Chancellor Marquess Camden, K.G. D.C.L. Trin. St John's Vice-Chancellor. Thomas Worsley, M.A. Down. Commissary. John Hildyard, M.A. St John's..... ELECTED. ...1834 George Archdall, D.D. Emman. James Cartmell, M.A. Christ's. ............ .............. } Representatives in Right Hon. Henry Goulburn, M.A. Trin. .........1834 ... Parliament. Right Hon. Charles Ewan Law, M.A. St John's..1835 Deputy High Steward. - John Lodge Hubbersty, M.D. Queens'......1824 Public Orator. _ Thomas Crick, B.D. St John's Assessor to the Chancellor. William Hunt, M.A. King's Counsel. Sir William Webb Follett, M.A. Trinity Librarian. John Lodge, M.A. Magd. .. Registrary. Joseph Romilly, M.A. Trin......... ..... ....... 1836 1805 1825 1836 ..1828 Every University Grace must pass the CAPUT, before it can be introduced to the SENATE. 1348 Gon. & Caius........ Martin Davy, D.D. F.R.A.L.SS. Master. 1803 1350 Trinity Hall........Thomas Le Blanc, D.C.L. F.A.S. Master. 1815 ...... 1502 Marg. Prof. of Divinity { ELECTED. Herbert Marsh, D.D. F.R.S. 1540 Reg. Prof. of Hebrew......... 1540 Reg. Prof. of Greek....... 1632 Arabic Lord Almoner's Reader and Professor of Arabic .......... 1663 Mathematics 1683 Casuistry... .. J. S. Henslow, M.A. F.L.S. Joh. 1825 1727 Woodwardian Professor.. A. Sedgwick, M.A. F.R.S. Trin. 1818 1749 Lowndean Prof. of Astron.. G. Peacock, M.A. F.R.S. Trin. 1837 Teacher of the French Language, Henri Florentin Hobacq. Teacher of the German Language, H. D. Oppenheim. University Printer, John William Parker. J. & J. J. Deighton, Cambridge; and Knott, Birmingham. Yeoman Bedell, John Crouch-School Keeper, John Taylor. Assistant Library Keeper, Richard Rowe. Curator of the Botanic Garden, Arthur Biggs, F.L.S. OBSERVATIONS. STATUTABLE CONGREGATIONS. - One upon the last day of each Term; two on the 10th day of October; one on the 3d, and one on the 4th of November; two on the day after the second Tripos; two on the 11th of June. The Divinity, Law, and Physic Schools are open during the whole of every Term, and the keeping of all Acts, except the former which are confined to every other Thursday, is entirely at the discretion of the respective Professors. All Festivals, Saints' days, and Sundays, are surplice-days, and the evening preceding are surplice-evenings; but on May 29, June 20, and November 5, surplices are worn in the morning only. On Litany days the Doctors and Noblemen wear their robes, and the Proctors their congregation-ruffs. Commemoration of Benefactors is at St Peter's, Clare, Pembroke, Caius, Queens', Catharine, Jesus, Christ's, and St John's Colleges, the day after the end of each Term, on which occasion there is a feast in the several college-halls. 1 WITH UNIVERSITY CEREMONIES, &c. AT CAMBRIDGE, FROM APRIL 1, 1838, το MARCH 31, 1839. APRIL XXX.-1838. Fifth Sunday in Lent. - Sun rises 5h.38m. First Quarter 9h. 33m. Afternoon. Morning Lessons, Exod. iii. John xix. Evening Lessons, Exod. v. Heb. iii. M Election of Fellows of St John's College. F Cambridge Lent Term ends.-Old Lady Day. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T 11 MTWBFS© MTW Sixth Sunday in Lent.--Palm Sunday. Sun rises 5h. 23m. Morn. Les. Exod. ix. Matt. xxvi. Even. Les. Exod. x. [Heb. v. to ver. 11. Full Moon 2h. 6m. Morning. Moon eclipsed, visible. 12 TH Maunday Thursday. 13 F Good Friday. Morning Lessons, Gen. 22 to verse 20. John xviii. Evening Lessons, Isaiah Liii. 1 Peter ii. Easter Sunday. -Sun rises 5h. 7m. Scarlet day.-Ser- 19 TH | Mr Rustat's Commemoration at Jesus College. 20 F 21 22 FSO First Sunday after Easter. Sun rises 4h. 53m. Low Sunday. Morn. Les. Numb. xvi. Acts xix. Even. Les. [Numb. xxii. 2 Pet. i. 23 M St. George. Concio ad Clerum, by the Lady Margaret's Preacher, or 24 T |