nays thereon, be entered on their journals and referred to the General Assembly to be chosen at the next general election; and if in the General Assembly so next chosen, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to submit such amendment or amendments to the electors of the state, and if a majority of said electors voting thereon shall ratify the same, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of this Constitution. Section 2. If two (2) or more amendments shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be submitted in such manner that the electors shall vote for or against each of such amendments separately. Section 2. The Secretary of the Senate is hereby ordered to spread this resolution and said proposals in full on the Journal of the Senate, and thereupon to transmit said proposals to the House of Representatives for its action thereon. Senator Hogston, Chairman of Committee on Criminal Code, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Criminal Code to which was referred Senate bill No. 65 has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with recommendation that said bill do pass. Which report was concurred in. HOGSTON, Senator Hogston, Chairman of Committee on Criminal Code, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Criminal Code to which was referred Senate Bill No. 25 has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows: By striking out of line 20 of section 1 of said bill the word "or" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "of". Reference being had to the printed bill. And when so amended that said bill do pass. HOGSTON, Which report was concurred in. Senator Swain, Chairman of Committee on Education to which was referred Senate Bill No. 20, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Education, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 20. concerning the education of non-English speaking persons, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with recommendation that said bill be amended as follows: Line 2, Section 1, strike out word "alien". Line 5, section 1, strike out word "such" and substitute in lieu thereof the word "the". Line 6, section 1, strike out all of line 6. Line 7, section 1, strike out the words "schools of the State" and the word "public". Line 12, strike out the word "or" and after the words "part time school" insert "or authorized public school or class". Line 4, section 3, strike out the words and figures "two hundred (200)" and substitute in lieu thereof the words and figures "one hundred and twenty (120)”. Line 8, section 3, strike out all of line 8 after the word "provided", all of line 9, 10, 11, 12 and in line 13, the words "may be prescribed by the state board of education" and insert in lieu thereof, the words "that it shall be optional with a school corporation to maintain a class where there are less than ten pupils and in such cases it shall be left to the discretion of the school corporations to provide the instruction”. Insert in line 16, section 3, after the word "class": Provided, further, That the State Board of Education may authorize private educational institutions and benevolent associations to conduct classes for instructions, and the study in all such classes if organized and conducted under the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Board of Education will be accepted in lieu of study in the public schools. And when so amended that said bill do pass. SWAIN, Which report was concurred in. Senator Self, Chairman of Committee on Roads, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 40, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate without recommendation. Which report was concurred in. SELF, Chairman. Senator Fitch offered Resolution No. 7 and moved its adoption: MR. PRESIDENT: I offer the following resolution and move its adoption: That all bills and joint resolutions ordered to be engrossed shall be executed in a fair, round hand, typewritten or printed; provided, that if such bill is printed each page thereof must bear the duly authenticated certificate of the engrossing clerk of the Senate as to the, correctness and genuineness of such page; and provided, further, that the printed bill may be used as above set forth, as the engrossed bill, only in those cases where no amendwents were made thereto on second reading. Which motion was adopted. Fгrch, Senator. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Senator Brown introduced Senate Bill No. 80 entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 7 of an act entitled, "An act to revise the laws in relation to coal mines and subjects relating thereto, and providing for the health and safety of persons employed therein," approved February 28, 1905; and declaring an emergency. BROWN, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to committee on Mines and Mining. Senator Hill introduced Senate Bill No. 81 entitled: A bill for an act prohibiting persons, firms, companies, corporations or associations from paying dividends and certain salaries out of funds received for the sale of stock and requiring reports thereof to be made to the state securities commission. HILL, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Corporations. Senator Leonard introduced Senate Bill No. 82 entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 6 of an act entitled "An act concerning the cleaning and repair of dredge ditches, and repealing sections 1 to 71, both inclusive, of an act concerning the organization of drainage, sanitary and reclamation districts and prescribing their powers and duties, and sections 1 to 37 both inclusive, of an act concerning the maintenance, repair, improvement and betterment of ditches and drains approved March 8, 1915," which became a law without the signature of the Governor (1917 P. 384). LEONARD, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Swamp Lands and Drains. Senator Maier, introduced Senate Bill No. 83 entitled: A bill for an act to regulate the sale of poisons in the State of Indiana. MAIER, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Criminal Code. Senator Self introduced Senate Bill No. 84 entitled: A bill for an act legalizing certain highway bonds and all proceedings under which same were issued, and declaring an emergency. SELF, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary A. Senator Tague introduced Senate Bill No. 85 entitled: A bill for an act concerning public offenses. TAQUE, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary B. Senator Fitch presented the following petition from the Woman's Press Club of Indiana: Indianapolis, Indiana, TO THE STATE LEGISLATURE OF INDIANA: We, the undersigned, members of the Woman's Press Club of Indiana, do respectfully petition the Legislature to appropriate for the two State Universities and the Normal School, the increased funds for which they are asking; namely, seven cents on each $100.00 of the state taxes. (Signed) MRS. O. I. DEMAREE AND MANY OTHERS. Which petition was referred to Committee on Finance. Senator Kline presented the following petition from the Indiana Township Trustees' Association, of Whitley County, Indiana: Indianapolis, Indiana, Be it resolved by the Trustees of Whitley County, That we petition you as a member of the General Assembly to give due consideration to the proposed bills that are to be introduced in our behalf at the coming session this winter. We wish to call your attention to the prepared propaganda that has been published in the papers for the last year. These propagandists have endeavored to convince the people that the Trustees of the state are incompetent to transact the business of the township. We call your attention to the fact that the enactment of laws in the past has worked a hardship on the trustees in every township in the state in the transacting of their business. We beg to submit the above facts, and we ask you as a member of the General Assembly to give due consideration and support to bills that will be introduced by the Legislative Committee for the trustees to assist the trustees in correcting this condition. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES OF WHITLEY COUNTY, (Signed) Edmund D. Scott and Many Others. Referred to Committee on County and Township Business. Senator Kiper moved that one hundred copies of the Senate Rules be printed. Senator Ratts moves to amend the motion of having 200 copies printed instead of 100. Which motion prevailed. Senator Beardsley moved that 200 copies of Senate Bill No. 76 be printed. Which motion prevailed. Senator Ratts moved that 200 copies of Senate Bill No. 68 be printed. Which motion prevailed. Senator Ratts moved that the Senate do now adjourn. Which motion prevailed. KATHERINE SMITH, Assistant Secretary of the Senate. E. F. BRANCH, President of the Senate. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. January 20, 1921. The Senate convened at 2:00 p. m. with Lieutenant-Governor Branch in the chair. A quorum present. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Senator Furnas, Chairman of Committee on Rights and Privileges, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Rights and Privileges, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 73, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill do pass. FURNAS, Which report was concurred in. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Senator Decker introduced Senate Bill No. 86 entitled: A bill for an act for the protection of tile drains, and removal of timber and grubs from the banks of the same. DECKER, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Swamp Lands and Drains. Senator Decker introduced Senate Bill No. 87 entitled: A bill for an act concerning the cleaning and repair of open drains, providing for a free right-of-way where horse-power is used in such cleaning and repair. DECKER, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Swamp Land and Drains. Senator Furnas introduced Senate Bill No. 88 entitled: A bill for an act allowing and fixing traveling expenses for judges of circuit or superior court district comprising more than one county. FURNAS, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Fees and Salaries. Senator Furnas introduced Senate Bill No. 89 entitled: A bill for an act concerning the compensation of the recorders of the several counties of this state, and providing an additional allowance to certain recorders for the payment of deputy hire and for the compensation of other clerical assistance. FURNAS, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Fees and Salaries. |