Bird, Mr. T. W. (Nelson) Address in reply, 131. Hudson bay railway; selection of Churchill as terminus, 131; Manitoba and return of natural resources, 132; pulpwood; water powers; tariff advisory board, 133; stabilization of the tariff, 134; immigration into Manitoba, 135 Blasphemous libel bill, press report, 746 Budget, 1113. Emigration to United States; unemployment in United States, 1113; sub-amendment and Progressive principles, 1114; budget and the income tax; tariff schedules; expression in house of views of manufacturers, 1115; tariff and the cotton industry; economic group representation; domination of economic conception in British political life; early politics in England, 1116; growth of the party system, 1117; rise of the labour party; European multi-party countries; political conditions in Denmark; party system in Italy and Spain; disadvantage of two-party system in United States; oppression of working-men and farmers; privileged classes and the party system; economic difficulties of Canadian western farmers, 1118 Criminal Code Amdt. bill (blasphemous libel) 365, 746 Federal district commission bill, 2332 International bible students, radio, 3669 International peace, M. (Miss Macphail) 1698 Member, voting inadvertently, 3064 Bird Sanctuary, Quill Lake, 470 Bisaillon, Mr. J. A. E., customs investiga tion, 3538 Bissett, Mr. E. D. R. (Springfield) Manitoba Paper Company, 3794 Bituminous Coal. See Coal Black, Mr. George (Yukon) Black, Mr. George-Con. Revision of the statutes, qu., 378, qu., 2600 Black, Hon. W. A. (Halifax) Admiral Beatty, schooner, seizure, 3593 Antigonish-Guysborough harbours, 2947 Bedford Basin powder magazine, qu., 2622 Building fishways and clearing rivers, 3699 Canadian Govt. Merchant Marine, 1758 East river dam, 3699 Fisheries commission report, legislation, 3301 Halifax county wharves, 2956 Halifax harbour commissioners bill, 2407, 2423, 2427 Hudson bay expedition supplies, qu., 2595, 3601 Hudson bay railway, 2731 Inspector of hulls and machinery, 3592 Parks and historic sites, 3303 Railway wharves, 2947, 3129 Dominion expenditure on, 2915 Post office square, 2678, 2681 Quebec harbour commissioners bill, 2168 Railway mail clerks, salaries, 3796 Root Vegetables Act Amdt. bill, 2285 St. John harbour commissioners bill, 2389 Steamship services, 2757 Sub-chaser Baroff, qu., 2599 Vigilant, steamer, sale of, 3588, 3637 Black, Dr. W. J., Immigration department. 3892, 3917 Black Point, N.S., breakwater, 3550 Blanchard, Mr. S. (Restigouche-Madawaska) Athabaska election, M. (Mr. Garland, Bow Blankets. See Customs Tariff Items River) 1829 Blasphemous Libel. See Criminal Code Amdt. Bills Blatchford, Mr. K. A. (East Edmonton) Alberta government railways, 1926 Budget, 1215. Western Liberal members; speech of Mr. McRae; homestead regulations, 1215; building railways to the coast; terminal facilities; terminal elevators in the interior; assistBlatchford, Mr. K. A. Con. Budget-Con. ing immigration into western Canada; Blind River, Ont., dredging, 3368 Board of Appeal. See Pension Act Amdt. Audit Act, federal district commission, 2349 Powers, 2196 Quebec harbour, report, 2377 Board of Customs. See National Revenue Board of Grain Commissioners. See Grain and Grain Trade Board of Pension Commissioners. See Pension Act Amdt. Bill; Pensions Bonaventure County, public works, patronage, 1361, 1365 Bonne Entente, 89 Bonshaw, P.E.I., freight shed, 2957 Bonus. See Bounties; Coal, Alberta, Transportation; Iron and Steel; Industries Books, undesirable, suppression, qu., 379. See also Publications Booth Farm. See Ottawa, Central Experimental Farm Bootlegging. See Liquor; Smuggling Boots and Shoes. See also Address; Budget Competition from United States, 713 Imports, 991 Rubber footwear, duties, 703 Borden, Right Hon. Sir Robert Canadian Constitutional Studies, 57, 95, 125 Reading out members of party, 738 Versailles treaty, 3485 War administration, 95 Washington disarmament conference, 3485 Borden Milk Company, 1185 Board of Railway Commissioners. See Rail- Border Cities, employment, 1154 way Commissioners Boats. See Canadian Government Merchant Marine; Marine and Fisheries; Shipping and Shipbuilding; Steamship Services; Vessels Bock, Mr. W. G. (Maple Creek) Address in reply, 172. Influence of celebration of diamond jubilee of confederation; visits of Their Royal Highnesses and Mr. Baldwin, 172; Hudson bay railway; constituency of Maple Creek; agricultural conditions in west; the wheat pool, 173; wheat rust research work; Hon. George Spence; Maple Creek not contested in recent by-election, 174 Boivin, Mr. P. E. (Shefford) Cotton schedules, buckram, 1441 Settlement of western lands, M. (Mr. Boulanger), 1343 Bolshevists, Communists and Anarchists May day processions and meetings, 1235 Schools, 1194 Toronto, in, 3450 Border Residents, danger to. See Liquor, Illicit Traffic; United States, Volstead Act Bothwell, Mr. C. E. (Swift Current) Address in reply, 244. Diamond jubilee of confederation; early pioneers in the west, 244; necessity for branch lines; Hudson bay railway; Flin-Flon mine, railway facilities; Swift Current district, 245; salaries of rural postmasters; comparative table of salaries paid to postmasters in Canada and United States; railway mail clerks, 246; transfer of postal officers from province to province because of health; federal grants to highways, 247; immigration from across the line; strike of railway shopmen in 1908; pension status of Canadian Pacific employees who took part in strike, 248; railway construction in western Canada, 249 Grading of wheat, M. (Mr. Millar), 535 National system of banking, 402 Volume I: 1-1241 Volume II: 1243-2672 Volume III: 2673-41.76 Bouchard, Mr. Georges (Kamouraska) House of Commons staff, returned soldiers, qu., 1093 Boulanger, Mr. Oscar L. (Bellechasse) Immigration, 3974 Settlement of western lands, M., 1337 Transfer of Canadians to other provinces, 3974 Boularderie, Cape Breton, telegraph, 3414 Boundary Treaties. See International Joint Commission; Treaties Boundary Waters. Sce Chicago Drainage Canal; Great Lakes Levels; International Joint Commission Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, 555-7, qu., 1686 Bounties. See also Address; Budget; Coal, Coal, for steel manufacturers, 3263 Copper, 524, qu., 793, 3138 Copper rods, 2900 Crude petroleum, 1864 Fishing, 3701, 3705 Hair seals in tidal waters, destruction, 3608 Hemp, qu., 793 Iron ore industry, 219, 220, 982-3 Nova Scotia steel industry, 273, 1058, 3249 Sheep-raisers, to, 1197 Steel industry, 1058, 1087, 3249 Wolves, on, 3830 Bourassa, Mr. Henri (Labelle) Address in reply, 234. Indications of prosperity; immigration; necessity for review of our economic system, 235; Quebec not bound to a policy of high protection; immigration and the population difficulty; equal facilities for Canadians as for Europeans, 236; repatriation of Canadians; British immigration, 237; success of small settlements rather than wholesale immigration; settlements at Gravelbourg and St. Paul de Metis, 238; equality of status; making peace permanent; the League of Nations; appointment of foreign ministers, 239; minister to France, 240 Budget, Amdt. (Mr. Cahan) 1094. Progressives and labour groups; Liberal party and Conservative principles, 1094; effect of budget on social and economic life; taxation Bourassa, Mr. Henri-Con. Budget-Con. system; the tariff; unsoundness of protection; objection to taxation of families; large families and indirect taxation; effect of protection on quality and efficiency of manufactures; comparison of Canadian and foreign standards of living; artificial industries and the tariff, 1095; the cotton and rubber industries; woollens, sugar and pulp and paper industries; need of markets for by-products of wood; encouragement to small industries; protection of industry, 1096; over-capitalization; economic absorption of Canada by the United States; condition of the labouring people; changed conditions since twelfth and thirteenth centuries, 1097; specialization of labour in industries; population problem; higher tariffs would not remedy emigration; fiscal policy must be adapted to Canadian conditions, attention to rural problems and maintenance of farm population; Progressive party and British preference, 1098; proportion of empire labour content and British preference; Geneva economic conference and the tariff question; imperial or national preference and the world tariff reductions; income tax, and invalid dependents, 1100 on Main motion, 1328, 1331. Right of every member to express his views motion for committee of ways and means; consequences of the rules of debate established by the house; enforcement of the fortyminute rule, 1331; limitation of all but leaders of the two "historical" parties to forty minutes; the Prime Minister and party evolution; the province of Quebec and the elections of 1925 and 1926, 1332; inconvenience of group representation; principle of free representation of all classes and groups; the two-party system; vindication of the recognition of the needs of all classes; evolution of representative government, in Great Britain; British system of government, 1333; rise of the Tories and Whigs in England; services rendered to modern England by newly-risen parties; the labour party, 1334; tumbling down party system of govBourassa, Mr. Henri-Con. Budget-Con. Main motion-Con. ernment; preserving the essential characteristics of a nation; 1335; doing justice to all classes; representation of classes, 1336 Civil service, returned men, preference, 3066 Egyptian question, 3453 Eleven o'clock rule, suspension of for division, 1320 Foreign consuls, standing, 3452, 3496 Imperial and foreign relations, amdt., 3445 50, withdrawn, 3504 International peace, M. (Miss Macphail) 1717 Judges' salaries, M. (Mr. Lapointe) 1512 Liquor, customs and excise duties, 3574 Literature, immoral, entry from United States, 3575 Mexican situation, 3452 Morning sittings, 3550 National defence estimates, 3339 National Revenue department Bill, 3065 Estimates, 3574 Peace treaty, signing of, 73 Prison labour, 73 Private and public bills, consideration, 2341 Citadel, Governor General's quarters, 2652 Russian trade agreement, 3062, 3349, 3447 Bourgeois, Mr. A. E. (Kent, N.B.) Budget, 743. Administration of the Minister of Finance; stable government elected in 1926; moderate tariff policy; adequate protection for manufacturers; wider markets; reduction of national debt; factors in favourable trade balance, 744; New Brunswick agricultural products and the tariff; West Indies treaty; New Brunswick field crop production, 1927; dairying industry; Australian treaty; fishing industry; lobster season; maritime freight rates; Kent railway; royal fisheries commission, 745 Prisoners in penitentiaries. qu., 1550 Boys, Mr. W. A. (North Simcoe) River), 1817 Budget, 1000. Immigration permits; case of deportation of child; prohibited classes, 1001; admission of feeble-minded; reduction of income tax; desirability of abolishing sales tax; Home Bank depositors, 1002; Canadian National Railways and the Conservative party; free trade and the tariff; Hon. Mr. Drury and the tariff; elections of 1925 and 1926, 1003; binder twine and cream separators; argument that tariff is a tax and raises prices; binder twine industry; imports and total production, 1004; closing of binder twine plants; Consumers' Cordage Company; Plymouth Cordage Company; Brantford Cordage Company, 1005; cream separator industry, imports and production; rubber industry, the manufacturer and the tariff; prices of tires, 1006, 1007 Czechoslovakia, treaty with, 2072 Naturalization Act Amdt., 2559, 2582, 2595 Pension Act Amdt. bill, 2972, 3051 2451, 2453, 2785, 2787 Public buildings Applications for, 2634, 2682, 2908 Quebec harbour commissioners bill, 2138, 2143, 2155, 2157 Railway Act Amdt. (grade crossings), 2443 Soldier Settlement Act Amdt. bill, 2791, 2978, 2803 Special War Revenue Act Amdt. bill, 1988-9 Supply, amendments, procedure, 2871 Toronto Terminal Railway Company, 2229 Vigilant, steamer, sale of, 3585 Boys, immigration of. See Immigration |