Senate Bill No. Councils-Appropriations-Amount at daily sessions increased... 269 Libraries-Act providing for repealed... Officials Removal from office. Salaries.. Officers-Term four years.. Recorders-Salaries. Surveyors-Per diem from general county fund. Treasurers-Salaries.. County board of review-Establishing. County commissioners-Highways-Guide posts.... Court house-Marion County-Provisions for new. Courts-See also Judges. Courts-Actions for damages.. .... 328 .. 343 Appellate-Jurisdiction in disposition of children in divorce cases 345 Clerks Offices to record names and addresses of firm and part Twenty-first made definite-Seventy-first created.... Clerks Circuit and criminal-Salary-Marion County. 225 .. Civil cases-Appeal from interlocutory judgments. 44 Superior-Grant and Delaware counties-Jurisdiction in probate Crimes-Burglary-Highway robbery-Bank robbery-Penalties..... 90 Criminal offenses-Robbery-Life imprisonment. Senate Bill No. Criminal procedure-See Courts-Procedure. Crops-Damage equalized-Caused by drain cleaning. Culverts-Made part of state highway. Curfew-Children under 16 years....... Senate Bill No. 90 87 34 351 D Damages-Incurred by state highway department-Commission may be sued for..... 361 leading and proof in actions for..... 19 Decedents' estates-Taxation-County assessors permitted to estimate -Immediate payment permitted. 182 .. Delaware County-Superior court-Jurisdiction in probate matters... 229 Dental examiners-State board-Reorganization... 335 Dental school-Marion County-Conducted by Indiana University.... 334 Dentists-School-For each 2000 pupils..... 217 Deposits-Not to be issued or solicited except under certain acts of legislature...... 311 Ditch and drainage-Bonds-Rates of interest on.......... ... 82 Ditches-See Drains. Dividends-Stocks-Corporations prohibited from paying out of money from sale of stocks... 81 Divorce-Custody of children-Appellate court jurisdiction........... 345 Domestic relations-Court to make order against husband's income Emergency cases-Keeping ways open in case of flood. 198 Made part of state highway.... 34 Maintenance and repair-By township trustees... 192 Open-Cleaning by horse power-Damage to crops equalized.... 87 owners.. 258 .. Taxation for........... 176 Tile To be kept free from shrubbery. Dry cleaning establishments-Regulation by state fire marshal. E Education-Aliens-Non-English speaking.... County boards of Election... County superintendents of schools-Qualifications for.... Humane. 110 Scholarships-Soldiers and sailors in certain public schools...... 181 Sites for school houses..... 53 . Survey.. .S. C. R. 5 Teachers' pensions-Cities between 56,000 and 70,000.. 74 Efficiency-Investigation of state offices and institutions.......S. J. R. 2 Elections-See also Voting machines. Elections-Constitutional amendments-Special for..... 312 Corrupt practices law amended... 25 Precinct boundaries-Changed by county commissioners, time for Special-For incorporation of cities from towns of 1,500. 340 Election precincts-Voting machines used in those designated by counties.. 189 Employment bureau-Fees-Charitable and benevolent institutions exempt... 252 Employees-Unlawful to discharge on account of bringing suit against corporation...... 358 Engineers-Per diem on road construction from general county fund.. 284 To make re-estimates on roads. False information concerning persons or corporations.... For purpose of securing insurance contracts. Farmers-Mutual fire insurance organizations. Workmen's compensation act extended to.... Feeble-minded-Care in hospital-Legal settlement entitles to...... Finance board-Advance payments for labor, etc., for conservation department. 218 Fire apparatus-Townships and city councils to purchase jointly on petition...... 220 .... Senate Bill No. Fire departments-Cities of less than 15,000-Regulation of........ 66 Two platoon in cities of 7,500 to 15,000...... 212 Fire insurance-See Insurance-Fire. Fire marshal-Enlarging powers-Inspection of all buildings. ...... 308 ment.... Salaries of members, $1,000 a year. Salaries-Eliminated.... German-In elementary schools. Gifts-Tax-Paid into state treasury Grain-Inspection and mixing of in warehouses. Game-Closed season-(Conservation bill) Tax... General assembly-Increasing pay of members.. Lawyers' qualifications may be prescribed by. 149 69 18 55 .S. J. R. 14 92 126 97 277 168 Great Grant County-Superior court-Jurisdiction in probate matters...... 229 Lakes-St. Lawrence Tide-Water Association-Indiana Joining.. ...S. C. R. 4 Group insurance-See Insurance-Life-Group. Grouse Closed season. 149 Guardians-Temporary-For property owners of unsound mind. ... Guide posts-Highways--Erection by county commissioners.......... 222 73 H Harbors-Commissions-Interstate... Hay-Inspection and grading of..... Heavy hauling-Gravel roads-Penalty for. Hedge fences-Roads-Procedure for removal of. Heirs Determination of Limiting time for claims. Heirs-at-law--Declared dead in certain cases. Notice to before claim allowed. High schools-See Schools-High. 268, S. J. R. 22 168 85 276 257 235 23 Senate Bill No. Highway commission-Amending act to make drains, culverts, bridges Historical societies-County--Curator and his salary provided for... 190 Counties-Permission to establish and fixing rate of interest on bonds.. 204 Insane-Federal relief for care of U. S. patients... 367 191 224 Hotels-Licensing and sanitary regulations...... 50 prohibited.. 201 Husband's income Court to make order against, in action for support 56 Indiana reformatory-May provide pecuniary assistance to prisoners.. 333 Reimbursement of physician for loss in fire... 215 Relocating and providing new buildings for. 202 Indiana state prison-May provide pecuniary assistance to prisoners.. 333 Indiana university-Dental school in Marion County. Inheritance tax appraiser-Marion county, salary increase. 64 Insane-Care in hospital-Legal settlement entitles to... Court procedure-Injury cases against. Contracts-Reciprocal-Authorized and regulated. Rates published by rate-making bureau shall be effective.... 216 Life-Companies to deposit securities with the commissionner of insurance... 62 |