UNIVERSITY CEREMONIES, &c. M T W TH Fellows of Trinity College elected.-Sun rises 6h. Im. F 6 S 7 8 M 9 T Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity.-Morning Lessons, Ezekiel xiv. Mark x. Evening Lessons, Ezekiel xviii. 2 Cor. vi. Sun rises 6h. 13m. Concio ad Clerum, by the Regius Professor of Divinity, or by his substitute. 10 W Cambridge and Oxford Michaelmas Terms begin.-Two Statutable Congregations-University Officers elected. Last Quarter 10h. 25m. Morning. 11 TH Old Michaelmas Day. Caput elected. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.-Morning Lessons, 18 TH St Luke. New Moon 2h. 25m. afternoon. Proclamation of Markets. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.-Caius College Commemoration of Dr Gostlin. Morning Lessons, Daniel iii. Luke vii. Evening Lessons, Daniel vi. Ephesians i. Sun rises 6h. 37m. 24 Magna Congregatio.-First Quarter, 8h. 58m. Morning. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity.-St Simon and St Jude. Sun rises, 6h. 49m. 1 23 AN ALMANAC, WITH TH All Saints.-Two Sermons at St Mary's.-Scarlet Day. Sun rises 6h. 55m. F S 4 5 678✪ Law Term Begins.-Full Moon 0h. 25m. Morning. Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. Statutable Congre- M Gunpowder Treason.-Litany and Scarlet Day.-A Sermon in the Morning by one of the Heads, according to seniority, or by his substitute.-Anthem.-Latin Speech in the Senate-House in the Afternoon. T W 9 F 8 TH Princess Augusta Sophia born 1768.-Sun rises 7h. 7m. Mayor of Cambridge elected and sworn in.-Last Quarter 2h. 49m. Morning. S 11 Caius College Commemoration of Dr Caius. Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity.-Morning Lessons, 15 TH Sun rises 7h. 10m. 16 F 17 S 18 M New Moon 8h. 2m. Morning. Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. Morning Lessons, W Meeting of Crane's Trustees for sick Scholars. 22 TH Sun rises 7h. 31m. F 24 S First Quarter, 6h. 32m. Afternoon. Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity.—Morning Lessons, 26 M Meeting of Electors to University Scholarships.-Law Term ends. UNIVERSITY CEREMONIES, &c. Sun rises 7h. 45m. Full moon 11h. 31m. Morning. Advent Sunday. Caius College Commemoration of Bishop Cousins. Morning Lessons, Isaiah i. Acts iii. Evening Lessons, Isaiah ii. Hebr. viii. 5 4 T W 6 S 10 M 11 T Sun rises 7h. 54m. Last Quarter 10h. 56m. Afternoon. Caius College Commemoration of Dr Perse. Third Sunday in Advent.-Cambridge Michaelmas Term Oxford Michaelmas Term ends. New Moon 0h. 23m. Morn. W Ember Week. 20 TH 21 22727 2 23 24 26 F St Thomas. Shortest Day.-Winter Quarter begins. S Sun rises 8h. 7m. M T W Fourth Sunday in Advent. Morning Lessons, Isaiah xxx. Christmas Day.-Scarlet Day.-Anthem. Morning Les- 4 to 9. St Stephen. St John the Evangelist.--Festival at St John's College. Sun rises 8h. 9m. First Sunday after Christmas. Morning Lessons, Isaiah xxxvii. Acts xxvii. Evening Lessons, Isaiah xxxviii. 3 John. Full Moon 0h. 35m. Morning. 123456 AN ALMANAC, WITH T Circumcision.-Sun rises 8h. 9m. W TH F S O M T 9 W 10 TH 11 F 12 S 13 14 M Epiphany. Morning Lessons, Isaiah LX. Luke iii. to verse 23. Evening Lessons, Isaiah XLIX. John ii. to verse 12. Sun rises 8h. 6m. Last Quarter 9h. 4m. Afternoon. Examination for B.A. degrees begins. Hilary Term begins. Concio ad Clerum, by the Lady Margaret's Professor of First Sunday after Epiphany. Cambridge Lent Term Oxford Lent Term begins. Sun rises 8h. 2m. Admission to B.A. Degrees. Second Sunday after Epiphany. Morning Lessons, Isaiah Li. Matth. xviii. Evening Lessons, Isaiah Liii. 1 Cor. i. Sun rises 7h. 55m. Morning. First Quarter 11h. 17m. Morning. Conversion of St Paul. Septuagesima Sunday.-Duke of Sussex born, 1773. Sun rises 7h. 46m. Full Moon 3h. 40m. Afternoon. King Charles the Martyr.-Litany Day. - A Sermon in the Morning by one of the Heads, according to seniority, or by his substitute.-Latin Speech in the Senate-House in the Afternoon. 31 TH Law Term ends. UNIVERSITY CEREMONIES, &c. 1 F Caius College Commemoration of Mr Mickleborough. Sun rises 7h. 41m. 10 11 Purification of the Virgin Mary. Sexagesima Sunday. Morning Les. Gen. iii, Mark iii. Last Quarter 6h. 40m. Afternoon. Sun rises 7h. 30m. Quinquagesima Sunday. Morning Lessons, Gen. ix. to verse 20. Mark x. Evening Lessons, Gen. xii. 2 Cor. 6. M Voluntary Classical Examination of B.A. who have obtained Mathematical Honors. Shrove Tuesday. Ash Wednesday.-Litany Day, or else Concio ad Clerum. Sun rises 7h. 17m. Cambridge Lent Term divides at noon. First Sunday in Lent. Morning Lessons, Gen. xix. to verse 30. Luke i. to verse 39. Evening Lessons, Gen. xxii. 2 Cor. xiii. Matriculation. First Quarter 7h. 49m. Afternoon.-Ember Week. Sun rises 7h. 3m. Caius College Commemoration of Mr Wortley. TH Full Moon 8h. 35m, Morning, |