 793; silk, ix, 794.
Ventilation, v, 361.
Venus, diameter of, ii, 43; transit

Tupman, G. L., observations by, United States, in every volume.

iii, 36; iv, 53.
Turgenieff, Ivan, sketch, portrait,

viii, 771.

Turkey, in every volume; maps, i,

751; ii, 732.

Turkistan, i, 775; ix, 712. See


Turco-Greek Commission, the, iv,


Turkomans, robberies by, i, 7;
Persian expedition against, 44;
irruption of, 661; war with
Russians, iv, 775; successes of,
776; turning of the Attrek,
776; character of, vi, 733; vii,

Turko-Russian War, the, i, 260,
756; ii, 269, 638, 683, 691;
Russia's declaration of war,
688, 724; conference, 728;
operations, 725-745; armistice,
745; treaty of peace, iii, 791;
iv, 834; effect on markets, ii,
119. See Eastern Question.
Turnbull, Robert, sketch, ii, 745.
Turner, John, obit., ii, 589.

United States, census of, vii, 815;
maps showing distribution of
population, of foreign, and of
colored, vi, 850.
United States Finances for 1883,
viii, 781; for 1884, ix, 777.
United States, Fish-Culture in, viii,

of, ibid., vii, 35; viii, 20.
Verboeckhoven, E., obit., vi, 697.
Vermilye, W. R., obit., i, 625.

Universalists, in vols. i, ii, iii, v, Vermont, in every volume.
vii, viii, and ix.
Vetromille, E., obit., vi, 689.
Veuillot, sketch, viii, 815.
Viardot, L., obit., viii, 605.
Victor Emanuel II, sketch, iii, 819.
Victoria, Queen, power of, to cede
Indian territory, iii, 438; at-
tempt on the life of, vii, 369.
Victoria, Province of, reforms in,
V, 38.

University of Copenhagen, 400th
anniversary of, iv, 313.
Upholstery, ix, 787.
Upjohn, R., obit., iii, 647.
Uranus, ellipticity of, viii, 24.
Urea, formation of, viii, 637.
Uruguay, i, 794; vi, 857; troubles
in, v, 16; viii, 811; ix, 789.
Usibepu, defeat of Cetewayo by,
viii, 91.

Uslar, Baron, i, 323.
Usury, W. Va. bill, iv, 845; Ga.

law, vi, 384; effect of Kiernan
law, vii, 117.

Victoria Nyanza, mission at, iii,


Vieuxtemps, H., obit., vi, 697.
Vigilant, the, lost whaler, vi, 323.
Vilain, Chas., Vicomte, obit., iii,

Utah, ii, 755; iii, 818; vi, 859; viii, Vincent, C., discovery by, iv, 75.

812; ix, 791.

Turpentine, manufacture of, iv, Utrici, H., obit., ix, 623.


Tuthill, J. H., obit., ii, 589.

Tweed, W. M., sketch, iii, 798.

Vaccination with disease, vi, 347.
Vail, A. S., obit., vi, 689.

Twesten, A. D. C., sketch, i, Valuation and taxation in the States,


Twiggle, J. W., obit., iii, 646.
Tyler, J. E., obit., iii, 647.

Tyler, J. S., obit., i, 625.
Tyler, Morris, obit., i, 625.
Tyler, Samuel, sketch, iii, 799.
Tyndall, John, on the germ theory,
iii, 387; experiments by, vi,
Tyrol, the, autonomy refused to, ii,
58; first Protestant church in,
iv, 67; intolerance in, v, 45.
Tyson, Capt., explorations by, iii,

Uchatius, Baron von, experiments
by, ii, 500; obit., vi, 696.
Uchatius gun, the, i, 57.
Uffelmann, observations by, vi,

Uhrich, Gen., obit., vi, 697.
Ujfalvy, M. de, ethnologic re-
searches of, ii, 327.
Ule, O. E. V., sketch, i, 777.
Uled-Bonasok, rebellion of, i, 21.
Uled-Sidi-Sheik, tribe of, i, 20.
Ulundi, battle of, iv, 126.
Umbellulic acid, vii, 87.
Uncle Tom, obit., viii, 596.
Underwood, J. R., obit., i, 625.
Unitarians, in vols. i, ii, iii, v, vii,
and ix.

vii, 409.
Vanata, A., obit., i, 625.
Vanatta, J., obit., iv, 697.
Van Buren, W. H., obit., viii,


Vanderbilt, Cornelius, sketch, ii,

Vanderbilt, John, obit., ii, 589.
Van der Heyden, Gen., honors to,

vi, 625.

Vanderpool, Dr. J., obit., i, 625.
Van der Weyde, invention by, ii,

Van Dyke, J., obit., iii, 647.
Van Malderen, invention by, iii,


Vara, G. B., obit., ix, 623.

Vines, S., experiments by, iv, 36.
Virchow, R., theory of, vi, 550.
Virginia, in every volume.
Vitale, Count Luigi, obit., i, 644.
Viticulture, in U. S., vi, 353; viii,
79; in Ecuador, 288; in Mex-
ico, 537.
Vivisection, bill to prohibit, iv, 457.
Vogel, H. C., observations by, vii,

37; star catalogue by, viii, 28.
Vogt, C., discovery by, vi, 303.
Voice, physiology of the, viii, 686.
Voigts-Rhetz, Gen., ii, 613.
Volcanic eruptions, of Cotopaxi, ii,

268; in Patagonia, iii, 365; of
Etna, iv, 527; in Ecuador, vi,
331; of Krakatoa and others,
viii, 526; in Hawaiian Islands,
ix, 389; atmospheric effects of,
ibid.; of Ometepe, 582. See
Earthquakes, etc., viii, 284.
Volkhart, W., obit., i, 644.
Volkmann, A. W., obit., ii, 613.

Varna and Dijmphna, loss of the, Vollmer, A. J., obit., i, 644.

viii, 388.

Varroy, H. A., sketch, iv, 886.
Vatican, the, relations of, with gov-
ernments. See Papacy.
Vatican Library open to historians,
viii, 692.

Vaughn, O. A. J., obit., i, 625.
Vaughan, R. B., obit., viii, 695.
Vedder, A. M., obit., iii, 647.
Vega, the, voyage of, iv, 411; en-

trance into Behring Strait, 415;
in Yokohama, 416.
Vegetable Analysis, vi, 95.
Vegetable Chemistry, vii, 92.

Volta, researches of, vii, 265.
Vories, H. M., obit., i, 626.
Vote by Proxy, viii, 47.

Wackernagel, P., obit., ii, 613.
Wadai, vi, 327.

Waddington, J., obit., i, 644.
Waddington, W. H., sketch, ii,
820; Cabinet of, iv, 386.
Wade, B. F., sketch, iii, 825.
Wagner, A., process for water-ex-
amination, vi, 94.

Wagner, R. J. von, obit., v, 604.
Wagner, Richard, music of, i, 571;

festival at Baireuth, 572;
"Ring des Nibelungen," i,
573; sketch, portrait, viii, 816.
Wahala, Bishop, obit., ii, 613.
Waite, M. R., sketch, vii, 831; por-

trait, frontispiece.
Walda, Michael, revolt of, i, 4.
Waldegrave, Countess, obit., iv,

Waldensians, ii, 762.

Waldo, L., observations by, v, 36.
Walenn, W. H., inventions by,
vii, 533.

Wales, Prince of, in India, i, 44,

Walker, Sir B. W., sketch, i, 802.
Walker, Jonathan, obit., iii, 647.
Wallace, J., invention of, i, 91.
Wallace, W., invention by, iii,

Wallace, W. R., obit., vi, 689.
Wallis, R., obit., iii, 662.
Wallner, F., obit., i, 644.
Walloon Churches, vii, 709.
Wall-paper, viii, 615; ix, 247.
Walpole, F., obit., i, 644.
Walpole, Sir R., obit., i, 644.
Ward, Captain, invention by, iii,

Ward, E. M., obit., iv, 701.

Webb, I. W., obit., ix, 613.
Webb, M., obit., viii, 606.
Weber, K. P. von, obit., vi, 697.
Webster, experiments by, viii, 524.
Webster, Albert F., obit., ii, 590.
Webster, Caroline L. R., obit., vii,



in Persia, vii, 681; in Japan,
i, 428; ii, 413; in Corea, vii,
176; in China, i, 110; ii, 101;
iii, 98, 101; iv, 143; in India,
ii, 394; iv, 494; v, 388; vii,
415; in Tonquin, viii, 370;
in Madagascar, iii, 41; viii,
370, 507; in Sennaar, viii, 299; Webster, Daniel, centennial of, vii,
in Egypt, see Egyptian War;
in the Soudan, see Soudan;
in South Africa, see Zulus
and Cape Colony; in Abys-
sinia, see Abyssinia; in Alge-
ria and Morocco, i, 9, 20; iv,
27; vi, 311; in West Africa,
vi, 4; in Sumatra, see Su-
matra; in Dahomey, i, 8; iv,
15; in Feejee, i, 53; in New
Caledonia, iv, 58; in Chili and
Peru, see Chilian War; others
in South America, i, 22, 118,
240, 662; ii, 72, 266; iii, 21,
261; iv, 29, 82, 149; v, 117,
625; vii, 225; viii, 287; in
Mexico and Central America,

22, 213, 545; ii, 229; vi,
663; in Cuba, see Cuba; in
Hayti, viii, 429; in North
America, see Indians.
Washburn, Emory, sketch, ii, 762.

Ward, L. F., quotation from, vi, Washburn, Israel, obit., i, 626.


Wardell, D., obit., iii, 647.
Ware, Jairus, obit., ii, 590.
Ware, J. F. W., obit., vi, 689.
Warington, R., experiments by, vi,


War-levy, on Southern States, iv,
429, 835.

Warner, H., obit., vi, 690.
Warner Observatory, the, v, 36;
vii, 41.

War Records of the Rebellion, iii,


Warren, E. J., obit., i, 626.
Warren, F. H., obit., iii, 647.
Warren, H. J., obit., i, 626.
Warren, Joseph, sketch, i, 802.
Warren, Samuel, obit., ii, 613.
Warrington. See Robinson, W. S.
Wars, Revolutions, and Insurrec-

tions in Turkey, see Turko-
Russian War, ii, 725; iii, 793;
vii, 804; in Roumelia, v, 236;
in Montenegro, v, 543; vi, 842;
viii, 549; in Servia, viii, 43;
in Croatia, 49; in Crivoscia
and Herzegovina, vii, 55; in
Spain, see Carlist War; in
Crete, iii, 411; in Candia, i,
2; in Greece, vii, 370; in Af-
ghanistan, see Afghan War;
in Beloochistan, i, 73; in Kur-
distan, v, 623; vi, 731; in
Kashgaria, see Kashgaria; in
Turkistan, see Turkomans;

Washburn, Israel, obit., viii, 597.
Washburn Observatory, vii, 41.
Washington aqueduct, ix, 316.
Washington Monument, ix, 777,

Webster, J., invention by, vii, 531.
Webster, J. A., obit., ii, 590.
Webster, J. D., obit., i, 626.
Weed, Thurlow, sketch, vii, 833.
Weekes, H., obit., ii, 613.
Weilenmann, invention by, iii, 545.
Weir, Col. T. B., obit., i, 626.
Weiske, J., obit., ii, 613.
Welle river, conjectures concern-

ing, iii, 363; exploration of, v,
292; viii, 386.

Welles, Gideon, sketch, iii, 825.
Wellington, Duke of, obit., ix, 624.
Wells, C. S., discovery by, vii, 36.
Wells, Elijah, obit., ii, 590.
Wells, Henry, obit., iii, 647.
Wells, J. R., invention by, iii, 774.
Wells, Mary, obit., iii, 647.
Welsh, John, sketch, iii, 826.
Werdermann, R., invention by, iii,

West, S. W., obit., i, 626.
West Indies, viii, 820; ix, 801.
Westbrook, T. R., charges against,
vii, 602.

Western, Lucille, obit., ii, 590.
Weston, E., invention by, viii, 303.
Washington Territory, ii, 768; viii, West Point hazing case, v, 30.
819; ix, 799.

Water, analysis of, iii, 91; iv, 136,
628; vii, 9; viii, 111, 118; loss
of oxygen in electrolysis of,
iii, 93; purification of, v, 94,
367; chemical analysis insuffi-
cient, iv, 135.

Water-gas, processes, viii, 373.
Water-motor, the, vi, 871.

West Virginia, in every volume.
Wetmore, P. M., obit., i, 626.
Weyher, C. L., musical telephone
of, iii, 588.
Weyprecht, K., plan for polar sta-
tions, vi, 325; vii, 835; viii,

Whalley, G. H., obit., iii, 662.
Whalley, W. H., obit., i, 626.

Water-shed of South Africa, iv, Wharton, J., experiments by, vii,

[blocks in formation]

Wholmuth, Arctic voyage of, viii, Winkler, Dr. C., experiments by, Woodson, E. C., obit., iii, 648.

ii, 500.

Whymper, E., explorations by, vi, Winnecke, Dr., discovery, ii, 46;

330; viii, 528; ix, 540.
Wieniawski, H., obit., v, 604.
Wilde, invention by, iii, 276.
Wilde, Sir A. T., obit., iii, 662.
Wilde, Sir W., obit., i, 644.
Wildermuth, Ottilie, obit., ii, 613.
Wiley, Chas., obit., iii, 648.

observations, vi, 39.
Winslow, E. D., case of, i, 232.
Winslow, F., observations of, vi,
713, 714.

Winslow, H. C., obit., i, 627.
Winther, C., obit., i, 644.
Wisconsin, in every volume.

[blocks in formation]

Willett, J. M., obit., ii, 590.
William Barents, the polar voy-

ages of, iii, 353; iv, 416; v,
303; vi, 323; vii, 334, 335; viii,

Williams, A., obit., i, 627.
Williams, A. S., obit., iii, 648.
Williams, A. S., observations by,
viii, 21.

Williams, Barney, sketch, i, 805.
Williams, J. D., sketches, i, 411;
v, 715.

Williams, J. S., obit., i, 627.

Williams, S. W., obit., ix, 613.
Williams, Wm., obit., i, 627.
Williams, Wm., obit., iii, 662.
Williams, W. M., new theory of,

vi, 100; observations by, viii,

Williamson, A. W., address on the

atomic theory, vi, 91.
Willis, Lieut.-Gen., in Egypt, vii,
253; portrait, ibid.
Wills, act on, in Michigan, viii,


Wills, T., experiments by, iv, 135.
Wilmer, J. B. P., obit., iii, 648.
Wilson, Mr., observations by, vi,


Wilson, Andrew, obit., ii, 590.
Wilson, H. D., surveys by, ii, 337.
Wilson, H. M., new process for
copper, ii, 500.

Wilson, J. E., obit., ix, 625.
Wilson, John, obit., i, 627.
Wilson, Rivers, appointed Minister
of Finance in Egypt, iii, 266;
iv, 328; assailed, 329; recalled,

Wissmann, Lieut., explorations of,
viii, 385.

Woehler, F., obit., ix, 808.
Wolfe expedition, ix, 19.
Wolfe, Joel, obit., v, 597.
Wolff, experiments by, vi, 758.
Wolofski, L. F. M. R., sketch, i,


Wolseley, Sir Garnet, sketch, vii,

839; portrait, vii, 232; in
South Africa, iv, 125; in Egypt,
ix, 203.

Women, in India, ii, 389: order
conferred only on, iii, 406; in-
struction at Harvard for, iv,
602; admitted to the bar in
Maryland, ii, 481; in Cali-
fornia, iii, 71; not in Massa-
chusetts, vi, 539; deaconesses,
v, 688; Presbyterian Church
on preaching by, iii, 693; v,
630; in office in Massachusetts,
viii, 519; in Belgium, in pub-
lic service, vii, 67; property
rights of married, ii, 223, 340;
iii, 676; iv, 107, 299, 847; v,
610; vii, 365; of widows, v,
610; vi, 575; contracts by mar-
ried, in Indiana, vi, 426; right-
of husbands to vote in conse-
quence of the property of their
wives, iii, 782; suffrage ques-
tion, ii, 108; iii, 525, 808; iv,
454, 598, 639; v, 611; vi, 622;
vii, 47, 184, 516; viii, 411, 444.
For conventions, see under
titles of States.
Wood, James F., sketch, portrait,
viii, 823.

Wood, John, obit., v, 597.

[blocks in formation]

Woodward, W. J., obit., iv, 697.
Woodworth, I. M., obit., iv, 697.
Wool, commerce in, iv, 172.
Woolridge, L. C., experiments by,
viii, 633.

Woolworth, S. B., obit., v, 597.
Worcester, T., obit., iii, 648.
Work, H. C., obit., ix, 613.
Working - people, accidents and
sickness, insurance for, in Ger-
many, viii, 394.
World's Fairs, viii, 824.
Wortley, S., observations by, viii,


Wrangel, Count von, obit., ii, 613.
Wrangel Land, v, 301; an island,

vi, 323, 324.
Wright, Prof. A. W., invention by,
ii, 498.
Wunderlich, Dr. K. A., obit., ii,

Wurtz, C. A., experiments by, vi,
96; obit., ix, 625.
Wuttke, H., obit., i, 644.
Wyatt, Sir M. D., obit., ii, 614.
Wyckoff, Dr. W. H., obit., ii, 591.
Wylie, Robert, obit., ii, 591.
Wyman, L. B., obit., iv, 697.
Wyoming Territory, ii, 770; viii,
825; ix, 809.

Yachts, trials of steam, vi, 546.
Yakoob Beg, i, 776; ii, 41, 418; iii,

96; burning of the body of, iv,
145; children of, ibid.
Yakoob Khan, iii, 437; iv, 7, 9, 13,

491. See Afghan War, v, 4.
Yellow Fever, ii, 298; iii, 12. See
Fever, Yellow.
Yellow Flags, viii, 767.
Yellow river, exploration of, v, 289.
Yelverton, Sir H. R., obit., iii, 663.
Yemen, rebellion in, ix, 764.
Yeo, Prof., experiments by, vi, 748.
Yorktown, centenary of, and mon-
ument, vi, 869.
Yosemite Valley, map, iii, 70.
Young, Brigham, sketch, ii, 771.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Young, E., explorations of, i, 331.
Young Men's Christian Associa-
tion, ii, 773.

Yunker, Dr., explorations by, viii,


Yunnanites, Chinese methods for
converting, iv, 146.
Yussuf Pasha, viii, 290; defeat of,

Zakzaga, battle of, i, 5.

[blocks in formation]
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