Wellington H. England, Lin- A. C. Lederman, Grand Is HELD AT THE TEMPLE, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, JANUARY 13-14, 1908. A preliminary session was held Monday evening, January 13, at 7:30 P.M., when the following program was presented, President George L. Miller presiding: Address, "History". Hon. William J. Bryan Address, "Life and Character of James B. Kitchen," Richard L. Metcalfe Miss Julia Williams Piano Solo... Jasper L. McBrien, State Supt. Public Instruction Tuesday, January 14, 1907, 7:30 P.M. The Nebraska State Historical Society met in business session, Dr. George L. Miller presiding. There appearing to be a quorum present, the roll call was dispensed with on motion of the Secretary. The reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting was waived. The report of the Secretary was then presented, and on motion of S. L. Geisthardt, seconded by A. N. Yost, of Omaha, the report was adopted. (See p. 288.) The report of the Treasurer, S. L. Geisthardt, was then presented and action upon same postponed pending the report of the auditing committee. Mr. Robert Harvey, appointed by the Executive Board to audit the report of the Treasurer, submitted the following: Lincoln, Nebraska, January 13, 1908. To the President of the State Historical Society: SIR-Your Committee to whom was referred the annual report of the Treasurer, together with the stub-book of receipts for money received, vouchers for money paid, cash book, and pass book of deposits with the Bank of Commerce, Lincoln, Nebraska, with instructions to audit the accounts of the same, desire to make the following report, to-wit: I have examined said books and vouchers and find the cash book shows the following amounts have been received and disbursed, to-wit: RECEIPTS. Balance from 1907.... Dues for 136 new members at $2 per member..... Total DISBURSEMENTS. $228 79 272 00 12 50 $513 29 Paid on vouchers.. Balance on hand.... 238 35 $274 94 Which amount agrees with the balance on hand as shown by the Treasurer's last settlement with the Bank of Commerce, January 4, 1908, and also with the Treasurer's report. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT HARVEY. Auditing Committee. On motion the report of the Auditing Committee was adopted. The report of the Treasurer was then adopted as read. (See p. 310.) The report of the special committee appointed by the President to examine into and report upon the work of the Society for the year 1907 was then presented as follows: To the Nebraska State Historical Society: Your special committee to examine into the work, methods, and progress of the Society for the past year beg to report as follows: That your committee held a meeting at the rooms of the Society, January 11, 1908, and found as follows: First-That the accounts of the Society are methodically kept and vouchers filed to cover all expenditures. Second-That the records, vouchers, and books of account of the Society have been examined and found correct by the public accountant, Mr. H. S. Wiggins. Third-That the officers of the Society have promoted successful meetings of the Pioneers' Association, State Historical officials, and other kindred societies whose work and objects are allied to those of this Society. Fourth-That the Society has acquired, by exchange and purchase, a large amount of new material, which, together with that already possessed by the Society, has been, with much labor, arranged, classified, and catalogued, and thereby made available for the purpose of the Society. Fifth-That the Secretary has devoted practically his whole time to the service of the Society, without compensation, the Board having at his request transferred his nominal salary to one of the assistants. Sixth-That the Secretary has at his own expense visited a large number of Historical Societies and libraries in neighboring states, and thereby promoted friendly relations therewith. Seventh-That there is an increased interest by the Press and Public of the State in the work of the Society which has resulted in a large increase of the membership. Eighth-We find that the work and usefulness of the Society are greatly impaired by want of suitable quarters, and in the opinion of your committee the time has come to move for a permanent building for the Society. H. H. WILSON, E. T. HARTLEY, F. W. BROWN, A. J. SAWYER W. A. SELLECK. Mr. Henry H. Wilson moved the adoption of the report. Carried unanimously. The committee on obituaries, through Mr. A. J. Sawyer, submitted the following report: The Committee on Obituaries have to report that that mysterious power which we call Death has invaded our ranks and taken from our list of membership, General John M. Thayer, Edward Rosewater, Major Charles W. Pierce, and Nathan Blakely; therefore be it Resolved, That in their death the Nebraska State Historical Society has lost four of its most honored and respected members. Each was a patriot and rendered conspicuous service to the nation in its hour of need; each a statesman and helped to lay broad and deep the foundation of our commonwealth and to govern it with just and wholesome laws; each was a philanthropist ever seeking the good of his brother înen; each was a pioneer and endured the hardships and privations common to the vanguard of settlers in a new territory. By their lofty patriotism, their pride of state, their zeal for its betterment and their civic virtues, they have left their impress for good upon the institutions of our noble Nebraska which shall endure through all time. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the records of this Society and also furnished to the press. A. J. SAWYER. The resolution was unanimously adopted. On motion of Samuel B. Iiams the Secretary was instructed to cast, and did so cast, the unanimous ballot of the members present for the election to active membership of the following: George W. Sisson, Lincoln. son. Edward P. Pyle, Stockville. S. C. Stewart, Axtell. Augustus M. Walling, David City. Henry M. Eaton, Lincoln. George F. Corcoran, York. Anna M. B. Kingsley, Minden. Griffith P. Thomas, Harvard. Theodore Griess, Harvard. Place. Mary E. Patterson. Lincoln. Evan T. Roberts, Lincoln. Joseph A. Williams, Lincoln. Frank E. Jackson, Lincoln. Edwin S. Ripley, Lincoln. Martha J. Prey, Lincoln. Drusilla C. Mockridge, Lincoln. Walter S. Whitten, Lincoln. John H. Carpenter, Lincoln. A. E. Hildebrand, Gretna. Dr. Henry Y. Bates, Belgrade. Margaret J. Carns, Lincoln. Myrtle P. Atwood, Lincoln. Mrs. L. W. Colby, Beatrice. John A. Bingham, Lincoln. John M. Osborne, Pawnee City. Jonathan Edwards, Omaha. George W. Davenport, Lincoln. Henry C. McMaken, Plattsmouth. George W. Hansen, Fairbury. Rev. John E. Ingham, Lincoln. Mrs. Kittie McGrew. Auburn. Dr. Samuel W. McGrew, Auburn. |