The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge." The frame of this little commonwealth standeth upon the union of seventeen colleges, or societies, devoted to the study of learning and knowledge, and for the better service of the... Calendar - Σελίδα 1των University of Cambridge - 1838Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
 | 1849 - 604 σελίδες
...old promise of the Universities. The first two lines of the Cambridge Calendar inform us that ' The University of Cambridge is • a society of students...all and every of the liberal arts and * sciences.' Even if we accept the contracted definition which, in the fourteenth century, was given to ' arts,'... | |
 | University of Cambridge - 1805 - 310 σελίδες
...^ P CAMBRIDGE, March 25, 1805. '• 1 INTRODUCTION. TI ""HE UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE is a Society JL of Students in all and every of the liberal Arts and Sciences, incorporated ( 1 3th Eliz.) by the name of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars. The frame of this little Commonwealth... | |
 | John Mason Good - 1819 - 482 σελίδες
...we have had recourse to the Cambridge University Calendar, compiled by Mr. Ra worth, who says, " The university of Cambridge is a society of students in...every of the liberal arts and sciences, incorporated (13 Elisabeth) by the name of the ehanoellor, masters, and scholars The frame of this little commonwealth... | |
 | John Mason Good - 1813 - 480 σελίδες
...University Calendar, <*mpil<ri to Mr, Baworth, who «ay«, " The imivertiiy of Cambridge is a Kociety of students in all and every of the liberal arts and sciences, incorporated (13 Elizabeth) by the name of the chan.iellor, masters, and scholars. The frame of thU little commonwealth... | |
 | 1817 - 650 σελίδες act of parliament, made in the thirteenth year of the reign of queen Elizabeth, was incorporated by the name of the chancellor, masters, and scholars of the university of Cambridge, for the maintenance of good and Godly literature, and the virtuous education of youth, within the said... | |
 | William Nicholson - 1821 - 356 σελίδες
...we have had recourse to the Cambridge University calendar, compiled by Mr. Raworlh, who says, " The university of Cambridge is a society of students in...every of the liberal arts and sciences, incorporated (13 Elizabeth) by the name of the chancellors, masters, and scholars. The frame of this little commonwealth... | |
 | William Nicholson - 1821 - 358 σελίδες
...we have had recourse to the Cambridge University calendar, compiled by Mr. Raworth, who says, " The university of Cambridge is a society of students in...every of the liberal arts and sciences, incorporated (13 Elizabeth) by the name of thechancellors, masters, and scholars. The frame of this little commonwealth... | |
 | Abraham John Valpy - 1822 - 582 σελίδες
...although there were no exclusive preference given to mathematics, and no exclusive rewards. A university is a society of students in all and every of the liberal arts and sciences. How then can that society deserve the name, which confines its studies , almost entirely to one ? This... | |
 | 1827 - 468 σελίδες
...vetenskaper, under namn af Canceller, Mästare och Scholares, grundadt på föreningen af de 17 Collegierna ("a society of students in all and every of the liberal arts and sciences by the name of the Chancellor, Masters, Schollars of the university, handeth upon the union of Ihe... | |
 | University of Cambridge - 1830 - 554 σελίδες
...REGEM HONORATO: VIRTUTEM COIITO : DISCIPLINIS BONIS OPERAM DATO. Stat. Acad. Cantab. SntroUtictton. THE UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE is a society of students in...liberal arts and sciences, incorporated (13th Eliz.) by the name of The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge. The frame of this... | |
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