Feb. 1. Bartlett, T. Henry M., Trin. 8. Newington, C. E. H. Trin. 21. Blandy, John, Trin. Osler, Featherstone Lake, Cath. April 19. Ricardo, Frederic, Trin. April 19. Scrivenor, Arthur, Queens'. Miles, Charles Popham, Caius. Smithson, Samuel, Christ's. 17. Hole, Frederick F., Trin. 31. July 6. Oct. 18. 25. Nov. 1. Nicholson, William, Christ's. Heale, Henry Newton, Christ's. 15. Wright, John, Christ's. Simpson, Francis, Queens' Sabben, James, Queens'. Skeete, Kyd Bishop, Caius. Roberts, Frederick, Peter's. Finlinson, Joshua, Queens'. TERMS AND EXERCISES, Required by the Statutes for the several Degrees. by what A Bachelor of Arts must reside the greater part of twelve several terms, the first and last excepted. The statutable exercises before admission ad Respondendum Questioni, are two acts and two opponencies; these in part, are sometimes dispensed with, and kept by what is termed huddling. In order to take this degree at the regular time, the person must be admitted of some college before the end of the Easter Term of the year in which he purposes to come into residence. The mode of admission is, either, by a personal examination before the Tutor and some of the col L lege officers, or, which is more usual, by sending to the Tutor a recommendatory certificate, signed by some Master of Arts of this University, stating the name, age, qualifications, &c. &c. of the candidate, and transmitting with it the usual caution money. If this certificate be considered satisfactory, the admission takes place, and the person's name is immediately entered on the boards which are suspended in the butteries of the several colleges. The person thus admitted, usually comes into residence about the 20th of October following, and then commences his academical career. A Master of Arts1 must be B.A. of three years' standing, which time is reckoned from the second Tripos Day following his admission ad Respondendum Quæstioni. 4 A Bachelor in Divinity must be M.A. of seven years' standing. His exercises are one act (after the 4th year), two opponencies, a clerum, and an English sermon. Elizabeth which A Bachelor in Divinity (Ten year man). These are allowed by the 9th statute of Queen Elizabeth, which permits persons who are admitted of any college, being 24 years of age and upwards, to take the degree of B.D. at the end of 10 years, without having taken any other. During the last two years they must reside the greater part of three several terms. -Exercises the same as required for other Bachelors in Divinity. They are also examined, by the Regius Professor, in the Scriptures, the Evidences and Doctrines of Christianity, and the writings of some Greek or Latin Fathers. A Doctor in Divinity must be a Bachelor in Divinity of five, or a Master of Arts of twelve years' standing. The exercises are one act, two opponencies, a clerum, an English sermon, and a determination. A Bachelor in the Civil Law, must be of six years' standing complete, and must reside the greater part of nine several terms. The exercise is one act. A Bachelor of Arts of four year's standing may be admitted to this degree. A Doctor in the Civil Law must be of five years' standing from the degree of B.C.L. or a Master of Arts of seven years' standing. The exercises are two acts and one opponency. A Bachelor in Physic must reside the greater part of nine several terms, and may be admitted any time in his sixth year. The exercise is one act and one opponency. A Doctor in Physic is bound by the same regulations as a D.C.L. A Licentiate in Physic is required to be M.A. or M.B. of one term's standing after he has been admitted M.B. No exercise, but examination by the Professor and another Doctor in the faculty. 1 A Bachelor of Arts who intends to take the degree of M.A. is not required to keep his name on the boards during the interval between each degree: he loses his vote unless he purposes becoming a Member of the Senate. An entry of his name a few days before admission is sufficient. 2 When a Master of Arts takes a Doctor's degree in any of the three faculties, he is said to graduate per saltum, though properly the phrase belongs only to the degree of D.D. A Bachelor in Music must enter his name in some college, and compose and perform a solemn piece of music, as an exercise, before the University. : A Doctor in Music is generally Mus. B., and his exercise is the same.. Degrees of NOBLEMEN, and of those who proceed to their Degrees tanquam Nobiles. By an interpretation, made May 31, 1786, it was determined that the following persons are entitled to Honorary Degrees: viz. 1. Privy Counsellors. 2. Bishops. 3. Noblemen:- Dukes, Marquisses, Earls, Viscounts, Barons. 4. Sons of Noblemen. 5. Persons related to the King's Majesty by consanguinity or affinity; provided they be also Honourable. 6. The eldest sons of such persons. 7. Baronets, 8. Knights, to the degree of M.A. only. By a grace of the Senate, passed March 18, 1825, all the above persons (before they are admitted to any degree) are to be examined and approved of, in the same manner as others who are admitted ad Respondendum Questioni; but they have the privilege of being examined after they have kept nine Terms, the first and last excepted. They are then entitled to the degree of Master of Arts. Though no person can claim a degree in right of Nobility, who has not previously undergone the usual examination, yet the University sometimes confers degrees, without either examination or residence, on such individuals of mature age, as are illustrious, not on account of their birth only, but also for the services they have rendered to the State, or to Literature. No person taking a degree in right of Nobility, is entitled to a vote, unless he shall previously have resided three Terms. COMPOUNDERS. EVERY person, who is admitted to any degree, must if he be a Compounder, pay over and above the usual fees, the sum of £8. 6s. 4d. All persons are reputed and reckoned Compounders, who, before admission to their degree, have presentation to, collation, institution, induction, or any manner of possession of, any Living or Livings Ecclesiastical, of what kind soever, which are rated (even though discharged) to the yearly value of £26. 13s. 4d. in the King's Books. Endowed Chapels, or other Ecclesiastical preferment not in the King's Books, are rated according to their real value. Also any estate, annuity, or certain income for life, by whatever tenure possessed (except University, or College income), whether in the person's own right, that of his wife, or any other person, if of the annual amount of £26. 13s. 4d. makes a Compounder. Ten-year men B.D. and persons taking a degree per saltum, if Compounders, pay the Composition money for the degree, or degrees, passed over, as well as for that taken. N.B. Every person, before admission to his degree, makes oath that he has not omitted to pay any of the fees required of him by the Statutes of the University. CAUTIONS FOR EXERCISES. THE University Statutes require certain Exercises (as appears under the head Terms and Exercises) to be performed for the several degrees, which are sometimes granted to non-gremials with the omission of part, or of the whole, but with this condition, that they shall be performed within the following Term. The party deposits, as a pledge, the undermentioned sums with the Vice-Chancellor, which, on non-performance of the exercises, are forfeited to the University Chest: University Servants ... £. s. d. 110 110 220 .. • 220 12 8 0 110 2 12 0 .... 1 Lib. Stat. p. 498. £23 14 0 TABLE OF UNIVERSITY HONORS. Obtained by the several Colleges. * The statement of the Fees at this college supposes all to be Fellows. + The Father likewise 11. 16s. jointly, and 2s. 6d. separately. ‡ Fellow-Commoners and Pensioners. --Sizars 31. 2s. Note-There are additional perquisites to servants, differing at the several colleges. This, however, as a general Table of Fees is as accurate as can be given. |