REGIUS PROFESSOR OF HEBREW. A CANDIDATE must be M.A., B.D., or D.D. The electors are the same to this as to the Regius Professor of Divinity. Preference is given (cæteris paribus) to Fellows of Trinity College. Founded by HENRY VIII. 1540. 1703 Henry Sike, D.C.L. Trin. 1712 Philip Bouquet, D.D. Trin. 1747 T. Harrison, M.A. Trin. 1753 C. Torriano, M.A. Trin. 1757 W. Disney, M.A. Trin. Salary £40. per annum. 1771 W. Collier, M.A. Trin. PROFESSOR LEE'S LECTURES. PROFESSOR LEE gives a course of Lectures, generally in the Lent Term. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF GREEK. DOCTORS in all faculties are excluded from the enjoyment of this Professorship. The Professor must not be under the standing of M.A. or B.D. Electors, and preference, the same as the last. Founded by HENRY VIII. 1540. 1695 2J. Barnes, B.D. Emm. 1712 T. Pilgrim, M.A. Trin. 1726 Walter Taylor, M.A. Trin. 1744 W. Fraigneau, M.A. Trin. 1750 T. Francklin, M.A. Trin. 1759 Michael Lort, M.A. Trin. Salary £40. per annum. 1771 J. Lambert, M.A. Trin. 1780 W. Cooke, M.A. King's. 1790 R. Porson, M.A. Trin. 1808 J. H. Monk, M.A. Trin. 1823 P. P. Dobree, M.A. Trin. 1825 J. Scholefield, M.A. Trin. PROFESSOR SCHOLEFIELD'S LECTURES. THE present Professor soon after his appointment commenced a course of Lectures, which have been continued annually in the Lent Term. The subject of his First Course was ÆsCHYLUS; of his Second, PLATO; of his Third, ARISTOPHANES; of his Fourth, THUCYDIDES; of his Fifth, SOPHOCLES; of his Sixth, ÆSCHYLUS; of his Seventh, ARISTOPHANES; and the succeeding Courses are intended to comprehend the principal Greek Authors in verse and prose. 1 Prebendary of Bristol. 2 Editor of Euripides, &c. C ARABIC. conjunction No person can hold this in conjunction with any other Professorship. The candidate must be well learned (probe eruditus), and skilled in the Oriental languages, especially the Arabic. Among persons so qualified, Heads of Houses, Fellows, and then Masters of Arts, being gremials of the University, are to be preferred. The electors are, the Vice-Chancellor and the Heads. The time of election must not be deferred beyond the thirtieth day from the first signification of the Vacancy. Founded by Sir THOMAS ADAMS, Bart, 1632. Salary £40. per annum. 1 1702 C. Wright, D.D. Trin. 1711 Simon Ockley, B.D. Qu. 1720 L. Chappelow, M.A. Joh. 1768 S. Hallifax, D.C.L. Tr. H. 1770 W. Craven, B.D. Joh. 1795 J. D. Carlyle, B.D. Qu. THE LORD ALMONER'S PROFESSOR OF ARABIC. THE Reader and Professor of Arabic is appointed by the LORD ALMONER, and the stipend (£50. per annum) paid out of the Almonry bounty. 1724 David Wilkins, D.D. 1815 G. C. Renouard, B.D. Sid. 1820 T. Musgrave, M.A. Trin. 1837 T. Robinson, M.A. Trin. MATHEMATICS. THE Lucasian Professor must be M.A. at least, and well skilled in mathematical science. The electors are the Vice-Chancellor and all the Masters of Colleges. The time of election must not be deferred beyond the thirtieth day from the first signification of a vacancy. The Professorship was founded 1663, by HENRY LUCAS, Esq. M.P. for the University, and is endowed with an estate, value £100. per annum, in Bedfordshire. 1663 Isaac Barrow, B.D. Trin. 1669 3 ISAAC NEWTON, M.A. Trin. 1702 4 W. Whiston, M.A. Clare. 1711 5 N. Sanderson, M.A. Chr. 1739 John Colson, M.A. Emm. 1760 E. Waring, M.A. Magd. 1796 I. Milner, D.D. Queens'. 1 Author of the History of the Saracens, &c. 2 Formerly Master of Trinity College, and nuther of Sermons, &c. 3 SIR ISAAC NEWTON. Trin. 4 Author of a Theory of the Earth, and Translator of Josephus. 5 Author of Elements of Algebra, &c. CASUISTRY. THE Professor must be D.D., or B.D., and not less than forty years of age. The electors are, the Vice-Chancellor, the Regius Professor of Divinity, the Lady Margaret's Professor, and the Master of St Peter's; but in case of an equality of votes between the electors, the last has the casting vote. Founded by JOHN KNIGHTBRIDGE, D.D. Fellow of St Peter's, 1683; the stipend augmented by Dr. Smoult. - Value £70. per annum. 1683 Thomas Smoult, B.D. Joh. 1707 John Colbatch, D.D. Trin. 1744 R. Walker, D.D. Trin. 1764 Edmund Law, D.D. Pet. 1760 R. Plumptre, D.D. Queens'. CHEMISTRY. FOUNDED by the UNIVERSITY, 1702. THE Professors, previous to the year 1773, were elected by a Grace of the Senate; but there being several competitors for the office at that time, this mode of election became impracticable ; and, as it appeared that no adequate provision had been made for such cases, it was decided that the election should, on that occasion, be "more burgensium:" by a Grace dated 24th October, 1793, it was determined that all subsequent elections to this Professorship should be in the same manner. It appears, by the Graces appointing the first Professors, that a house and apparatus were attached to this Professorship: but there is now no apparatus exclusive of what is the private property of the Professor. A Course of Thirty Lectures, on the general principles of Chemistry, is given during the Lent Term, in the Schools in the Botanical Garden; and Twenty Lectures, principally on Organic Chemistry, during the Easter Term, in the rooms recently added to the north end of the same building. The Medical Students are required to attend these Lectures, under the same regulations as those of the Anatomical Professor. The Salary is £100. per annum, which is paid by the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury, on exhibiting a certificate of the delivery of a Course of Lectures. 1702 J. F. Vigani, of Verona. 1773 I. Pennington, M.A. Joh. 1794 W. Farish, M.A. Magd. 1813 S. Tennant, M.D. Emm. 1815 J. Cumming, M.A. Trin. ASTRONOMY AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. THE Candidates may be bachelors, married men, Englishmen (Nostrates), or Foreigners. The election is not to be before the thirtieth, nor protracted beyond the sixtieth day after the schedule is affixed. The electors are, the Vice-Chancellor, the Masters of Trinity, Christ's and Caius colleges, and the Lucasian Professor. If any of the Masters be Vice-Chancellor, the Master of St John's acts in his stead. Founded by Dr PLUME, Archdeacon of Rochester, 1704. This Professorship was endowed with the rent of an estate situated at Balsham. The stipend was increased by the bequest of Dr Smith; £50. per annum being left by him to the Plumian Professor, on condition of an examination for Smith's Prizes being annually made. The late Professor having represented to the University, that the income of the Professorship offered no adequate remuneration for the increased labours occasioned by the superintendence of the Observatory, a Grace of the Senate was passed Feb. 27, 1829, for granting annually to the Professor from the Common Chest (by Grace), such a sum as would raise the income of the Professorship to £500. per annum. 1707 Roger Cotes, M.A. Trin. 1716 Robert Smith, M.A. Trin. 1760 A. Shepherd, M.A. Chr. 1796 S. Vince, M.A. Caius. 1822 R. Woodhouse, M.A. Caius. 1828 3G. B. Airy, M.A. Trin. 1836 James Challis, M.A. Trin. ΑΝΑΤΟΜY. Ar the period of election, the Vice-Chancellor, the two Proctors, and the junior Doctor in Divinity present, stand in scrutiny: in failure of the latter, the junior D.C.L., and in the absence of such, the junior M.D. All members of the Senate have votes, and the majority of such decide the election. Founded by the UNIVERSITY, 1707; salary £100. per annum. 1707 George Rolfe. 1753 C. Collignon, M.B. Trin. 1785 B. Harwood, M.B. Chr. 1814 J. Haviland, M.A. Joh. 1817 W. Clark, M.A. Trin. DR CLARK'S LECTURES ON HUMAN ANATOMY. THE course consists of at least fifty Lectures, which are delivered in the Anatomical School in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms (after the division of each), between the hours of one and two. The terms of attendance are five guineas for each of two courses: afterwards gratis. I Author of Harmonia Mensurarum. 2 Founder of the two Prizes which bear his name, and formerly Master of Trinity College. 3 Astronomer Royal. These Lectures (a certificate of attendance on which, provided they amount to fifty in number, is required by the Senate from Candidates for medical degrees,) explain the general and special Anatomy of the human body, together with the principles of Physiology. The pupils have the opportunity of dissecting in private. THE ANATOMICAL MUSEUM. THIS rich and interesting Collection, now placed in commodious buildings lately erected at great cost by the University, is under the care and superintendence of the Professor of Anatomy for the time being. It is used by him and by the Regius Professor of Physic, for the illustration of their respective lectures. It originated in a small number of choice preparations which were presented to the University by Mr Lawrence. The Museum of the late Sir Busick Harwood was afterwards added to it by purchase : and further acquisitions were made at various times, with grants of money from the common chest, particularly on occasion of the sale of Mr Brooks's Museum, and when a series of models in wax was executed under the direction of the present Professor at Florence and Bologna. From these sources, and from the donations of many friends of the University, this portion of the Collection consists of more than thirteen hundred specimens. In the year 1836, the rare and valuable collection of Dr Macartney, Professor of Anatomy in Trinity College, Dublin, was purchased by the University. This consists of more than two thousand specimens, and is an acquisition by which the riches of the Museum have in every department, except the osteological, been more than doubled. A descriptive Catalogue of the entire Museum is in course of preparation. It will distinctly record the names of each of the donors, or authors of the works, which it enumerates. By a Grace of the Senate, passed Nov. 16, 1836, the Museum is at all times open to the Regius Professor of Physic; to the other Professors of Medicine or Natural Science, to Doctors and Bachelors of Physic, and to all Students attending the Lectures of the Regius Professor of Physic and of the Professor of Anatomy, or of any of the above-described Professors, from Eleven to Twelve every day, with the exception of Sundays, Christmas-day, and Good Friday. It is also open to all Graduates, and to Visiters introduced by any Member of the Senate, from Two till Three on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. |