Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

selves, whose examination, as well as the baptism, of the whole was deferred for the present.

Distribution of Tracts.

March 4. Moung San-lone, our former teacher, sits daily on the verandah to receive visitors, and gives about 100 tracts a day.

.6. In my morning walk, visited a little village insulated from the rest of the town by an arm of the river and a swamp, where the people seemed to know less of our books than I had usually found. On entering, a man among a group called to


season, and at death remingling with its native Divinity. Found the people here much less anxious for tracts than is usual-gave 30 or 40 only.

26. Gave 70 tracts on the wharf this morning. At eleven o'clock a funeral procession formed before our house. They soon discovered we had tracts, and in a few minutes so thronged the house, that we were obliged to shut the doors and give them through the grates. The procession soon moved on, but we had given 4 or 500 tracts.

27. This morning gave 80 tracts to the boatmen at the wharves.

28. Gave 70 tracts at the wharves, almost wholly to boatinen. I went upon one wharf where were 10 or 12 boats, and stood for some minutes without any one's observing the books. At length I opened one, and a man standing near observing it to be Burman, asked if I would give it to him. Finding they were to be given away, he cried out, "Halloo! boatmen, do you want these writings? come.' Within 5 minutes, more than 30 men came and received each a book.

"Where are you going?" Sanlone replied, "We are come to give the Lord Jesus Christ's books to all who want." In five minutes 20 or 30 men, women and children were gathered around us. We gave them 20 tracts and portions of scripture. When several of the women urged their suit for books, Sanlone said, "No, we can't give the women books." What, I replied, shall we not give these women books? They have souls as well as the men, and if they do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they can never go to heaven, but must be punished for their sins Thermometer at 82, and we in a forever."Yes," said Sanlone, "but free perspiration, our teacher wrapyour women can't read, let the men ping himself closely in his silk read, and you attend." One elderly paso." I asked if he was cold, man seemed rather difficult in his "Ta-site-ta-bouk-khyan-thee, seechoice of a book. He took a num- yah." (A little cold, teacher.) ber, one after another, and after turning them over returned them, saying, they were good but he had read them. Where did you ever see these books? "I have been to the teacher's house in town, and brought them home." I gave him a copy of Hebrews. He seemed so much gratified, that I gave him, contrary to my usual custom, a second book, John's gospel.


Curiosity of Children.

March 31. The children of the neighborhood have been troublesome for some days, looking in at the windows and making noises for the purpose of annoying us. Just at evening I sat in the door, and began to converse kindly with a little fellow who seemed to feel my attentions, especially as I told him a few EngMarch 8. Visited a village, in lish words. A dozen little boys and which I learned that most of the girls in a few minutes gathered people do not worship images, but around, and greatly amused themare believers in that atheistical phi- selves in trying to speak English losophy, dignified in other countries words. A middle-aged man, and by the name of Deism, which makes apparently a government man, eyed the human soul an emanation from me jealously, and many others came God, a portion of the Divine essence to spy what I was doing; and the inhabiting the human body for a poor children got many a reproof.

ing to pay his devotions to the great pagoda. I followed. Before a large image of Gaudama standing near the great pagoda, composed of beautiful white marble and weighing, I should judge, two tons, all of one piece, kneeled a female worshipper. Before her stood a marble cone which she raised with considerable effort. After worship, as a test of the efficacy of her prayers, she attempted again to raise it. But from some disadvantageous circumstances in her manner of seizing the stone, to her surprise she failed. The group of natives around her rallied her with a hearty laugh.

One old gray-haired woman said she ed at half past six o'clock this mornbelieved they had come because they wanted Jesus Christ's writings, and ordered them home. Indeed she was half right. Many a one asks for tracts whom I refuse, on the ground that he cannot read. Two little girls just then asked for books, saying they could read. "Well, read and you shall have a book." They ran away, saying they would ask their mother, and quickly returned, read, and received each a book. The children were so much pleased with their visit, that several of our neighbors, I discovered, were not a little vexed at it. In our evening walk, five or six of our little visiters counted it a favor to be allowed to follow.

Burman division of Time. April 1. Burman worship-day. This recurs at every change of the moon. It is a fact worthy of remark that, though their worship-day is not the same with any one day of our week, and though their year and month are not divided into weeks corresponding to ours, yet they name their days by sevens, as we do; as if their week had once been the same

Interference with Tract Distribution.

The city is divided into wards of ten houses each. Over each of these The

wards is placed a petty ruler. tyranny which they exercise over those of their ward will be seen by

a little circumstance which occurred

this morning. I visited 4 or 5 wharves along the bank of the river. Generally the people received the tracts with eagerness. On the second wharf, however, a man after with ours, but they had changed taking a tract returned it, as if afraid their worship-day, which always to receive it, and none were disposstrongly marks a division in the time, ed of there. On the two next, the on changing their religion. Their boatmen took them as fast as I could worship day being changed agrees with no one day of their former week, rendering the old division obsolete, though the names of the days by sevens still continues, Sunday being reckoned the first, and Saturday the


[blocks in formation]

Thouk kya,

the Moon, Monday.
Mars, Tuesday.
Mercury, Wednesday.
Jupiter, Thursday.
Venus, Friday.
Saturn, Saturday.

give them. On the next I was about to give, and a number had risen in hind me sharply hallooed and shook their boats to come, when a man behis head, and not a tract was given there. However, during an absence from my house of one hour I distributed 200, giving, as in all cases, to none but such as seem anxious to receive, refusing many and never giving unless the applicant comes in person.

Burman Festival.

April 5. Gave 100 copies of the Investigator, and 50 of the Catechism and View of the Christian Query. Is this division of time Religion, on the wharves and at a into periods of seven days, derived feast. The feast was, as usual, under from that which God made at the a cover in the street. A Burman creation? feast consists not only of eating and The Woongee and his train pass-drinking, but of worship and almost

constant music and dancing, such as to this a favorable change took place. it is. In this instance, when I first For ten days past I have been getpassed through the assembly, two ting out a little, and have visited Safemales were dancing to the sound gaing, Ummerapoora, some neighof drums and a hoarse kind of boring villages and various parts of bugle, but without any reference to the city, partly with a view to beneeach other. Twelve priests, in their fit my health, and partly to give yellow robes, sat on one side of the books and preach the Gospel. This cloth enclosure, one of them repeat- morning I visited three villages west ing a prayer, to which 20 or 30 men of the city. In two of them but few and 3 or 4 women, sitting before listened; but in the other a fine them on mats, responded. This group came out of their houses, and closed, the priest with breathless sat down on the ground around me. rapidity continued his voice in what After speaking about ten minutes, I they call preaching the law, in pali, perceived an old man apparently a dead language, probably not un-making signs for me to stop. I derstood by an individual present paused and looked him steadily in beside the priests. This, however, the face, when the venerable old was of no consequence, as there was so much noise, that the preaching could not have been understood even if it had been in Burman. I improved the opportunity to supply 15 or 20 who asked, with tracts. No images were present.

7. Some hatred to the tracts was manifested this morning; one was torn in pieces and thrown into the river, as soon as my back was turned. And I do not wonder. It was the "Investigator," which exposes not less than half a dozen falsehoods in their sacred book. More than 1500 copies of this tract I have scattered within 3 weeks, 154 this morning. (To be continued.)

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Ava, August 13, 1834.
Rev. and very dear Sir,

man, partly rising, bade me go on,
saying, "You teach new things, but
what you say appears to be wise,
and we would like to hear more."
After preaching a few minutes long-
er, the old man said, "What will
become of us who worship these
pagodas?" "You will be punished
for not worshipping the living God."
"Why shall we be punished for wor-
shipping idols?" "Does not the
king punish rebels?"


Why does he punish them?" "Because they despise his majesty, and break his laws?" "Just so you who worship gods of gold, of silver, and of stone, despise the great God who made you, and thus you transgress the divine law, which says, You must love God with all the heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.''

I intend to make excursions every morning, and preach to groups of people. This I can do till 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning; after this, the sun becomes too painful to be out.

I am just now made acquainted with the fact, that a Government mail is to be sent off tomorrow over More or less visit the house land to Calcutta. My last journal accompanied with a letter was sent every day. Now and then we have off on the first of July. At that time some who appear to be diligent inI was only just able to hold my pen, quirers after truth. There are four though I had continued to conduct persons for whom 1 cherish a comworship every evening, and occasion-fortable hope that they have passed Two have ally converse with inquirers; but from death unto life. about the middle of July my strength been talking about baptism; but entirely failed, and I felt myself ap- when (if ever) they will venture all proaching the home of redeemed for Christ, I cannot say. Baptism spirits. I was advised to leave Ava, brings the faith of a convert to a but just as I was making up my mind severe test. The faith of primitive

times is not shed abroad in Burmah, it so: this divine law must be more and I am confident that there will important than any history." He then not be great accessions to the church inquired, "How is a person to know in Burmah Proper, till there is more that he is a believer, and that he will faith in us who preach and in those be saved from all his sing?" I gave who become disciples. Those who a short relation of my own Christian have been baptized, appear very experience, particularly the peace I well; and this to me is an omen of felt when the eyes of my underfuture prosperity to the cause in standing were first opened to see Ava. Ko Kai is not second to any the beauty of the divine character. one in the Burman church: he is He listened, with the most eager daily studying the Scriptures; and, attention, to every word. I urged in many respects, has become a val- the importance of venturing all on uable assistant. I could wish you Christ, who alone can save us from was personally acquainted with them our sins and present us pure and all. I know it would call forth sen-holy before the throne of God. timents of gratitude to God for this rien display of saving grace. However, as we do not expect to meet in time, we look forward to a more happy meeting, where the redeemed of every nation will assemble. In that blessed assembly, you will meet with some precious souls who first heard of Jesus in Ava. You, my dear sir, and others who have, for so many years, toiled and prayed for the salvation of Burmah, must feel a peculiar thrill of joy, when you look over this great nation, and see the truth taking root. I sometimes think the day is not distant, when streams of living water will break forth in this long degenerate land.

I have before written to you on the subject of schools. The one Mrs. Kincaid got up last October, encourages us to believe that much good might be done in this department. The whole number of scholars is fourteen, though only eight are now in school. Elizabeth Nelson is a fine scholar; and all kinds of plain sewing she does exceedingly well. Others are making good progress for the time they have been in school. It would be easy to obtain a large female school, if we could teach them needle-work as well as letters. We hope, before long, a box or two of such things as I mentioned in a former letter will I am happy to state that Govern- come on for Ava schools. It is ment has manifested no hostile feel- wonderful, Sir, what influence our ings for a long time. Perhaps it is school children have over their pabecause less has been done, for two rents and relatives. When they get months past, than what was done permission to go home for a day, before. One of the princes frequent- they beg for some tracts to take to ly sends for me to visit him. At their friends, and they induce them first, he seemed to be anxious only to come out and hear the Gospel. about science; but, of late, he has The mother of Mary Connell comes become a student in the Scriptures. frequently; and she says she can no He says, that St. Paul's Epistle to longer worship idols. Moung Oug, the Romans is wonderful beyond (12 years old) by repeating the Catany thing he ever read. I found echism to his parents, has induced him one evening comparing several them to come to worship on Lord's passages together: he had the places day. Could Christian females in marked which speak of the law of America see the wants of this great faith. I said, "Your highness will metropolis, they would rejoice to be much gratified in reading the Old have it in their power to do someTestament Scriptures." "Why?" thing to elevate the female charache inquired. "Those writings giveter, and pour into their hearts the an account of the most wonderful hope of future bliss.

events from the beginning of the Kindly remember me to the Board. world to the coming of Christ. "Be I beg an interest in your prayers,

that I may be guided in the path of duty. From your unworthy brother, E. KINCAID.

To Rev. Dr. BOLLES.

P. S. Since I have been in Ava, I have given away more than a ream of letter-paper. If a prince or nobleman wants five or six sheets of paper, he sends a polite message, and asks the favor of a few. I cannot well refuse, and this is the way my paper has gone. I shall be under the necessity of doing the same in future, and will not some brethren, who feel interested in the cause here, supply me with a ream now and then; also a few rolls of good sealing-wax. Paper is high in Bengal. A few days since, the queen's brother sent to me for a pair of scissors. We had but one pair in the house, and was obliged to send him such word. A few trifling things of this kind would, I think, be serviceable, situated as I am.

The journal to which allusion is made in the preceding letter, appeared in the Magazine for May. A continuation of it, to Sept. last, has been received at the Missionary Rooms, and will be published in our next number. Meanwhile, we cannot withhold from our readers the following extract of a letter addressed by Mr. K. to Dr. L. C. Paine, and published in the Baptist Register. In a letter to the respected editor of that paper, dated Clyde, N. Y., Dr. P. remarks of Mr. K.'s communication,-'It contains much interesting information from that persevering and daring missionary-later, too, than any which I have seen from that im. portant and memorable station. To the friends of the missionary cause every where, I would urge the feeling appeal of Mr. Kincaid "Pray for us; pray for the little band of redeemed souls in Ava."

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Ava, Nov. 10, 1834.

***If you see my journal, you will know what we have been doing, and what our prospects have been; but just now a threatening storm hangs

over us. On the 5th of this month, early in the morning, I was summoned before a high court of the empire. All the noblemen and an immense crowd of the common people were gathered together in the great court. As soon as I entered the great black book was called for, and chapter after chapter was read, in which they had attempted to draw a full length portrait of my character. I did not feel myself worthy of so good a character as this testimony would go to establish-in one word, they read from their record, that the American teacher had come to the golden city; had stirred up great numbers of the people to despise the gods and religion of Burmah; was disturbing the public peace; was preaching a law which the king, the princes, and the nobles did not approve, and was giving books which taught a foreign religion-this, and a good deal more, they read, and no voice was heard but the reader.

At length they read a chapter to which I could not listen in silence. In substance it was this: "About seven months ago the American teacher promised to preach no more, and give no more books; but disregarding that promise, he had gone on ever since, preaching and giving the books in every direction."

I replied, I never heard of such a promise before; but that I had promised to give no more of the Investigator; and that the Woongees gave me permission to preach and give the sacred scriptures.

I had no sooner said this, than a Woongee, in a boisterous and angry manner, said, He knew nothing about our book, and that I had promised to give no books.

A Woon Douk then took up the about the distinction I made, and subject-said, They knew nothing were determined to put down all preaching and all books which taught a foreign religion.

I remonstrated with them-told them about the Mahomedans and Papists, who are not molested; they became more vehement and rude, said these people did not preach and

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