Hallifax, late Lord Bishop of St Asaph, and formerly King's Professor of the Civil Law in this University, of which Dr Geldart published a new edition with alterations and additions, in 1836. Dr Geldart upon his appointment instituted an 'examination in the subjects of his lectures, and all persons who have since been candidates for the degree of B.C.L. have been examined previously to performing the public exercise in the Schools. Candidates for the first Class are expected to be prepared in the whole of the Analysis of the Lectures in the Civil Law. The Professor however does not examine them in the whole of the Analysis. He usually selects a certain number of Chapters, of which he gives notice in the course of his lectures, and mentions the days on which he intends to hold Examinations. And every Student in the Civil Law is expected to pass a satisfactory Examination in the whole of the first book of the Analysis, Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 21 of the second book, and Chapter 10 of the third book. The third Classes, from the year 1822-23, are in alphabetical order. The Students in the Classes whose names are inserted within brackets are equal. The following is the order of the Classes from October 1815, to July 1837. Some students in each year whose names are not inserted in these Classes, were permitted to pass, but not judged worthy to be classed. The THIS office may be held by the Professor during his natural life. Founded by HENRY VIII. 1540. Salary £40. per annum. appointment by the King. A large house and shop in Market Street was left to this Professorship by Mr Crane. 1700 Chris. Greene, M.D. Caius. 1741 R. Plumtre, M.D. Qu. 1793 I. Pennington, M.D. Joh. DR HAVILAND'S LECTURES. THE present professor has instituted a course of Lectures on the Principles of Pathology and the Practice of Physic. These Lectures are delivered during the Lent and Easter Terms. The course begins at the division of the Lent Term, and continues till the division of the Easter Term, and consists of about fifty Lectures. The terms of attendance are five guineas for the first course, afterwards gratis. All candidates for the degree of M.B, are required to produce to the Caput a certificate of a diligent attendance on a complete course of these Lectures. Vid. Proceedings in Physic. |