Commerce and Society in Sung ChinaUniversity of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies, 1970 - 228 σελίδες The full dimensions of the medieval Chinese economic revolution are still almost unknown to economic historians in the Western world, and the manifold problems that it raises for accepted theories of economic development have hardly begun to be systematically considered. Japanese scholars have been the pioneers in opening up this field, and Professor Shiba's Commerce and Society in Sung China is among the most recent and most impressive fruits of their labors. For the first time it is possible to be relatively confident, as the result of the author's systematic exploitation of an enormous range of source materials, about the parts played by transport, trade, business organization and urbanization in this revolution. It is hardly necessary to labor the significance of the advance. China's was beyond any reasonable doubt the most developed economy in the medieval world, and the investigation both of the causes that made this possible and of those that subsequently prevented a take-off into sustained growth is among the most pressing tasks waiting to be accomplished before any general theory of economic development, solidly grounded in comparative historical analysis, becomes possible. |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 0 από τα 0.
Basic Problems | 1 |
The Formation of a Nationwide Market During the Sung Dynasty 45 565 | 45 |
The Development of Cities and Markets During the Sung Dynasty | 126 |
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα | |
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According agriculture areas bamboo boats brokers Buddhist cargo Ch'en Ch'ing Ch'u-chou Ch'uan-chou Champa Chekiang Chen-chiang Cheng Chien Chien-k'ang chih China Chinese Chou Chu Hsi Collection commercial cryptomeria cultivation families Fang Fukien Fukienese Gazetteer grain Han River Hang-chou harvest hemp hiring households Hsiang Hsiu-chou Huai Hui-chou Hunan Hung Hupeh K'ai-feng Kiangnan Kiangsi Kuang-nan Kwangtung lacquer land levied Liang-Che Lin-an merchants Ming Ming-chou monasteries mulberry Ning-po Northern official paper passage peasants periodic market persons piculs population prefecture production profits purchase reign-period rice rich River rural salt sea-going sell Shih ships shops silk silkworms sometimes Southern Sung strings of cash Su-chou Sung Digest Sung dynasty Szechwan T'ai-chou T'ang dynasty t'ung Taoist thousand trade Transl transport trees Ts'ai twelfth century urban vessels villages Wang Wen-chou wood Yangtze Yangtze River Yellow River Yuan Yuan dynasty
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