Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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We have had specially in view the people of the parishes of Scotland, feeling it our duty and our privilege, as ministers of Christ in the Church of Scotland, to promote the cause of the Jews among our brethren. If the Church of Scotland in these perilous times, "take hold of the skirt of the Jew," God may remember her for Zion's sake.

The work has been long delayed, longer than was desirable, but this delay was unavoidable. During at least twelve months after returning home, scarcely a week passed wherein we did not receive some call to visit this or that other parish in order to tell orally the things we had seen and heard. And even now, when at length we have found time to sit down and write these records of our journey, it has been amidst the incessant demands for parochial labours, to which every pastor is daily subjected, and which he feels to be imperative.

May the God of Israel, for his ancient people's sake, make this work useful in kindling a brighter flame of love to the Jews in the bosom of all who are " the Lord's remembrancers" in Scotland, and may He grant "that this service which we have for Jerusalem may be accepted of the saints."

2d May 1842.



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Embark for Leghorn... Hieres... Appearance of Italian Coast...
GENOA...Aspect of the Town...Galley Slaves...Streets...Genoese
Females...Monks...Popery...JEWS...Interview with an elderly Jew
...Information as to Jews in Italy and Gibraltar...Leave for Leg-
horn...LEGHORN...Meet Fellow-countrymen...Late Rev. Mr Martin
of St George's Church, Edinburgh... Visit to the English Ceme-
tery...Low state of Religion... Popery... Sabbath...Appearance of
the Town... Visit to the Synagogue...JEws...Interview with Rabbi
Bolaffi...Jews' Library and School... Other interviews with Jews...
Jewish Burying-ground...Chancellor Uzielli, and account of Jewish
Polity...Deputation summoned before the Police, and commanded

[blocks in formation]

to leave Tuscany...Means to be used in behalf of Jews in France
and Italy...Embark for Malta...Pass Elba...Interview with Passen-
gers...Anchor at Civita Vecchia...Popery...Distant view of Sicily...
Gozo...Arrive at MALTA...Harbour... Valetta...The Maltese...State
of Morals... JEWS...Mr Schlienz...Rev. Mr Freemantle...Dr Clarke
...Embark for Alexandria...Coast of Greece...Cape Matapan...The
Egean Sea...Islands of Spezzia, Melos, &c....Anchor at SYRA...Ap-
pearance of Town... Mr Hildner... Church Missionary Society...
Schools...Re-embark...Naxos and Paros, &c....Interview with four
Jews... Crete... Salmone...Sacred recollections...Interview with a
young Frenchman...The Harbour of Alexandria.


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DAMIETTA...Vice-Consul...Governor...Eastern Repasts...Dwell-
ing-houses...Customs at Dinner...Græco-Romish Church... Visit to
a Native School...Eastern waste of time...Proceed to Lake Menzaleh
...Open boat...Bedouin Sheikh...Villages on the Banks...Mendesian
and Tanitic branch of the Nile...Arab Quern...Watering the Fields

[blocks in formation]

...ZOAN...Its Ruins...Fulfilment of Prophecy...Travel on Camels...
Illustration of Scripture.....Journey in the Desert..." Bringing down
the heat with the shadow of a cloud"...Pelusiac branch of the Nile...
Bedouins, illustration of Scripture...Accident to Dr Black...Reach
Gomatter...Sabbath... Conversation with our attendants...Ishmael is
yet to be gathered...Shitta-tree... Part of the desert of Shur... Ta-
phanes and Migdol.......The Pasha's Dromedary post...Duadahr...Rest-
ing at Wells...New appearance of the Desert... Catieh...Kindness of
the Postmaster...Graves of Marabouts...Ruins of Tel Faramah...
Flocks of Sheep and Goats...Beer-el-abd...A Salt Land...Hills of Seir
in the distance.....Sirbonian Lake....... Abugilbany....... Birds..." Going
down to Egypt"...Intense heat...Rush to the wells...Disappoint-
ment like Marah...Site of Ostracine...Rhinocolura.


EL ARISH... Scarcity of Food...Visit from the Governor...
Dilatory movements ... Illustrations of Scripture... Flat-roofed
Houses...An Arab Oven...Ancient Bed of a River...Arab School...
Gateway of the Fort... Visit of the Governor...A Coptic Christian...
Writer's Inkhorn...Set out for the Lazaretto...Canals of Water in
gardens...Cross the bed of the River...Enter the Land of Israel...Ride
through the Tribe of Simeon...Encamp at Sheikh Juide...First Sab-
bath in PALESTINE...Sing the Psalms of David... Valley of Gerar...
Fields...Colony of Ants...Road to Gaza..." Places of the Paths"...
Raphia...Khanounes... Sirocco...Bazaar...Illustrations of Scripture
..... Public Well... Burying-ground... Bennishail... Sycamores...Few
trees in Palestine...Shepherds with Flocks... Dair...Brook Besor...
Encamp near GAZA...Environs of Gaza-The Plague...The Town...
Prophecy remarkably fulfilled...Samson's Hill...Coast of the Philis-
tines...Arab Customs...Winnowing Barley...Eastern Sheep... En-
ter an Olive Grove...Illustrations of Scripture... People busy at
Harvest-work...Bet-hanoon...Valley of Eschol and Sorek...Former
Fertility...Deiresnait...Desolate appearance of Villages...Flocks at
noon..." Plant of renown"...Leban-hemat...Dhura...Mode of Salu-
tation among the Bedouins...Villages...State of Ashkelon...Doulis
...Drawing water...Folds for Flocks... Interesting Fulfilment of Pro-
phecy...Tents of Kedar...Key of Eastern houses...Come down upon
the Plains of Judah... Sephela...Villages within view...Ashdod...
Eleutheropolis...Safeen. .Bethcar...Swarms of Flies...Valley of Ze-
phathah...Return of the Ark...Kasteen...Mesmieh... Threshing-floor
...Oxen...Asenibba...Large fields of Thistles... Prophecy fulfilled...
Jimso...Hulda...An African playing on the Pipe... Prophecy illus-
trated...Village of Latroon...Encamp in HILLS OF JUDAH... Terraces

[blocks in formation]

...Briars and Thorns... Prophecy fulfilled...Pass up the Defile...
Distant view of Ramla and Plain of Sharon... Kurich, or Kirjath-
jearim...Vine-terraces...El Kustul... Valley of Elah...David and
Goliath...Kalonie...Approach to Jerusalem...Solemnity of the mo-




Enter the City... Kindly received by fellow-countrymen... Mr
Nicolayson... Walk at sunrise outside of the gate... Remove to the
Mission-house on Mount Zion...View from it...Proposed Hebrew
Church...Stones from Anathoth... Prophecy fulfilled... Plague in
the City...Information in regard to the Jews...Character...Schools
Hope of Messiah...Wretched state...Evening ride outside the
Walls... Tomb of David... Mount Zion... Graves of Missionaries
... Prophecy fulfilled... Valley of Hinnom... Valley and Pools of
Gihon... Valley of Rephaim...Extent of the Ancient City...Bezetha
...Scopos...Sabbath in Jerusalem...Services of the Sanctuary...Lord
Hamilton... Bedouin Chief...The Kangfud of Isaiah... Gazelles...
Church of the Holy Sepulchre... Site of Calvary... Mourners in
the Streets...Roads...Brook Cedron... Passing view of Gethsemane...
The road to Bethany...MOUNT OF OLIVES...Sir Moses Montefiore...
View from Mount of Olives...Nebo and Abarim...Scripture illus-
trated...View of Moriah, and site of the Temple...Prophecy fulfilled
...Valley of Jehoshaphat...An eccentric Resident... Illustration of
Scripture... Visit to the Consul...JEWS...Statistics of the Jewish po-
pulation of Palestine...Treatment they receive from the professedly
Christian sects... Influence of the British Consul among them...Gihon
...Hinnom...Hill of Evil Counsel... Valley of Rephaim...Views... Val-
ley of Hinnom...Aceldama... Valley of Jehoshaphat...Valley of Cheese-
mongers... Ophel...En Rogel... Harvest operations... Place where
Isaiah was sawn asunder... Pool of Siloam, and Fountain...Hymn...
Jewish Graves...Absalom's Pillar...Place where Jesus wept over the
City...BETHANY...Tomb of Lazarus...Scenery...Church of the As-
cension... Tombs of the Kings...Illustration of Scripture...Morning
visit to Gethsemane...Associations of the spot...Pool of Bethesda...
JEWS...Information regarding the Jews in Palestine...Their Num-
bers... Their feeling toward their Land...Means of Support...Com-

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