Mr. Gere moved that the Secretary be authorized to employ such help as may be needed as collector and in charge of the bureau of exchanges at a salary of $900. Carried. Moved by Mr. Gere that the Secretary be authorized to employ Miss Palin at $25 per month. Carried. The following communications were read to the executive board at its meeting, May 8, 1901: "To the Honorable Board of Managers of the State Historical Society: "SIRS This is to formally make application for a position which shall enable me to thoroughly investigate the archeology of this state under the auspices of the State Historical Society and to make collections of relics of value to the Society in this and other lines. "Also to respectfully request your honorable body to permanently establish a department of archeology and set apart sufficient funds to economically maintain it. "Respectfully submitted, "E. E. BLACKMAN. "Mille Lac, Minnesota, April 29, 1901." "Professor Caldwell, Lincoln. "MY DEAR SIR-Archeologic examinations for definite sources of information are being extended from the Arkansas river northward to Lake of the Woods, and up the Missouri river to and into Montana. I do not desire to assume the responsibility of determining the archeology of your state, but if your Society will take favorable action, intended to enhance collecting for museum purposes, so that Nebraska can maintain its own proofs of ancient and more recent occupancy, it will be a pleasure to go to Nebraska, entirely at my own cost, to assist in the work. I very much desire the information to be gained, but I do not propose to interfere with the arrangements of the Historical Society and the explorations of Mr. Blackman. It so happens that studies initiated in Missouri and Kansas necessarily extend across Nebraska to Mandan where the Arikaras have been traced. Please advise me at box 2360, St. Paul, Minnesota. "Very truly, "J. V. BROWER.” Moved by Governor Furnas that Mr. Blackman be employed for making archeological surveys and collections of Nebraska, and that $300 be set aside for carrying on this work. Also that all collections found by him belong to the Society. Carried. Mr. Brower to be thanked for his advice and assistance in the work of the Society. Carried. The Secretary was authorized to buy such books on Nebraska as may seem necessary. Carried. The Secretary was authorized to hire such day labor or hour labor as may be necessary. Carried. The meeting now adjourned. H. W. CALDWELL, Secretary. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING, 1902. Lincoln, Nebraska, January 14, 1902. President Morton in the chair. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Morton. The program was proceeded with, and President Morton stated that ill health had prevented the preparation of a paper by him, so without further preliminaries he would introduce Mr. J. R. Buchanan, who presented his paper on the "Great Railroad Migration into Northern Nebraska." In the absence of Mr. E. L. Lomax, his paper was read by Mr. A. E. Sheldon. The Secretary read a paper by Gen. G. M. Dodge, and a letter from Mr. James J. Hill. Round Table.--A discussion by President Morton of the conditions of coming to Nebraska in 1854. He remarked that it was 300 miles to the nearest railroad whistle. Mr. C. H. Gere spoke of the early movement to get railroads to enter Lincoln and the disposition of the 500,000 acres of land. Mr. J. E. North spoke on early days along the Union Pacific railroad. In 1867 the Indians wrecked a train, the only train ever wrecked by the Indians. Mr. Sargent, an engineer on the Union Pacific, addressed the Society in regard to his early experiences in the West. The meeting adjourned. H. W. CALDWELL, Secretary. January 15, 1902. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. J. Sterling Morton at 8:16 P.M. in accordance with adjournment on January 14, 1902. As the first speaker was not in the room, in accordance with a motion by Mr. C. H. Gerc, the meeting was opened by reading the Secretary's minutes. After reading they were approved as read. Mr. Blackman was then presented and gave an address on the archeology of Nebraska. In the absence of Mr. G. L. Laws, Mr. J. H. Ager presented his paper on "Nebraska Politics and Railroads." Mr. Ager's paper presented the reasons for and the extent of the part railroads have taken in Nebraska politics. Mr. Sayer then discussed the development of the counties of Nebraska, presenting to the Society a most valuable series of maps showing the growth of the territory of Nebraska and of its subdivisions. BUSINESS MEETING. President Morton: The next is the election of members. I would like to propose the names of Dr. H. Link, Douglas county, Millard; J. R. Buchanan, Douglas county, Omaha; J. H. Ager, Lancaster county, Lincoln; P. J. O'Gara, Lan caster county, Lincoln; C. W. Allen, Merriman; W. H. Keeling, Falls City. Elected. Captain Chittenden, Sioux City, Iowa, elected an honorary member. Mr. Sheldon reports for the committee on revision of the constitution and explains the principal changes. Report received. Mr. Sheldon: By permission of the President I will read a resolution I have as follows: "This Society, with deep regret, records the death, January 9, 1902, at Florence, of Mr. W. F. Parker, a member of this Society, well and widely known as a lover of art, letters, and nature, as well as a man of high public spirit and moral purposes. Ordered that this testimonial to his worth be placed on the records of this Society, and that a copy thereof be transmitted by the Secretary to his family." Carried. Recognizing the importance of preserving the scanty remains of prehistoric civilization on this continent and of providing for the study of such under proper regulations, the Nebraska State Historical Society commends to the favorable consideration of Congress the bill (house roll 6270) creating the Colorado Cliff Dwellers National Park. The Secretary of this Society is hereby ordered to transmit a copy of this resolution to the senators and representatives of the state of Nebraska now in Congress and to the chairman of the committee on public lands and buildings. Carried. Mr. Gere presents the Treasurer's report. President Morton: I will appoint Mr. A. Watkins, Mr. N. C. Brock, and Mr. Isaac Pollard to examine the report of the Treasurer just made. In the meantime the report is received and will be adopted after the examination. Mr. Sawyer moved that the present officers be declared elected for the ensuing year. Seconded and carried. Mr. Watkins: The committee has examined the account .kept by the Treasurer and find it correct. Adjourned. TREASURER'S REPORT, 1902. Hon. R. W. Furnas, President Nebraska State Historical Society: SIR-I have the honor to report the receipts and expenditures of the Society since the last annual meeting as follows: Balance in the state treasury of the appropriation of 1901 on Janu Lincoln January 14, 1902... .$ 566 88 |