Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

VIII. What were the performances of Hamilcar for his country, between the end of the First Punic War and his invasion of Spain ?

IX. Mention some instances of successful strategem and device narrated by Cornelius Nepos of the man whom he calls 'vir omnium callidissimus.'

X. Relate, briefly, the great changes of parties which successively took place in Rome during Atticus's life, giving the names of the leading men. How did Atticus escape the dangers of each change, and to what was attributable his popularity with each of the successive leaders of the State?



1. Translate into English

(1).-Antiocho fugato, verens ne dederetur, quod sine dubio accidisset, si sui fecisset potestatem, Cretam ad Gortynios venit, ut ibi, quo se conferret, consideraret. Vidit autem vir omnium callidissimus magno se fore periculo, nisi quid providisset, propter avaritiam Cretensium. Magnam enim secum pecuniam portabat, de qua sciebat exisse famam. Itaque capit tale consilium. Amphoras complures complet plumbo; summas operit auro et argento. Has, præsentibus principibus, deponit in templo Dianæ ; simulans se suas fortunas illorum fidei credere. His in errorem inductis, statuas æneas, quas secum portabat, omnes sua pecunia complet, easque in propatulo domi abjicit. Gortynii templum magna cura custodiunt, non tam a cæteris, quam ab Hannibale, ne quid ille, inscientibus his, tolleret, secumque duceret.

(2).-Humanitatis vero nullum afferre majus testimonium possum, quam quod adolescens idem seni Syllæ fuerit jucundissimus, senex adolescenti M. Bruto; cum æqualibus autem suis, Q. Hortensio et M. Cicerone, sic vixerit, ut judicari difficile sit, cui ætati fuerit aptissimus ; quanquam eum præcipue dilexit Cicero, ut ne frater quidem ei Quintus carior fuerit aut familiarior.

[blocks in formation]

Stabat, et, ignarus sua se tractare pericla,
Ore renidenti, modo, quas vaga moverat aura,
Captabat plumas, flavam modo pollice ceram
Mollibat, lusoque suo mirabile patris

Impediebat opus. Postquam manus ultima cœptis
Imposita est, geminas opifex libravit in alas
Ipse suum corpus, motaque pependit in aura.
Instruit et natum, Medioque ut limite curras,
Icare, ait, moneo, ne, si demissior ibis,
Unda gravet pennas, si celsior, ignis adurat.
Inter utrumque vola. Nec te spectare Booten
Aut Helicen jubeo, strictumve Orionis ensem.
Me duce carpe viam. Pariter præcepta volandi
Tradit, et ignotas humeris accommodat alas.
Inter opus monitusque genæ maduere seniles,
Et patriæ tremuere manus. Dedit oscula nato
Non iterum repetenda suo, pennisque levatus
Ante volat, comitique timet, velut ales, ab alto
Quæ teneram prolem producit in aëra nido;
Hortaturque sequi, damnosasque erudit artes,
Et movet ipse suas, et nati respicit alas.

Hos aliquis, tremula dum captat arundine pisces,
Aut pastor baculo, stivave innixus arator,

Vidit, et obstupuit, quique æthera carpere possent,
Credidit esse deos.

(4).-Talia dicentem, nervosque ad verba moventem
Exsangues flebant animæ. Nec Tantalus undam
Captavit refugam ; stupuitque Ixionis orbis ;
Nec carpsere jecur volucres; urnisque vacarunt
Belides; inque tuo sedisti, Sisyphe, saxo.

Tum primum lacrimis victarum carmine fama est
Eumenidum maduisse genas; nec regia conjux
Sustinet oranti, nec qui regit ima, negare,
Eurydicenque vocant.

(5).-Metellus, postquam videt frustra inceptum, neque oppidum capi, neque Jugurtham, nisi ex insidiis aut suo loco, pugnam facere, et jam æstatem exactam esse, ab

Zama discedit; et in his urbibus quæ ad se defecerant,
satisque munitæ loco aut monibus erant, præsidium im-
ponit. Ceterum exercitum in provinciam, quæ proxima
est Numidiæ, hiemandi gratia collocat. Neque id tempus
ex aliorum more, quieti aut luxuriæ concedit, sed, quoniam
armis bellum parum procedebat, insidias regi per amicos
tendere, et eorum perfidia pro armis uti parat.

II. Translate into Latin :-

This terrible strife was not only expensive and mischievous while it continued, but also the cause of great loss and suffering for many years after peace had returned. The habits which the war had created; the modes of employing capital, which its necessities compelled, could not at once be changed; without immense difficulty and enormous waste. Whole classes, who were engaged in the production of all that was necessary for the equipment and maintenance of our vast naval and military establishments, were sudden. ly left without the means of subsistence.

[blocks in formation]

written? What circumstances suggested its name to the author?

ہارون الرشيد - حجاز لقمان II. State what you know of كوفه - حاتم طائي - ا طرابلس نو شير و انحلب


مستجاب الدعوة

III. Give the meanings of

[ocr errors]

برگشته دولت خصمان بندي - شكوه مهي

مولع بزهد – عملها ے نکوهیده *

IV. Translate the following couplets and explain the construction of in (a). Give the name of ', in (b) and that of 【 in (c) and





بزرگیش سر
عطارد قلم در سياهي نهاد


مپندار و دلها بداغ تو ريش آیدت خیر پیش که روز پسین یکی تا کند تشنه را تازه حلق (0) افتند خلق دگر تا بگردن در

همه تخم نامردي

کا شتي

ببين لا جرم تاچه برداشتی


V. Explain and illustrate the following constructions

قلب اضافت لف و نشر غیر مرتب

مضاف و مضاف اليه - فك اضافت

[ocr errors][merged small]

تجنيس متشابه موال وجواب جملة معطوفه

VI. There are several plural forms of nouns ending in . Explain and illustrate this.

VII. Of the following words give (a) the derivation, (b) the English meaning, and (c) another word from the same root :

مدافعت - مجلس

مناظره معین

[blocks in formation]

موضع - مكتب :

[ocr errors]

VIII. (a) Explain the following symbols and contractions

[blocks in formation]

ع ن ل ط

ص عن

(b) What is the value in numbers of the following letters

ج ق

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

(d) What affixes are used to express similitude, possession,

place, diminution.

IX. (a) Give the of


حکایت کنند از یکی نیک مرد نیم نا نيگر خورد مرد خداي (2)

(6) Analyse

ملک پرسید که موجب خصمي موجب خصمي اينان درحق تو چیست - گفت در سایه دولت خداوندي دام ملکه همگنا نرا راضی کردم مگر حسود که راضی نمیشود إلا بزول نعمت من دولت خدا وندي باقي باد.

X. Translate the following idiomatic phrases :—

در پوستین کسي افتادن - کاغذ را لوله کردن - آهو گيري


کردن - آیان سرد کوفتن ـ لنده زدن به بینید که چند سر آب است - یک زوج ارسي بيار -- ريش آن

است. جوكند مي



[blocks in formation]

(i.) (a) The horse neighs. Does the mare shy?

(b) The key does not fit the lock.

(c) Will he drink two cups of tea?

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