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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" November the 15th, 1819, for the purpose of promoting scientific inquiry, and of facilitating the communication of facts connected with the advancement of Philosophy and Natural History ; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His... "
Calendar - Σελίδα 1
των University of Cambridge - 1838
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Charter and bye laws

Cambridge Philosophical Society - 1832 - 44 σελίδες
...of Philosophy and Natural History; and became a body corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter, bearing...due notice for that express purpose, Nov. 6th, 1832. WILLIAM THE FOURTH, By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King,...

The British Magazine, Τόμος 2

1832 - 564 σελίδες
...abstract of the laws and regulations of the Cambridge Philosophic»! Societv, prescribed by the new charter : 1. That the Society consist of such Graduates of the University as are now Fellows, or shall at any time hereafter become Fellows thereof, agreeably to the bye laws of the Society. •2....

The Dublin University Magazine: A Literary and Political Journal, Τόμος 1

1833 - 796 σελίδες
...abstract of the laws and regulations of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, prescribed by the new charter. 1. That the Society consist of such Graduates of the University as are now Fellows, or shall at any tim« hereafter become Fellows thereof, agreeably to the bye-laws of the Society. 2....


University of Cambridge - 1849 - 560 σελίδες
...advancement of Philosophy and Natural History ; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His late Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter,...Society consist of such Graduates of the University as were then Fellows thereof, or should at any time become Fellows thereof, agreeably to the Bye Laws...


University of Cambridge - 1854 - 696 σελίδες
...advancement of Philosophy and Natural History ; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His late Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter,...Society consist of such Graduates of the University as were then Fellows thereof, or should at any time become Fellows thereof, agreeably to the Bye Laws...


University of Cambridge - 1855 - 682 σελίδες
...advancement of Philosophy and Natural History; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His late Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter,...Society consist of such Graduates of the University as were then Fellows thereof, or should at any time become Fellows thereof, agreeably to the Bye Laws...

The Cambridge University Calendar

University of Cambridge - 1845 - 492 σελίδες
...advancement of Philosophy and Natural History; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His late Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter,...1832. ABSTRACT OF THE LAWS PRESCRIBED BY THE CHARTER. 1. THAT the Society consist of such Graduates of the University as are now Fellows thereof, or shall...


University of Cambridge - 1870 - 782 σελίδες
...advancement of Philosophy and Natural History ; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His late Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter,...due notice for that express purpose, Nov. 6th, 1832. The meetings of the Society are held in one of the new Lecture Rooms, and its Library kept in a room...


University of Cambridge - 1888 - 1040 σελίδες
...advancement of Philosophy and Natural History; and became a Body Corporate by virtue of a CHARTER granted by His late Majesty King WILLIAM the Fourth. This Charter,...due notice for that express purpose, Nov. 6th, 1832. The meetings of the Society are held in one of the new Lecture Rooms, and its Library kept in a room...


University of Cambridge - 1853 - 650 σελίδες
...August, 1832, was formally accepted ay the Society at a general Meeting held after duo notice for :hat express purpose, Nov. 6th, 1832. ABSTRACT OF THE LAWS...Society consist of such Graduates of the University as were then Fellows thereof, or should at any time become Fellows thereof, agreeably to the Bye Laws...

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