act concerning the construction and maintenance, and aid in the construction and maintenance, of hospitals by cities of the fifth class together with other persons or organizations," approved March 5th, 1917. DOUGLASS, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. Senator Douglass called up Senate Bill No. 15 for second reading en titled: A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act concerning the construction and maintenance and aid in the construction and maintenance of hospitals by counties of the State of Indiana, cooperating with other persons or organizations". Approved March 14th, 1919. DOUGLASS, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. HARTZELL, Senator, Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Hogston called up Senate Bill No. 19 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act concerning the pleadings and proof in actions for damages for injuries or death caused by the alleged negligence of any person, co-partnership or corporation, and declaring an emergency," approved February 17th, 1899, and to regulate pleading and procedure in certain civil actions. HOGSTON, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Hogston called up Senate Bill No. 32 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act defining and fixing the jurisdiction and powers of superior courts of the State of Indiana and repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith. SENATE MOTION. HOGSTON, Senator. Senator Hogston offered the following Senate motion. MR. PRESIDENT: I move that Senate Bill No. 32 be amended as follows: By adding after the period (.) at the end of line 15 of section 1 of said bill the following words: "Provided that any probate matter opened up and started in one court shall not be transferred or venued to another court." Reference being had to the printed bill. Which motion prevailed. HOGSTON, Senator. Senator Humphreys called up Senate Bill No. 40 entitled: A bill for an act concerning the crossings of public highways over railroad tracks. HUMPHREYS. Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Kiper called up Senate Bill No. 41 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act legalizing certain public notices, and proceedings and acts held and had thereunder, given or made since the passage of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved July 26th, 1920, passed at the special session thereof, begun on the 16th day of January, 1920, it being H. B. 508, Chapter 23, on page 66 of the published acts of said session, and declaring an emergency. Whereas, the said act was approved on July 26th, 1920, with an emergency, and said acts were not published and distributed, over this state for several months afterwards, and that notices have been given in good faith and proceedings had and held under same in good faith without actual knowledge of the existence or requirements of said act and confusion in such notices and proceedings by reason thereof, arises therein, thereforeKIPER, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. Senator Moorhead called up Senate Bill No. 20 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act concerning the education of non-English speaking aliens. SENATE MOTION. MOORHEAD, Senator. Senator Furnas offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move that Senate Bill No. 20 be amended by striking out the letter "a" in line 7, section 1, after the word "attend" and before the word “evening” and inserting the word "an" and by striking out the word “public" in line 12 after the word "authorized" and before the word "school" and inserting the word "private" and by striking out the comma in line three, section 3, after the word "shall" and inserting a comma after the word "education" and before the word "shall" in same line. Reference being had to the printed bill. FURNAS, Senator. Which motion prevailed and the bill was passed for engrossment. Senator Ratts called up Senate Bil No. 56 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend sections 12 and 13 of an act entitled: "An act concerning husband and wife", approved April 16th, 1881. RATTS, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and passed to engrossment. Senator Ratts called up Senate Bill No. 65 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act concerning slander and making false and defamatory statements regarding any person and providing a penalty therefor. RATTS, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 4. Senator Steele called up Senate Joint Resolution No. 4 entitled: A Joint Resolution proposing an investigation of the Building Products Industry, or so called Building Trust within the State of Indiana, the method, sale and distribution of its products, the prices charged and fixing of such prices, whether by arbitrary and unlawful means, and to create an investigating committee to carry out the purpose of this resolution, directing that where laws governing such sale or distribution are violated that those guilty be brought before a proper court and justice had. Granting certain powers, defining certain duties and declaring an emergency. PREAMBLE. Whereas there is sufficient reason to believe that there exists within the State of Indiana, certain ramifications of the so-called National Building Supply Trust, and that there are certain organizations within said state which control the price, sale, distribution and source of supply of said gravel, cement, lumber and other building supplies. That the prices charged are unfair and exorbitant and that because of such unfair and exorbitant prices the progress, health and happiness of the citizens of Indiana is held in abeyance. That such unfair practice prevents the construction of and repair of homes, the building of roads, bridges, needed improvements or buildings within the state thereby continuing the era of high prices and adding to an already cruel burden STEELE, Senator. Which resolution was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. Senator Alldredge calls up Senate Bill No. 25 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 4 of an act entitled "An act to amend sections two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), and eight (8), and eleven (11) of an act entitled 'An act concerning corrupt practices at elections, caucuses apd primaries, and the collection and disbursement of campaign funds,' approved March 3, 1911, and providing penalties for the violation thereof," approved March 10, 1913. ALLDREDGE, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title and ordered engrossed. BILLS ON THIRD READING. Senator Furnas called up Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act to prohibit the circulation of false or misleading statements or advertising concerning securities, and providing penalties. age. Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its pass The question being. Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Beardsley, Behmer, Brown, Buchanan, Cann, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McCoaaha, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain and Van Orman. So the bill passed. None voting in the negative. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? It was so ordered. Senator Ratts offers, the following motion: I move that Senate Bill No. 21 be re-committed to the Committee on Cities and Towns for further consideration. Which motion prevailed. RATTS, Senator. Senator Beardsley called up Senate Bill No. 33 for third reading en titled: A bill for an act regulating the practice of law by prosecuting attorneys, deputy prosecuting attorneys, judges of courts having criminal jurisdiction and justices of the peace and declaring an emergency. Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Beardsley, Behner, Brown, Buchanan, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan. Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hepler, Hil!, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Meeker, Miller. Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, and Van Orman, Those voting in the negative were: Senators Adams, Cann, Kline, Masters and Ratts. So the bill pssed. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the art? It was so ordered. Senator Richards called up Senate Bill No. 45 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act to authorize a corporation of an adjoining state to purchase, own, operate and maintain lines of railroad in this state, which shall have been consolidated with a railroad in such adjoining state, which railroad shall have been sold under decree of foreclosure or sale; repealing all laws in conflict therewith, and declaring an emergency. Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cann, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, Dunn, English Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Richards, Strode, Swain, Van Orman. None voting in the negative. So the bill passed. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? It was so ordered. Senator Holmes called up Senate Bill No. 7 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act legalizing change of name of corporations. Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Baxter, Behmer, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cann, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, Dunn, English, Fitch, Furnas, Hartzell, Hays, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl. Nichols, Richards, Southworth, Strode, Swain and Van Orman. None voting in the negative. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? It was so ordered. SENATE MOTION. Senator Maier offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move that Senate Bill No. 58 be re-committed to the Committee on Agriculture. Which motion prevailed. MAIER, Senator. Senator Alldredge offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move that Senate Bill No. 1 be re-committed to the Committee on Military Affairs. ALLDREDGE, Senator. |