Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

These Lectures are given in the Schools in the Botanic Garden. Terms of attendance: First Course three guineas; Second Course two guineas; afterwards gratis.



THE Professor is elected by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Masters of St John's, Clare Hall, and Downing. Founded in pursuance of the will of Sir GEORGE DOWNING, Bart. K.B., 1800. Salary, £200. per annum.

1800 Edw. Christian, M.A. Joh. | 1823 T. Starkie, M.A. Cath.


THE foundation, election, and salary, the same as the preceding, Dr Hewett, the Downing Professor of Medicine, gives a course of Lectures on PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, illustrating it by specimens of Diseased Structure, and shewing the connexion between each structural læsion and its corresponding symptoms and treatment, and on the USE and ABUSE of MERCURY, every year in the Michaelmas Term, on the usual terms of public attendance.

1800 Busick Harwood, M.D. Emmanuel.

1814 Cornwallis Hewett, M.A. & M.D. Downing,


THIS Professorship was founded by the UNIVERSITY in the year 1808, and afterwards endowed by Government with a salary of £100. per annum.

Lectures had been given by Dr Clarke for two years prior to the establishment of the Professorship, and specimens exhibited which had been collected during his travels. His principal object was to call the attention of the University to the importance of Mineralogical studies; to illustrate the natural history of the materials used by architects, sculptors, and lapidaries, both ancient and modern; the Mineralogy of the sacred Scriptures, and of the ancient poets and historians; and, finally, to suggest the means of pursuing this branch of knowledge without the expence and incumbrance which have usually been its attendants.

After the death of Dr Clarke, the Senate decreed that the Professorship should be continued, and the sum of £1500. was given for the Collection of Minerals which he had formed.

This collection was for some time kept in the room belonging to the Botanical Professor, but on the appointment of Professor Henslow to that office, he found it necessary to appropriate his apartment to the purposes of his own science. The Mineralogical Collection is, for the present, deposited in one of the apartments at the Pitt Press, by permission of the Syndics of the Press. It is hoped that the University will before long be possessed of a Museum more worthy of the Collection, and adapted to that exhibition of arrangement which is one of the student's most important aids in acquiring the science. The Professor delivers a course of Lectures in the Lent Term.

1808 E. D. Clarke, D.C.L. Jes. 1822 J. S. Henslow, M.A. Joh.

1828 W. Whewell, M.A. Trin. 1832 W. H. Miller, M.A. Joh.


THE title of Professor of Political Economy was conferred by a Grace of the Senate, in May 1828, on George Pryme, Esq., M.A., late Fellow of Trinity college.

Lectures on this science had been given for some years previous, under the sanction of the University. They attempt to analyse the original and efficient causes of national prosperity-to shew by what measures of the legislature, and by what conduct of individuals in private life, it is augmented or diminished and to assist the reader of history, in explaining the phænomena of the strength or weakness, the rise or fall, of states.

They are of an elementary and popular nature, requiring no previous knowledge of the subject. They are intended to facilitate the study of a science, hitherto inaccessible without the most arduous perseverance; to simplify the order, explain the obscurities, and point out the errors, of A. Smith's Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations; to combine with his discoveries what the experience of subsequent events, and the researches of subsequent authors, have taught, and to place some part of the subject in a point of view different from what any writer has done. Their plan is--1st, To trace the history of national wealth from the rudest to the richest state of society, and to examine each change as it naturally arises in the progress of opulence and civilization; 2dly, Briefly to explain the systems of the ancients, of Dr Paley, of the French economists, and what is called the commercial system; and 3dly, To explain the principles of taxation and finance.

They are given every day, at 12 o'clock, during Easter Term, on the usual plan of attendance on public lectures.


THIS Professorship was founded by the University, 1684, and the election is by a Grace of the Senate. No salary.

1704 T. Tudway, Mus. B. King's.

1730 Maurice Greene, Mus. D.

1755 J. Randall, Mus. D. King's.

1799 C. Hague, Mus. B. Trin. H.

1821 J.C. Whitfield, Mus. D. Trin. 1836 T. A. Walmisley, Mus. B. Jes.


THESE annual lecturers are so called from being chosen on St Barnabas' day, June 11. The Mathematical Lecture was founded at a very early period by the University, and the other three were endowed in 1524, by Sir ROBERT REDE, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in the reign of King Henry VIII.The Mathematical Lecturer is paid by the Vice-Chancellor £4.; the other three by the Bursar of Jesus college £3. 4s. each.

Math. John Mills, Sen. Pemb.
Phil. Rev. Edward H. Browne, Em.

Rhet. Rev. Henry Phillpott, Cath.
Log. Henry W. Cookson, Peter's.


THIS preachership, value £10. per annum, was founded in 1503, and, according to the grant, is to be retained for only three years, but that practice is now dispensed with, and the preacher continues without a fresh election. When a vacancy does occur, an election must take place within fourteen days. The electors are the ViceChancellor and the Heads of Houses. Doctors, Inceptors, and Bachelors in Divinity, only are eligible to this office, and one of Christ's college is, cæteris paribus, to be preferred. The preacher is now required by his office, to preach a Concio ad Clerum, before the University, on the day preceding Easter Term.

1722 R. Lambert, D.D. Joh.
1734 F. Aylmer, B.D. Corpus.
1744 J. Garnet, B.D. Sid.
1752 H. Hubbard, B.D. Emm.
1774 Rd. Farmer, B.D. Emm.
1782 T. Kipling, B.D. Joh.

1782 J. Fawcett, B.D. Joh.
1819 T. Calvert, B.D. Joh.
1824 A. J. Carrighan, B.D. Joh.
1833 W. Jones, B.D. Joh.
1834 R. N. Adams, D.D. Sid.


THE following seventeen Algebra Lectureships were founded by Lady Sadler, and the lectures commenced in 1710. The Lecturers, who are required to be Bachelors of Arts at least, are appointed and chosen by the Heads, who are the trustees, and by the Vicechancellor for the time being, from all the colleges. The stipend of the Lecturers is £40. per annum each, Emmanuel excepted, which is £60. Every Lecturer produces a certificate, signed by

1 A celebrated Musician. He projected a plan for the Reformation of our Church Music.


the Master of his college, testifying that the lectures have been by him regularly given, before payment of the salary, which is halfyearly, at Emmanuel Lodge. The Lectureships are tenable only for ten years, and no one can at any time be elected, unless previously examined and approved by the Mathematical Professor.

Roger Buston, M.A. Emman.

Thomas Lund, M.A. Joh.
William Hodgson, B.D. Peter's.
Joseph Cape, M.A. Clare.
Henry Arlett, M.A. Pembroke.
John Henry Pratt, M.A. Caius.
Joseph Power, M.A. Trin. Hall.
Edwin Steventon, M.A. Corpus.

Wm. W. Harvey, M.A. King's.
George Phillips, M.A. Queens'.
Henry Kuhff, M.A. Cath. Hall.
Thomas Gaskin, M.A. Jesus.
James Cartmell, M.A. Chr.
S. Wilkes Waud, M.A. Mag.
R. N. Adams, D.D. Sidney.
P. H. Frere, B.A. Downing.


THE REV. JOHN HULSE was educated at St John's college, became Bachelor of Arts in 1728, and died in 1789, bequeathing his estates in Cheshire to the University for the advancement and reward of religious learning. The various purposes to which he appropriated the revenue of these estates, are-first, the maintenance of two Scholars at St John's college-secondly, to recompense the exertions of the Hulsean prizeman-thirdly, to found and support the office of Christian Advocate--and fourthly, that of the Hulsean Lecturer, or Christian Preacher. The salaries of these offices vary according to the annual rent of Mr Hulse's estates, different proportions of which are set apart for each, the largest belonging to the Lecturer. After the death of the principal legatee, the emolument will be considerable.

The trustees and electors of Mr Hulse's bequest are, the ViceChancellor for the time being, the Master of Trinity college, and the Master of St John's college. If the Master of Trinity or St John's be Vice-Chancellor, the Greek Professor supplies his place. The Bishop of Ely is visitor, with power to determine, in reason and equity, in all disputes.


Extract from Mr HULSE'S Will, dated July 21, 1777.

THE person to be elected into such office (on Christmas Day, or within seven days after, for a term not exceeding five or six years) to be a learned and ingenious person of the degree of Master of Arts, or of Bachelor or Doctor of Divinity, of the age of 30 years, and resident in the University; who is to compose yearly, whilst in office, some proper and judicious answer or answers every year, to all such new and popular, or other cavils and objections, against the Christian or revealed religion, or against the religion of nature, as may, in the opinion of the trustees, or any two of them, seem best or most proper to deserve or require an answer, whether the same be ancient or modern objections, but chiefly such as are most modern, and especially such as have appeared in the English language of late years against Christianity, and which may not seem to have received a full and sufficient answer, if any such there shall be, unto the year preceding his election; as likewise to be ready to satisfy any real scruples or objections in a private way, that may be brought from time to time by any fair and candid enquirer against the same: such writer to be called the Christian Advocate, and such his written answers to be in English, and only against notorious infidels, whether atheists or deists, not descending to any particular controversies or sects among Christians themselves, except some new or dangerous error, either of superstition or enthusiasm, as of popery or methodism, either in opinion or practice, shall prevail: in which case only it may be necessary for that time to write or to reason against the same; and such treatise or treatises to be every year printed, the expence whereof shall be deducted out of the temporary stipend or salary; and the remainder of the said stipend or salary, or rents and profits, shall be paid or given every year to the several authors successively as a reward for the same; but if the person chosen into the said office shall neglect or not discharge his office as he ought to do, he is to forfeit and lose his salary for that year, which is, in such case, to be equally divided between the six senior fellows of St John's college. -The Christian Advocate is not afterwards eligible to the office of Hulsean Lecturer.

1803 W. Cockburn, M.A. Joh. 1810 Edw. Pearson, D.D. Sid. 1811 Geo. D'Oyly, B.D. Corpus. 1816 T. Rennell, M.A. King's. 1821 J. Lonsdale, M.A. King's.

1822 T. S. Hughes, B.D. Emm. 1829 Hugh Jas. Rose, B.D. Trin. 1833 J. A. Jeremie, M.A. Trin. 1834 G. Pearson, B.D. Joh.


Salary, nearly £300. per annum.

THE election to this office is to take place on Christmas Day, or within eight days after. The persons eligible are, Masters of Arts of the University of Cambridge, under forty years of age. The office is only annual, but the same individual may, under certain circumstances, be continued for any successive number of years, not exceeding six. The duty of the Lecturer is, by Mr Hulse's will, to preach and print twenty sermons in each year, ten in April, May, and the former part of June, and ten in September, October, and the former part of November. The subject of the discourses is to shew the evidence for revealed religion, or to explain some of the most difficult texts or obscure parts of Holy Scripture, or both. The time and place of delivery are to be in Great St Mary's church, and either on the Friday mornings or the Sunday afternoons of each week in the above-mentioned period; and if the duties be not discharged by the person appointed, his

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