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Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Agriculture.

Senator Masters introduced Senate Bill No. 72 entitled:

A bill for an act defining motor vehicles, and equipment thereof, defining trailers, and chauffeurs and classifying motor vehicles and trailers, providing for the registration, numbering and licensing of motor vehicles, trailers and chauffeurs, providing for the inspection of motor vehicles and trailers, and the examination of chauffeurs; and providing for punishment for violation of any of the provisions of this act, and repealing all laws in conflict therewith. MASTERS, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Criminal Code.

Senator Meeker introduced Senate Bill No. 73 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend sections 2 and 4 of an act entitled "An act providing for the erection and maintenance of guide posts on public highways," which became a law without the signature of the Governor (Acts 1917, Page 671). MEEKER, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Rights and Privileges.

Senator Richards introduced Senate Bill No. 74 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend the title and sections one (1), two (2), six (6), and eleven (11) of an act entitled "An act entitled an act concerning annuities for aged, infirm, disabled, diseased or retired teachers in cities having a population of not less than 55,000 nor more than 60,000, according to the last preceding United States census, and declaring an emergency." approved March 5th, 1913.

RICHARDS, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Education.

Senator Alldredge introduced Senate Bill No. 75 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled "An act defining the crime of vehicle taking and providing a penalty therefor," approved March 6th, 1917.


Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Criminal Code.


Senator English called up Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 for second - reading.

Upon motion of Senator Kiper, Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 was re-committed to Committee on Judiciary A for further action.

Senator Leonard called up Senate Bill No. 9 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act for the relief of Quincy A. Carver and Martha A. Kitsmiller, of Wabash County, Indiana, to authorize and direct the Governor to issue to each of them a patent for certain real estate and relinquish the claim of the State of Indiana, to said real estate, and declaring an emergency.

LEONARD, Senator.

Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Kiper called up for third reading engrossed Senate Bill No. 8 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend sections 4 and 5 of an act entitled "An act to incorporate Evansville College," approved February 17th, 1919.


Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its pass

The question being, Shall the bill pass?

The roll was called, upon the passage of the bill.
Those voting in the affirmative were:

Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hays, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols. Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain and Van Orman.

44 ayes and no noes.

So the bill passed.

The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the


Senator Holmes offered the following amendment:


I move that we reconsider the action taken in the adoption of the Com. mittee's Report on Senate Bill No. sixteen (16), by which it was indefinitely postponed on Tuesday, January 18th, 1921.

Which motion was lost.

HOLMES, Senator.

Senator Fitch offered a motion that when the Senate adjourn, it do

adjourn until ten a. m. Thursday.

Which motion was lost.

Senator Southworth moved that we do now adjourn.

Which motion prevailed.


Assistant Secretary of the Senate.


President of the Senate.


January 19, 1921.

Senate convened at 2:00 p. m., with Lieutenant-Governor Branch in the


The roll was called for a quorum.

Those answering to their names were:

Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain, Tague and Van Orman.

A quorum present.


Senator Strode, Chairman of Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Corporations, to which was referred Senate Joint Resolution No. 4, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate without recommendation.


Which report was concurred in.

Senator Swain, Chairman of Committee on Education, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Education, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 53, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate, with recommendation that said bill do pass.


Which report was concurred in.

Senator Miller, Chairman of Committee on the Affairs of the City of Indianapolis, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on the Affairs of the City of Indianapolis, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 59, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with recommendation that said bill do pass.

Which report was concurred in.



Senator Beardsley introduced Senate Bill No. 76 entitled:

A bill for an act requiring political or municipal corporations in the State of Indiana, before issuing bonds in any amount for any purpose or use to be paid for by funds raised by taxation and not by assessment, to submit the question of the issuing of such bonds to the voters of the political or municipal corporations at a special or general election, providing that all such bonds issued without such submission to the voters shall be void and uncollectible, providing that no such bonds shall be issued unless a majority of the votes cast at such election on such question are in favor of issuing such bonds, providing that if bonds are issued without such majority they shall be void and uncollectible, defining political and municipal corporations, providing that the provisions of the act shall not apply to certain bonds, prescribing the form of the ballot to be used in elections, providing for the manner and method of giving notice of the election, of the holding of the election, of certifying and recording the result of the election, providing for the payment of the expenses of the election, repealing all laws in conflict with the provisions of the act, and declaring an emergency. BEARDSLEY, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Judiciary A.

Senator Fitch introduced Senate Bill No. 77 entitled:

A bill for an act to repeal an act entitled "An act concerning boards of school trustees in cities of more than thirty-six thousand inhabitants, and less than forty thousand inhabitants," approved March 5th, 1909.

FITCH, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Cities and Towns.

Senator Ratts introduced Senate Bill No. 78 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend sections 1 and 4 of an act entitled "An act providing for the election, prescribing the powers and duties, and fixing the compensation of the Attorney-General of Indiana, and providing for the purchase of books for such officer and repealing all laws in conflict herewith, and sections four (4) and ten (10) of an act entitled 'An act supplemental to an act entitled 'An act to provide for the election, fixing the compensation, and prescribing the duties of the Attorney-General of the State of Indiana', approved February 21st, 1855,' and repealing an Act entitled 'An act to amend sections four (4) and seven (7) of an act to provide for the election, fixing the compensation and prescribing the duties of the Attorney-General of the State of Indiana, approved June 3rd, 1861, and prescribing additional duties of clerks of Circuit Courts, and Prosecuting and District Attorneys, approved March 10th, 1873', and declaring an emergency," approved March 5th, 1889, and declaring an emergency.

RATTS, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary A.

Senator Ratts introduced Senate Bill No. 79, entitled:

A bill for an act to amend section 3 of an act entitled "An act creating a State Historical Commission, providing for the editing and publication of historical materials, and for an historical and educational celebration of the Indiana Centennial," approved March 8th, 1915.

RATTS, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Judiciary В.

Senator Hogston moved that we do now adjourn.
Which motion prevailed.


Assistant Secretary of the Senate.

E. F. BRANCH, President of the Senate.


January 20, 1921.

The Senate convened at 10:00 a. m, with Lieutenant-Governor Emmett Branch in the chair.

Prayer was offered by the Reverend Winders of Indianapolis.

The roll was called.

Those answering to their names were:

Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker. Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain, Tague and Van Orman. A quorum present.

The reading of the Journal.

On motion of Senator Furnas, the reading of the Journal was dispensed with.


Senator Bainum, acting Chairman of Committee on Rules of the SeventySecond General Assembly of the State of Indiana: MR. PRESIDENT:

Your Committee on Rules begs leave to submit the following report: We recommend that the standing rules and orders for the government of the Senate in the Seventy-Second General Assembly of Indiana shall be the same as those adopted for the government of the Seventy-First General Assembly of Indiana, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part of this report.

Which report was concurred in.

BAINUM, Acting Chairman.

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