Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


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Ad Baptis Coll. Regalis Collegii

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l. s. d.

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Ecclesiæ B. Mariæ....

Pro Copia Juramenti..

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l. s. d. 550


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4 14 0 670

Pro Censu, &c.


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9 14 0* 9 14 6 9 16 6 11 10 6 11 10

* Hæc summa feodum Moderatoribus solvendum complectitur.


3 13 6 546

8 18 0


£ 15 4 0

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† B.C.L. et Med. B. si sit sine Testimonio, vel ab Oxon. aut Dublin. solvet insuper Cistæ Communi £3.


THE money paid on * admission at each College is for

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Note-The Caution-Money remains in the hands of the Tutor or Sponsor, and is not returned till a person takes his name off the boards. Noblemen and Fellow-Commoners usually make a present of Plate to the college.


THE quarterly payments of persons in statu pupillari in every College, are the following:

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By a Grace passed in 1825, it was decreed that the Matriculation

Fees paid to the Registrary should be as follows:

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Note-The above sums include fees to the University Chest, fees to the Registrary, and tax to Government.

On occasion of an extra Matriculation, each person pays 10s. in addition.


ALL persons keeping Acts in Divinity, the Civil Law, or Physic, pay to the Marshal 8s. 6d.; and all candidates for B.D. or D.D. on preaching at St Mary's pay to the Clerk for the English Sermon 1s. 6d. and for the Clerum 4s.

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N.B.-Sixpence is included for bringing each exercise. The School-Keeper, and the Proctors' Servants receive 1s. each at huddling for B.A. or M.A.

Bachelors in the Civil Law, Physic, and Music, pay on admission to their degrees 10s. to the School-Keeper; and all Doctors £1.6s. D.D. on creation, pay £1.7s. to the Professor; and D.C.L. and M.D. 7s. to each Doctor of the faculty present.

• At all Colleges there are also additional fees; those paid at Clare Hall are, for Fellow-Commoners 17s. 6d. Pensioners 11s. 6d. Sizars 6s. 4d





THE ordinary course of study preparatory to the degree of B.A. may be considered under the three heads of Natural Philosophy, Theology, and Moral Philosophy, and the Belles Lettres. On thes subjects, independently of the public Lectures which delivered by the several Professors in the University, the Students attend the Lectures of the Tutors of their respective colleges; and the instructions comprehended in the three general heads above named may be thus stated. In the first, Euclid's Elements, the Principles of Algebra, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Conic Sections, Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Optics, Astronomy, Fluxions, Newton's Principia, Increments, &c. &c. In the second, Beausobre's Introduction, Doddridge's and Paley's Evidences, the Greek Testament, Butler's Analogy, Paley's Moral Philosophy, Locke's Essay, and Duncan's Logic. In the third, the most celebrated Greek and Latin Classics.

Besides a constant attendance on lectures, the Undergraduates are examined in their respective colleges yearly, or half-yearly, in those subjects which have engaged their studies; and, according to the manner in which they acquit themselves in these examinations, their names are arranged in classes, and those who obtain the honour of a place in the first class receive, according to merit, prizes of books of different value.

By this mode of procedure the Students are prepared for those public Examinations and Exercises which the University requires of all candidates for degrees. The first, viz., the Previous Examination, takes place in the Lent and October Terms of the second year from that in which a student commences his academical residence, according to the following plan, confirmed by Grace of the Senate.


1. THAT the subjects of the Examination shall be one of the four Gospels in the original Greek, Paley's Evidences of Christianity, one of the Greek and one of the Latin Classics.

2. That the appointment of the particular Gospel, and in regard to the classical subjects, the appointment both of the authors and of the portions of their works which it may be expedient to select, shall rest with the Vice-Chancellor for the time being, the three Regii Professors of Divinity, the Civil Law, and Physic, the Regius Professor of Greek, and the Public Orator (provided that not more than two of them are members of the same College); upon this clear understanding, that in the exercise of the powers thus to be vested in them, they shall so limit the examination, that every one who is to be examined may be reasonably expected to shew a competent knowledge of all the subjects.

3. That in case three or more of those to whom the appointment of the subjects of examination has been assigned shall belong to the same College, deputies for any number exceeding two shall be appointed, every year, by a Grace of the Senate.

4. That every person when examined shall be required: (1) to translate some portion of each of the subjects appointed as aforesaid; (2) to construe and explain passages of the same; and (3) to answer printed questions relating to the Evidences of Christianity.

5. That previously to the commencement of the Examination, the Examiners shall prepare an alphabetical list of all the persons to be examined, and divide them into equal portions, according to the number of days of examination: and that they shall send a copy of such list to the Prælector of each College, notifying the day on which each of the persons to be examined belonging to that College shall be required to attend the Examination.

6. That the Examination shall begin on the Monday in the week before the end of the Lent Term in each year.

7. That each of the persons to be examined shall be required to attend from 8 till 11 in the morning, and from 12 till 3 in the afternoon on the day of which he has previously received notice.

8. That the persons to be examined each day shall be formed into two divisions; that each of these divisions shall be examined in the Greek subject by two of the Examiners, and in the Latin subject by the other two during the morning; and that the Greek Testament, and Paley's Evidences shall be the subjects of examination in the afternoon.

9. That the days of Examination shall be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in the first week, and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, in the following week.

10. That the persons under examination shall be employed in translating the passages or answering the printed questions proposed, each individual being called upon in turn during the time of examination, to construe and explain passages of the appointed subjects.

11. That the examination of each individual shall be concluded in one day, and that the result shall be notified as soon as conveniently may be to the Prælector of each College.

12. That every Undergraduate shall be rquired to attend the Examination in the Lent Term of the year next but one after that in which he has kept1 his first Term.

* By the Grace passedon Feb. 22, 1837, to confirm this Report, it is provided that this 12th Regulation shall not affect any person, who shall have been in residence before Jan. 1, 1837; with respect to whom the Regulation previously existing shall continue in force, namely, 'That he shall be required to attend the Examination in the year next but | major part of some one Terim,

one after that in which he commences his residence: every Undergraduate coming into residence after Jan. 1, 1837, being required, according to the said 12th Regulation, to attend the Examination in the Lent Term of the year next but one after that in which he has first been resident the

13. That two classes (each of them arranged alphabetically) shall be formed out of those examined the first consisting of those who have passed their examination with credit-and the second, of those to whom the Examiners have only not refused their certificate of approval.

14. That in case any one shall be prevented by illness, or any other sufficient cause, from attending the proper Examination of his year, a certificate of such illness or other cause shall be submitted by the Tutor of his College to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors for the time being for their approbation in writing.

15. That if any one shall absent himself from the proper Examination of his year, without the written approval of the ViceChancellor and Proctors, he shall not be allowed the Lent Term of that year.

16. That there shall be a second Examination in the same subjects, and by the same Examiners, commencing on the second Monday in the Michaelmas Term of each year, for those who have been absent with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors from the preceding Lent Examination, and for those who have not been approved by the Examiners at that Examination.

17. That those who shall not have been approved at either the Lent or October Examination of their year, or who shall have been absent from both those Examinations, shall be required to attend the Lent Examination of the following year, subject to the same conditions as before; and that no degree of B.A., M.B., or LL.B., shall be granted, unless a certificate be presented to the Caput, shewing that the candidate for such degree has passed to the satisfaction of the Examiners, some one of these Examinations.

18. That public notice of the subjects of examination in each year shall be issued in the first week of the Lent Term of the year: preceding.

19. That in every year, at the first Congregation after the 10th day of October, the Senate shall elect four Examiners, (who shall be members of the Senate, and nominated by the several Colleges according to the cycle of Proctors, and Taxors,) to conduct the Lent and October Examinations of the succeeding year.

20. That each of the Examiners shall receive £20. from the University Chest.

21. That two of the Proctor's men shall be in attendance each day on the Examiners.

22. That the foregoing Regulations shall not interfere with the composition between the University and King's College.

23. That the first Examination under these Regulations take place in the Lent Term of 1837.

The Student having passed this preparatory step, has next to perform the usual exercises required by the Statutes for the degree which he has in view.

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