2.-The Vice-Chancellor or his deputy, the Public Orator, the Greek Professor, and two members of the Senate, to be appointed by the different colleges in their turn, shall be the electors. Two colleges, according to the cycle of Proctors commencing with the year 1817, shall respectively nominate an elector. But if the Vice-Chancellor, the Public Orator, and the Greek Professor, or any two of them, be members of the same college, no elector in that case shall be appointed by the college according to the cycle of Proctors, but the appointment shall be made by the University. Or if the Public Orator or the Greek Professor shall be prevented by illness or otherwise from attending the examination, or if the colleges shall have neglected to signify to the Vice-Chancellor the appointment of the electors according to their respective turns, then deputies shall be appointed by Grace. Orator or the Greek 3. The first examination commenced on Monday, January 17, 1814; and the Vice-Chancellor or his deputy, the Public Orator, and the Greek Professor, shall, in future, on or before the 1st day of December after every vacancy, cause a writing, under their hands, declaring the said vacancy and the time of examination, to be affixed to the door of the Public Schools; and they shall notify the same to the two colleges which are to nominate the electors and the Heads of those colleges, or their deputies, shall, within one week after such notices, signify to the Vice-Chancellor the names of the electors so appointed. 4.-The examination, which shall be solely classical, shall always take place during the week of the public examinations in the Senate-House, previous to the Bachelors' Commencement, and the Scholar elected shall receive all the dividends or rents that shall have become due subsequent to the last vacancy. 5.-Any undergraduate, raduate of whatever rank, may be a candidate for the Pitt Scholarship, provided he be not of more than three years' standing from the time of his first residence; but he shall, on or before the 31st day of December preceding the examination, signify, in a Latin epistle to each of the electors, his intention of becoming a candidate, and in case he shall omit sending such an epistle, he shall be considered as incapable of being elected at that time. 6. The Pitt Scholar shall not hold any other University Scholarship. 7.-Every Scholar shall, during the time of his holding this Scholarship, reside the major part of each term; and if he shall not have kept such residence, he shall vacate his Scholarship, unless he has been prevented by illness or any other cause which shall be approved of by the Vice-Chancellor, the Public Orator, and the Greek Professor. 8.-Every Scholar who shall obtain any ecclesiastical benefice or preferment, or shall be of Master of Arts standing, shall vacate his Scholarship. 1814 Marmaduke Lawson, Joh. 1818 Hor. Waddington, Trin. 1824 Benj. Hall Kennedy, Joh. TYRWHITT'S HEBREW SCHOLARSHIPS. THE REV. ROBERT TYRWHITT, M.A. late Fellow of Jesus college, who died in 1817, by his Will bequeathed £4000. Navy 5 per cents. for the promotion and encouragement of Hebrew learning, the mode and disposition of this bequest to be left to the University. The Senate in 1818 decreed the foundation of three Scholarships, which decree was revised in 1826, and the number increased to six; this was again revised in 1836, when the following Regulations passed the Senate: DECREE OF THE SENATE, April 29, 1836. 1.-THAT there shall in future be six Scholarships, called Tyrwhitt's Hebrew Scholarships. 2.-That the candidates for these Scholarships shall be, first, (actualiter) Bachelors of Arts or Inceptors who are not of sufficient standing to be created Masters of Arts: or, secondly, Students in the Civil Law or Medicine, of not less than four or more than seven years' standing, who shall be required, before they are admitted to become candidates, to produce certificates from their respective Professors, that they have kept the exercises necessary for the degree of Bachelor of Law or Physic. 3. That out of the net annual proceeds of Mr Tyrwhitt's Benefaction the sum of £150. be divided among the six Scholars, in the proportions hereinafter specified. 4.-That the electors to these Scholarships shall be the ViceChancellor, the Regius Professor of Hebrew, the Professor of Arabic, and two Members of the Senate, to be nominated by the different colleges according to the cycle of Proctors. 5. That if the Regius Professor of Hebrew, or the Professor of Arabic, or both of them, shall decline, or be prevented from: examining, a deputy or deputies shall be appointed by a Grace of the Senate. 6. That if it shall happen at any time, that two of the offices severally constituting electors are united in the same person, the deputy for the elector in respect of one of the said offices shall be the Lord Almoner's Reader in Arabic; but if in any case the Lord Almoner's Reader shall decline the office of deputy examiner, or shall be prevented from undertaking the said office, a deputy examiner shall be appointed in his place by a Grace of the Senate. 7.-That if the Vice-Chancellor, the Regius Professor of Hebrew, the Professor of Arabic, or any two of them, shall be members of the same college, no elector shall in that case be appointed by that college according to the cycle of Proctors; but the appointment shall be made by a Grace of the Senate. 8.-That the appointment, when requisite, of an examiner or examiners by Grace of the Senate take place at the first Congregation in the Lent Term of the year, and that the examiner or exa F miners so appointed continue in office until the first Congregation in the Lent Term of the following year. 9. That the examination for these Scholarships commence annually on the second Wednesday in May; and that persons intending to be candidates send in their names to the Vice-Chancellor on, or before, the first day of May. 10.-That two Scholars be elected in each year; that the first in the order of merit of these two, receive an annual stipend of £30., and the second an annual stipend of £20., for three years from the time of election. That in case of equality of merit the stipend of each be £25. 11.-That should it appear in any case to the majority of the electors that no one of the candidates is deserving of a Scholarship with the stipend of £30. a year, it shall be competent for them to elect one Scholar only, with the stipend of £20. a year. 12.-That in case there shall be a deficiency of deserving candidates for the two Scholarships in any year, the electors shall have power, in the second or third succeeding year, to elect additional Scholars into the vacancy, or vacancies, thus occasioned; after which time the stipends, belonging to the Scholarships which have not been filled up, shall be appropriated in the manner appointed in the next regulation. 13.-That the residue of the net annual proceeds of Mr Tyrwhitt's benefaction, not already disposed of by the third regulation, together with all accumulations which may arise under the twelfth regulation, shall form a fund to be expended in the promotion and encouragement of Hebrew Literature, at the discretion of the examiners, provided that not more than a third part of such fund be expended in any year. 14. That the Accounts of this Bequest be kept distinct from the general Accounts of the University, and be annually audited by the electors in Michaelmas Term before the first of November; and being so audited, shall be laid on the Registrary's Table in the Senate-House at the next Congregation, for the inspection of the Senate. 15. That these Regulations shall be in force until the first Congregation in Lent Term, 1842. SCHOLARS. 1819 Just Henry Alt, Pemb. 1820 George Attwood, Pemb. 1821 Thomas Pell Platt, Trin. 1822 Alfred Ollivant, Trin. 1826. First Class. Nic. William Gibson, Trin. Thomas Riddell, Trin. 1827. First Class. Thomas Jarrett, Cath. 1823 Fred. Field, Trin. Second Class. Archibald Campbell, Jes. 1828. No First Class. Charles Cotton, Pemb. 1 Late Professor in Bishop's College, Calcutta; and late Third Classical Master at Christ's Hospital 1829. First Class. William Dodd. Corpus. Second Class. W. B. A. Raven, Trin. 1830. First Class. W. J. Aislabie, Trin. Eq. 1831. First Class. Chr. Clarke, Joh. Second Class. John Smith, Joh. 1832. First Class. Roger Buston, Emman. Second Class. John Æmilius Shadwell, Joh. W. W. Harvey, King's. 1833. Second Class. W. A. Dawson, Christ's. E. H. Browne, Emman. Alex. Tate, Emman. 1835. First Class. Francis Forster, Cath. Hall. Second Class. C. A. Hulbert, Sidney. 1836. First Class. Philip Carlyon, Emman. 1837. First Class. Edmund Huff, Queens'. A gratuity of £20. was adjudged in 1820 to J. J. Stevens, B.A. of Jesus; in 1825 to W. Ford, B.A. of Magdalene; in 1830 to Thomas Stone, B.A. of St John's; in 1835 to W. H. Trentham, B.A. of St John's; and in 1836 to Edmund Huff, B.A. of Queen's college, in consideration of the knowledge of the Hebrew language displayed by them in their examination. HEBREW DISSERTATION. 1828 Alfred Addis, B.A. Trin. CROSSE SCHOLARSHIPS. THE Rev. JOHN CROSSE, late Vicar of Bradford in Yorkshire, left to George Buxton Browne, Esq. in trust, the sum of £2000. free of legacy-duty, for the purpose of founding three Theological Scholarships, "for promoting the cause of true Religion," -to be under the following Regulations: which were confirmed by a Grace of the SENATE, Dec. 4, 1832. 1.-That they be called "The CROSSE SCHOLARSHIPS." 2. That the Candidates for the same be Bachelors of Arts in the first year from their degree; and that such Scholarships be tenable till the Scholars attain the standing of Masters of Arts, viz. for three years. 3. That the first Elections be so arranged as to make one of them vacant yearly for ever; and for this purpose, that at the first Election the persons elected be a Junior, a Middle, and a Senior Bachelor. 4. That the annual Examination and Election take place in the Michaelmas Term after the division of the said Term. 5. That in case of any vacancy of a Scholarship before the person is of Master of Arts standing, that at the next annual Election a Bachelor of Arts of the same year with the Scholar so vacating be elected into his room. 6.-That the sum of £2000. proposed to be transferred to the University be vested in Government securities, in the name of The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars, the annual interest arising from the same to be divided equally among the three Scholars. 7-The Electors to be The Vice-Chancellor, the Margaret Professor of Divinity, the Regius Professor of Divinity, the Regius Professor of Hebrew, the Regius Professor of Greek, the Norrisian Professor of Divinity, and the Professor of Arabic. 8.-The Examination to turn upon a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in their Original Tongues, Hebrew and Greek, of Ecclesiastical History, of the earlier and later Heresies, and such other subjects of useful enquiry, as may be thought most likely to assist in the formation of valuable Characters, fitted to sustain and adorn "the Cause of true Religion." 1833 S. Edmund Walker, Trin. Edward H. Browne, Emman. (Frederick Myers, Clare. 1834 C. A. Hulbert, Sidney. 1835 William Drake, Joh. LUMLEY EXHIBITIONS. THE Right Honourable ELIZABETH, Viscountess LUMLEY, by a deed bearing date October 8, 1657, directed certain Trustees therein named, to pay and allow yearly to ten poor Scholars of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, educated in the School founded by her at Thornton, in the county of York, or in default of such, to ony other poor Scholars, not exceeding ten in number (subsequently reduced to five,) who should be nominated thereto by the respective Convocations of the said Universities for the time being; the sum of £4. a year each to be continued until they should have time to become graduates in one of the said Universities. By an Order of the Court of Chancery, issued in the year 1820, it was directed that, in consequence of the increased rents these five Exhibitions should in future be £15. per annum each, and that the rents not called for should accumulate. REGULATIONS RESPECTING THE UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS. [Confirmed by a Grace of the SENATE, 1817.] On the last Saturday in November in every year, there shall be a meeting at the Vice-Chancellor's of the electors to the Craven's and Davies's Scholarships, and of the permanent electors to the |