Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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To behold the wandering moon,
Riding near her highest noon,

Like one that had been led astray

Through the heaven's wide pathless way;
And oft, as if her head she bow'd,

Stooping through a fleecy cloud."-Il Penseroso.

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Arrange the first words thus :-" I often woo thee, O chauntress, among the woods."

missing These words are both participles, referring, in their unseen adjectival quality, to "I."

to behold This infinitive mood is governed by "I walk." like Adverb of manner, qualifying "riding."

one Indefinite pronoun, sing. num., nom. to "would ride" understood. "Like one who had been led astray would ride."

Or, obj. case, gov. by "to" understood.

head Com. noun, neut. gender, sing. num., obj. case, gov. by "bow'd." (Compare the analysis above.)


I. Bellum autem ita suscipiatur, ut nihil aliud, nisi pax, quaesita videatur.- Cicero.

2. Brevis a natura nobis vita data est; at memoria bene redditae vitae sempiterna.—Cicero.

3. Donec eris felix, multos numerabis amicos;
Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris.

Aspicis ut veniant ad candida tecta columbae;
Accipiat nullas sordida turris aves.

Horrea formicae tendunt ad inania nunquam :
Nullus ad amissas ibit amicus opes.

Utque comes radios per solis euntibus umbra,
Cum latet hic pressus nubibus, illa fugit ;
Mobile sic sequitur fortunae lumina vulgus :
Quae simul inducta nube teguntur, abit.—Ovid.
4. Poma dat Autumnus, formosa est messibus Aestas,
Ver praebet flores, igne levatur Hyems.—Ovid.

Literal Translation :—

I. But let a war be so undertaken that nothing else but peace may seem (to be) sought for.

2. A short life has been given to us by nature; but the memory of a wellpassed life is eternal.

3. While thou shalt be fortunate, thou wilt number many friends; if the times have been cloudy, thou wilt be alone. Thou beholdest how doves come to white houses (lit. roofs); (and how) a mean tower receives no birds. Ants never go to empty granaries; no friend will go to riches (that are) lost. And as a shadow which accompanies those who go (lit. companion to those going) through the sunshine (lit. through the rays of the sun), when the latter lies hid covered (lit. pressed) by clouds, the former flies, so the fickle multitude follows the brightness (lit. lights) of fortune; but as soon as it is covered by a cloud drawn over it, goes away.

4. Autumn gives apples, Summer is beautiful with harvests, Spring furnishes flowers, Winter is alleviated by fire.


LE PREMIER BATEAU À VAPEUR. (London, First B.A., 1877.) Aucun passager n'avait osé accompagner Fulton dans son voyage en bateau à vapeur de New York à Albany. Il s'en présenta un pour le retour; c'était un habitant de New York. On raconte qu' étant entré dans le bateau pour y régler le prix de son passage, il n'y trouva qu'un homme occupé à écrire dans la cabine: c'était Fulton. "N'allez-vous pas," lui dit-il, "redescendre à New York avec votre bateau ?"-" Oui," répondit Fulton, "je vais essayer d'y parvenir.' “Pouvez-vous me donner passage à votre bord?”— "Assurément, si vous êtes décidé à courir les mêmes chances que nous." L'habitant de New York demanda alors le prix du passage; et six dollars furent comptes pour le prix. Fulton demeurait immobile et silencieux, contemplant, comme absorbé dans ses pensées, l'argent déposé dans sa main. Le passager craignit d'avoir commis quelque méprise. Mais, n'est ce pas là ce que vous m'avez demandé?" À ces mots, Fulton, sortant de sa rêverie, porta ses regards sur l'etranger, et laissa voir une larme roulant dans ses yeux. "Excusez-moi," dit-il d'une voix altérée, "je songeais que ees six dollars sont le premier salaire qu'aient encore obtenu mes longs travaux sur la navigation par la vapeur. Je voudrais bien," ajouta-t-il en prenant la main du passager, consacrer le souvenir de ce moment en vous priant de partager avec moi une bouteille de vin, mais je suis trop pauvre pour vous l'offrir ; j'espère, cependant, être en état de vous dédommager la première fois que nous nous rencontrerons." Ils se rencontrèrent en effet quatre ans après, et cette fois le vin ne manqua pas pour célébrer un touchant souvenir." -Louis Figuier.

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"Are you

"Can you

Translation. No passenger had ventured to accompany Fulton on his steamboat voyage from New York to Albany. One did present himself for the return (voyage); he was an inhabitant of New York. It is related that having entered the boat to settle the price of his passage, he only found there a man occupied in writing in the cabin; it was Fulton. not," said he to him "going down to New York again with your boat?""Yes," answered Fulton, "I am going to try to arrive there." let me have a passage on board?"—" Certainly, if you have decided to run the same risks as ourselves." The inhabitant of New York then asked the price of the passage, and six dollars were counted out for the fare. Fulton remained immovable and silent, contemplating, as if absorbed in his thoughts, the money placed in his hand. The passenger feared that he had made some mistake. "Well, is not that what you asked me?" At these words, Fulton, waking from his reverie, directed his looks towards the stranger, and revealed a tear swelling in his eyes. "Excuse me," said he, with a trembling voice, “I was thinking that these six dollars were the first return which my long labours on steam navigation have brought me. should be very glad," added he, taking the passenger's hand, to hallow the memory of this moment by asking you to share a bottle of wine with me, but I am too poor to offer it to you. I hope, however, to be able to


make it up to you the first time that we meet again." They did in fact meet again four years afterwards, and this time the wine was not wanting to celebrate an affecting remembrance.

NOTE.-Robert Fulton (1765-1815) introduced steam navigation into America. His first vessel, The Clermont, commenced running on the Hudson in 1807.

EXERCISE.-Re-translate the English version into French.


BY DUNCAN FERGUSON, 1st Queen's Scholar, 1879.

SECTION I. (a) Add together three hundred and six dozen, five hundred and ninety score, and one hundred and seven gross. (6) Express in words the largest number that can be formed with the digits 1,0,0,0,0,0,9,1,9,6.

(c) A million and a quarter of passengers are carried by rail in a certain week, and the average journey of each passenger is seventeen miles; find the average payment per mile, the sum received for fares amounting to one hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and twelve pounds, and ten shillings.

[blocks in formation]

(b) Nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-six millions, one hundred and ten thousand.

(c) 1,250,000 passengers pay £132812 10s. od.

132812 10s. od.

I passenger pays

= 2s. 1d.


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I Passenger for 17 miles pays 2s. 1 d.

[blocks in formation]
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