THE REV. CHARLES BURNEY, D.D. and the Rev. JOHN CLEAVER BANKES, M.A. only surviving trustees of a fund raised by the friends of the late Professor Porson, and appropriated to his use during his lifetime, did, by deed, bearing date the 27th November 1816, transfer to the University the sum of £400. Navy 5 per cents. upon trust, that the interest arising therefrom shall be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident Undergraduate as shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, or Beaumont and Fletcher, into Greek verse. The metre of the translation, if the selection be from a tragedy, shall be Tragicum Iambicum Trimetrum Acatalecticum, or Tragicum Trochaicum Tetrametrum Catalecticum; if from a Comedy, the metre of the translation shall be Comicum Iambicum Trimetrum Acatalecticum, or Comicum Trochaicum Catalecticum. The exercises (the subjects of which are delivered out at the end of Michaelmas Term) must be distinctly written and accentuated, and accompanied by a literal Latin prose version of the Greek, and sent in privately to the Vice-Chancellor on or before the 30th of April, in the same manner as the exercises for the Chancellor's Medal. The examiners are, the Vice-Chancellor or his deputy, the Provost of King's, the Masters of Trinity, the Masters of Trinity, St John's, Christ's, and Caius Colleges, the Greek Professor, and the Public Orator. The prize translation is to be printed at the expense of the author, and copies to be given to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Houses, previous to the Commencement, at which time it is to be recited in the Senate-House. And if in any year there be no translation worthy of the prize, the book or books provided for that year shall be reserved and given to the candidate who shall be considered second best in the subsequent year, and so from time to time the book or books provided in any year, and not given in that year as a prize, shall be reserved till the examiners shall adjudge the same to be given in some subsequent year to a candidate whose translation is second best, or third best to the prize translation, but worthy to be rewarded, and then shall be disposed of accordingly; provided also that they be printed and recited as in the case of the prize translation. All the prize translations, and every such second best or third best translations, shall be transcribed in a book to be kept by the Vice-Chancellor. 1817 G. J. Pennington, King's. 1818 Wm. S. Walker, Trin. 1819 Hor. Waddington, Trin. 1820 Wm. H. Fox Talbot, Trin. 1821 Wm. Barham, Trin. 1822 1 Wm. Barham, Trin. 1823 B. H. Kennedy, Joh. 1824 В. Н. Kennedy, Joh. 1825 John Hodgson, Trin. 1826 2 B. H. Kennedy, Joh. 1827 J. Wordsworth, Trin. 1828 Chr. Wordsworth, Trin. 1835 William James Kennedy, Joh. T MATHEMATICAL. SMITH'S PRIZEMEN. THE Rev. ROBERT SMITH, D.D. late Master of Trinity college, left two annual prizes of £25. each, to two commencing Bachelors of Arts, the best proficients in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The examination is soon after the admission of the Questionists. The adjudicators are, the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Trinity, the Lucasian, Plumian, and Lowndean Professors. Cæteris paribus, preference is given to candidates of Trinity college. 1769 George Atwood, Trin. Thomas Parkinson, Chr. 1770 William Smith, Joh. James Oldershaw, Emm. 1771 Thomas Starkie, Joh. Roger Kedington, Caius. 1 The Examiners this year adjudged a second "prize value five guineas, to Mr Charles Wimberly, of St John's college. 1772 George Pretyman, Pemb. 2 A second prize, value ten pounds, was adjudged to Mr John Wordsworth, of Trinity college. 1775 Samuel Vince, Caius. H. W. Coulthurst, Joh. 1776 John Oldershaw, Emm. William Wright, Joh. 1777 David Owen, Trin. 1779 Thomas Jones, Trin. 1782 James Wood, Joh. John Hailstone, Trin. 1783 F. J. H. Wollaston, Sid. Joseph Procter, Cath. 1784 R. A. Ingram, Queens'. John Holden, Sid. 1785 William Lax, Trin. John Dudley, Clare. 1786 John Bell, Trin. G. Hutchinson, Trin. 1787 Joseph Littledale, Joh. A. Frampton, Joh. 1788 John Brinkley, Caius. Edmund Outram, Joh. 1789 William Millers, Joh. Joseph Bewsher, Trin. 1790 Bewick Bridge, Pet. F. Wrangham, Trin. H. 1791 D. M. Peacock, Trin. William Gooch, Caius. 1792 John Palmer, Joh. Geo. Fred. Tavel, Trin. 1793 Thomas Harrison, Queens'. Thomas Strickland, Trin, 1794 George Butler, Sid. 1797 John Hudson, Trin. John Lowthian, Trin. 1798 Thomas Sowerby, Trin. Robert Martin, Trin. 1799 William Boteler, Joh. John Brown, Trin. 1800 James Inman, Joh. George D'Oyly, Corpus. William Woodall, Pemb. 1802 T. P. White, Queens'. John Grisdale, Chr. 1803 Thomas Starkie, Joh. 1801 Henry Martin, Joh. Chas. James Hoare, Joh. 1804 Wm. Albin Garratt, Trin. John Kaye, Chr. 1805 T. Turton, Cath. Eq. S. Christie, Trin. 1806 J. F. Pollock, Trin. Henry Walter, Joh. 1807 Henry Gipps, Joh. John Carr, Trin. 1808 Henry Bickersteth, Caius. 1810 W. H. Maule, Trin. William Whewell, Trin. 1817 J. Thomas Austen, Joh. T. Chevallier, Pemb. 1818 J. G. Shaw Lefevre, Trin. John Hind, Joh. 1819 Joshua King, Queens'. G. Miles Cooper, Joh. 1820 Henry Coddington, Trin. Chas. Smith Bird, Trin. Solomon Atkinson, Trin. 1821 Henry Melvill, Joh. 1822. H. Holditch, Caius. M. Peacock, Corpus. 1823 Geo. Biddell Airy, Trin. Charles Jeffreys, Joh. 1824 John Cowling, Joh. James Bowstead, Corpus. 1825 James Challis, Trin. Wm. Williamson, Clare. 1826 William Law, Trin. Wm. H. Hanson, Clare. 1827 Thomas Turner, Trin. H. Percy Gordon, Pet. 1828 Charles Perry, Trin. John Baily, Joh. 1829 Wm. Cavendish, Trin. Henry Philpott, Cath. 1830 Edw. Steventon, Corpus. J. W. L. Heaviside, Sid. 1831 Samuel Earnshaw, Joh. Thomas Gaskin, Joh. 1832 Doug. Denon Heath, Trin. Samuel Laing, Joh. 1833 Alex. Ellice, Caius. J. Bowstead, Pemb. 1834 Philip Kelland, Queens'. T. Rawson Birks, Trin. 1835 Henry Cotterill, Joh. Henry Goulburn, Trin. 1836 Archibald Smith, Trin. John W. Colenso, Joh. 1837 William N. Griffin, Joh. Edward Brumell, Joh. THEOLOGICA L. NORRISIAN PRIZEMEN. OHN NORRIS, Esq. the Founder of the Divinity Professor JOHN NORRISES, ship, by his Will bequeathed a premium of £12. per annum, £7. 4s. of which is to be expended upon a gold medal, the residue in books, to the author of the best prose Essay on a sacred subject, which is to be proposed by the Norrisian Professor. The qualifications for a Candidate are-Ist. That he be above twenty years of age and under thirty, -2d. That he must have attended twenty of the Norrisian Lectures in the course of some one year. The subject is delivered out early in November, and the Essay must be sent either to the Master of Trinity, the Master of Caius, or the Provost of King's college, on or before the tenth day preceding Palm Sunday. A sheet of paper, folded up like a letter, with the name of the candidate enclosed, and sealed, must be sent with the Essay. Also a Greek or Latin motto must be inscribed on the Essay, and the same on the sheet inclosing the name. The three above-mentioned persons compare and decide which is the best Essay, and are directed by its motto to the letter which contains the name of the successful candidate, to whom the event is communicated on the Thursday in Passion week. The prize he receives within 14 days, giving at the same time a promissory note for the payment of £12. if he neglects to publish the Essay within two calendar months. The rest of the sealed papers are burnt unopened. No doctrine must be advanced in the Essay contrary to the Liturgy, Articles, and Homilies of the Church of England. 1781 Joseph Whiteley, Magd. 1787 Joseph Whiteley, Magd, 1804 J. Geo. Durham, Corpus. 1805 Thomas Broadley, Trin. 1809 Wm. Bolland, Trin. 1812 Charles J. Lyon, Trin. 1806 Thomas Broadley, Trin. 1807 Thomas Broadley, Trin. 1808 G. C. Gorham, Queens'. 1 Prebendary of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. HULSE'S PRIZEMEN. THE REV. JOHN HULSE, B.A. of St John's College, bequeathed to the University certain estates for the advancement of religious learning, and directed in his Will that out of the rents and profits, an annual premium of £40. (since increased to £100.) should be given to any member of this University, under the degree or standing of M.A., who composed the best Dissertation in the English language, on the Evidences in general, or on the Prophecies or Miracles in particular, or on any other particular argument, whether the same be direct or collateral proofs of the Christian religion, in order to evince its truth and excellence. The subject is delivered out on Christmas-Day, or New Year'sDay, and the Dissertations are to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor, or to the Masters of Trinity and St John's, who are the trustees, on or before the 20th of the ensuing October, with the names of the respective authors, sealed up. The writer of the Dissertation best approved is to print it at his own expense, and not to offer himself a second time for the premium. HE REV. THOMAS SEATON, M.A. late Fellow of Clare Hall, Tequested the niversity the atents of this Kislingbury estate, now producing clear £40. per annum, to be given yearly to that Master of Arts who shall write the best English Poem on a sacred subject. The Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Clare Hall, and the Greek Professor (who are the disposers of this premium) determine the subject, which is delivered out in January, and the Poem is to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor on or before the 29th of September following. The Poem is to be printed, and the expense deducted out of the product of the estate the remainder is given 1 Lord Bishop of Chester. 3 Author of Jewish, Classical, and Oriental 2 Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart. Author of Antiquities; &c. Travels through Albania, &c. * Under this head must be classed the Chancellor's English Poem, p. 44. |