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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Dr Porteus, late Bishop of London, in 1807 transferred stock to the amount of £1200; the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for... "
Calendar - Σελίδα 244
των University of Cambridge - 1838
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Athenaeum: A Magazine of Literary and Miscellaneous Information ..., Τόμος 2

John Aikin - 1807 - 692 σελίδες
[ Λυπούμαστε, το περιεχόμενο αυτής της σελίδας είναι περιορισμένο ]
Προβολή αποσπασμάτων - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Monthly Anthology, and Boston Review, Τόμος 4

David Phineas Adams, William Emerson, Samuel Cooper Thacher - 1807 - 786 σελίδες
...and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge, and directed the interest of it to be laid out annually in the purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for by the students of that college ; one of fifteen guineas, a prize for the best Latin dissertation on some evidence of...

The Panoplist, Or, the Christian's Armory, Τόμος 3

1808 - 608 σελίδες
...master and fellows of Christ college, Cambridge, and directed the interest of it to be laid out annually in the purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for by the students of that col. lege ; one of fifteen guineas, a prize for the best Latin dissertation on. some evidence...

The Panoplist (and Missionary magazine) conducted by an association of ...

1808 - 614 σελίδες
...and fellows of Christ college, Cambridge, and directed the intérêt of it to be laid out annually in the purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for by the students of that college ; one of fifteen guineas, »prize for the best Latin dissertation on some evidence of...


University of Cambridge - 1849 - 560 σελίδες
...Prize. ..Mounsey. Latin Prose Heath. Michaelmas Term, 1848. Latin Verse Harrison Latin Prose Harrison. Dr Porteus, late Bishop of London, in 1807 transferred...purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for annually by the students of this college, in the following order : One medal of 15 guineas for the...

Liber Cantabrigiensis, an Account of the Aids Afforded to Poor Students, the ...

Robert Potts - 1855 - 588 σελίδες
...Beilby Porteus, DD, late Lord Bishop of London, transferred to the College the sum of £1200, stock, the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase...gold medals* to be contended for by the students of the College in the following order : one medal of 16 guineas for the best Latin dissertation on some...

Liber Cantabrigiensis, an Account of the Aids Afforded to Poor Students, the ...

Robert Potts - 1855 - 588 σελίδες
...Beilby Porteus, DD, late Lord Bishop of London, transferred to the College the sum of £1200, stock, the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase...gold medals, to be contended for by the students of the College in the following order : one medal of 15 guineas for the best Latin dissertation on some...

Liber Cantabrigiensis, an Account of the Aids Afforded to Poor Students, the ...

Robert Potts - 1855 - 588 σελίδες
...Beilby Portens, UD, late Lord Bishop of London, transferred to the College the sum of £1200, stock, the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for by the studbnts of the College in the following order : one medal of 15 guineas for the best Latin dissertation...

Cyclopaedia of American Literature: Embracing Personal and ..., Τόμος 1,Μέρος 1

Evert Augustus Duyckinck, George Long Duyckinck - 1855 - 294 σελίδες
...of IMIirlun In Yslo Collect, Am. Quar. lien. x. «-». ; TrarcU In New England and K«w York, L WT. the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase of books on mechanical and physical science. Dr. Alfred E. Perkins, also a graduate, bequeathed ten thousand...

Liber Cantabrigiensis, an account of the aids afforded to poor students, the ...

Robert Potts - 1855 - 1050 σελίδες
...Porteus, DD, late Lord Bishop of London, •referred to the College the sum of £1200, stock, the interest [which is to be expended in the purchase of three gold medals, 1: iSJ! li/V.iU,:;!,! f^:i!'i : •;> "i!f ! , li't!' f F !^ I lii'^W 1 ' Hi ,i!;ji|! |:| Sfij '.;..*...

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