Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση







N the absence of the PRESIDENT, the Steward first named prefides at all meetings, and in his abfence a chairman is chofen on the spot.

2. THE ftewards of the feaft, are fummoned by the treasurer, and give such directions and orders, as they think neceffary, for the improvement of the charity, alfo to the cook, vintner, and other perfons relating to the feast, and they attend the feast in the manner ufual in such cases.

3. THEY receive and examine the treasurer's accounts, and make report to the stewards elect, in order to keep up a regular connexion from year to year.

4. THEY lay the treasurer's accounts before the PRESIDENT, for his approval thereof, and defire his opinion with regard to any improvements which may be


5. THE Steward first named in the lift of the ftewards of the feaft, or his substitute, declares to the company at the feast, immediately before the collection, the choice of a treasurer, and alfo of the stewards elect.

6. THE acting Stewards make the collection at the tables, and deliver the fame into the hands of the treasurer.


II. Of

II. Of the OFFICE.

1. As it is impoffible to conduct a business of this kind, in a proper manner, without a place commodiously fituated to tranfact it in, the fociety have therefore (fince May, 1758) opened an office, (b) where attendance is given from nine till one o'clock, every Thursday morning, for the purpose of receiving recommendations of mafters and apprentices, making out the indentures, and giving the bounty.


1. THE treasurer is chofen annually before eleven o'clock in the morning, on the feaft-day, by the stewards of the feaft, the former ftewards being invited. to attend, and both one and the other acting as a committee for the fociety.

2. He communicates to the ftewards whatever appears effential to the good of the charity, and fummonfes them to a meeting, whenever he finds it neceffary to know their pleasure.

3. HE fends fummonfes for a particular meeting of the ftewards, within ten days before the feaft-day, in order to confult about their providing for the feast; to communicate the state of his account to them, and to regulate what shall appear to be neceffary.

4. He keeps, or caufes to be kept, a fair folio register-book of all the apprentices placed out, with the number of each, the date, age, ftature, name, trade, mafter's name, parish, and by whom recommended; also the parent's name, trade, and parish. He likewife keeps another folio book, which contains a copy of all accounts, as well thofe relating to the ftewards (being the expences of the feaft) as of the collection which relates to the fociety in general.

(b) The office is now in Bishopfgate-Street, almoft fronting the South-Sea Houfe, being the fame place as the Marine Society's compting-house.

5. HE

5. He fends fummonfes to the ftewards of the feaft, for a particular meeting (to be appointed at the feaft-room) within five days after the feaft-day, in order to the discharge and payment of all bills relating to the feaft.

6. THE Seal of the fociety, expreffing the defign of the inftitution, is depofited in his hands for fealing indentures, and other ufes of the fociety.

7. He fuper-intends the execution of the whole bufinefs, and as far as possible to maintain the feveral rules and orders made, for the happy conduct of this undertaking, and to render it equally pleafing and useful to all perfons whatsoever, with whom the fociety has any connexions.


1. THE fecretary attends as above, and discharges the feveral duties required of him.

He is under the direction of the treasurer, or other fubftitute of the ftewards.

3. He receives letters and petitions, makes out indentures, makes enquiries of the characters of mafters, and what else is neceffary, for which he is allowed a competent falary. (c)

V. Of the BoUNTY.

1. FIVE pounds are given to fuch mafters, (of whofe abilities the stewards, or their fubftitute, are well fatisfied,) who take apprentices to the following trades

(c) The flewards of 1758, being refolved to conduct this business with as great propriety as poffible, agreed with a capable person as their fecretary, and a suitable salary to engage his attention was fixed, but he not chufing to continue, the treasurer, in 1758 and 1759, faved this charge, by taking fo much duty on himself, and appropriated the falary to the charitable defign of the fociety, as he ftill intends to do in the mean while Mr. John Franklen, fecretary to the marine fociety, lodges at the office, in Bishopfgate-Street, and is ready to promote the bufinefs of it, for the benefit of the Stepney fociety.

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and occupations, viz. to ship-wrights, rope-makers, fail-makers, block-makers, riggers, caulkers, anchor-fmiths, fhip-joiners, maft-makers, boat builders, oar-makers, lightermen, and watermen, in such proportions to each trade respectively, as the stewards shall think proper, obferving the following conditions.

VI. Of the Conditions of Acceptance of APPRENTICES.

1. MASTERS of the trades above-mentioned, or workmen and foremen, who work under masters of the faid trades; also lightermen and watermen, must bring with them, when they first appear at the office, a letter, or writing, directed to the treasurer, from any creditable perfon, certifying that fuch mafter, workman, or foreman, lighterman, and waterman, are boneft, fober, and induftrious perfons; and, confequently fit to be entrusted with the care of apprentices.

2. PERSONS unknown to the treasurer, recommending those who petition for the five pounds as above-mentioned, must insert in their letters, or petitions, their profeffion, or trade, and place of abode: alfo with what man of business, in London, they are acquainted.

N. B. The defign of this is, that the indentures may be regularly made out at the time appointed, without any difficulty, arifing from any want of due information of the character of those who recommend, or the merits of the petitioner himself.

3. The boy fhall be prefented by his intended mafter in perfon, at the fociety's of fice; and the faid mafter fhall fubfcribe a memorandum book, mentioning his own name, trade, and place of abode; the name, age, and ftature of the boy; likewife, the name, trade, and place of abode of the boy's parents. In this memorandum-book shall be alfo inferted where the perfon who recommends, refides, and where to find the mafter.

4. THE boy fhall be kept four weeks upon liking, after the time of being fo prefented: (except where particular leave is given for a fhorter or longer time ;) and,


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