Fisheries Commission. See this title, under Foreign Relations--Con. Foreign Loans. See Finance, Loans Foreign Policy. See Constitutional Status; Foreign Relations; Imperial Conference; Legations Foreign Relations, 3445, 4153. See also Imperial Conference; International Peace; International Sanitary Con- Arcos building raid, 3448 Foreign consuls, status of, 3452, 3470, 3496 Great Britain, and, 61 Grey, Sir Edward, and foreign office, 3456 Imperial and, amdt. (Mr. Bourassa) 3445, 3496, withdrawn, 3504 International relations, 158 Pacific relations, 111 Russia, with, 3447 Suez canal route, 3453 Trade. See various trade treaties Foreign Settlements. See Immigration Foreign Wars, participation in. See Constitutional Status; Imperial Conference; War Forest Reserves. See Dominion Forest Reserves; Forests and Forestry Forests and Forestry. See also Dominion Forest Reserves and Parks Act; Natural Resources; Pulp and Paper; Timber Air patrol, 3777 Burning operations to clear land, 3848 Forest products laboratory, 3854 Homesteading and fire dangers, 2036 Forest resources, conservation, 3830 White, Mr. W. E., fire-ranger, dismissal, qu., 2622, qu., 3832 Forke, Hon. Robert (Minister of Immigration and Colonization) Address in reply, 185. Mixed farming in Manitoba; criticism of administration of Immigration department, 185; agricultural immigrants; Sir Charles Gordon on diversified employment; making the rural population contented, 186; policy of Department of Immigration; visit to Scandinavian countries, 187; immigration in 1913; comparative statements immigration from 1921 to 1927, 188; British immigration; empire settlement scheme; assisted passages, 189: railway agreements; land settlement board; boy immigrants, 190-191 Brandon agricultural fair, 4115 Immigration, 185-191 of Administration of department, 185, 3459 References to, 657 Agents, 1552 British retired officers, 1921 : Forke, Hon. Robert-Con. Immigration-Con. Confidential report, 3941 Deportation, 3964 Detroit office, 3297 Ens, Mr. Gerhard, employment, 3940 Estimates, 3247, 3940, 3946 Details, 748 Foreign settlements, conditions, 3902 Farm labourers, classed as, 1850 Kirzak case, 2836 Fort Frances, Ont., public building, 2635 Fort McMurray, Alta., wharf, 3388 Fort Pelly, Sask., postmaster, dismissal, 386, 1592 Fort William, Ont. Grain exchange building, 482 Grain in terminal elevators, 2393 Harbour, 2168, 2178 Naturalization applications, 2566 Post office building, 2668 McConachie case, 295, 855, 1113, 1114, Forty Minute Rule. See speeches on Ad 1554, 1631, 2773, 3967 Mennonites, investigation, 3940, 4127 Miners, 1854 Misappropriation of trust funds. 3980 Nova Scotia, to, 1922-3 Permits, 3894 Regulations, 51 Repatriation, 3969 Russia, from, 3896 Salaries and contingencies, 3247 Societies, 3958 Southeast Europe, from, 1630 Immigration Act Amdt. bill, 1868, 2483, 2495, 2510, 2523 Political patronage, 3015 674, 811 Red Deer Indian industrial school, leasing, 2161 References to, 2123 Bennett, Hon. Mr., by, 3925, 3963 Seeds Act Amdt. bill, 1986 "Sniping" directed against, accusation of, 3951-4 Soldier settlement, 3995 Chinn case, 3984 Foreclosures, 2459 Lands, revaluation, 1630, 3986, 3995 Soldier Settlement Act Amdt. bill, 2722, 2789, 2803, 2976, 3727 Soldiers' advisers, 2459 Tourists, control of, 2135 Winnipeg, unemployment, 2262, 2311 Formaldehyde. See Customs Tariff Items Forsyth, Mr. P. A., Whitney, N.B., postmaster, qu., 3793 Fort Churchill. See Hudson Bay Railway dress; Budget; House of Commons Fox Creek, N.B., postmaster, dismissal, 331 Fox-Raising Industry Canadian National Silver Fox-Breeders Association, qu., 2597 Prince Edward Island, 586 France. See also Imports and Exports; Trade; Treaties French treaty, 2062. See also discussion on commercial treaties with Czechoslovakia, European Countries New tariff and, 1195 Minister plenipotentiary to. See Legations Commissioner General, former, status, 240 Postal rates to, qu.. 377 Trade treaty with, 94, 719, 1070, 2131, 2062 Fraser, Mr. J. A. (Cariboo) Agriculture department estimates, 3709 Government telephone lines, sale, qu., 2393, 3414, 3428 Public buildings, 2903 Budget, 986. Saskatchewan members and the budget; mining industry, production, 986; bonusing the mining industry; imports and exports of iron and its products; non-ferrous metals; non-metallic minerals; increase in imports of manufactured articles; decrease in export of raw materials; 987; mineral imports; adverse trade balance in mining and manufacturing industries; Mr. Malcolm on increasing imports and decreasing exports; imports of raw materials, beverages, fruit and vegetables; sugar, undressed fur, 988; cotton industry; increase in imports of cotton yarns; flax, hemp and jute imports; woollen industry, 989; increase in importation of iron and its products; iron Fraser, Mr. J. A. Con. Budget-Con. and steel industry and the war; farm tractors, 990; duty on farm implements; imports and exports of automobiles; Saskatchewan National Dairy Council and cream and butter industry; Mr. Motherwell on imports and exports; boots and shoes and fish, 991; wood products; fruit industry; butter, fish and eggs; potentialities of Peace river district, 992 Commercial intelligence service, 3155 Cotton schedules, buckram. 1437, 1441 Customs ports, reduction of, 3594 Dominion Lands Act Amdt. bill, 2089 Dumping duty, amdt. (Mr. Anderson, Hal ton) 3010, 3053 European countries, trade treaties, 2121 Fruits and vegetables, imports, qu., 793, 988 Hammocks and window shades, duty, 1448 Hay and straw inspection bill, 3159 Kamloops, B.С. Fair, 3713 Public building, 2903 Telephone lines, 3428, 3414 Lower great lakes terminal, 3798 Merritt, B.C., public building, qu., 1324, 2905 Mines department laboratory, 2694 Montreal postal station, 2645 National gallery, 3416 National Revenue dept. estimates, 3594 Postal tractors, 2895, 2934 Prince George public building, 2903 Railway Act Amdt. bill (grade crossings), 2437 Railway Belt Water Act Amdt., 356, 1880 Correspondence, 385 Reparations claims, amdt. (Mr. Ernst), 3184 St. John Valley railway, qu., 2723 qu., 2622, 3832 Wilson, Inez, war claim, 3184 Railway wharves, 3129 St. John and Ste. Rosalie gateways, 194 French Canadians. See also French Language Canadian expeditionary force, in, 3567 Emigration to United States, 1161 Minority in Ontario, 136 Peace river country, 3680 Pioneer work of, 226 Post office department, and, 4081 Repatriation, 3971, 3975 Western provinces, in, 10, 1161 French Language. See also French Canadians Government reports published in, 386 Speeches, translation, qu., 480, qu., 1093 French Treaty. See France; Treaties Application of, 874, 3054, 3302, 3396, 3604, Galt, Ont., customs collector, qu., 1554 3653 Gaols. See Justice, Penitentiaries Gardiner, Mr. Robert (Acadia) Address in reply, 62. Speech from the throne contains no forecast of legislation, 63; territorial distribution of prosperity; balance of trade; capital to develop natural resources, 63; surplus of labour; conditions in western Canada; salaries for research work, 64; Dominion-provincial conference; subsidies for the provinces; return of natural resources to prairie provinces; British Columbia lands, 65; Canadian National Railways branch lines; Hudson bay railway; immigration, 66; pensions and medical care of returned soldiers; grants to highways; technical education; Alberta coal rate; St. Lawrence waterway, 67; tariff advisory board; redemption of national debt; undemocratic situation created by forty minute rule for speeches, 68. Agriculture estimates, details, printing, 994 |