Senator Lindley introduced Senate Bill No. 147 entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 2 of an act entitled "An act to amend sections 1, 2, 6 and 9 and to repeal sections 4 and 11 of an act entitled 'An act providing for regulating the transfer and transportation of children to school,' law without signature of the Governor 1917," approved February 26, 1919. LINDLEY, Senator. Which bill was read a first time by title, and referred to Committee on Education. Senator Hartzell asks consent to withdraw Senate Bill No. 18. Senator Lindley calls up Senate Bill No. 58 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act prohibiting the hunting, taking, killing, capturing or possessing of quail at any time hereafter except for breeding purposes. LINDLEY, Senator. Senator Masters offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move to amend Senate Bill No. 58 by adding after the word "quail" in line 3, section 1, the following: "or any other wild fowl or animal," also by striking out all of line 7, section 1, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Such quail, prairie chicken, pheasant." Reference being had to the printed bill. MASTERS, Senator. Senator Lindley moves that the Masters' motion be laid on the table. Which motion prevailed. Senator Moorhead moves to amend Senate Bill No. 58 as follows: MR. PRESIDENT: I move to amend Senate Bill No. 58 by inserting in section 1, line 4, after the word "time", the words "within two years of the passage of this act." Reference is to the printed bill. MOORHEAD, Senator. Senator Lindley moves that the Moorhead motion be laid on the table. And the bill was ordered engrossed. Senator Richards calls up Senate Bill No. 74 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend the title and section one (1), two (2), six (6), and eleven (11) of an act entitled: “An act entitled an act concerning annuities for aged, infirm, disabled, diseased or retired teachers in cities having a population of not less than fifty-five thousand nor more than sixty thousand, according to the last preceding United States census, and declaring an emergency," approved March 5th, 1913. RICHARDS, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. Senator Steele calls for Senate Bill No. 23, for second reading, entitled: An act to provide methods for the closing of estates of deceased persons where any heir-at-law, devisee or legatee shall never have been a resident of the State of Indiana, and whose whereabouts cannot be determined, and to declare such absentee to be legally dead for the purpose of closing such estate, and declaring an emergency." Senator Holmes offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move to amend Senate Bill No. 23, by substituting for the word "three" in line forty on page three the word "five". Reference being had to the printed bill. HOLMES, Senator. Which motion prevailed, and the bill was ordered engrossed. Senator Decker calls up Senate Bill No. 87 for second reading entitled: A bill for an act concerning the cleaning and repair of open drains, providing for a free right-of-way where horsepower is used in such cleaning and repair. DECKER, Senator. Which bill was read a second time by title, and ordered engrossed. BILLS ON THIRD READING. Senator Moorhead calls up Senate Bill No. 20 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act concerning the education of non-English speaking aliens. Which bill was read a third time by sections and put upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Beardsley, Bowers, Brown, Buchanan, Cann, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, Dunn, English, Furnas, Hartzell, Henley, Hill, Holmes, Humphreys, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Self, Strode and Van Orman. Those voting in the negative were: Senators Hepler and Steele. So the bill passed. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? Senator Moorhead offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move to amend the title of Senate Bill No. 20 as follows: A bill for an act concerning the education of non-English speaking persons. Reference to the printed bill. Which motion prevailed. MOORHEAD, Senator. Senator English moves that Ex-Senator Wolfson of Indianapolis be invited to a chair with presiding officer. Which motion prevailed. Senator Hogston calls up Senate Bill No. 19 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 1 of an act entitled: "An act concerning the pleadings and proof in actions for damages for injuries or death caused by the alleged negligence of any person, co-partnership or corporation, and declaring an emergency," approved February 17th, 1899, and to regulate pleading and procedure in certain civil actions. Which bill was read a third time by sections and put upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Arnold, Bainum, Baxter, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Buchanan, Cann, Cleveland, Cravens, Decker, Duncan, Dunn, English, Furnas, Hartzell, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, Lindley, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Steele, Strode, Swain and Van Orman. None voting in the negative. So the bill passed. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? It was so ordered. Senator Kline moves to adjourn. Senator Cravens offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move that Senate Bill No. 14 be recalled from the enrolling room that a correction may be made in the title. Which motion prevailed. Senator Behmer offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: CRAVENS, Senator. I move that when chairman of standing committees announce a committee meeting and the hour set, he shall also give the number of bills to be considered thereby giving the author of the bill an opportunity to be present at the meeting of the committee, and explain the purport of the bill. BEHMER, Senator. Which motion prevailed. Senator Cravens offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move that the title of Senate Bill No. 14 be amended as follows: By striking out all of said title after the word "entitled" in line one thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "An act concerning the construction and maintenance, and aid in the construction and maintenance, of hospitals by cities of the fourth and fifth class, together with other persons or organizations," and that when so amended that said bill be re-engrossed. CRAVENS, Senator. Which motion prevailed and the bill was ordered re-engrossed. Senator Hogston offers the following motion: MR. PRESIDENT: I move that the title of Senate Bill No. 19 be amended as follows: By striking out the comma (,) after the figures "1899" and the words "and to regulate pleading and procedure in certain civil actions", after figures "1899" and inserting in lieu thereof a period. Reference being had to the printed bill. Which motion prevailed. HOGSTON, Senator. The Chair announces that Senator Kline's motion to adojurn is now in order. Which motion prevailed. E. F. BRANCH, President of the Senate. KATHERINE SMITH, Assistant Secretary of the Senate. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. January 27th, 1921. The Senate convened at two p. m., with Lieutenant-Governor Branch in the chair. Senator Bowers asked for a quorum, and Chair instructs the doorkeeper to bring in the absentees and Chair announces that a quorum is present. Senator Alldredge calls up Senate Bill No. 1 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act to amend section 2 of an act entitled "An act to establish and maintain the Indiana State Home for Disabled or Destitute Soldiers, sailors or marines, and the wives and destitute widows of such soldiers, sailors, and marines, and declaring an emergency", approved February 23rd, 1895, and repealing all laws in conflict therewith. Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Bainum, Beardsley, Behmer, Bowers, Buchanan, Cann, Cravens, Decker, Duncan, English, Fitch, Furnas, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Miller, Moorhead, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode and Swain. None voting in the negative. So the bill passed. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? It was so ordered. Senator Leonard calls up Senate Bill No. 9 for third reading entitled: A bill for an act for the relief of Quincy A. Carver and Martha Kitzmiller, of Wabash, Indiana. Which bill was read a third time by sections and placed upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Adams, Alldredge, Bainum, Behmer, Bowers, Buchanan, Cann, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, Duncan, English, Furnas, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, McConaha, McCullough, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nichols, Ratts, Richards, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain and Van Orman. None voting in the negative. So the bill passed. The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the act? It was so ordered. Senator Hogston called up Senate Bill No. 56 for third reading entitled : A bill for an act to amend sections 12 and 13 of an act entitled "An act concerning husband and wife", approved April 16th, 1881. Which bill was read a third time by sections, and placed upon its passage. The question being, Shall the bill pass? The roll was called. (No. 49.) Those voting in the affirmative were: Senators Alldredge, Bainum, Beardsley, Behmer, Buchanan, Cann, Cravens, Decker, Douglass, English, Fitch, Henley, Hepler, Hill, Hogston, Holmes, Humphreys, Kiper, Kline, Leonard, McConaha, Maier, Masters, Meeker, Miller, Moorhead, Nejdl, Nichols, Ratts, Self, Southworth, Steele, Strode, Swain, Tague and Van Orman. Those voting in the negative were: So the bill passed. act? The question being, Shall the title of the bill stand as the title of the It was so ordered. Senator Southworth calls up Senate Bill No. 62 for third reading entitled; |