Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

a diligent and devoted laborer in the Gospel, they were, during the remainder of her life, often parted for the work's sake. Although his sensitive mind keenly felt the consequent privation, he bore these separations with Christian patience and resignation; always encouraging her in the performance of apprehended duty.

In 1811 they removed to Sunderland, and in 1822 to Liverpool. Thomas Robson continued to reside at the latter place, until the year 1844, when he took up his abode at Huddersfield, and there spent the remainder of the bright and peaceful evening of his life.

As an elder and father in the church, he was occasionally engaged to accompany friends in the ministry, in their journeys in the service of the Gospel. On such occasions, by the extent to which he was enabled to unite with them in their mental exercises, and by the love and interest he evinced on behalf of the visited, these services were rendered truly valuable and acceptable to his companions, and gained for him the affection and esteem of a large number of his friends where they travelled. He sometimes accompanied his dear wife on journeys of this kind, including one of her visits on the European Continent, and one of those which she paid to Friends in America. Having spent nearly four years in the latter engagement, he became well acquainted with, and deeply interested in the friends on that side of the Atlantic, with some of whom he kept up a correspondence till near the termination of his life. A minister who afterwards visited that country, in writing from the house of a friend in the State of New York, says, speaks with much interest of T. and E. Robson's visit and tarriance under their roof, and the privilege she enjoyed in accompanying them to several meetings, 'T. R. preaching as loudly by example and conversation as E. R. did in word and doctrine.'"

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exercise in them, I may acknowledge with thankfulness (although many times very low seasons are my portion), that I have been frequently favored to experience the blessed Saviour's voice to be sweet, and his countenance to be comely! When these high privileges are dispensed, how do all the discouragements disappear and flee away!"

Here we see it strikingly set forth, that there is real support, and even at times, rich consolation in the midst of trials, experienced by the humble Christian traveller, who, amidst many infirmities, it may be, of flesh and of spirit, is endeavoring to follow his Saviour, and can sincerely adopt the words of David, "The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver." That this was the case with the subject of the present little memoir, is abundantly evident from the following memoranda:

First month 2d, 1834. "I continue to feel very thoughtful respecting my outward situation. My prayers are for right direction, that I may be safely guided and employed during the few remaining days I may yet be permitted to live; they cannot be very many, in the common course of nature, being now in the 66th year of my age. I am very desirous that my future time may be spent agreeably to the will of my Heavenly Father, even if it be greatly in the cross to my own will-for when this is the case, hard things are made easy, and bitter things sweet."

First month 6th, 7th and 8th. "These days have been spent partly in attending to the poor, reading, &c. I endeavor to maintain a wrestling state; I cannot be satisfied without in some degree feeling a sense of divine favor. This morning, at meeting, was permitted to enjoy something of those refreshings, which come from the divine presence."

Sixth month, 13th. "In meeting, I endeavor to maintain the struggle, in order to experience In 1833, T. R. accompanied his dear partner the silence which is truly profitable; and herein in one of these visits to the western counties of I am seldom disappointed. The divine blessing England, in allusion to which he says, in his has often been experienced, and sometimes great memoranda: "I had great satisfaction in attend- consolation has been the result of these exercises, ing my dear wife on this long journey; being for which gratitude and thankfulness to the frequently favored to feel our minds divinely blessed Author thereof are due. May I not be supported and encouraged, as we passed along deficient herein." from place to place. * The preceding First month 1st, 1835. "Desires were raised part of this year, before entering on the above- that I might now, at the commencement of this named journey, was spent under much discourage-year, and through the whole of it, should my ment on account of my outward situation and life be spared, increase in circumspection and trials, my dear wife also being much absent from religious fervor towards my Heavenly Father, home, engaged in company with her valued friend that His will may be done in all things." Abigail Dockray, in visiting the families of friends in Manchester, which occupied a good deal of time. These long separations are often very trying to my depressed mind, but I wish to bear all my afflictions with submission and resignation, so as not to bring upon myself condemnation; but I often feel very weak and in danger of falling short herein. In attending all our meetings regularly, and endeavoring to keep up a right

1837. "Trials continue to attend my path, which greatly depress and discourage my mind; may they have the right effect in centering it fully on the right and permanent foundation, which cannot be moved."

In the Twelfth month, 1843, his precious partner was suddenly removed by death. This, the greatest of all his bereavements, he was enabled to bear with meek submission to the will of

Several of his children, of his usual employment, so long as strength was permitted.

his Heavenly Father.
having paid him a visit soon after this afflictive
event, he writes, in allusion to their departure,
"When they left, I felt indeed stripped, and
my spirits sank; but what an unspeakable com-
fort it is, that there is One who remaineth, to
whom may my constant application be!"

Seventh month, 21st, 1845. "Spent in reading, writing, and gardening, and in retirementall of which, as occasion occurs, afford me delight; but above all, when favored to enjoy of the Divine communion,-this transcends every other joy."

The following memorandum, made on his last birth day, shows how sensible he was that there is no stage of life, or of Christian experience, when it is safe to relax in watchfulness unto prayer. "I this day complete my 83d yearmay it be my care, through watchfulness and increased circumspection, the few remaining days that I may be permitted to live, to be entirely conformed to the will of my gracious Heavenly Father."

The fruit of this habitual communion with God was apparent in the increasing meekness and gentleness of his spirit. Grateful love and contented cheerfulness shone forth in his daily walk.

His diligence in the attendance of meetings for worship, even in very advanced age, and under the pressure of bodily infirmities, was very exemplary; and indeed, with reference to the greater portion of his life, he might have used the language of David, "Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth.” That this preference for the things which are not seen, but are eternal, and the desire for spiritual refreshment, which prompted him to the performance of this duty, were graciously and abundantly rewarded, is strikingly evident, both from extracts already given, and from memoranda made during the last few years of his life, where such remarks as the following often occur-remarks well calculated to He continued to the very last to feel a lively remind those who are in the practice of absenting interest in passing events, and especially in the themselves from religious meetings, of the loss welfare of our religious Society everywhere. He they may be themselves sustaining. "Attended was well versed in its history and biography, and week-day meeting-a favored season in silence- few individuals had a better knowledge of its my mind felt grateful for such an unmerited authors-the perusal of their works having long mercy." "Attended week-day meeting-silent, been to him a source of comfort, instruction, and but a sweet and precious season to me-meeting pleasure-particularly during the latter years of very small." "Week-day meeting small but favored." "First-day-attended meeting twice, and walked to and from. They were sweet seasons to me. Oh my soul! how much owest thou unto thy Lord! Yea, everything! and may all be freely and fully surrendered, without the least reserve, that my whole life and conduct may be under his precious control and government." "First-day. Attended both meetings-silent. The morning extremely wet, but I did not much suffer by it. Afternoon fine. Walked to and from both, and was amply rewarded by being graciously noticed in both, feeling my mind contrited and comforted, all through the Lord's merciful influence; for which gratitude and thankfulness are due to Him from whom all blessings flow."

Under date 5th month, 14th, 1846, he mentions increased indisposition; so much so as to think it best to consult his medical man; in allusion to which he makes the following memorandum. "Walked to and from week-day meeting, and was greatly cheered by a good meeting-it seemed to put all in order."

his life, when retirement from ordinary occupations afforded him leisure for this employment. His reading, however, was by no means confined to these writings; he derived much satisfaction from the perusal of some of the works of pious authors of different denominations of Christians. He was naturally of a social turn, and had much pleasure in the company of his friends, by whom his society was not less esteemed. He had great enjoyment in the present life, and had no wish to leave it, though he often expressed his wil lingness to do so, if he might "only be found ready." To be prepared for the end was his chief concern; and thus, as with his loins girded, and his light burning, he was found watching, when his gracious Lord saw meet, without further discipline, to beckon his aged servant home.

He had been suffering from a complaint in the foot, for some weeks previous to his departure, but had mostly got out to meetings, and pursued his usual employments; and the day before, he wrote a long letter to his only surviving sister, to whom he was tenderly attached. The next morning he was persuaded to keep his bed longer These sweet and heavenly enjoyments were than usual. He requested his attendant to read not, however, obtained without daily watchful- a certain portion of John Griffith's journal, conness, and seeking for communion with the Father of spirits at other times, besides the occasions afforded by the attendance of meetings. In the latter part of his life, it was his practice, after breakfast and reading, to spend about an hour in his quiet parlor, in silent waiting and retirement. The following extract may serve as a specimen

taining a valuable letter from David Hall, mentioning the page near which it might be found; he spoke of Friends being by that time assembled in a Yearly Meeting capacity, and conversed cheerfully with the medical man. After he was gone, feeling rather unwell, he wished to be left alone, in order that he might get a little sleep

before rising; and about ten minutes afterward, | have the art, at Delhi, of making glass globes his attendant hearing a slight noise, went into the room, when she found that a change had taken place, and, almost immediately he gently ceased to breathe-without tasting, as it would seem, the pains of death, he was translated, we reverently believe, through the love and mercy of his Redeemer, to be for ever with the Lord.

Ann. Monitor.

(Concluded from page 104.)

silvered in the inside. But enamelling is carried to the highest perfection all over India, and is chiefly used to ornament arms and jewellery in gold and in silver. The art of pottery has not made more progress than glass, and one reason assigned for it is, that the Hindoos, owing to their extraordinary religious scruples, will not use a vessel the second time, and therefore they naturally decline to incur any expense for ordinary utensils of pottery. Nevertheless, they manufacture pottery that the best English judges have In chemical arts, the Hindoos are much greater warmly admired for its extreme elegance of adepts than is generally known. Besides the or- shape. The ancient potter's wheel is the indinary metals, they know how to prepare the strument with which the Hindoo works; and oxides of iron, lead, tin, zine; potash, soda, nitre, while it revolves, with the aid of his naked hands sal-ammoniac, alum, sulphates of metals, and ace- he fashions vessels of elegant forms, many of tates, carbonates, and mineral acids. They by which have been admired as being of classical no means excel, even if they equal, Europeans in shapes, and some of them would appear almost as these products; but it is indeed marvellous that if they were of Etruscan origin; but there is no a Hindoo, with no other tools than his hatchet reason to believe that the Hindoos have ever had and his hands, proceeds to smelt iron, which he anything but their own unerring taste to guide will convert into steel, capable of competing with them. This beauty of form is equally conspicuthe best prepared in Europe.' Mr. Heath says, ous in the pottery of Sewan, near Patna, as in that the iron is forged by repeated hammering, that of Azimghur, or of Ahmedabad, of Mirzauntil it forms an apparently unpromising bar of poor or of Moradabad.' Some of the painted and iron, from which an English manufacturer of steel gilt pottery of India is greatly admired. would turn with contempt, but which the Hindoo converts into cast steel of the very best quality. To effect this, he cuts it into small pieces, of which he puts a pound, more or less, into a crucible, with dried wood of the Cassia auriculata, and a few green leaves of Asclepias gigantea; or where that is not to be had, of the Convolvulus laurifolia. The object of this is to furnish carbon to the iron.' The same able authority also mentions the fact, that iron is converted into cast steel by the natives of India in two hours and a half, with an application of heat that in this country would be considered quite inadequate to produce such an effect; while at Sheffield it requires at least four hours to melt blistered steel in wind-furnaces of the best construction, although the crucibles in which the steel is melted are at a white heat when the metal is put into them; and in the Indian process, the crucibles are put into the furnace quite cold.' Professor Royle re- In the fine arts, the Hindoos are 'admirable marks, that this Indian steel has long formed an delineators of objects in natural history,' and article of commerce from the west of India to the paint on ivory in beautiful style. In sculpture, Persian Gulf; and there is every probability of they are very able, but not in statuary (proper) its being used in larger quantities, if it were easily-that is, statues and busts. They are, however, procurable in sufficient quantities, as manufac- admirable engravers, especially of gems, and in turers here have expressed a desire to employ it. mosaics and inlaid-work are hardly to be surThe Hindoos do not appear to have made much passed. progress in the art of manufacturing glass, although they have practised it from ancient days. They chiefly use it for ornaments, such as armlets and anklets, and it is generally of a greenish hue. As oxide of iron extensively pervades the Indian soils, it is thought probable that this in some measure militates against the production of good glass. The natives, however, can work up English broken glass even into barometer tubes, &c., and

Dyeing, calico-printing, and printing in gold, are all arts in which the Hindoos have excelled from time immemorial. In calico-printing, we are told that they work with a skill which produced much to be admired even in the midst of the productions of the world;' and that, although the art is now practised to such perfection in this country, the Indian patterns still retain their own particular beauties, and command a crowd of admirers.' In lacquering, the Hindoos also excel, and the art of paper-making has very long been practised by them. They make paper both of cotton and of the substitutes for hemp and flax. In the Himalayas it is made of the inner bark of Daphne cannabina, and in sheets of immense size. A large collection was exhibited from different parts of India, but although well adapted for writing on in India, it is not suited for Europe, in consequence of the difference in the ink used.'

On a general survey of the artistic productions of India, we are mainly impressed with the extreme beauty, variety, and harmony of the patterns of every article. As Professor Royle remarks: Whether in a common chintz, or in a fabric of silk, or one enriched with silver or gold, or with imitations of gems, in all we see the utmost variety kept in bounds by the nicest taste; for even the most flowery and gorgeous appear never

to exceed what is suitable to the material and the, British government purchased nearly two hunpurpose to which it is to be applied. Mr. Digby dred specimens for the use of the Schools of Wyatt supposes the happy effects of Indian de- Design established under its authority.—Chamsigners to be due to the refinement of taste engen-bers' Journal.

dered by their traditional education, and that this

ing, England, concerning ANN MILNER, de


This our dear friend was the offspring of parents who were, by profession, Presbyterians, and who exercised a pious care over their children. Whilst advancing in years she gave way to the propensities of her fallen nature; manifesting a fondness for gay attire, and for attending the theatre and musical entertainments.


In some memoranda left by her, she says, reference to this period, "The Lord followed me with his reproofs, and his light in my conscience enlightened my darkness, and I often retired, and wept bitterly on account of my sins."

In the year 1803, our dear friend was united in marriage to Thomas Milner, of Liverpool; but this union was of short duration, as, in about four years after it, she was left a widow with three children, for whose religious welfare she was earnestly concerned.

precludes their toleration of any departure from A Testimony of Hardshaw East Monthly Meetthose harmonious proportions which the practice of ages has sanctioned as most pleasing and agreeable. . . . . Even without any mechanical improvements, which may assist in cheapening some of their products, there are enough, which are the produce of their patient habits and wonderful delicacy of hand, and are also examples of purity of taste, which may command a sale in European markets. Though the muslins, both plain and flowered, are greatly admired, yet, as being the produce of many months of hand-labor, they are unable to compete in price with those which are the produce of European machinery; but as they are still preferred in India, a few may continue to be bought in Europe. Their calico prints, flowered silks, and rich kimkhobs, being much admired for their patterns, may be applied to a variety of ornamental purposes; if not of dress, still of decorative furniture. The shawls of Cashmere still continue unrivalled, and command the highest prices. The embroidery being equal to anything produced elsewhere, only requires that the things embroidered be fitted for European use, since the cheapness of all handwork in India will insure the prices being reasonable. The manufacture of lace at Nagercoil may safely be undertaken; and the carpets, rugs, and carved furniture, would command a ready sale if offered at rates moderate in proportion to the cost in India. The Wootz steel might be largely consumed, and the highly-wrought arms would be bought as curiosities, as well as for the artistic skill displayed in the cutlery as in the inlaying. Well-shaped pottery, and the highly-finished Bidery ware, as well as the lacquered boxes of Cashmere, would all be bought, as also the various works of Bombay inlaying, of ivory, horn, ebony, and sandal-wood, likewise mats and japanned boxes. To these we may add the polished agate-ware of Cambay, the inlaid marbles of Arga, and the enamels of Cutch, Scinde, and the north-west of India; also the filigree-work of Cuttack, Decca, and Delhi, as well as of other places,; likewise some native jewellery, if made in the forms fitted for European use. Even the toys would command a sale: and the models of fruits, as well as the figures of natives of different castes and trades, would find purchasers if they could be easily procured.'

We cannot help thinking the above observations are sound, and there is therefore a prospect of a new and prosperous future for the ingenious Hindoos. Be that as it may, it is universally admitted that the collection of Indian articles at the Exhibition has been in itself highly instructive as well as interesting. Mr. Owen Jones stated, that the opportunity of studying them has been a boon to the whole of Europe.' The

In her search after Truth she joined the Methodists, to many of whom she became much attached; yet, not feeling satisfied, from the impression that she was attending too much to outward worship, seeking that without which is to be found within, and her attention being turned to Friends, she began to frequent our meetings.

In the year 1814 she was received into membership in our religious Society; and in 1816 she first spoke as a minister, in which capacity her offerings were made in great simplicity, and evinced much lively concern for the spiritual welfare of those present, whose minds she labored to turn to the immediate teachings of Jesus Christ. She was of a retiring and diffident disposition, having very humble views of herself; and she was beloved as a pattern of Christian self-denial, cheerfulness, and watchfulness.

During an illness in 1848, she remarked, "Remembering the Lord's good providence towards me, as I lay awake in the night, I was melted into tears, under a sweet feeling of his good presence around me, and of my own unworthiness; and whilst endeavoring to raise my heart in thankfulness, the language revived, and dwelt with me with much comfort, Because I live, thou shalt live also.'

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In the last year of her life she was much con.. fined at home, yet free from bodily pain and mental conflict. Two days before her removal she remarked, "It is not shown me how this illness may terminate, but I am in the hands of the Great Physician: His goodness and mercy have followed me, and if any have cause to extol his mercy, none more than myself. I have nothing to boast of but short-comings, and had there been

greater faithfulness, I should have had greater | ability; but we need not as the bulrush bow down the head; but look up, and lift up our hearts unto Him."**"This morning the language sweetly arose, 'Bind the sacrifice with cords, even to the horns of the altar;' and surely the cords of my heavenly Father's love have not been wanting towards me; I can say, 'Glory to the Lord.""

A short time before the solemn close, on her attendant inquiring whether anything could be done to help her, she sweetly replied, "My dear Redeemer is helping me."

She peacefully departed this life at Grappenhall, the 27th of first month, 1853, and was interred in Friends' burying-ground at Warrington, the 30th of the same, aged 77 years; a minister about 37 years.



In the notice which appears in our paper this week, of the visit recently paid to Brazil by our friends John Candler and Wilson Burgess, we find an allusion to a provision in the Brazilian laws, which might be introduced with advantage into the codes of our slaveholding States. The practice of permitting slaves to find the most lucrative employments they can, upon condition of paying to their masters a stipulated sum, yearly or monthly, is said to be extensively used in some of our Southern States; but the provision of the Brazilian law which operates most favorably to the slave, is totally wanting here. Though a slave, thus hiring his own time, should by industry and frugality accumulate a sum more than equal to his market value, he is still dependent upon the good will or caprice of his master for his freedom. He can appeal to no tribunal but the pleasure of his master to determine the price to be allotted to his bones and muscles. It is even questionable, or more than questionable, whether in any State of the Union, a slave would be legally protected in the possession of the portion of his earnings which may remain after the stipulated sum has been paid. In some of the States express provision is made to prevent slaves from acquiring property. We have a recent instance, reported in the public papers, of a slave who had made a contract with his master for the purchase of his freedom, and had actually paid a part of the price, but who was afterwards sold, and upon the investigation of the case, it was judicially decided that the master was not bound by his contract.

If slavery must continue to be a legalized institution in our model republic, it appears very desirable that we should be wise or humble enough to copy from our southern neighbors a provision

which should enable an industrious and energetic slave to purchase his freedom at a moderate price, whenever he became possessed of the means. Such a provision must evidently operate to encou rage the hope of attaining by laudable means that highest object of a slave's ambition; and such hope must lead to the cultivation both of his mental and physical powers. With the laws existing in our slaveholding States, those qualities and acquirements on the part of a slave, which are calculated to increase his worth to himself and to the community, are precisely those which will enhance his price, and consequently augment the difficulty of gaining his freedom by purchase. The consequence of this state of things is, that an energetic slave, panting for freedom, will employ his sagacity and energy in devising and carrying into effect the means of escape. Many cases are reported in which great sagacity and perseverance have been manifested. The principle of political economy, that the demand for an article will bring it into the market, operates in this case as in others. But let it be understood that industry, economy, and those acquirements which give efficiency to labor, furnish the most available means of escaping from bondage, and it will be found that the negro race have other faculties capable of development besides those of art and deception.

MARKIED,-In Friends' Meeting, Baltimore, on the 17th inst., GEORGE A. WARDER to MARY ́E., daughter of Joseph King, Jr., all of that city.

DIED, On the 1st inst., at the residence of her father, near Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio, ELIZABETH GARRETSON, a member of Miami Monthly Meeting, in the 19th year of her age. In bringing to view the demise of this very amiable young person, one who knew her well, says of her, "that she was an example of plainness, of remembrance: who yet knew well her own of modesty, and of meekness; an ornament worthy frailties, and whose sole dependence was upon the mercy of God, in Christ Jesus."

At Nantucket, Second day morning, 11th month, 7th, REUBEN JOY, a very worthy and exemplary member of Nantucket Monthly Meeting, months of his life, he was confined mostly to his aged nearly 85 years. During the last thirty-three bed by a fractured limb, which he bore with patience and resignation, often expressing to his friends and those who visited him, his firm relifor the many mercies vouchsafed unto him. ance upon his Saviour's love, and his thankfulness

EDITH, wife of William Price, in the 55th year of on the 2d inst., of a lingering illness, her age, a highly esteemed member of Smithfield Monthly Meeting, Ohio.

She was long impressed with the belief that she would not recover, and dropped many expressions alone can give support in the trying hour. Having indicating that her mind was centered on Him who thus attained a state of peaceful resignation, she

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