Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Middle Bachelors.

1756 East Apthorp, Jes.

William Lobb, Pet. 1757 Edward Blakeway, Magd. Thomas Didsbury, Pet. 1758 Wm. Roberts, King's. John Jebb, Pet. 1759 Edward Tew, King's. Richard Beadon, Joh. 1760 John Cowper, Corpus. 2 Samuel Berdmore, Jes. 1761 John Norris, Caius.

Ambrose Eyre, Pet. 1762 Robert Maddison, Pet.

Thomas Zouch, Trin. 1763 Henry Whitfield, Pemb.

Thomas Wagstaff, Chr. 1764 E. Chamberlayne, King's. A. Warner Byam, Pet. 1765 Charles Moore, Trin.

James Lambert, Trin. 1766 David Stevenson, King's. Major Dawson, Jes.

1767 William Arnold, Joh. John Clowes, Trin. 1768 Richard Raikes, Joh. William Pearce, Joh. 1769 Richard Hey, Sid.

3 Francis Barnes, King's. 1770 4 William Coxe, King's. George Atwood, Trin. 1771 Thomas Hayter, King's. 5 Wm. Cooke, King's. 1772 6 Thomas James, King's. Edward Law, Pet. 1773 W. M. Tomkins, King's. Thomas Robinson, Trin.

1774 Robert Wharton, Peinb. 1775 8 Thomas Jas. Mathias, Trin. John Barlow Seale, Chr. 1776 John Leigh, Trin.

1777 George Gretton, Trin.
Gilbert Wakefield, Jes.
John Jackson, Trin.
1778 9 Thos. Rennell, King's.
William Taylor, Corpus.
1779 James Six, Trin.

Lo Samuel C. Cox, Trin. 1780 Edward Christian, Joh. Herbert Marsh, Joh. Thomas Carpendale, Joh. 1781 John Lowther, Trin.

Joshua Smith, Joh.

1782 12 Henry Dampier, King's. Robert Pedley, Joh. Philip Douglas, Corpus. 1783 Matthew Raine, Trin. B. E. Sparke, Pemb. 13 J. H. Michell, King's.

1 Late Provost of Eton, and author of various Pocios.

2 Formerly Head Master of the Charter House. 3 Master of St Peter's, and Professor of Casuistry.

4 The celebrated Ilistorian,

5 Late Greek Professor, and Provost of King's,

6 Late Master of Rugby School.

7 Late Master of Rugby School.

Senior Bachelors. 1756 Samuel Hallifax, Jes. Henry Elmsall, Joh. 1757 William Lobb. Pet. East Apthorp, Jes. 1758 John Cullum, Cath.

W. Gordon, Queens'. 1759 Charles Marsh, Trin.

Wm. Roberts, King's. 1760 Richard Beadon, Joh. Walter Kerrich, Cath. 1761 Henry Bates, Pet.

Peter Forster, Pet. 1762 Philip Rosenhagen, Joh. Ambrose Eyre, Pet. 1763 Thomas Zouch, Trin.

Robert Maddison, Pet. 1764 J. Pemberton, Pemb.

William Wyatt, Pemb. 1765 William Paley, Chr.

E. Chamberlayne, King's. 1766 W. C. Unwin, Chr. Charles Moore, Trin. 1767 David Stevenson, King's. John Ward, Joh. 1768 John Clowes, Trin.

Christopher Hunter, Sid. 1769 William Pearce, Joh. Josiah Disturnel, Pemb. 1770 Richard Hey, Sid.

Francis Barnes, King's. 1771 William Coxe, King's.

William Jones, Pet. 1772 Thomas Hayter, King's.

1773 Thomas James King's. Edward Law, Pet. John Cranke, Trin. 1774 7 Henry Ingles, King's.

Richard Humfrey, Corpus. 1775 Charles Sandiford, Sid.

1776 James Fawcett, Joh.

Thos. Jas. Mathias, Trin. John Barlow Seale, Chr. 1777 John Leigh, Trin.

H. W. Coulthurst, Joh. 1778 George Gretton, Trin.. Gilbert Wakefield, Jes. 1779 Wm. Greenwood, Joh. David Owen, Trin. 1780 11 William Cole, King's.

1781 Herbert Marsh, Joh.

Thos. Carpendale, Joh. 1782 Joshua Smith, Joh.

1783 Henry Dampier, King's. Thomas Catton, Joh.

8 Late Fellow of Trinity, and reputed author of the Pursuits of Literature.

9 Dean of Winchester, Prebendary of St Paul's, and late Master of the Temple. 10 Late Master in Chancery.

11 Late Prebendary of Westminster.

12 Sir H. Dampier, late Judge of the Court of King's Bench.

13 Late Vice-Provost, and Tutor of King's.

Middle Bachelors.

1784 Thomas Clarkson, Joh. Robert Heslop, Sid. 1785 William Gregor, Joh. George Gordon, Joh. 1786 Wm. Roberts, King's.

Barry Robertson, Joh. 1787 C. Byam Wollaston, Joh. 2John Roberts, King's. 1788 Jonathan Raine, Triñ.

1789 John Wishaw, Trin. Wm. Heberden, Joh.

1790 John Heys, Trin.

Thomas Thorp, Pet. Edward Thornton, Pemb. 1791 John Tweddell, Trin.

J. Drew Borton, Caius. 1792 J. H. Frere, Caius.

A. W. Trollope, Pemb. 1793 Joseph Allen, Trin.

Wm. Cooper, Joh. 1794 Robert Smith, King's. T. G. Taylor, Trin. 1795 William Jones, Joh.

1796 Gilbert Beresford, Joh. William Tilt, Trin. 4Geo. A. Browne, Trin. 1797 Samuel Butler, Joh.

5Chr. Bethell, King's. 1798 Daniel Creswell, Trin.

Clement Leigh, Chr. 1799 Francis Howes, Trin. John Williams, Trin. 1800 Charles Peers, Joh.

J. Hallet Batten, Trin. 1801 H. Vin. Bayley, Trin.

George D'Oyly, Corpus. 1802 Henry Martyn, Joh.

Charles Grant, Magd. 1803 William_Paley, Femb. Samuel Birch, Joh. 1804 George Pryme, Trin. James Parke, Trin. 1805 Henry Raikes, Joh.

S. Berney Vince, King's. 1806 William Longley, Joh. W. G. Cautley, Pemb. 1807 6Chas. S. Matthews, Trin. John Turner, Joh. 1808 John Carr, Trin.

George Burges, Trin. 1809 T. Smart Hughes, Joh. C. J. Blomfield, Trin. William Clark, Trin. 1810 Edward Smedley, Trin. E. H. Alderson, Caius. 1811 John Ashbridge, Trin.

Thomas Musgrave, Trin.

1812 R. Wilson Evans, Trin. E. Val. Blomfield, Emman. 1813 Charles Heath, King's.

Senior Bachelors.

1784 Matthew Raine, Trin. B. E. Sparke, Pemb. 1785 Thomas Clarkson, Joh. Robert Heslop, Sid. 1786 George Gordon, Joh. William Gregor, Joh. 1787 Samuel Heyrick, Trin.

1788 Love Robertson, Caius.

C. Byam Wollaston, Joh. 1789 Jonathan Raine, Trin.

Thomas Carlyon, Pemb.. Clem. Chevallier, Pemb. 1790 William Heberden, Joh. John Wishaw, Trin.

1791 John Heys, Trin.

George Haggitt, Pemb. 1792 John Tweddell, Trin.

Abraham Moore, King's. 1793 A. W. Trollope, Pemb.

3J. Sep. Grover, King's. 1794 Joseph Allen, Trin.

William Cooper, Joh. 1795 Robert Smith, King's.. T. G. Taylor, Trin. 1796 T. Bourdillon, Queen's. William Jones, Joh.

1797 William Tilt, Trin.

Geo. A. Browne, Trin. 1798 Samuel Butler, Joh.

Christ. Wordsworth, Trin. 1799 Clement Leigh, Chr.

Thomas Carr, Trin. 1800 Francis Howes, Trin. John Williams, Trin. 1801 John Brown, Trin.

Nic. C. Tindal, Trin. 1802 H. Vin. Bayley, Trin. C. W. Le Bas. Trin. 1803 No prizcs adjudged.

1804 William Paley, Pemb.

George Macfarlane, Trin. 1805 George Pryme, Trin.

Thomas Starkie, Cath. 1806 Raleigh Trevelyan, Joh. John Wray, Trin. 1807 W. G. Cautley, Pemb.

1808 No exercises sent in.

1809 Hen. F. Anslie, Trin. George Burges, Trin.

1810 T. Smart Hughes, Joh. W. F. Chambers, Trin. W. H. Parry, Joh. 1811 E. H. Alderson, Caius. Edward Smedley, Trin. Corn. Hewitt, Trin. 1812 Thomas Musgrave, Trin. John Ashbridge, Trin. 1813 R. Wilson Evans, Trin. D. J. Maynard, Cath.

1 Late Vice-Provost of Eton.

2 Late Fellow of Eton.

3 Vice-Provost of Eton.

4 Fellow of Trinity.

5 Lord Bishop of Bangor.

6 Late Fellow of Downing.

7 Editor of Euripides's Troades, &e.

Middle Bachelors.

1814 James Scholefield, Trin. H. D. Whittington, Joh. 1815 James Bailey, Trin.

George Pearson, Joh. 1816 Hastings Robinson, Joh. Geo. Waddington, Trin.

1817 John James Blunt, Joh.

1818 Hugh James Rose, Trin.

C. J. Heathcote, Trin. 1819 Thos. Flower Ellis, Trin. 1820 Thos. Thorp, Trin.

Edw. Boteler, Sid. 1821 Edw. H. Maltby, Pemb. Arthur Barron, Trin. 1822 Alfred Ollivant, Trin.

Jas. Alex. Barnes, Trin. 1823 C. E. Kenneway, Joh. George Long, Trin. 1824 No prizes adjudged.

1825 No prizes adjudged. 1826 Charles Dade, Caius.


1827 Rd. Williamson, Trin. W. M. Heald, Trin. 1328 B. H. Kennedy, Joh.

V. F. Hovenden, Trin. 1829 George Langshaw, Joh. 1830 3E. H. Fitzherbert, Trin. T. J. Philips, Trin. 1831 Jas. Spedding Trin.

1832 Jas. Spedding, Trin. H. S. Hildyard, Pet.

1833 Jas. Hildyard, Chr. 1834 No prizes adjudged.

1835 Ed. Thomas Vaughan, Chr.

T. B. Paget, Trin.

1836 Jas. Ind Smith, Trin. 1837 John S. Howson, Trin. Henry Goulburn, Trin.

Senior Bachelors.

1814 R. M. Rolfe, Downing.
Wm. Wrightson, Trin.
1815 James Scholefield, Trin.

1816 James Bailey, Trin.

George Pearson, Joh. George Walker, Trin. 1817 Hastings Robinson, Joh. Jas. Clark Franks, Trin. 1818 John James Blunt, Joh.

1819 C. J. Heathcote, Trin.
1820 No prizes adjudged.

1821 Thomas Thorp, Trin.

Edward Boteler, Sid. 1822 Arthur Barron, Trin. Ralph Lyon, Trin. 1823 Alfred Ollivant, Trin.

1824 H. Thompson, Joh.

W. H. Marriott, Trin.
1825 John Buckle, Trin.
1826 J. A. Jeremie, Trin.

1827 E. H. Fitzherbert, Trin.
T. W. Peile, Trin.
1828 No prizes adjudged.

1829 No prizes adjudged.
1830 A. W. Chatfield, Trin.

1831 W. H. Thompson, Trin.
Henry Alford, Trin.
1832 Jas. Hildyard, Chr.
1833 E. T. Vaughan, Chr.
W. Macpherson, Trin.
1834 No prizes adjudged.
1835 J. S. Mansfield, Trin.

Jas. Ind Smith, Trin.
1836 Wm. Gilson Humphry, Trin.
1837 Charles J. Vaughan, Trin.
Henry A. Woodham, Jesus.


SIR WILLIAM BROWNE, Knt. M.D. directed three gold medals, value five guineas each, to be given yearly to three Undergraduates on the Commencement day, when the exercises are publicly read, and copies of them sent by the successful candidates to Sir W. J. B. Folkes, Bart. The first to him who writes the best Greek Ode in imitation of Sappho; the second for the best Latin Ode in imitation of Horace; the third for the best Greek and Latin Epigrams: the former after the manner of the Anthologia, the latter after the model of Martial1. The subjects (delivered out at the end of Michaelmas Term) are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, the sole adjudicator of these prizes. The exercises must be sent in on, or

1 Editor of the Totius Latinitatis Lexicon of Facciolati and Forcellini, Tursellinus de Particulis Latina Orationis, &c.

2 Professor of Classical and General Literature in the East India College, Haileybury, and late Christian Advocate.

3 Prizes of thirty guineas each were adjudged to these Essays, and they are printed at the expense of the University.

4 Some of these exercises have been published under the title of "Musa Cantabrigiensis." 1 Vol. 8vo.

before the 30th of April, in the same manner as the excercises for the Chancellor's Medal. The Greek Ode is not to exceed 25, and the Latin Ode 30 stanzas.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1 Late Member of Parliament fo the University.

2 Lord Bishop of Chester.

8 Earl of Ripon.

4 Fellow of Eton.

Greek Ode, S. Grove Price, Trin.

Latin Ode, >


W. Strickland, Trin.


Greek Ode, J. Hutton Fisher, Trin.
Latin Ode, J. J. Blunt, Joh.

Epigrams, G. Waddington, Trin.


Greek Ode, J.Hutton Fisher, Trin.
Latin Ode, G. Stainforth, Trin.


Greek Ode, J. Hutton Fisher, Trin.
Latin Ode, 1

W. N. Lettsom, Trin.


Greek Ode, G. Stainforth, Trin.
Latin Ode, W. N. Lettsom, Trin.
Epigrams, G. J. Pennington,King's.

Greek Ode,

Greek Ode,

Latin Ode,

Greek Ode, 1


T. H. Hall, King's.
E. H. Maltby, Pemb.


H. Waddington, Trin.
T. H. Hall, King's.

Rd. Okes, King's.


Latin Ode, H. N. Coleridge, King's.

Epigrams, Rd. Okes, King's.

Extra Prizes 1820

Latin Ode, H. Thompson, Joh.
Epigrams, Rd. Okes, King's.

[blocks in formation]

7 A second prize was this year given by Dr Barnes, Vice-Chancellor, to Mr Blomfield for a Greek Ode.

8 A second prize was this year given by Dr. for a Latin Ode.

5 Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Milner, Vice-Chancellor, to Mr Farhill, King's

and Prebendary of St Paul's.

6 Lord Ellenborough.


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