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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

naked legs.
"but if you will not take money, you must tell
me what I can do for you, as I cannot accept
your present without doing something for you in
return. Is there anything that I can do for you?"
"Oh yes!" said the boy with delight; " you
can do for me what I should like better than any
thing else!"

"What is that?" asked the schoolmaster smiling.

"You are a singular boy!" said he, | tional for a man who already sleeps soundly through the whole night, to take an habitual narcotic for the purpose of improving his repose; or for a man who finds no difficulty in maintaining the erect posture by the natural action of the muscles of his back, to construct an artificial support for the purpose of relieving them of the strain which they are adapted to bear. Every one knows that, in either of these cases, the organ thus assisted will gradually lose its own independent vigor, and will come at last to require the artificial support, without which it could at first have discharged its full share of duty. And experience shows, in like manner, that those who have long been habituated to the "moderate use of alcoholic beverages with their meals, are seldom able to discontinue them without a temporary loss of appetite and of digestive power; unless, indeed, their place be supplied by the more wholesome excitement of fresh air and exercise. The whole tendency of modern pathological research has been to show, that the human frame, if endowed with an ordinary amount of inherent vigor, is no otherwise incident to disease, than as it is in various ways subjected to the agency of mal play of its functions; and that although old causes which produce a departure from the norage and decay are inevitable, diseases are not, being preventible in the precise proportion in which we are able to discover and eradicate their

"Teach me to read," cried the boy, falling on his knees; "oh, dear, kind sir, teach me to read." The schoolmaster complied. The boy came to him at all his leisure hours, and learnt so rapidly, that the schoolmaster recommended him to a nobleman who resided in the neighborhood. This gentleman, who was as noble in his mind as in his birth, patronized the poor boy, and sent him to Ratisbon. The boy profited by his opportunities, and when he rose, as he soon did, to wealth and honors, he adopted two fieldfares in his arms. "What do you mean?" cried the Bishop's friend.

"I mean," returned the Bishop, with a smile, "that the poor boy was MYSELF."-Epis. Rec. Had this poor boy, instead of being born on

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the banks of the Danube, within the dominions of a German despot, drawn his first breath on the shores of the Savannah or Cooper river, in the most free and enlightened republic on the earth, and been covered with a skin not colored like our own, the good natured schoolmaster would probably have told him that, however grateful he felt for his proffered gift, the laws of his country sternly prohibited a compliance with his request; and that if he should teach him to read he would himself be subjected to a fine which he could not afford. And if the schoolmaster's fondness for birds had overpowered his regard for the laws of the land, no literary instruction which could have been imparted to him, could possibly have opened the poor boy's way to eminence and wealth.


Now if bitter beer, or any other favorite malt liquor habitually taken in "moderation," has any influence at all upon the functional activity of the stomach, that influence must be either to increase, to diminish, or to prevent that which is natural to it. From the language used by the advocates of these liquors, it may be presumed that they would choose the former of these alternatives; and it will then be for them to reply to the question,-What good can arise from habitually exciting an organ, that is already in a state of healthful activity? It would be just as ra


In chronic disease we find that the organ has, so to speak, grown to its perverted action; so that no curative measure is permanently beneficial, which does not first act by withdrawing the cause of original departure from the healthy state, and by placing the organ in the best condition for by all that we know of the causes of disease, in its recovery. We are fully justified, therefore, asserting that the habitual use of Alcoholic liquors by healthy individuals, even in small quantities, is likely, when sufficiently protracted, to favor the development of such chronic disorders as movement of the circulating current, or are liable originally depend upon an irregularity in the to be augmented by it.-"Physiology of Temperance and Total Abstinence," by Dr. Carpenter.


The Burlington (Vermont) Courier says, that last year, when the present gaoler took charge of the gaol, there were seven in its cells, and that there have since been, at different times, thirty others; but now, since the Vermont Maine Law has had time to produce its legitimate effects, locks and keys are useless, as the gaol is without a tenant. This is the third gaol in Vermont which has been emptied by the new prohibitory liquor law, and the editor very properly adds: "The simple truth is, the sale of liquor peoples gaols-prohibiting its sale empties them; and it is in the power of the people to say which they will have."


Monrovia, July 6, 1853.

selves, and been placed at the head of powerful tribes

But while a slave, he is subject to the will of his master, may be punished severely, and often unjustly, with impunity-his labor is not his own, and the degradation he feels blunts his energies, and unfits him for usefulness as a member of community. Slavery, however, in its mildest form, is unjust and unholy, and whenever it comes within my reach, shall have against it the whole weight of my influence. We shall doubtless have considerable difficulty with some of the chiefs, in regard to this matter; but I am quite sanguine we shall succeed. The fact is, Liberia is now the Canada of Africa for fugitive slaves. Slaves are constantly taking refuge within our jurisdiction.

Why the United States are so indifferent to the advantages which must, in the nature of things, before a great many years, result from the traffic of this coast, is really unaccountable. It does appear to me in view of many considerations, both in relation to colonization and commerce, that the establishing of a speedy and direct communication between the United States and Liberia, is even now a matter of no little importance. The rapidity with which commerce is increasing along this coast, is almost incredible-though easily accounted for. Thousands and thousands of the inhabitants of the coast, and of the interior-who once obtained their supply of foreign goods by means of the slave tradee-now that that odious traffic, at least on this part of the African coast, is abolished, have necessarily to turn their attention to legitimate commerce-the collection of palm oil, camwood, ivory, &c., to procure their accustomed supply of foreign merchan-beria yields at present about eight thousand tons,


A few days since, an old Chief, who had come down with a large caravan from the interior, some eighty or a hundred miles, called on me, and in the course of conversation, remarked that he had felt exceedingly indignant toward the Liberians for interfering with the slave trade. His grandfather and his father, he said, for many, many years, had sold slaves, and they were rich, but the Liberians had made him poor; he had, therefore, intended never to visit Monrovia, or have anything to do with the Americans. He was now convinced, however, that the slave trade was very cruel; that it has produced a great deal of distress and suffering among the country people: and when he used to sell slaves he often felt much disquietude, and he was now very glad that the Liberians had interposed to prevent the foreign slave trade; but, says the old fellow, with an arch smile, "Merica man must no talk slave palaver gin, s'pose we no sell him Spanyar man." Meaning, of course, we must not interfere with domestic slave trade.

For the last year, he said, he had employed the slaves he would have sold, had an opportunity offered, in cultivating large rice fields, and in making palm oil, collecting cam wood, &c., which he found yielded him more than the amount he would have received for his slaves, had he sold them. And this sentiment is almost daily expressed by many of the chiefs in our neighborhood. The great trouble now is, and to which we are turning attention, the extinction of domestic slavery among the native tribes. Truly, domestic slavery in Africa is not what it is in the United States. In Africa, the master and slave not uncommonly eat out of the same dish -the slave sometimes aspires and gains the hand of his master's daughter; and many instances are known where slaves have distinguished them

You are quite right in regard to the incorrectness of Mr. Hanson's statement respecting the quantity of palm oil annually exported from the African coast. I question whether it exceeds, even now, seventy or eighty thousand tons.


which is an increase of at least 25 per cent. within the last three years. Three years more at the present rate will give us, I should think, about 50 per cent. Liberia, my dear sir, is a child of Providence, as the past clearly shows; and though she may yet, in her progress, have to contend against crafty men and sore difficulties, she will be sustained, and outlive them all. Colonization Herald.


Governor Clinton estimated, soon after the completion of the Erie Canal, that western New York had been enriched by that great work to an amount of one hundred millions of dollars. What the entire benefit may be up to the present time, it is difficult to say, when the increased value of farms, and of the cities it has created, are all taken into account. We mention this as a single example of the influence which facilities for carriage to market actually exert on the value of every man's real estate. Yet the canal-boat conveys the single farmer's products to market only a few times during the whole twelve months; while the common highway is used by him during almost every day in the year. Speculators who own lands, deem it of high importance to secure a railway in the neighborhood; but they seem to forget that excellent roads exert an equal or greater influence on the value of their property. We have known single hundred-acre farms increased in price more than one thousand dollars each in a single year, by the construction of a first-rate road through them, where the public way was before a collection of ruts and puddles; and every one may observe the difference in the market price of land on a well-kept road and on a poor and impassable one, in the same immediate neighborhood.

Why is it then, that the great mass of our farming population bestow so little thought on the construction of their roads-except it be, perhaps, to contrive to work out their highway taxes with as little labor as possible? The answer must be, that it results from an entire blindness to their own interests-a total want of thought in the right direction-for a tithe of the skill and labor that they bestow on a crop of potatoes, would often accomplish a more valuable result in securing good roads.

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dwelt so long on this subject had not the evil been one of really serious magnitude.

Throwing aside the countless conveniencies merely, that are afforded by good and easy traveling, and the saving of time, team, harness, and wagons; throwing all these out of the estimate, the difference in the value of real estate in a single township, between the best and the worst public roads, would often amount to a quarter of a million of dollars. For who would not rather give fifty dollars an acre where the roads were One great loss arises from sacrificing the whole all fine, than forty, where sloughs were only conpublic interest to the interest of a single land- nected by ruts, and ruts by puddles, the one a owner. In other words, the road is made crooked, thriving, the other a slip-shod population? Now, or made to pass over a hill, that it may not spoil a township of six miles square would be twentythe shape of some particular corn-field or calf-three thousand acres; ten dollars of increased pasture. We have known a greatly travelled value on each of these would be two hundred and road to be changed from a short diagonal through thirty thousand-a sum that would pay for a a certain politician's field, to a circuitous route large amount of road-making, and the thought of through mud and around stumps, in order to which ought to stimulate every mortar-bed builleave the field entire-and the public were com-der to a wiser consideration of the subject, and in pelled during every hour of the day, and for 365 every sense of the word to "mend our ways.”days in each year, and so far as they know, Country Gentleman. through all coming time, to travel a needless distance, in order that Squire Bumpkin might arrange his pig-lot to better advantage.

In another case, one of the main avenues to a populous village is made to ascend a hill and then pass down again, in doing which it makes a right-angle and traverses a distance of half a mile more than would have been required on a level, obliquely through a valley. A little calculation has shown that the yearly cost in time, and in wear and tear of horses and carriages, would more than pay the interest on the whole furm thus saved from a few triangular fields.

There are numerous instances in all parts of the country, where the same one-sided interest has sent the never-ceasing throng of travel and of loaded teams up over a fatiguing hill, in order that the road might lie on "the line of lots;" and where a slight flexure of a few rods to the right or left, frequently without any increase in distance, would save a perpetually increasing amount of hard scrabble, and jerk, and overstrained muscle. Not three miles from the residence of the writer, is just such a hill, over which an important road passes from a large village to a near and thronged railway-stationand over this hill these villagers will have to climb incessantly, until farmer Somebody at the foot of the hill is willing to have eleven yards of his cornfield encroached upon to make a level road. Within ten miles of this spot, there are more than ten similar illustrations of folly. Yet the community in which these absurdities exist are reputed unusually intelligent on general subjects we believe they have only followed the common fashion of utter thoughtlessness and of full-developed stupidity, which seems to prevail pretty extensively all over the country on the subject of road-making. We should not have


of the present date a railway will be completed from Ostend to Trieste, a distance of 1,500 miles, in which there are even now only two considerable breaks. Letters, passengers and parcels will then occupy little more than two days from the shores of the Channel to those of the Adriatic; four days more will take them to Egypt, and by the aid of the railway from Alexandria to Cairo, now rapidly the Red Sea, and in twelve days thereafter be safe advancing, they may within 36 hours be afloat on in Bombay, or within three weeks of their leaving London. Within this date the electric telegraph, will have reached Suez, and the 4000 miles of wire now preparing to be laid across the Mediterranean, which have already reached Calcutta will connect every great town in India with the port of Bombay; so that before the year 1856 expires we shall have communication by electric telegraph in 10 or 11 days' time with every part of India, and by a steamer and rail from Bombay in 21.—London Morning Chron.

"Behold, I come as a thief."

Not on a bed of languishing
With hours passed in pain-
And where there ever is a hope
That we shall rise again;

Not drooping, or in sadness,
Nor dreaming he was nigh-
When came the pallid messenger
With his mandate from on high.

And what recks it to the soul that's free,
How sudden falls the blow,
When in unerring wisdom, He
Decrees it shall be so.

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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-The steamship Canada, with Liverpool dates to the 12th ult., arrived at Halifax, on the 24th.

The Emperor of Russia had declared war against Turkey. Several battles had already taken place, both in Europe and Asia, in all of which the Turks had been victorious. On the 2d and 3d ult., the Turks crossed the Danube, from Turtukai to Oltenitza, to the number of 18,000 men, and were attacked on the 4th by Gen. Parlof, with 9000 men. The battle lasted three hours, the Turks remaining masters of the field. In a subsequent battle, the main body of the Russians, from 20,000 to 40,000 strong, under Gen. Danenberg, was defeated by the Turks, and driven back to Bucharest. In this engagement fourteen Russian superior officers were killed.

Kalarche was occupied by 4000 Turks; 2000 had established themselves on the island in front of Giurgivo, and 12,000 were in Lesser Wallachia. There are rumors of several other movements of the Turks at different ports along the Danube.Skirmishes were constantly occurring at the outposts.

AUSTRIA.-Austria was concentrating a force on the Servian frontier. The Servian Government had ordered the population to arm, and had informed the Porte that neither Austria nor Russia would be permitted to occupy Servia.

The Porte has informed Austria that Turkey will expect her to prohibit the Russians from supplying the Montenegrins with arms through port Cattaro.

It is said that Austria offers to remain neutral on condition that the Porte will not employ Austrian refugees in the army.

ITALY.-The news from the East has created great excitement among the young soldiers of the French army of occupation, and also among the oldest veterans of the service, and numerous applications have been transmitted to the competent authorities for permission to witness the operations of the Turkish army.

INDIA AND CHINA.-The India mail had arrived at Alexandria with Bombay dates to 10th month 14th, and Hong-Kong to 9th month 27th.

The English troops in Burmah were in a state of siege, and the steamers were continually fired upon in going up and down the river. The country was in possession of the followers of Meatoon and other chiefs of rank, who stated that they were acting under the authority of the King of Ava.

Shanghai has been occupied, since the 7th of the 9th month, by a band of the insurgents. The Government troops had been completely routed at Amoy by the revolutionists.

Three several engagements had also taken place in Asia, in all of which the Russians were defeated. In the last of these, the Russians fled and were pursued by the Turks, who planted the Sultan's standard and made their quarters at Orel-rived at New Orleans on the 26th of 11th month, li, eight hours distance from Ciorockdere, where the battle began.

The policy of Russia is supposed to be to draw the Turks from their present advantageous positions, and bring them to a battle that shall decide the campaign. The intention of Omar Pasha is to keep his promise to drive the Russians from the Principalities, and to make his head quarters at


Diplomacy lags hopelessly in the rear of the fighting, and even yet hopes to adjust matters, but not till after a decisive battle shall have been fought.

Typhus fever was raging in the Russian ranks, and had reduced the fighting men to 85,000. It would require six weeks for reinforcements to reach them.

The Porte has decided that foreign refugees cannot be employed in Europe, but that they may serve in Asia.

ENGLAND-In view of the important news from the East, it was expected that Parliament would assemble forthwith.

The British fleet at Spitshead had been ordered to be ready for sea by the 11th ult. Its destina

tion was not known.

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CALIFORNIA. The steamship United States arwith San Francisco dates to 11th month 1st. _The cisco, on 11th month 1st, by both routes, amounted total amount of treasure shipped from San Fran to $2,750,000, exclusive of that in the hands of


The Sonora fillibustering expedition attracted little sympathy, and it would probably prove a


Emigration to Australia had ceased.

The whaling ship Citizen, of New Bedford, has been lost in the Arctic Ocean. A portion of her crew were saved after enduring terrible suffer. ing.

SANDWICH ISLANDS. Another change in the Ministry has been made, Prince Kamehameha having resigned the office of Prime Minister, and John Young having been appointed his successor.

DOMESTIC.-A Sixpenny saving bank has been established in New York, and is realizing an unexpected success. Its effect in encouraging industry, economy, temperance and thrift among the poor youth of the city, is said to be very apparent. The sixpenny deposits now amount to $23,000.

The official returns of the vote on the Prohibitory Law in Wisconsin, as far as received, show a majority for the law of 213. The Free Democrat says that the full returns will increase this majority to two thousand.

The majority of both Houses of the New York Legislature, is in favor of the Maine Law. So the Tribune claims, and the Herald reluctantly ad

mits it.

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On the same occasion, an appeal was made on SOME ACCOUNT OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF behalf of our suffering fellow professors, to those


(Continued from page 179.)

in authority at Stavanger, in a paper written by a Friend of Newcastle-on-Tyne, which was attended with a favourable result. It was as follows:

Among the persecutions to which Friends of Norway were exposed, we find it noted about 1840 that two estimable young Friends, Endre "To the justices, magistrates, and persons in I. Dahl and Maria Endberg, having been mar- authority at Stavanger, and such other places in ried agreeably to the order of our Society, were, Norway, where there may be any of the Society for that cause, sentenced to an imprisonment of of Friends, commonly called Quakers, residing. ten days, to be kept on bread and water; which minister of the aforesaid religious Society at "The undersigned, being an acknowledged treatment was to be repeated as often as the Newcastle-on-Tyne, in Great Britain, sendeth magistrate should appoint, until all expenses re-greeting. quired of them should be paid. The marriage. also was directed to be annulled. But this sentence was finally set aside by the King. Soren Ericksen, of Stagland, who had a wife and six children, was prosecuted for not baptizing two of his children; and one horse, six cows, and some sheep were distrained. These were nearly all the cattle he possessed. The value is said to have been £13 English; showing, we should suppose, the very high value of money there.

bout this time, the heavy sufferings to which the Friends of Stavanger were subjected, excited the tender sympathy of Friends in England. Our late dear friend, Jonathan Backhouse, of Darlington, sought to alleviate their sufferings a little, by a donation of ten pounds; of which, seven pounds were directed to be given to Soren Ericksen, of Stagland, in consideration of the ery heavy distraint upon him. Elias Tasted remarks that he felt diffident in receiving the kind, benevolent gift; and with great tenderness and love, wished his thankfulness to be conveyed to the liberal-minded donor. Three pounds were tendered to the new married couple, Endre and

"Permit me to plead with you on behalf of my fellow professors of the same faith, your formed, are at times treated as evil doers, and countrymen; some of whom, as I have been inpunished as such by fine and imprisonment, merely because they conscientiously endeavor to serve God in the way which they believe is acceptable to Him, but which happens not to be in accordance with the practice of the professors of the Lutheran Church, of which, as I understand, yourselves, with the majority of the people of your nation, are members.

"To compel men to worship God in a manner which they are persuaded would not be acceptable unto Him, the God of the spirits of all flesh, and to practice rites and ceremonies in the efficacy of which they have not faith, and which they are conscientiously persuaded are not called for at their hands by our Lord Jesus Christ, whom God hath given to be the Head over all things to his own church; this would only be to grieve and oppress tender consciences, and cannot promote true religion; for, as the apostle declares, in these things every man should be fully persuaded in his own mind, for 'whatsoever is not of faith is sin.'

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