House of Commons Debates, Official ReportE. Cloutier, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1928 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 63.
Σελίδα 18
... Nova Scotia Parks and historic sites , 3303 Public buildings , 2914 Public works , 2956 Railway wharves , 2947 , 3129 Ottawa Dominion expenditure on , 2915 Post office square , 2678 , 2681 Quebec harbour commissioners bill , 2168 ...
... Nova Scotia Parks and historic sites , 3303 Public buildings , 2914 Public works , 2956 Railway wharves , 2947 , 3129 Ottawa Dominion expenditure on , 2915 Post office square , 2678 , 2681 Quebec harbour commissioners bill , 2168 ...
Σελίδα 20
... Nova Scotia steel industry , 273 , 1058 , 3249 Sheep - raisers , to , 1197 Steel industry , 1058 , 1087 , 3249 Wolves , on , 3830 Bourassa , Mr. Henri ( Labelle ) Address in reply , 234. Indications of prosper- ity ; immigration ...
... Nova Scotia steel industry , 273 , 1058 , 3249 Sheep - raisers , to , 1197 Steel industry , 1058 , 1087 , 3249 Wolves , on , 3830 Bourassa , Mr. Henri ( Labelle ) Address in reply , 234. Indications of prosper- ity ; immigration ...
Σελίδα 21
... Nova Scotia , 2652 Imperial and foreign relations , amdt . , 3445- 50 , withdrawn , 3504 International peace , M. ( Miss Macphail ) 1717 Judges ' salaries , M. ( Mr. Lapointe ) 1512 Liquor , customs and excise duties , 3574 Literature ...
... Nova Scotia , 2652 Imperial and foreign relations , amdt . , 3445- 50 , withdrawn , 3504 International peace , M. ( Miss Macphail ) 1717 Judges ' salaries , M. ( Mr. Lapointe ) 1512 Liquor , customs and excise duties , 3574 Literature ...
Σελίδα 24
... Nova Scotia representation , 796 Obligations under treaties , 1973 Quarantine , 1971 , 3781 Representation of provinces , 1831 British North America Act - Con . Resolutions involving public expenditure . 3314 Taxation , and , 725 ...
... Nova Scotia representation , 796 Obligations under treaties , 1973 Quarantine , 1971 , 3781 Representation of provinces , 1831 British North America Act - Con . Resolutions involving public expenditure . 3314 Taxation , and , 725 ...
Σελίδα 31
... Nova Scotia , 3303 Prince Albert park , 3855 Quebec citadel , fortifications , 2650 Water powers , alienation , 3851 Canadian National Railways , 1125. See also Address ; Budget ; Canadian Govern- ment Merchant Marine ; Freight Rates ...
... Nova Scotia , 3303 Prince Albert park , 3855 Quebec citadel , fortifications , 2650 Water powers , alienation , 3851 Canadian National Railways , 1125. See also Address ; Budget ; Canadian Govern- ment Merchant Marine ; Freight Rates ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Act Amdt Address in reply Agriculture Alberta Anticosti island Australian treaty Bank Bow River British Columbia British Columbia Railway Budget Budget-Con Canada Canadian National Railways canal Civil Service coal committee Council Customs Tariff Items Dairy debt dept dismissal district commission bill divorce bill Dominion Lands Act dredging Dumping duty Electricity employment estimates expenditure exports farmers Federal district commission Fisheries fishing Halifax harbour commissioners bill House of Commons Hudson bay railway Immigration Imperial Conference imports income tax inspection Labour Lake Lawrence waterway Live Stock Loan Mahone Bay ment Mining Minister National Revenue department Naturalization Act Amdt Nova Scotia Ontario Ottawa Peace river Pension Act Amdt Port post office Postal postmaster Prince Edward Island Private Bills public building Quebec citadel Radio Railway Act Amdt reduction salaries sales tax Sask Soldier Settlement speech Steel industry tariff advisory board taxation tion Toronto United wharf Winnipeg Woollen