ADD to Chancellor's Medallists, page 44, *Charles J. Vaughan, Trinity, Eq. Lord Lyttelton, Trinity, * These are arranged in the order of the Mathematical Tripos. Add to Norrisian Prizemen, page 53, 1837 Daniel Moore, Cath. Add to Bell's Scholars, page 59, Charles J. Ellicott, John's, } Eq⋅ Add to St John's College Fellows, Collison, Frederic William, B.A. Brumell, Edward, B.A. Main, Thomas John, B.A. Add to the following as Scholars of Queens' College, page 227, col. 2, The Examiners have this year given notice, that if any Poem shall appear to them to possess distinguished merit, a premium of £100. shall be given. PRIZE SUBJECTS FOR 1838. MEMBERS' PRIZES. Bachelors.-Quousque, et quibus potissimum rationibus, artium pulchritudinem spectantium formæ nobiliores è pura religione oriantur; eandemque vicissim promovendi vim habeant. Undergraduates,-In iis quæ de Ethica et Politica a Platone scripta accepimus, quænam sint elementa philosophiam revera christianam adumbrantia. Greek Ode. SIR WILLIAM BROWNE's MEDALS. Latin Ode.— { Παλλάδος Προμάχου ἄγαλμα ἐν τῇ τῶν ̓Αθη ναίων ̓Ακροπόλει. εἰκων ὡς ὁρᾶν ἐφαίνετο Παλλας, κραδαίνουσ ̓ ἔγχος ὑπολόφῳ κάρα. EURIP. Herc. Fur. Academia Cantabrigiensis Reginæ Victoriæ solium avitum conscendenti gratulatur. Greek Epigram. Φροντιστής μετεώρων. Latin Epigram.-Sui amans sine rivali. PORSON PRIZE. Shakspeare, Heny V. Act iv. Chorus. Beginning.... "Now entertain conjecture of a time" The metre to be Tragicum Iambicum Trimetrum Acatalecticum. CHANCELLOR's ENGLISH POEM. Luther. HULSEAN PRIZE. "That a Revelation contains mysteries is no solid argument against its truth." SEATONIAN PRIZE. Ethiopia stretching out her hands unto God. Psalm Lxviii. 31. The Subjects for Examination for the Junior Sophs in the Lent Term 1839: 1. The Gospel of St Matthew. 2. Paley's Evidences. 3. The Medea of Euripides. 4. The First Book of Cicero's Epistles, Ad Familiares." 1 |