Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ly as many sorts of articles as there mate, I have resorted to riding on were men in the company. The horse-back, for exercise. This af junk was highly ornamented with- fords a healthful relief from the out and within with strips of gold confinement of study, and at the same leaf, and various kinds of images. time gives me an opportunity of seeIn the stern cabin, (if such we might ing the surrounding country. call it,) were placed the pictures This morning, after riding about which secure their religious worship, half a mile from the sea-shore, I before which a candle is kept con- came to a winding foot-path, which stantly burning. The berths were a led to several Chinese gardens. The kind of bamboo crib, just large way was lined on each side by a bamenough for one to creep into upon boo thicket, growing to the height his hands and knees, and placed on of twelve or fifteen feet, and apdeck. Some parts of the deck are parently impenetrable by man or two feet, some three feet, and some beast. After following this narrow ten or twelve feet above the rest. path, which is darkened by the hedge In some parts of the junk one side on either side and arched by its is raised three or four feet above the boughs over head, for the distance of opposite side. On one junk they twenty or thirty rods, I came to an were eating their dinner, which con- opening where a few bamboo houses sisted of rice and fish with tea. At were clustered together, inhabited their meals they occupy a stool or by the gardeners. The article chiefbamboo chair, sitting on their feet, ly cultivated in these gardens is the while they receive their food on a Serie leaf, used by the natives of all board about one foot and a half classes, with their betel-nut. This square, which serves the double pur-leaf is of an oval form, three inches pose of table and plate. Their only in length, and one and a half in implements for eating are the chop- width. It grows on a vine which sticks, which are a couple of round winds round a pole to the height straight sticks of wood, of an inch in of eight or ten feet. It possessdiameter, and ten or twelve inches es a powerful astringent taste, and in length. Though it might seem is extensively cultivated. Acres that this is the last form of instru- together may be seen in different ments that utility would have sug- parts of the island, which yield the gested for this purpose, still the Chi- planters a handsome income, since nese use them with great dexterity it is not only used extensively here, and success. The use of tea is so but made an article of commerce. common among them, that they keep The natives think it as indispensait in constant readiness, and consid- ble to their support as rice, without er it a mark of common civility, to ask which no one thinks of making a their visiters to partake with them. single meal. It is used alike by both sexes.

Though unable to interchange but few words with them, and that in a This afternoon, I had an interview broken manner, still I hope, the with the French Padre, who recenttracts which they were eager to re-ly made his escape from persecution ceive, and which they promised to in Cochin-China, to Siam, and from read, will be the means of leading thence arrived here last week.them to the true God and eternal He consoles himself with the thought life. I long for the time to come, that his banishment from the field when I may preach to them Jesus, of his former labors, is for "rightand to live in such a manner, that at eousness' sake," and it is thought the close of each day I may be ready that his Catholic brother of this to settle my accounts for life. place will make an exchange with Chinese Gardens-Interview with a him, by giving to his charge his own church, and going himself to Co

French Padre.

14. Finding walking too debili- chin-China. May not the Christian tating to the constitution in this cli-church derive a useful hint from this

circumstance, and put forth increased efforts to give the pure Gospel to the perishing heathen? The day in which we live is eventful, the time we have to labor is short, and the results concerned are infinite.

Missionary Hospital at Singapore.

27. We are now making arrangements to leave for Bankok, expecting an opportunity in the course of the next month. The junks generally begin to run from here to Siam, in April. We shall secure the first practicable opportunity to move onward.

Indian Stations.

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17. This morning I resumed my attendance at the missionary hospital, which has been suspended two or three weeks, owing to sickness and death in my family. This institution has been established since our arrival here, under the superin- LETTER OF MR. E. JONES tendence of Dr. Parker and Dr. Bradley. The building is located in the most populous part of the Chinese settlement, being about one mile from our residence. There are

two rooms occupied for the purpose. In one of these, Drs. Parker and Bradley are stationed, who first receive the patients, taking a register of their names, diseases, &c., then with a written prescription in their hands, send them into the other room, where br. Tracy and myself are employed in compounding medicines and making the application. We spend from half past five to half past eight, A. M. in this way; then return to our breakfast, and spend the remainder of the day in study. We have now on the register more than 300 patients, and about 30 or 40 on each day. This morning there were eight new cases. 21. Saturday. The number of patients is daily increasing, though many are daily discharged. This morning we received and treated 52. The business is now systematized, so that it is performed with despatch,

and the Lord has rendered our ef forts very successful. We have a few cases of intermittents, besides which we have no fevers in the place. We have, during the week, taken several large tumours from different parts of the body, and treated some

cases of cancer.

The patients flock to the hospital as soon as day-light.-The lame, the halt and the blind are seen together. Some come on their hands and knees, and others are "borne upon men's shoulders."



8, 1835.
Baptism of 22 Cherokees.
Rev. and Dear Sir,

Since my last, our mail route ha again been interrupted, and has oc casioned some delay in my writing

In order to connect the chain o written communication, concerning the progress of the Gospel at this the baptism of five full Cherokees, on Station, I beg leave to mention here Sabbath, April 11, previously to my starting to attend the Convention.



satisfaction, that our native brethreturn I found, to my great ren had been laboring faithfully, order and attention continued in the during my absence, and that good congregations. I found br. Sturgis here also, and that on one occasion he had baptized eight Cherokees, and on another occasion one. Brother Wickliffe had baptized seven: in all, six


On Sabbath, August 22, I had the pleasure to baptize one Cherokee man, who has, I trust, been renewed by the influence of the Holy Spirit.

visit to our vicinity, during my abBrother Bushyhead had made one sence, and had some interesting meetings, which I hope will be productive of great good.

I am now at Candy's Creek, in
Amohee district, about seventy miles
from home. Brethren Wickliffe,
Danenole and myself reached this
neighborhood last Friday, to attend

Constitution of a Church at Amohee.
Our Cherokee brethren had given


Printing department.

evidence of their love and zeal in the cause of the Redeemer, far beyond my most sanguine expecta-Valley Towns, C. N., Mr. J. writes, In a letter dated the following day at tion. They had commenced building a good hewn log meetinghouse, 35 ft. by 25. It was covered in, and a loose floor laid, so as to be quite comfortable to hold our meetings in. They contemplate finishing it before winter.

The subject of the printing press being a matter of great importance, I have taken special pains to obtain the opinion of the principal men in the Nation, and those possessing the best judgment; and the unanimous voice is in favor of the measure.

We contemplate preparing a few tracts, which I hope will be useful, and would be approved by the Am. Tract Society. Of these, I shall, of course, give you a particular account as we proceed, and shall expect to be guided by your instructions.

A series of meetings commenced on Friday, and continued till Mon- I called on the Principal Chief. day morning. We were favored He said he was decidedly in favor of with the aid of Elder Brewer from onr having it in operation, as speedTennessee, who appeared much in-ily as possible, and he had no doubt terested, and expressed great satis- good to the Cherokees would grow faction at the indications of the grace out of it. of God, which he witnessed among The prospect of usefulness is certhe Indians. The church was con- tainly quite encouraging. The destituted on Saturday, with twenty-mand for the Scripture is increasing, three members. Brother Bushy head and the advancement of the people was chosen pastor. On Sabbath in civilization, will soon demand othmorning, one female gave a satisfac-er useful books. tory relation of the exercises of her mind, and was baptized in the presence of a large congregation of solemn spectators, by br. Bushy head. The sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered, and much seriousness was manifested on the occasion. The meetings were well attended, especially on Saturday and Sunday; and after a discourse on Monday morning, we parted, in the confident hope that this small commencement will be blessed, to the advancement of the glory of the Redeemer. From the communications of the Rev. The prospect here is very encour-advantage Christian Education may be C. B. Leupolt, it will be seen with what aging, and it can only be ascribed to the operations of divine grace, that amid the political excitement which exists through the nation, so much attention should be paid to the Gospel. I trust the Lord will effectually establish his kingdom among the Cherokees.

N. B. If you have on hand, or our kind friends should be disposed to furnish them, we shall be much benefited by some clothing for the children, especially such as are suitable for winter. We are also, very short of bed-clothing.

Tracts, and temperance reports, &c, will be useful to us.

Endia within the Ganges.



employed, for the overthrow of the absurdities of Idolatry, and for the introduction of true and pure and holy ideas concerning God, and Jesus the Mediator, and things invisible and eternal. The following extracts are from a Journal, written expressly to illustrate this principle, as working in a school of 150 boys; of whom 50 are acquiring English; 30, Persian; 27 read Hindoostanee; 24, Hinduwee; and 21, Bengalee, under Mr. Leupolt, in the Benares free school.

this month, at the suggestion of the Dec. 8, 1833.-At the beginning of venerable Archdeacon, began to introand have spent two hours every week duce more Geography into my school, for the purpose of instructing the boys in

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it. One day, having given the general" And do you really believe that?" I proofs of the earth being of a spherical asked. Some said, "No:" others form, and having mentioned its magni- were silent; and once more repeated tude, I asked one of the boys to seek for their question, what I thought the true the sea of honey and milk, and the place causes might be. I began to explain where it rested upon the head of the old them; and showed, by an experiment, serpent. He, turning the globe round, how an eclipse comes to pass. They all and looking here and there, said, at last, admitted that my explanation of what "I can find nothing of either." Others caused an eclipse was much more reahearing this, burst out into laughing, say-sonable than theirs, and were very sorry ing, "You cannot find it, because there to be so deceived by their Brahmins and is no such thing.' Another day, I hap- Shasters. pened to mention the name of Ceylon. One boy asked, "Is not that Sanka?" "Yes," I said.- -"To whom does it belong?-the English?" To the English," I replied. "What," said he, "have the English been able to conquer Sanka, where the people are said to be of so prodigious a size, from 50 to 180 yards tall?" "They have taken it," I said; "but as to the people, they are such as you are, and none five yards tall."But it is written," the boy continued, " in our Shasters, that there is Ravun's grave in Sanka, burning with fire, and no man can go near it; that there are streets of gold and silver; and that if any man approaches the isle, those monsters of men swallow him up instantly." I told them there was no such thing to be found at Ceylon; that there were schools at Sanka as there were at Benares, in which the boys read the Scriptures. Upon which, the monitor of the first class, a Brahmin, replied, Look, Sir! our Shasters tell us great lies."


28-On the 26th instant, there was an eclipse of the moon. Thousands of people came, from all directions, to Benares, to bathe in the Ganges, and to give alms to the Brahmins. My boys also asked for liberty; which, being assured that none would come to school, I was obliged to give. The next day I went to school; and having heard them read a chapter, the boys begged permission to ask a question." Well," I said, "what is it?" "An explanation," replied they," of the true causes of an eclipse." You should know them,' I said.

The day after this, the Teacher of the Hindoo Class, a man who is convinced of the truth of Christianity, and most gladly would avow and confess Christ had he not so much to hazard, put the same question to me respecting the cause of an eclipse. I asked his opinion; and he repeated the story of Rah and the moon. I told him plainly, that he was mistaken; and explained to him the true causes. He, having heard my explanation, replied, "Then are our Shasters mistaken in this point? I said, " Yes; and not only in this, but altogether." He was silent for a while; and then repeated an old question, viz. "What is the state of a man who sees the beauties and suitableness of Christianity; who believes in one God, but is not entirely convinced that there is only one way of obtaining salvation?" I showed him, that it was easy for a sincere mind to ascertain this point, it being plainly revealed in the Holy Scriptures; and added, that many alleged, as the cause of their unbelief, their not being fully convinced; while it was, in fact, nothing but either a fear of man or the love of sin, both being inconsistent with a believer in Christ. With this man I had many an interesting conversation. I hope that the Lord will continue the work which He has, I humbly trust, Ch. Miss. Reg. begun in him.

That the dissemination of useful knowl

edge, is a powerful auxiliary for the overthrow of idolatry, and opening a "free Course to the Gospel of Christ, is confirmed by the following brief extract from a speech of Rev. Alexander Duff, late missionary of the church of Scotland at Calcutta.

"Yes," they answered, "we know two; yours and ours; but which is the true one, we do not know."-I asked them, "What do you suppose them to be?" They answered, "You If you look to the mere magnitude know that the Brahimins and our Shasters of the thing, they (the Hindoos) have say, that Rah swallows the moon up."- stupendous systems of learning. Even

their very geography is a stupendous system. If you take the globe, and suppose an island surrounded by an hundred thousand miles of ocean, and that, by three continents with alternate oceans, till they reach five times the distance between the earth and the sun-oceans of sugar-cane juice, and wine and milk, and what not-compared with our puny geography, is not this a stupendous system ? It is only about two years ago that, in one of their newspapers, the editor began to give literary and scientific, as well as political intelligence; but he gave their own, not ours; and at the end of the article he says, "Look and judge between them and us;"-and the climax was, that the whole system of European learning was a single drop somehow surreptitiously drawn from the great ocean of Hindoo literature. But now a gleam of hope strikes in, when you find what reverence they pay to these systems of learning, and discover that they are all with them sacred, as sacred a their theology. All their systems, geography, astronomy, metaphysics, and law-the whole of them are conceived in their shasters, their books of divine authority. They all claim the same divine origin-the same infallibility. So that, if you could prove to them the falsehood of any of these systems, you would thereby shake their confidence in the whole.

Let it then be understood, and forever remembered, that in India all these systems are strictly theological; so that, if you can demolish their geography, it is not the demolition of a physical error, and the substitution of a physical truth; but, in their apprehension, it is the demolition of a theological error, and the substitution of a theological truth; and this gives a sanctity to all learning, which it has not in any other part of the world. I crave your special attention to this peculiarity, that if you only give useful knowledge, you are thereby demolishing what with them is regarded as sacred, so that the education thereby given is strictly a religious education, all education being regarded as religious or theological; and, therefore, if you could communicate but general knowledge, you would succeed in demolishing and upsetting the whole, so that, by the time you had conveyed an extensive range of useful knowledge, you would have wrought the effect of throwing down the

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From the Minutes of the Tenth Anniversary of the Penobscot Baptist Association, we learn that the number of churches comprised within its limits, is 35, ordained ministers 22, pastors 7, licentiates 4, communicants 1896. The spirit exhibited in the following Resolves in the Report on Foreign Missions adopted by the Association, will commend itself, we trust, to the hearty

concurrence of all their Christian brethren.

Resolved, That while this Association render devout praise to God, in view of the unprecedented facilities existing at the present day for making known the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and rejoice in the success of all right means, by whomsoever applied, to effect this Glorious end, we deeply feel the correctness of the sentiment expressed by the Baptist General Convention at its last Session, "that it is the duty of the American Baptists to engage in far more enlarged and vigorous efforts for the conversion of the whole World.”

Resolved, That we hail with lively joy, and unhesitating trust in God, the measures recently adopted by the Board of Foreign Missions to enlarge their operations; and especially to establish new Missionary stations in India and China— countries embracing more than half the heathen world; and that we hold ourselves pledged, as followers of Christ, to sustain the Board, as God shall enable us, in all their beneficent exertions, by our counsels, our alms, and our prayers.

Resolved, That as the universal reign of Christ on earth is pre-eminently the grand object of Christian desire and effort, it is the duty of all Christians to know accurately and fully the means, modes, and degrees of its advancement, and to promote, as extensively as may be, the diffusion of authentic Missionary

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