Norwegian Publishing Company, qu., 3546 Notre Dame de l'Ile Verte, Que., lightkeeper 3681 Notre Dame des Bois, Que., excise officer, dismissal, qu., 1772, qu., 3299, 3525, 3564 Nova Scotia. See also Maritime Claims Agricultural production, 295 904 Branch lines, 917 Canadian National Railways Lands, taxation, 1926 Representation on directorate, 3444 Cape Breton mining districts, distress in, 242, 770 Coal. See also that title Coal-mining industry, 152, 230, 255, 263, 882-7, 1061-2 Colliery districts, unemployment, 108, 149, 229, 242, 770 Transportation, 1728, 1737 Inquiry, 1451 Steel industry, and, 813. See also under this title, Steel Industry Coking plants, 3259 Customs preventive service, 691 Federal government, financial adjustment with, 741 Fishing industry, 814, 1087. See also Fish and Fisheries Fishways, 3699 Fruit and vegetable production, 2985 Geological survey, 3817 Harbours and rivers, 2935, 2946 Immigrants, settling in, qu., 1922. See also Immigration Indian agents, 2162 Industries, 813 Iron and steel industry, 230, 427, 658, 882-7, 917, 1009, 1058, 1087. See also under this title, Steel Industry Legal fees, 615, 1519 Mail carrier routes. 795 Mining industry, conditions, 221 Miners' wages, 243 National parks and historic sites, 2652, 3303 Old age pensions, and, 207, 313 Political partisanship investigation, 1492, 2625, 2673 Ports of entry, 691, qu., 1924 Postmasters, dismissals. See Post Office Volume I: 1-1241 Nova Scotia-Con. Powdered fuel, 3259 Prisons and reformatories, 1869 Provincial subsidy. 269, 3259, 4102 Public buildings, 588 Public works, 588 Railway wharves, 2947 Reparation claims, 3180 Representation in House of Commons, 153, 796, qu., 1091, qu., 1323 Rhodes government, 1086, 1233 Secession talk, 206, 1088 Steel industry, 230, 917, 1009, 1087. See also under this title, Iron and steel Amdt. (Mr. Finlay MacDonald), 3249 Subsidies, 269, 3259 Telegraph and telephone lines, 3414 Truro post office building, 590 Nova Scotia Bedding Company, 1232 Nursery Stock. See Horticulture Nut Mountain, Sask., postmaster, dismissal, 386, 1592 Oaths of Office Bill, 1r., 1 Observatories Dominion, Ottawa, 2917, 3856 Magnetic, grants to, 3690 Victoria, B.C., astrophysical, 2932 Ocean and River Service. See Marine and Fisheries Odessa, Ont., postmaster, 1775, 3220 Odette, Mr. E. G. (East Essex) Air mail services, 3432 Budget, 919. Speeches of the oposition, 918; Hon. Mr. Manion; the automobile industry, 919; production of the Ford Motor Company; employment in the automobile industry; statement of R. S. McLaughlin on the automobile industry; building construction, 920; Canadian Steel Corporation; the sales tax, 921; rubber industry; tobacco-growing industry; the tobacco pool; occupational or vocational unity, 922 Detroit River Canadian Bridge Company bill, 3295 Port Huron and Sarnia Bridge bill, 3271 Reference to by Mr. Gott, 2882 Reference of Mr. Tolmie to, 956 Office, acceptance of. See Removal of Ne- Ontario Con. Official Report of Debates. See House of Ohsweken, Ont., postmaster, dismissal, qu,, Oil Alberta fields. 416-17, 1217 Imports, 849, 953 Fish by-products from, 419 Oil well machinery, duty on, 1223 Old Age Pensions. See Pensions Old Massett, B. C., wharf, 3395, 3398 Oleomargarine, 1219 Oliver, the late Hon. John, 1210 Olympic Games, grant, 2369, 2394, 2442, qu., 2491 One Big Union, 2477, 2529 Onions. See Vegetables Ontario Canals, 3320 Cattle, restricted areas, qu., 379 Iron ore industry, commission of, 1923, 982 Juvenile delinquency, 4062 Kapuskasing land settlement scheme, 1205 Liquor control board, 695 Customs-excise duties, 3573 Drayton, Sir Henry, and, 2256 Manion, Hon. Mr., and, 695, 1286 Liquor prices, 669 McCrea, Hon. Charles, Minister of Mines, 827 Mail services, 3549 Mineral resources, development, 981 Mining industry, 647, 827. See also Mines and Minerals New areas added to, 1211 Northern Ontario Land available for settlement, 177 Mineral development, 83 Seasonal employment, 178 Provincial debt, retiring, 75, 205, 754 Public utilities, ownership, 1023 Rabies outbreak, 2394, 2771, 2869, 2917 Railway mileage, 3678-9 Salt belt. 1022 Sheep breeders' clubs, 873 Sinking fund for public debt, 1249 Report of commission of inquiry, 2840 Opium and Narcotic Drug Act. See also Narcotic Drugs Convictions under, qu., 382 Divorce court. See Divorce Court for Opium Convention. See Geneva Orders in Council. See also Government Alberta coal transportation, 1450, 2602, 2626 Expenses under, 3818 Tabled, 1548 British Columbia coal, 1769 Cattle, admission for grazing, 3397, 3443 Civil Service Act, exempted positions, 1582 Dumping clause, No. 1088, 170-1 Fruit and vegetables, qu., 2491, 2987 Polson case, 2217 Royalties on minerals, 2242 Russian trade agreement, 3062, 3467 Dominion lands, 2838-9 Tabled, 1948 Valuation of imports, 2000 Vancouver hotel, 4132 Vigilant, sale of, 4132 Water powers, 40 Orient. See also China; Immigration; Japan; Orientals Trade with, 60, 4162 Oriental Grain Company, 2049 Orientals Anti-oriental propaganda, 1195 Chinese in British Columbia, 1102 Conservative party, and, 60 Fishing industry, in, 1104 Conservative convention, res., 908 Japanese British Columbia in, 174, 1018 Immigration, qu., 377 Naturalization, 2557 Refusals to grant, 2611 Tommy Homma case, 2595 Naturalization, 2557 Orillia, Ont., woollen mills, 732-3 Oshawa, Ont. Canadian National railway station, 4016 Harbour, 4108 Level crossings, 2440 Post office, 2668 Ottawa Beautification of, 111. See also Federal District Commission Bridges and approaches, maintenance, 3403 Chaudiere bridge, 3413 Choice of as capital, 2316, 2657 Public buildings Government property, taxation, 2349 Improvement and beautification, 2708. See also Federal District Commission Expenditure, 2663 Major Hill park, 2675 Mines department laboratory, 2694 New departmental buildings. See under this title, Public buildings New Edinburgh mills property, 2869, 3348. See also Federal District Commission Purchase, estimates, 4103 Observatory, 2917, 3856 Parliament hill. See also Parliament Build ings Pavements and sidewalks, 3412, 3544 Post office Addition, 2697 Square, improvement, 2677 Public buildings, 2320, 2917 Fuel for, 1190 Government workshops, 2716 Light and power, qu., 1950, qu., 2048, 2669 2927, 2931, 3797 Rents, repairs, furniture, heating, 2637, 4107 Taxes, 2927 Rideau hall Alterations, furnishings, etc., 2697 Amdt. (Mr. Woodsworth) to reduce, 2607, neg., 2713 Orleans Island Bridges, 664 Telephone system, 664 Ottawa-Con. Rideau hall-Con. Alterations-Con. Pacific Relations, 159, 1707. See also For eign Relations; Peace Amdt. (Mr. Spencer) to reduce, 2714, Packing Industry. See Live Stock; Meats Padstow, Alta., post office, 3199 Paintings. See War Memorials Paints, duty on, 196, 715 Pairs. See Divisions Palm Oil. See Customs Tariff Items Panama Canal Route, 1939, 4001 Paper. See Pulp and Paper Parent, Mr. Georges (Quebec West) bill, 1430 Manitoba and Northwestern Railway bill, 1429 Millspaugh patent bill, 1431 Legislation, reference to, 1114 Reports, 654, 877, 1113, 1847, 2000, 2391, 2621, 2862, 2916, 3294, 3599 Quebec bridge, accidents on, 3496 Sisters of Charity bill, 2860 Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment, Hunter report, 655 Paris Representation. See Legations Parks. See Canadian National Parks of Commons; Senate Agriculture legislation, jurisdiction, 1877 Dissolution in 1926. 1295 Government, and, 43. See also Government Opening, 1 Prorogation, 4172 Statement by Prime Minister, 4084, 4126 Railway expenditure without sanction, 20 Royal commissions, and, 160 Supremacy, maintenance, of, 30 Traditions, maintenance, 3 Will of majority expressed through cabinet and prime minister, 1296 Parliament Buildings Approaches, 2316, 2320, 2346 Beautification of Ottawa, and. See Fed eral District Commission Patents Alien Labour Act, and, 433 Pathfinder, yacht. See Vessels Patronage. See Political Patronage Patterson, Hon. J. C., titles of Great Britain in Arctic lands, 3691 Patterson, Mr. W. R., donation of farm at Indian Head, 573 Pattullo, Hon T. D. See British Columbia Payette, Mr. J, T., steamer Vigilant, 3580 Peace. See also Foreign Relations; Imperial Great Britain and, 239 M. (Miss Macphail) for establishment of a Teaching of in schools, 3758 Peace River and Mackenzie District Railway Company Bill lr., 1346; 2r., 1429-30 Peace River District, 634, 992, 1205 Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia railway. See that title Imperial settlement scheme, 1168 Peace river block, 2 Railway outlet, 87, 202, 289, 1168, 3998 Engineers' report tabled, 992 Peace river pass, 88 Return of to British Columbia, 3109 Pearson, Mr. G. Fred, payments for legal services, qu., 3549 Peat. See Fuel Peck, Mr. E. A. (Peterborough) Budget, 1185. Forty-minute rule; McConachie case, 1185; immigration permits; immigration and unemployment; effect |