Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

with deep attention. We find the man worship on board the boat. best way to collect the people to- Gave away 50 or 60 tracts at the gether, is to sit down, and begin to village of S'hagagyi. read, even if there is but a single person to listen. To see a foreigner reading Burman, appears so singular, that they soon begin to flock together, and in a few minutes one finds quite a respectable assembly around him.

Came up to Nyaung-khyédauk, (Foot of the Banyan,) which with Bhila-sangen, another large village adjoining it, contains 400 houses. Here the people listened attentively, and we gave 250 tracts. The assistants went to one or two places where there were funerals, and had an excellent opportunity for preaching, which they improved for about two hours.

24. No villages for some distance. Stopped for the night at Thaungma, (Great Sandbank,) where we gave twenty or thirty_tracts.

25. Came up to Lethagong, (Pleasant-air Shore,) a village of about 400 houses, on the west bank of the river. The people were reluctant to take the tracts on our first passing through the streets, but as we returned, many came out and asked for them. Gave away upwards of 200. Have distributed 100 more at other small villages during the day.

26. Arrived about noon at Taungbo-taya, (a hundred White Ant hills,) where we gave away 50 tracts. Many of the people refused to take. Passed up on shore through many fine fields of rice, belonging to the Karen farmers. Gave books to one or two who could read. Passed through Tha-yettaw, (Mango Grove,} where we distributed 50 tracts. Ar

On the west side, we visited Thabyu, and two or three other villages, where the greater part of the day was spent in reading and explaining the tracts. The people seemed very well disposed, and we gave in all 200 tracts. Found two women who were able to read, a cir-rived at the large town of Henthada cumstance which is very rare in Burmah. Saw several young men with some of our tracts, which had been distributed on former occasions, rolled up, and thrust through the holes in their ears, for ornaments. The Burmans are very fond of wearing rolls of English paper in their ears, especially white paper. We told them it was a very wicked thing thus to use these holy Scriptures, which were given them to put in their hearts, and not in their ears. If, however, some reverence the tracts too little, others place too much reliance upon them, for the question was often asked with great earnestness, whether they should worship the tracts?

Arrived opposite Danubhyu, about sundown. Crossed over in the small boat, and distributed 300 tracts. Have given away in all 850 to-day. Ko Sanlone thinks he has seen nearly 200 Karen houses during the day, but has found none who were able to read Burman.

some time before night, and distributed tracts till dark. The people were generally very ready to receive them, and several government men, who had seen our books before, said they believed the books, and were anxious to converse. After distributing nearly 400 tracts and books, we crossed over to the large boat, on the east side, intending to come over and give a few more in the morning.

27. A strong head wind this morning, and the river quite boisterous. Ko Sanlone went over to Henthada, and distributed 100 tracts, but found the devil there, he said,-several persons going through the streets, and preventing the people from receiving the books.

Came up to Thayawaw, a village of about 100 houses, where we gave 100 tracts and books. Stopped for the night at Aingdalok, containing about 60 houses, where we gave 50 tracts.

28. Passed Thekkeh-byen, 23. Ko Sanlone conducted Bur-(Thatch-grass Field,) consisting of

several small clusters of houses, where we gave 30 tracts, and Ko Sanlone discoursed to the people, who listened with good attention.

tracts, most of them, however, small, as we were not aware of the village being so large, and therefore took but few books. Returning in the 29. Went over to Thiengdaw, small boat, we narrowly escaped be(Thieng-tree Forest,) a village of ing upset by a sand-bank falling in. 200 or 300 houses, at some dis- Arrived a little before sundown at tance from the river, on the east Shyuegyen, (Sifting Gold.) a village side. The governor and principal of about 50 houses on the western men took books, and the people ap-bank. Came up just as the men of peared well disposed. Some, how-the village were collected together ever, had evidently been prejudiced to launch a new boat. After it was by false stories. Ko Sanlone, ask-launched, we perceived a man taking ing a young man if he wanted a down a pot of plantains from a sort tract, was answered, "Yes, I want of tent built near the place, and disone, but I dare not take it, for the tributing them among the boys. Askking has had four men executed for ing the reason, we were told that the reading your books." On being ask-pot of food, and also a vessel of ed where this affair had taken place, water, had been put up for the Nats the poor fellow confessed his igno- to feed upon, so that they might af rance, but manifested great fear. ford their assistance in giving the Distributed here 200 tracts and boat a safe and easy launch. One books. of the company very seriously deAt sundown we found ourselves atclared to us, that he saw the pot of some distance from any village, and water shake, when the Nat came the current very strong. We got down to smell the food. After the aground several times, and after toil-launch was over, we were attacked ing hard till after dark, were obliged on all sides by disputants. to stop for the night by the side of a San-lone at length succeeded in sand bank, without any houses or getting a quiet little circle around boats near us. This region is noted him, and preached till 8 o'clock. for its numerous robberies, but we Gave away 50 books and tracts. were preserved, during the night, in safety.


Dec. 1. About noon we reached Ngapizhiek, (Pickled-fish Landing30. Arrived early this morning at place,) where we were unable to disMonyo, (Dark Sky,) containing 150 tribute many tracts. The men said houses. The people were very anx- they could not read, and made many ious to get tracts, and we found excuses for not taking the books; none who appeared unfriendly, tho' but one or two privately told the real some of them manifested the great-cause, which was fear of the Governor. est surprise when informed that our Some, who took books, afterwards writings were for another purpose brought them back again. than to assist them in obtaining nieg ban, (annihilation.) Gave away 120 tracts and 20 books.

The assistants started off, in the small boat, at some distance below here, and went over to the large vilLeft the large boat about noon, lage of Yeghen, (Sheet of Water,) and crossed over the sand-banks to where the people were very eager Nghetpyawdong, (Plantain Stump,) for tracts. A little back of Yeghen, a village of 150 or 200 houses, situa- is Mengyi-yua, (Village of Rulers,) ted some distance east of the stream. where the assistants were well reThe people were very eager for the ceived by the principal men, and tracts, (none, we believe, having listened to with attention. They been given here before,) and they distributed 240 books and tracts, and listened with a good deal of interest, would have given more, if their declaring that they believed this re-stock had not been exhausted. ligion to be true. Gave away 200 2. Arrived at the old town of

Kanaung, which contains numerous ancient pagodas, surrounded by aged and beautiful mango trees. The whole place, indeed, to the extent of 2 or 3 miles, is one entire orchard of mangos and tamarinds. The town contains 2 or 3 hundred houses, and we gave 200 tracts. Most of the people refused, especially on our first passing through the streets, but as we returned the same way, they gathered courage and came out after them. Ko Sanlone engaged with several very stubborn disputants, and talked to them for an hour or more, while crowds gathered around to hear. On the whole, we hope his words had some effect, though it is evident that the principal men of the place are very much opposed to the new religion.

A little distance above this place, we found a small village of Karens, who understood Burman tolerably well. We read part of the Catechism to them, and told them the Eternal God was worshipped by many of the Karens, and that they had now a written language, and could read about this religion, in their own tongue. They were greatly surprised at this intelligence, and listened with deep attention.

Hostility of the Government to Tract Distribution. Prome.

"We do not want; we do not want." We afterwards found out the reason, which was, that immediately after the distribution last year, an order was issued throughout the city, forbidding the inhabitants to receive or read the books. Notwithstanding this, however, there were some who dared to take. One of the chiefs, who had received a book from Ko Sanlone, was cautioned by his wife, "Do not take it; you know what an affair the governor's son made of it last year." "What matter," said he, may I not find out who is my God?" Some, after having received tracts, were hallooed at by their neighbors, and gave them back in great terror. A copy of the Psalms, which one of the assistants had just given away, we found cut in pieces with an axe, and scattered over the street. Only 150 tracts were given in the whole city, but they were taken by those who did it in the face of the law, and may perhaps be read by as many sincere inquirers as a thousand dis tributed elsewhere.


4. Crossed over and proceeded up on the east side. Passed several small villages, where we distributed 75 or 100 tracts. Came up to Tarokmhyaw, (China-man looking up,) which contains 100 houses. Distributed 60 tracts here.

5. Arrived early this morning at S'henyua, (Elephant Village,) and distributed 75 tracts and books. A little above, is Nyaungzayé, (Banyan Writer,) a large village of 300 houses, where we gave 125 tracts.

About 4 o'clock we reached Myanaung, (Speedy Victory,) which contains 5 or 600 houses. But we found the people much afraid, as was the case when tracts were distributed here last year. The governor forbade On the western side, at Thongbho his men taking any books, and nearly (the Lime-kilns,) the people readily all the principal men of the place re-received tracts, and we distributed fused. We gave away, however, in all, about 400 tracts and books.

about 100. At Pyyngyi, (Great Plank,) a large village adjoining Thongbho, and at Thalehdan, (Row of Sand-banks,) which lies still farther up, we gave 80 tracts and 20

3. Arrived, about 4 o'clock, at the city of Kyanghén, (Sugar Cane Plantation,) which contains over 1000 houses. Last year the people re-books. ceived the tracts eagerly, and up- 6. Came up to the village of wards of 600 were distributed. But Kyitheh, (Crows clamoring,) containnow the scene was changed, and scarcely an individual dared openly to receive a book. We went through all the principal streets however, but heard only the continual salutation,

ing 3 or 400 hundred houses. At first the people seemed afraid of the books; but after reading to them a while, and explaining our object, they became quite anxious for the

sure that the religion of the Eternal God was true.

tracts, and we gave not less than 200. Crossed over in the small boat, to the island of Thambanden, (Loading 7. Sabbath. The assistants went the Boat,) which we found covered out this morning, and distributed 200 with extensive and well cultivated tracts in Phyaukshiek, and one or fields of maize, tobacco, pumpkins, two other considerable villages, cucumbers, onions, &c. There are while we went up to Mendeh (Chief's perhaps 200 houses scattered over Tent,) and Nuamayan (the Cow pen,) the island, but the men were mostly large villages on the east side of the away, at work upon their farms, and river, containing about 800 houses. we gave only 75 tracts. None appear The people were generally very to have been distributed here before, anxious for the tracts, though some and most of the people knew not refused. We spent the greater porwhat they meant, some saying they tion of the day in distributing here, had no money to pay for them, and and returned to the boat about sunothers offering to worship them. set, having given away, in all, 600, Came up on the west side of the a good proportion of which were river to Padaung, (the Flower Bas-large books.

ket,) where the people have formerly 8. Spent the day at Prome. It taken tracts very gladly. Gave being Burman worship day, we went away about 50 before entering with-up early in the morning, to the prinin the precincts of the city, after cipal pagoda, called Shway Shandaw, which the people uniformly refused, or Sacred Hair, from its being supdoubtless in consequence of some posed to contain four of Gaudama's order from the rulers. Finding it was hairs. Encountered several dispuuseless to offer the tracts, we gave tants; and the head priest confessed it up, and returned to the boat. On to Ko Sanlone, that "an idol was the cast, we entered the city of nothing in the world,"-that it was Shyuedaung (Golden Mountain,) useless. containing 300 or more houses, but This place having been largely formerly much larger. This is a supplied with tracts heretofore, it very pleasantly situated place, and was our intention not to give any of appears like a large garden, tall the smaller kinds, but to give books, trees, many of them loaded with fruit, to such only as appeared to be sinbeing scattered all over the city. cere inquirers. We accordingly Here, as usual, some refused the passed through the streets, with the tracts, but others received them books in our hands, and those who gladly. Found the governor sitting really wished for them, came out in his yongdaw, or place of admin- without being invited, and asked for istering justice, with about 50 men them. We e gave away 60 large of respectability, who received us books, and many more would doubtcourteously, and all accepted tracts less have asked, had it not been for and books. Ko Sanlone and the fear. Some, after coming and asking, other assistants took different routes became fearful, and turned back through the city, and preached and without receiving them. One man distributed tracts, till near sunset. sent his wife near a quarter of a mile Gave away, in all, upwards of 200, a to bring back a book which he had large portion of which were books. taken. We also gave away. 130 One man offered to give a Burman small tracts, chiefly extracts from book, which he had been copying Scripture. The distribution of tracts, with great care, in exchange for the however, even in the quiet way we Life of Christ. Another was on the were thus pursuing, was not to be point of giving up his beads, (which tolerated; and about 3 o'clock an the devout Burmans are in the habit order was proclaimed through the of continually counting over, in or-streets, with beat of drum, prohibitder to obtain merit,) but he finally ing the people, under penalties of concluded to wait till he became the law, from receiving any of "the

foreigners' white books." But the agency that is at work in the midst of you, Prome and Kyanghen, is beyond your power; and the temples of your gods must become desolate; and the bells that are chiming from the tops of your pagodas must be hushed; for the God of gods, and King of the whole earth approaches, to extend his blessed reign over you; and here shall the name of JESUS be echoed in songs, by your darkfeatured sons, through long millennial years.

that though his feet and neck were hurt with irons, he did not think of his pain, nor was he afraid to be in the hands of his persecutors, since he remembered that the blessed Saviour had said to his disciples, that without the notice of their Heavenly Father not a hair should fall from their heads. The rulers, that they might terrify such as were disposed to examine the Christian religion, and obtain money for his release, had proclaimed abroad every where, that it was their intention to kill Ko Sanlone, so that when Moung Shwa Thah passed along the streets, the general inquiry was, "When is that Christian to be executed?" Like primitive disciples, he was condemn

After the order was issued, we of course desisted, but many afterwards came to the boat and received books. Ko Sanlone has been preaching, nearly all day, in various parts of the city, and has found many who ap-ed and imprisoned with the wickpear serious. Several spoke very feelingly of Mr. Judson's preaching here, and his being ordered away by the government. His doctrine they said was good, and they believed the religion to be true, but alas, they dared not now read the books, or even have them in their possession. We think, on the whole, that we have not distributed 200 tracts any where to better advantage than at Prome, and we have no doubt they will receive an attentive perusal, though perhaps it will be in some secret corner, or at the dead of night. God grant his blessing to

rest upon them.

(To be continued.)


MARCH 21, 1835.

Since I mentioned that Ko Sanlone had been imprisoned and abused for preaching the Gospel, you will doubtless wish to know how his religion supported him in the hour of trial. I can truly say that I have never seen the Christian more perfectly exhibited, than in the character and conduct of this man. He has come to see me since his release. He says that he was very happy during all his imprisonment:

ed, and like them he also prayed and sang praises to God, and the prisoners heard him. He says, when he considered what a God he had to serve, he could not fear man, and therefore he exhorted all to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. After Ko Sanlone's imprisonment, we soon found that if I had any personal concern with the officers, in trying to effect his release, a large sum of money would be demanded, and his imprisonment would probably be much protracted. I therefore employed Mr. McCalder, who had been my interpreter, and who was, doubtless, the best person that it was possible for me to employ for that business, since he was highly esteemed by the Burmans, and also manifested a great interest in our welfare. We can have nothing to do with the officers here, without incurring expense, either in presents or otherwise. A great number of petty officers must have a small fee, and the others a few presents, so that we were obliged to give, in amount, nearly sixty rupees. This we supposed was the whole amount of expenses incurred in this affair, as we had advised his wife to do nothing, and especially to make no presents, knowing that the rulers would keep their prisoners any length of time, however unjustly, if thereby they could obtain a single rupee.

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