MISCELLANY : Scraps for the Curious, 40; Colo- nization of the Holy Land, 93; Anecdote of Ad- miral Hopson,-Anecdote of Louis Philippe, - Low Sunday, Fry Testimonial, 142; The Law-
262 Harmonicon; Family Mathematics, 146; Con-
jecture of a New Planet,-Junius' Manuscripts,
281 -Protection of Literature, - Rare Collection of
Old Plays, Birthday of Tycho Brahe, An Afri-
391 can Expedition,-Gradual Rise of Newfoundland above the Sea, 148; Dickens and Mrs. Trollope in Russia, Ascent of Mont Blanc, Original Min- iature of Oliver Cromwell,-New Sign of Death,
293 -Louis Buonaparte, 286; Scraps from Punch, 290;
124 Baths and Washhouses for the Poor, -Self Con- fidence a Duty, - Passive Resistance, -Supply of Water to Rome and London, 291; Expedition to South America,-Death of Charles Buck, Esq.,
403-Vital Statistics of the Metropolis, The Dau-
phin of France,-Der Freishutz Again, A Kiss
231 for a Blow, 292; The Camel and the Needle's
POETRY: Spinning of the Shroud-Let the World Frown, 143; First Grief-Birthday Thoughts, 144; The Mother's Grave-The Grave in the City, 145; To-Night-Lay of a New Era-My own Home, 287; La Fata Mor- gana-The Three Preachers, 288; Farewell Song, 289; The Dying Painter-Weep Not, 430; The Faithful Heart-Not to Myself Alone, 431; The Woodman-Flowers-The Watcher on the Tower, 432; Love's Seasons- Mother's Resignation-Death Bed, 433; Το the Dove-Hero and Leander, 568; What shall be the End of These Things-Napoleon, 569; The World a Sepulchre-The First Grey Hair-A Love Dream, 570.
Eye, 334; Fate and Providence, 390; Paragraphs Portrait, The, from Punch, 434; An Example to Employers, - We must Invade Ireland,--Young Ireland on the Distress, 435; Mohammed Ali and his Family, - Lord Rosse's Telescope, 436; American Nick- names,-Nature not a Utilitarian,-Retirement of Mr. Tait, 567; What can be done for Mexico, 571; A Dead Man Dining-Lady Londonderry's presentation to the Sultan--Lord Stowell, 572; The Danish Poet, Herr Andersen, 573; Conse- quences of Smoking-Statue of O'Connell-Va- rieties of Jealousy-Recreation for the People, 574; Tales for the Marines--Guizot and the panish Marrie Marriages--The Slavishness of Free- men--Droll Typographic Accident, 575: Illu- sions often the seed of Realities-Remarkable Phenomenon, 576.
Sealsfield, Charles, Writings of, Foreign Quarterly Review,
Paris in 1846, Dublin University Magazine, 214 Suchet, - Retrospective Gleanings,
Parliament, the Long, and Sir Simonds
Switzerland, and Swiss Churches, Tait's Magazine,
Peru, Sketches of, Foreign Quarterly and
System of the Heavens as revealed by Lord Rosse's Telescopes, - Tait's Magazine,
Philosophy and Philanthropy, David Hume and David Nasmyth,
Pitt and Fox, Age of, - Eclectic Review, Poets, Preachers, and Politicians,-Athe-
Portugal and its Rulers, - Foreign Quarterly Review,
206 Travels in South Africa, -Britannia,
Thiers, Adolphe, The French Statesman, &c, Dublin University Magazine, Travelling Letters, Charles Dickens', 109, 190
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