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Senator Holmes introduced Senate Bill No. 90 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act to amend section 357 of an act entitled 'An act concerning public offenses,' approved March 10, 1905", approved March 5, 1909, and to amend section 1 and to repeal section 2 of an act entitled "An act defining the crime of burglary, repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, prescribing penalties for the violation thereof and declaring an emergency," approved March 9, 1907."

Which bill was read the first time by title and referred to Committee an emergency," approved March 9, 1907.

Senator Lindley introduced Senate Bill No. 91 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act entitled:

"An act to amend sections 5, 197, 200, 201 and 335, and to repeal section 198 of an act entitled 'An act concerning taxation-repealing all laws in conflict therewith and declaring an emergency,' approved March 11, 1919," approved July 31, 1920.

LINDLEY, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Finance,

Senator Masters introduced Senate Bill No. 92 entitled:

A bill for an act fixing the salary of members of the General Assembly; fixing the per diem of the Speaker of the House of Representatives during sessions of the General Assembly; fixing the salary of the Lieutenant-Governor; and repealing all conflicting laws and parts of laws.

MASTERS, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Fees and Salaries.

Senator Steele introduced Senate Bill No. 93 entitled:

A bill for an act to value the bonds and other securities held by Life Insurance Companies, assessment life associations and fraternal beneficiary associations by the amortization method.

STEELE, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title and referred to Committee on Insurance.

Senator Tague introduced Senate Bill No. 94 entitled:

A bill for an act to regulate the operation and use of vehicles on the highways.

TAGUE, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Roads.

Senator Hill introduced Senate Bill No. 95 entitled:

A bill for an act to amend section one of an act entitled "An act providing for the change of the time of electing certain township officers; fixing a time when they shall qualify and assume the duties of their respective offices; providing for separate ballot and ballot boxes, and repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith', approved Feb

ruary 25th, 1897, and repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith", and approved March 2nd, 1911.

HILL, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on County and Township Business.

Senator Hill introduced Senate Bill No. 96 entitled:

A bill for an act concerning unincorporated voluntary associations, clubs and societies, providing methods of bringing actions for and against such associations, clubs and societies, service of process and enforcement of judgment, and matters connected therewith.

HILL, Senator.

Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Corporations.


Senator Hartzell called up Bill No. 30 for second reading entitled:

A bill for an act to amend sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled "An act defining the crime of vehicle taking, and providing a penalty therefor," approved March 6th, 1917.

HARTZELL, Senator.

Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Furnas called up Senate Bill No. 5 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act to prohibit the circulation of false or misleading statements or advertising concerning securities, and providing penalties. FURNAS, Senator.

Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. Senator Richards called up Senate Bill No. 45 for second reading entitled:

A bill for an act to authorize a corporation of an adjoining state to purchase, own, operate and maintain lines of railroad in this state, which shall have been consolidated with a railroad in such adjoining state, which railroad shall have been sold under decree of foreclosure or sale; repealing all laws in conflict therewith, and declaring an emergency. RICHARDS, Senator.

Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Richards called up Senate Bill No. 22 for second reading entitled:

A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled 'An act entitled an act creating the office of Court Matron for the city court in every city of the first and second class in the State of Indiana; providing for her appointment, defining her duties and fixing her salary, and declaring an emergency', approved March 6th, 1911, and declaring an emergency", approved March 11th, 1919.

RICHARDS, Senator.

Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Miller called up Senate Bill No. 11 for second reading entitled:

A bill for an act for the protection of Memorial Day and prescribing penalties for its violation.

Whereas, the 30th day of May, otherwise known as Memorial Day, has become a day of sacred memories, and its proper observance is recognized as a fitting tribute to the memory of the dead, who, as soldiers in any war have offered their lives in behalf of our country; and

Whereas, nothing should be done or allowed on that day that is inconsistent with the debt of reverence and love we owe to them for their heroism; therefore

MILLER, Senator.

Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed.


Senator English called up Senate Bill No. 4 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act, approved March 5th, 1909, entitled "An act to amend section 357 of an act entitled 'An act concerning public offenses, approved March 10th, 1905."

ENGLISH, Senator.

Which bill was read a third time by sections and put upon its


The question being, Shall the bill pass?

The roll was called.

Those voting in the affirmative were:

Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cleveland, Decker, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain, Tague, Van Orman.

None voting in the negative.

So the bill passed.

The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act?

[blocks in formation]

Senate convened at 10:00 a. m. with Lieutenant-Governor Emmett Branch in the chair.

Prayer was offered by the Reverend Duncan of Indianapolis.

The roll was called.

Those answering to their names were:

Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain and Van Orman. A quorum present.

On motion of Senator Duncan, the further reading of the previous Journal was dispensed with.

Which motion prevailed.


Senator Dunn, Chairman of Committee on Public Morals, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Public Morals, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 35, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:

First. In section 1, line 10, after the word plaintiff, insert the following words: "Shall deposit an amount sufficient to cover court costs in the case, and"

Second. In line 34 of section 1, after the word "within" strike out the words "one year" and insert in lieu thereof, the words "six months."

Third. In line 36 of section 1, after the word “of”, strike out the words "one year" and insert in lieu thereof, the words "six months". Reference being had to the original bill, and when so amended, that said bill do pass.

Which report was concurred in.

DUNN, Chairman.

Senator Meeker, Chairman of Committee on Cities and Towns, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Cities and Towns to which was referred Senate Bill No. 77 has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill do pass.

Which report was concurred in.


Senator Meeker, Chairman of Committee on Cities and Towns, submitted the following report:


Your Committee, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 66, has had the

same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with recommendation that said bill do pass.

Which report was concurred in.



Senator Meeker, Chairman of Committee on Cities and Towns, submitted the following report:


Your Committee, on Cities and Towns to which was referred Senate Bill No. 38, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill do pass.


Which report was concurred in.

Senator Kline, Chairman of Committee on Insurance, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Insurance, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 62, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill do pass.

Which report was concurred in.

KLINE, Chairman.

Senator Alldredge, Chairman of Committee on Labor, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Labor, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 31, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with recommendation that said bill be amended as follows: That in section one (1), paragraph 6, in line 2, the word "thirty" be stricken out, and the word "twenty" substituted therefor, and when so amended, that said bill do pass. Reference being had to the original bill.

Which report was concurred in.



Senator Swain, Chairman of Committee on Education, submitted the following report:


Your Committee on Education, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 46, had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with recommendation that said bill be indefinitely postponed. SWAIN, Senator.

Which report was concurred in.


Senator Alldredge presented a resolution from the Indiana League of Women Voters as follows:

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