Term, and each candidate is to send his exercise privately to the Vice-Chancellor, on or before the 31st of March, in the same manner as the exercises for the Chancellor's Medal. These prizes, confined until 1827 to Senior and Middle Bachelors, were established... Calendar - Σελίδα 44των University of Cambridge - 1838Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
 | 1838 - 794 σελίδες
...standing to take the Degree of Master of Arts ; and, (2) Two other Prizes of fifteen guineas each, to be open to all Undergraduates, who shall have resided...terms, at the time when the exercises are to be sent in ; 1 lie subjects for the present year are, (1) Fur the BACUELOBS, Quoutque, el quibus jtotissimitm... | |
 | 1840 - 772 σελίδες
...standing to take the Degree of Master of Arts ; and, (2) Two other Prizes of fifteen guineas each, to he open to all Undergraduates, who shall have resided...seven Terms, at the time when the Exercises are to he sent in ; The suhjects for the present year are, (1) For the BAcHELORS, In Hid Philosophid, in qua... | |
 | 1835 - 792 σελίδες
...Arts : and, (2) Two other prices of Fifteen Guineas each, to be open to all Undergraduate*, who sha'.l have resided not less than seven terms, at the time...the exercises are to be sent in ;— The subjects for the present year are, 1 I ) For the Bachelors, Defde histories recte trstimanda. (2) For the Undergraduates,... | |
 | 1828 - 818 σελίδες
...and, 2. Two other prizes of fifteen guineas each, to be open to all Undergraduates, who shall hare resided not less than seven terms, at the time when the exercises are to be sent in; the subjects for the present year are, (1) For the Bachelors, De origine Scriptura Alphabetic^. (2) For the Undergraduates,... | |
 | 1836 - 790 σελίδες
...standing to take the Degree of Master of Arts ; and (?) Two other Prizes, of fifteen guineas each, to be open to all Undergraduates who shall have resided not less than seven terms, at the lime when the exercises are to be sent in : The subjects for the present year are, (1) For the Bachelors,... | |
 | Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1827 - 568 σελίδες
...other prizes of fifteen guineas each, to be open to all Undergraduates, who shall have icsided not leas than seven terms, at the time when the exercises are to be sent ш:— the subjects for the present year are, (Д) For the Bachelors, " Homerus." (2) For the Undergraduates,... | |
 | Adam Wall - 1828 - 532 σελίδες
...years, who are not of sufficient standing to take the degree of MA ; — and the other Two will be open to all Undergraduates who shall have resided...at the time when the Exercises are to be sent in. MEMBERS' PRIZES. 1753. SENIOR BACHELORS. — Examen vitae et philosophiae M. Bruti, praecipue habita... | |
 | 1831 - 626 σελίδες
...standing to take the degree of Master of Arts ; und two other prizes of fifteen guineas each, to be open to all Undergraduates who shall have resided...the exercises are to be sent in. The subjects are — (1.) For the Bachelors, ' Utrum boni plus an mali hominibus et civitatibus attulent dicendi copia... | |
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