SUBJECT INDEX TO SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Reference is to number of bill. By referring to list of bills on page 1150 reference to paging in Journal will be found. A Absent voters-Amending present law.... Accidents-Industrial-Coal industry-Preventing. Accountants-State board of certified... Senate Bill No. 228 273 307 Acknowledgements-Legalized where notaries public are interested... 210 Acts-Number published reduced.... Advertising-Candidates-Primary elections. Aliens Non-English speaking-Education.. .... Animals-Humane treatment of-Training in schools. Annexation-Cities-Method.... Cities and Towns.... Annuities-On gifts to educational institutions-Tax exempt... 366 267 20 10 110 268 278 249 44 Appropriations-County councils-Amount at daily sessions increased 269 Architects-Registration.. Board of... . . . Armistice day-Designating Nov. 11... Arson---Prosecutions for under state fire marshal.... 2 2 12 308 Assessors-County-Salary for serving on board of review-Restored.. 272' Townships-Employing assistants.... Associations-Unincorporated-Liable for contracts. Attorney General-Election-Term.... .. Auditoriums-Construction in cities of 60,000 to 68,000. Automobiles-See also Motor Vehicles. Automobiles-Chauffeurs-Registration and examination... Insurance See Insurance Contracts. Transfer-Licenses and record of sale... Trailers-Equipment-Registration of chauffeurs, etc.. Weight regulated on public roads.... B Bailiffs-Appointment in criminal, circuit or superior courts.. Office of, created for county commissioners' courts..... Bands School or university not to accept employment, when. 24 178 344 Senate Bill No. Bank robberies-Penalties... Bank commission-Salary of chairman.. Banking-Unlawful for individuals and associations, except under 129 90 certain state laws..... 311 Banking department-Authority over small loans transferred to treasurer of state..... 247 Banks Branches-Prohibited 294 Investment in stocks of corporations doing foreign banking. List of mortgages held-Submitted to township assessor.... Baseball-Prohibited on Sunday.... 264 342 347 Baskets-Standard sizes... 285 Benevolent institutions-Penalty for enticing children from. 172 68 Board of health to reimburse George Lambert from hydrophobia fund 157 280 152 Boilers-Inspection..... Bonds-City-Referendum election for certain. Ditch and drainage-Rates of interest on. Highways-Legalizing...... Insurance companies-Amortization.... Legalizing-Where notice of sale was not in compliance with laws 48 To be paid by state, county, city or township..... 151 76 82 84 93 130 162 Purposes for which bonds may be issued under county council reform act....... 61 Reissued when not sold within six months.. 289 Legalizing gravel road bonds under 3-mile law.... Roads Contracts- Erroneously let... . . School-Amount issued for new buildings not to exceed 2% of 270 292 Surety-Cost to officials to be paid by state, counties, cities and townships...... 162 Taxation--Credits--Deduction therefrom.. 249 Boundary line-Fence acquiesced in for 20 years made true line. 139 140 Breeding ground-State Creating in any lake of the state.. Building code. State-Commission created for preparation of. 300 Building supplies-Investigation of sale and distribution. Burglary-Defining. Penalties... Senate Bill No. 308 67 90 Business-Persons engaged in, required to record name and address.. 327 Custody in divorce cases- Not to be barred from rented quarters.... Chiropractic-State board of examination. Cities-Annexation-Method. Annexation with adjoining towns.. Classification-Second class.. Third class.. Clerks Salaries and assistants-Law amended... Councils authorized to purchase coal and supply it to citizens 103 275 347 352 152 351 345 262 353 148 268 278 330 354 196 ... 317 177 District corporations for utility purposes. 21 56,000 and 70.000-Teachers' pensions.. 74 1st and 2d classes-Common council to fix salaries of park commissioners.... 1st, 2d and 3d class-School boards-Membership increased... 200 330 Department of sanitation.... 5th class-Schools-Consolidated with township.. Raised to higher class-Board of public works-City judge.... 280 School trustees-Election and duties-Amending act of 1915...... 161 77 Utilities Authorized to purchase issued shares of utilities stock.. 165 City clerks-Salaries and assistants-Law amended... Clark County-4th Judicial district.... Coal-City councils authorized to purchase and supply it to citizens at cost..... Mines-Laws regulating-Providing for codification.. Coal industry-Accident prevention.. Senate Bill No. 99 ..... 177 273 80 273 336 8 266 113 144 57 363 218 Conservaton department—Advance payments for expenses of.. Corporations using natural resources to make annual report to... 43 Constitution-Amendments-Agreeing to proposed... Election for.. S. J. R. 1 312 Legislature empowered to classify property for taxation... S. J. R. 16 State militia-Negro citizens to serve. Contracts-See also Teachers. Contracts-Legalized for transfer books of county auditors. Real estate on payment plan-Tax exempt..... Corporations-Dissolution-8% of stockholders. .S. J. R. 19 S. J. R. 18 S. J. R. 5 51 349 270 207 96 357 Employes-Corporate participation and insurance. Mutual public service-Exempt from public utility laws. Unlawful to intimidate or discharge persons bringing suit against 358 Assessors Salary for serving on board of review-Restored. ... 272 240 Contracts for transfer books legalized.. Fee for examining records of real estate. Offices Allowances fixed for payment of assistants. Clerk of circuit and criminal courts-Salary. Commissioners-May appoint registered public nurses. 51 101 324 .265, 142 225 256 |