House Bill No. State live stock sanitary board Re-creation of.... 306 55 382 State soldiers' and sailors' orphans' home-Board of trustees... 464 111 Orphanage Children kept until 18 or 20 years of age...... Steam and electric railways-Danger signals-At highway crossings at expense of counties..... 206 163 Streets-Assessments-Time fixed for payment of. 291 60 Tax law-Inheritance-Discounts for payment in one year-Interest charge if overdue.... Taxation-Administration of.. 316 182 Agricultural experiment station of Purdue-Providing funds..... 127 Assessment of 8% on school plant for transfer of children... 64 Dogs ..... Exemption-Colleges 93 8 Mortgaged real estate-Not to exceed one-half the assessed Levy of five cents for Indiana and Purdue Universities and State Teachers Institute-Township One Saturday in each month... ... 350 Junior high schools-Training course for licenses.... 118 Tenement houses-Construction-Size of rooms regulated.. Text books-Dealers appointed by county superintendents—Limits profit to 25%...... Track elevation statutes-South Bend permitted to carry out program under way... Traction companies-Upkeep of crossings.. Traffic Right of way at road intersections.. Transportation of prisoners-Methods and mileage. Truancy, See Schools-Attendance officers Trust companies--Power to do general banking.... V House Bill No. 208 56 12 71 40 Venereal diseases-Persons admitted to institutions-Laboratory of state board of health for tests.. Vermillion County-County seat-Relocation repeal. Vocational rehabilitation-Benefits of Congress for promotion of accepted Voting-Women-Marriage not to interfere with residence.. W War-Histories-Counties-County boards authorized to expend money 119 170 194 185 161 254 7 238 286 287 288 Water courses-Diverted for power purposes upon payment of damage 129 Water power-Diverting of water courses provided for upon payment of damages... Weapons-Dangerous-Carried by robbers-Penalty.. Women-Voting-Marriage not to interfere with residence. Ꮓ Zoning Classifying, regulating and restricting location of industries 129 9 178 161 and buildings. 385 DAILY SESSIONS OF THE SENATE Thursday morning, January 6. Monday morning, January 10. Tuesday afternoon, February 8. Wednesday morning, February 9. Page 3 136 138 146 161 166 172 177 188 192 198 200 215 218 227 231 241 246 252 260 267 274 283 298 306 319 330 337 348 366 356 373 383 389 398 400 429 435 446 460 471 479 486 496 507 520 528 533 571 552 575 593 603 Monday morning, February 21. Saturday morning, February 26. Tuesday afternoon, March 1. Friday morning, March 4.. Friday afternoon, March 4. Page 624 631 656 666 678 693 694 709 722 728 740 753 770 780 802 811 834 852 873 884 913 922 946 958 979 996 .1017 Allen county farmers' association, Resolution from. American flint glass workers' union, Local No. 72, Protest. Andrews, Rev., Prayer... Appropriations, Committee to supervise. Auditor's office report, Request for. Bacon, Rev. W. E., Prayer.. Bainum, Senator, Prayer... 323 443 528 692 631 429 298 on Rules appointed to select important bills for passage. accompany Governor to House. to to ascertain status of Senate Bill No. 92. to inquire after Senator Cann...... to supervise all bills carrying appropriations. Cravens, Senator, Thanks to.. Takes chair. Danville citizens, Resolution from. Daughters of American Revolution, Protest from. 1027 391 172 443 560 855 387 487 510 7 1025 .138, 139 978 146 993 225 692 160 276, 381, 480, 664 474 391, 561 |