9 one of whom must be (if possible) the medical person who has usually attended him. A declaration, as to all the points contained in the above statement will form the basis of the contract between the ASSURED and the SOCIETY; and should any untrue allegation be contained in such declaration, the Policy will become void, and all payments of Premium made on it will become forfeited. The DIRECTORS have the power of fixing the Premium in every case, where any extra risk may attend the Life to be Assured. Policies will not be considered to be in force beyond 30 days after the expiration of the year, unless the Premium then due shall have been paid to the Society. But should proof be given to the satisfaction of the DIRECTORS, that a party whose life has been Assured continues in good health, the Policy may be revived at any time within six months, on the payment of a fine, to be fixed by the COURT OF DIRECTORS, not exceeding ten shillings per cent. on the sum Assured; or at any period within 13 months, on the payment of such fine as the COURT OF DIRECTORS may think reasonable. Policies will become void, if the parties whose Lives have been Assured shall go beyond the limits of Europe, or shall die at sea; (unless in passing direct from one part of the United Kingdom to another, or in passing from any part of the United Kingdom, in time of peace, to and from any part of the Continent situate between the Elbe and Brest, in steam or other decked vessels;) or being or becoming a military or naval man, shall be called into actual service ; unless in each case, permission shall have been granted by the DIRECTORS, which may be obtained on such parties attending personally, to give every requisite explanation, and paying a premium adequate to the extra risk, to be settled by the DIRECTORS. ASSURANCES made by persons on their own lives, will become void if they die at any time by their own act, whether in a state of lunacy or otherwise, or by duelling, within a twelvemonth after the ASSURANCE is effected, or by the hands of Justice. But if any person who has effected an ASSURANCE on his own life shall die by his own hands, and not be felode-se, the DIRECTORS shall, if they think proper to make any payment, be at liberty to pay any sum, according to their discretion, not exceeding what would have been payable in event of natural death. Policies may be assigned by a separate deed, without making any endorsement on the Policy, or giving any notice to the Office. The time for payment of claims is within three calendar months, after the proof of the death of the parties whose Lives are the subjects of the ASSURANCE. TABLE I. Table of Premiums for Assuring £100 upon a Single Life, at an Annual Premium, during its continuance; or at an increased Premium, payable only for a limited number of years. 11 For the £. s. 2 18 2 19 31 4 11 3 2 11 11 32 875 66 2 4 15 0 40 3 4 7 11 3 6 4 11 93 812 4 6 10 2 4 18 2 3 18 6 12 86976726 587 4 1 4 12 13 4 911 3 758511 7 **By the payment of the Premium in the four latter columns, the receipt of £100 is secured at the dropping of the Life at all events, whether it happens during the years of payment of the Premium, or afterwards. The terms for Assuring the continuance of a Life during a limited period, will be found in Table II. TABLE II. Table of Premiums for Assuring £100 upon a Single Life, for a limited Term of One or Seven Years. *** Upon payment of these Premiums, the receipt of £100 is secured on the dropping of the Life within the time for which the Premium is paid, but not afterwards. The University Life Assurance Society has adopted the Tables of the Equitable, deducting five per cent. on the Premiums payable on all ages up to 47;-this deduction is gradually lessened by equal decrements in each successive Year, up to the age of 56. After this period of Life, the rates are the same as the Equitable. WORKS PUBLISHED BY J. & J. J. DEIGHTON, (AGENTS TO THE UNIVERSITY,) CAMBRIDGE. CLASSICAL. ÆSCHYLUS. Recensuit JACOBUS SCHOLEFIELD, A.M. Coll. SS. Trin. nuper Socius, et Græcarum Literarum Professor Regius. Second Edition, 8vo. 12s. This Edition includes the Seven Tragedies and Fragments, with Notes and Indexes, complete in one volume. APPENDIX ad Editionem ÆSCHYLI Confecit JACOBUS SCHOLEFIELD, A.M. &c. 8vo. 1s. 6d. ÆSCHYLI PROMETHEUS VINCTUS. The Text of Dindorf, with English Notes, compiled and abridged by JOHN GRIFFITHS, M.A. Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 8vo. cloth boards, 5s. ÆSCHYLI SEPTEM CONTRA THEBAS. The Text of Dindorf, with Notes, compiled and abridged by JOHN GRIFFITHS, M.A. Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 8vo. cloth boards, 5s. A |