Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

bring forth a branchy, coarse stem. Home saved seed,, America.
the product of Riga, will produce finer and better fibre
than the direct Riga seed; but to use it more than two
successive years will not be profitable for sowing.
Three bushels of Riga, or 2 of home saved, is the
necessary quantity of seed required for an English


"It is better to sow too thick than too thin, as with thick sowing, the plant grows long and fine; instead of which thin sowing produces a coarse branchy stem with much seed, but a very inferior quality of fibre. After sowing the seed, cover it across with a seed harrow, as this makes it spread more equally, and avoids the small drills made by the teeth of the harrow. Lastly, roll it with a light roller. The seed should be covered about an inch deep. It is of the greatest importance that the seed should be sown very


Such is an outline of the most approved methods of flax cultivation in Europe. It appears probable that a modification of these instructions would be desirable for this country; as at present the quantity of seed sown per acre varies from to bushel, instead of 2 to 3 bushels, as Mr. Deman suggests. The greatest profit would doubtless be found to consist in a medium course; by sowing 1 to 2 bushels per acre, the farmer would secure a tolerably fine fibre, and yet with additional care and cultivation he might increase considerably the present average of seed. Such at least is the opinion of the most intelligent and best informed parties in the western flax growing States, with whom the writer has happened to


For no one would believe that our enterprising and "go ahead" people would ever consent to follow the slow fashions which were current in the days of King Cheops, or even of Pliny; or that a Yankee would be stooping, for days together, over a flax patch, pulling up the stalks one by one, while his neighbor was mowing down a wheat field of a thousand acres, with McCormick's reaping machine; or the California express train was flying over the prairies, as it will be in ten years, at the rate of sixty miles an


Some plan must therefore be devised to remedy this difficulty, either by cutting the stalk by the reaping machine, or by the invention and adoption of some method of machine pulling. Were there no other objection to cutting the stalk, than the loss of the lower part of the fibre, this would be more than counterbalanced by the facility of gathering vast tracts of the Flax. But though, for commoner qualities, this may be found to answer, and it is believed by many intelligent persons-among them Professor Wilson-that it will ultimately succeed, yet on the other hand there are graver objections to it. It is impossible to lay the stem with that degree of evenness, by the present reaping machine, which is desirable for the after processes. Again, it is contended by one of the most practical authori ties on flax in this country-Mr. Galbraith, of Wisconsin-that the flax stalk being a hollow tube, closed at the roots by a cane-like joint, the juices of the plant are preserved in it by pulling, which are lost by cutting the stalk above the junction of the root.

Presuming now that the flax has been sown, harrowed, weeded, and far advanced toward the maturity of the plant, let us glance at the methods hitherto followed in its after treatment. The object of the farmer being, in Europe, to It is fortunate however for American progress, save the fibre, and labor being cheap in these old that the same restless energy and enterprise countries, as well the crop being highly remune- which render our people dissatisfied with old rative, no other plan has been followed for gath- methods of procedure in such cases, seems also ering the stalk, than the old fashioned method to stimulate their inventive character, and perseof pulling it by hand. Thus in Ireland and Bel-vering ingenuity, to devise an improvement on gium, in these days of steam engines and electric telegraphs, reaping machines and threshing machines, the fields are still seen covered, in the time of the flax harvest, with men, women and children, laboriously pulling it up stem by stem, precisely as they were wont to do in Egypt in the days of the old Pyramid.

On this point therefore we must lay aside all European authorities, in this new country, where labor is dear and land so cheap, and strike out a new course for ourselves. Warnes, Deman, Dickson, the Irish Flax Society, all fail to furnish any ideas of value on this important subject, nor does there appear in them a thought or a suggestion, as to any other method of gathering the crop than by hand pulling. It is manifest however that this will never do, where labor is worth a dollar and a half a day in harvest time, and land can be bought for a dollar and a quarter an acre. Indeed, were there no alternative than this hand pulling, we might as well abandon here the whole enterprise of flax culture in

them. In the case before us, this is happily seen; and several ingenious machines have been already patented for pulling flax, which their inventors believe will entirely accomplish the end in view; and prove as valuable acquisitions to the flax grower, as the reaping machine has proved for the gathering of wheat or other grain. From present appearances, more than one of these will be found to answer the end in view; and we may safely calculate on the perfection of these instruments before there will be any call for them in next year's crop.

(To be continued.)



The Cincinnati Genius of the West tells the following story of consistent and frank fidelity to Temperance principles:

A gentleman cooper called upon a negro who owns a fine farm in Ohio, and wished to purchase some stave timber. Our colored friend inquired

for what purpose he wanted it. He received for | and enlightened men who detest the slave-trade, an answer:-'I have a contract for so many whiskey barrels.'

'Well, sir,' was the prompt reply, 'I have the timber and want the money, but no man shall purchase a single stave or hoop-pole or a particle of grain of me for that purpose.'

Of course Mr. Cooper was not a little up in the back,' to meet such a stern reproach, got mad, and called him a nigger.'

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and are resolved, if possible, to keep it suppressed; and who, although not taking as we do, the high ground that slavery itself is a national crime, and should be immediately abolished, are convinced of its inexpediency, and are resolved, by ameliorating measures, to improve the system, and, as they thus hope, ultimately to overthrow it."

The narrative proceeds:

'That is very true,' replied the other, 'it is "In the city of Rio and its suburbs, about onemy misfortune to be a negro. I can't help that, third of the inhabitants are born in slavery, for but I can help selling my timber to make whis-whom, of course, no education is provided; but key barrels, and I mean to do it.'


Narrative of a recent Visit to Brazil, by John Candler and Wilson Burgess; to present an address on the Slave Trade and Slavery, is sued by the religious Society of Friends.

[Continued from page 176.]

Before leaving the city, our friends attended, by invitation, a meeting of the Society friendly to the anti-slavery cause, of which the following notice is given:

"On the evening appointed, we repaired to the hall in which they usually assemble, and had the gratification of meeting there the Viscount Barbascena, another nobleman, three public functionaries, and twenty-eight other gentlemen,-thirtyfive of us in all. The President of the Society delivered an address in Portuguese, sitting: the Vice-President read an address in the same language; and a member of the Committee another in French. The Viscount then explained to us in English the nature and objects of their Society, at the same time bidding us welcome to Brazil. From his address, it appeared that the Society had been two years and a half in existence, and at first consisted of only 21 members, now it numbers 215; which is some proof of a growth of right feeling; indeed, such is the altered state of public feeling, that they now hold their meetings with open doors; five years ago, the Society would not have been tolerated. Its first object was to oppose the African slave-trade; its next, to promote the immigration of white laborers, and to civilize native Indians; its final aim is to promote the abolition of slavery. We then gave to the assembly a brief history of the present state of our West India colonies, showing how favorably emancipation had worked there, notwithstanding the great outcry to the contrary, and explained the manner in which that happy and blessed change had been brought about in England, through the prevalence of enlightened public opinion. Our estimable friend, Leopoldo, a chief in the custom-house, acted as our interpreter. We left the assembly impressed with the conviction that a good work is begun in the land, and that Rio Janeiro contains a band of sincere

elementary schools, not very good of their kind, are supported by the municipality, and thrown open equally to the children of the poor whites and of free blacks. Every parish or civil district has its public school; but these not being found sufficient for all who desire to be taken in, a Society, called the Imperial, under the patronage of the Emperor, has been formed, to extend primary instruction to what may be denominated the ragged population. Having brought over a bountiful stock of school lessons, in Portuguese, as a gift from the British and Foreign School Society, we added a number of New Testaments in the same language, and presented the whole to this very useful Society. So acceptable was the donation, that the President and two members of the Council took pains to meet us at Botafogo, to thank us personally, and, through us, their friends in England, for the sympathy thus manifested towards them in the great and good work; and expressed to us, at the same time, a desire to maintain a correspondence with England, as to the best way of further promoting education in Brazil.

Elementary instruction for the poor is at a low ebb throughout the empire; but good schools are not wanting for young people whose parents can afford to pay handsomely for their tuition. We called at one of these schools, or colleges, as they are called, presided over by an Englishman, who gave refuge to George Pilkington when he visited this country many years since on an anti-slavery mission. The act of hospitality thus afforded to a fellow-countryman, cost him at that period much loss and trouble: his pupils were withdrawn, and his prospects became cruelly blighted. All is now changed; a better and a brighter day has dawned on Brazil: he is now respected, and sought as a teacher; and can speak his mind openly and freely on slavery or any other subject. In corroboration of his statement as to the freedom of thought and speech now permitted in the land, we can give one significant proof. found a copy of the Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter' on the table of every news-room in each of the three great cities-in Rio Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco; which shows that open discussion on the subject of slavery is allowed: and we ourselves were never borne down or frowned upon, either in the Exchange room or anywhere


else. Public opinion is in favor of liberty of speech, and of the press.

Before leaving the capital we were allowed, through the appointment of our Ambassador, an interview with Sauza Ramos, the present Minister of Justice for the Empire, which proved highly satisfactory. This gentleman gave us the assurance which we had received from other quarters, that the Government was resolved to extinguish the slave-trade. On our expressing a hope that the Brazilian people were also in earnest about its suppression, he replied that the people supported the Government, and that the traffic, thus condemned both by the rulers and the ruled, would never be suffered to revive again."

From Rio Janeiro, our travellers proceeded by sea to Bahia, the second city in the Empire for trade and population, where they were hospitably entertained without cost or care. An early object was to visit the Archbishop of Bahia, the Pri

mate of all Brazil.

"We found him," says the narrative, "surrounded by his clergy, at a sort of levee; but as soon as he understood that we were strangers seeking admission, he desired them all to withdraw, and gave us an immediate audience. Most of the well educated natives of Brazil, especially those who fill offices in church and state, are conversant with the French language, and in this language, though sometimes in English, our conversation was usually carried on. We expressed to the Archbishop our satisfaction at the noble stand he had taken in the Chamber of Deputies against the slave-trade. He told us that he felt himself allied to every Society, in every land, which had for its object the abolition of this shameful traffic. He had received and read the Address to Sovereigns from the Society of Friends (a copy of which we had sent him from Rio,) and we might depend on his efforts to promote the objects it embraced. He was well pleased, he said, that we had paid him a visit, and took leave of us courteously."

We may form some conception of the critical situation of that city from the following state


and form a striking contrast to the prædial slaves,
who labor on the sugar-plantations, and who are
in general a dejected race.
The enormous pre-
ponderance of the blacks in Bahia, where they
find constant employment among the merchants
and the shipping, has given, at times, great un-
easiness to those in power. Being mainly of one
nation, they speak a language of their own, which
their masters do not understand, and this facili-
tates secret confederacies whenever they are dis-
posed to form them. About twenty years since,
some political party feuds disturbed the free pop-
ulation: the blacks took advantage of the commo-
tion, and rose to assert their right to freedom.
The city was alarmed; the balance was nearly
poised; and the military forces were but just
400 or 500 blacks lost their lives. A sense of
sufficient to gain an ascendancy. In the conflict,
inferiority of condition, combined with physical
strength, is the great uniter of mankind to deeds
of daring. This feeling, and this latent power,
are both blended in the black population of
Bahia, and may, at some future period, introduce
disorder and dismay. Some of the white in-
habitants have trembled at the thought of it

The subjoined notice is interesting:

"Attended by our friend, the American Consul, from whom we received many kind attentions, we paid a visit to one of the Judges of the province, and his son, who resides with him, and who is a representative in the Provincial Chamber of Deputies. Whilst we were conversing with the father,—a man of intelligence and an ardent friend of public liberty,-the son, who sat near the window, was attentively reading our Address, a copy of which we had put into his hands. When he had finished it, he came up to us and said, in a serious manner, and with apparent emotion, 'These are the true principles:" and before we left he said to the Consul, 'I will make this mission known in the journals.' The reading of this Address had made a deep impres sion on his mind, of which we soon had a full proof, as, in a day or two after, a paragraph from his own pen appeared in one of the daily newspapers of the city, which we here copy.

the Society of Friends of Great Britain, who "There are now in this city two members of are come from Rio de Janeiro, and who, during "Out of the 125,000 inhabitants which Bahia their brief stay in the capital, have been collectcontains, seven-eighths are said to be blacks, and ing information on all the questions which bear nearly all of these are slaves, principally bozals, on Brazilian slavery. Messrs. John Candler and or newly imported negroes. In such a commu- Wilson Burgess have paid their compliments to nity, with a slave population so concentrated and His Imperial Majesty, and have presented to him, so superabounding, there cannot, one would sup-in the name of the Society which they represent, pose, be much systematic cruelty, or it would a Memorial, in which are unfolded the bitter lead to insurrection. The merchants assured us fruits of slavery, and principles of the purest relithat these city slaves are exceedingly well off; gion and the most eternal truth. These gentleand, except from the circumstance of their toil-men, who have left their country, their families ing under very heavy loads, which often excited and the comforts of their home, thus to peregriour compassion, we should suppose this assertion nate, have lifted up a sublime and disinterested to be true. They appear cheerful and even merry, banner, and certainly deserve the thanks and

benedictions of the whole community. Most earnestly do we pray that the seed they scatter in their travels on the ground we tread upon, may spring up in a day to come, and that, visited by the benign breezes of the Gospel, it may grow up into flourishing and fruit-bearing trees!"

numbers and of extraordinary height and gracefulness, decorated the mountain sides and added to the interest of the foreground. On reaching the top of the Black Mountain, the prospect was magnificent. We were now standing on an eminence six thousand feet above the plain, just at "Not only was our visit thus kindly announced the point where in tropical regions the fir and and spoken of, but we had the gratification to the pine begin to be luxuriant, a forest of which find that through the solicitation of our Consul abounding in trees eighty and a hundred feet in at Bahia, the whole Address was published in height was spread out before us, through which, the daily official journal, which has a wide circu- or on its borders, we rode for several miles. At lation in the city and province. We were the particular passes or bends of the hills we caught more anxious to procure the insertion of this new objects of wonder. From one spot we traced Christian Address in the newspapers of Bahia, the lofty chain of the La Selle Mountains, rising inasmuch as that city was the chief seat and em- abruptly to a further height of twelve or fifteen porium of the African slave-trade, which had hundred feet above our heads; from another the lately flourished here in all its vigor. Every island of Gonave, far away in the occan; from a possible influence had been used to extend it. third the plain of Jacmel extending from the foot Young boys and clerks in the warehouses were of the mountain to the sea; and from a fourth, induced to invest all the moneys they could save the hilly country about St. Mark and Gonaives, or procure, in these infamous speculations, and nearly a hundred miles distant by the common were thus all interested more or less in the suc- road, and which it would have taken us a three cess of the slave-merchant; they looked out with days journey on horseback to reach! The laughanxiety for the arrival of each successive slavering woodpecker was running with agility up the on the coast, and watched, with intense interest, the lighting up of the distant bonfires on the islands and along the coast, that signalized to them the important fact, that the slaves were landed and sold."

(To be continued.)


Among the many kind invitations we received was one from the Haytian Senator, B. Ardouin, to spend a day or two at his country villa on the Black Mountain, twenty miles from the city. We had often heard of Le Grand Ford-the awful abyss-the name by which the spot is designated on which his house stands; and we accepted the invitation with much pleasure.

Rarely does it fall to the lot of a traveller, in either hemisphere, to witness the beauty and grandeur of natural scenery which met our eye in this memorable journey. Rising at three o'clock in the morning, we set out accompanied by the Senator and three other gentlemen-six of us in all-attended by two servants. The waning moon had nearly set, but the stars shone brightly and lighted our path for many miles, as we slowly ascended the rough road to Petionville. As we rose gradually above the plains, grand and beautiful prospects disclosed themselves on every side the city of Port-au-Prince with its numerous shipping lay at our feet; on our right hand was a chain of lofty hills green and well wooded; and on our left the extensive plain of the Cul de Sac, sprinkled with sugar estates and enlivened by the habitations of wealthy proprietors. The large lakes were conspicuous in the distance, and beyond these lay a ridge of mountains that stretched eastward as far as the eye could reach. Often did we stop to rest and gaze on the wonderful scenes around us. Palm trees in great

tall trees in search of insects; and a bird called the Musician, known only in these regions and rarely seen, gave out its fine soft notes, like a flute, from the depth of the woods.

We rode slowly along, enjoying the sights and sounds of nature so new and surprising to us, till we came to Fourcy, the hospitable habitation of our friend the Senator. For the last three miles of this interesting route, we had come down a gradual descent. The villa of the plantation stands on a neck of table land about 5400 feet above the sea, and is one of the finest spots imaginable: here we dismounted and found a social domestic party for the day. Fourcy is a coffee plantation worked on shares; and it was delightful to see the hearty good will manifested by the laborers to their beloved proprietor, who comes but seldom to visit them, owing to the toil of the ascent and the numerous state avocations that detain him in the city. A number of them clustered round us to take charge of the horses, and to perform the work of the house during our stay; a superb second breakfast was prepared for us at noon; after which, we traversed the numerous by-paths that lead down the sides of the mountains to the dells and ravines below, and luxuriated, if we may so speak, in the wonders of creation. The exclamation of Wordsworth's Wanderer in his address to the author of Nature, rushed to my recollection.

"The mind that may forget thee in the crowd, Cannot forget thee here, where thou hast built For thy own glory in the wilderness."

The mountains of La Selle, which overlook Jacmel and the sea, were at a distance of six leagues from us, and between them and the spot where we stood were profound depths, (des Grands Fond,) some of them awfully rugged and rocky, and others filled with forests of Weymouth

pine; valleys ran between different ridges of the A rumor prevails that Russia has formed an allihills, in which were sprinkled numerous small ance with Dost Mahomed for the purpose of stirproperties, neatly fenced, where the owners re-ring up hostilities in India. Letters from Cabul

side and cultivate provisions and coffee. The plantain, the banana, and the graceful Indian corn, are the products of the region. The beautiful Fuchsia, cultivated as a green house plant in some parts of England, is here a parasite, which clings to the stems of slender trees, and hangs down its crimson blossoms in rich profusion; others of our elegant and tender garden. plants grow wild by the road side. The Baytree and the Ivy, so common in cold countries, mix with the forest trees peculiar to a tropical latitude: the standard peach flourishes and yields good fruit; the apple thrives, and blackberries of a large size abound: here, in short, the products of the old and the new world blend together in strange luxuriance, and exhibit a vegetation remarkable in appearance and extraordinary for its richness and beauty. The thermometer ranged in the day time from 60° to 64° of Fahrenheit, and the evening and early morning were so chilly as to render a cloak or some other warm clothing necessary. The dinner table was abundantly supplied with soup, fish, fowl, ragouts, and roasted meat; numerous fine vegetables, tarts, creams, and confectionary and a rich dessert; coffee concluded the day. Our hospitable host showed the kindest attention to his guests, such attentions as genuine courtesy dictates, and true politeness knows how to apply; and entertained and instructed us by conversation of no common order.-J. Candler's notices of Hayti.


FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-The U. S. Mail Steamship Atlantic, from Liverpool on the 16th arrived at New York on the 29th ult.

By this mail more reliable accounts have been received of the commencement of hostilities between the Russian and Turkish armies. It appears that the date formerly given was incorrect, and that the first battle began on the night of the 1st ult. and continued 28 hours, and that the victory by the Turks was more complete than was represented in our former accounts. The Russian outposts nearest the river were Poles, who not only failed to give notice of the approach of the Turks but even assisted them in the work of death.

The only authentic account of any defeat having been sustained by the Turks is that their force of 2000 men has been obliged to evacuate the island in front of the strong Russian position of Giurgero. It is reported that several Russian forts in Georgia and the Caucasus have been captured by the Turks. Disaffection has broken out among the Poles in the Russian ranks, four of whom had been summarily shot at Bucharest.

The national defence of Servia goes on with great activity. District Inspectors go from village to village to see that every man is armed.

The Sultan, in his speech before the Grand Council of Justice, declared that in the spring he will place himself at the head of his troops and conduct, in person, the military operations against Russia.

state that a Russian army has advanced within ten that the Khan of Kheva and the King of Bokhara marches of Oogunge, the capital of Kheva, and have taken the field to resist it.

The report that Schamyl had cut off 20,000 Russians in the Caucasus, is confirmed.

The position which Austria will take in the af fairs of the East is yet undefined.

Prussia reserves to herself full liberty of action. land is not yet known. What course will be taken by France and Eng

CHINA.-Intelligence has been received of the capture of Shanghai by the insurgents on the 7th of the 9th month last.

The imperial garrison was surprised by a band of the insurgents, who gained possession of the city with little resistance.

Fighting continued at Amoy, the imperialists making strong efforts to retake the city. There was a report that Pekin had been captured, but it has not been confirmed. The late accounts of the progress of the rebellion are contradictory, but it appears certain that the insurgents have possession of Keang-ping and other towns one hundred miles north of the Yellow river.

pinwall, arrived at New York on the 29th ult. CALIFORNIA. The steamship Illinois, from AsMost of her news had been anticipated by the United States. The fillibustering expedition by the Caroline to the Mexican State of Sonora had succeeded in evading the U. S. officers and had set sail. She was supposed to be well provided with all the arms and ammunition necessary for the acFrom Oregon the accounts are discouraging. Agcomplishment of the designs of the party on board. riculture was very backward, and the hatred cherished against the Indians by many of the settlers renders futile all efforts to preserve peace with them.

From the Isthmus we learn that the Railroad is progressing. Passengers leaving New York on the 5th inst. will be transported in the cars from Aspinwall to Matachine. By that time the bridge across the river at Barbacoas will also be completed.

MEXICO.-Advices from the city of Mexico to the 17th ult. have been received stating that letters received there from Tepic dated 11th month 12th, inform that 200 armed men from San Francisco had just landed from the brig Caroline, at the port of La Paz, Lower California, had taken possession of the town, imprisoned the Commanding General, and declared Lower California independent.

They have a flag with two stars, supposed to represent Lower California and Sonora. The news created great excitement at Mexico. It is thought that Santa Anna will take advantage of this excitement to have himself proclaimed Emperor.

DOMESTIC.-The Twentieth Anniversary of the American Anti-Slavery Society was held in this city on the 3d, 4th, and 5th insts. A number of distinguished advocates of the cause from New England and elsewhere were present.

Congress convened at Washington on the 5th inst., when 43 Senators were in attendance. Linn Boyd was chosen speaker.

The President's message has been delivered. It is a document of moderate length, occupying not quite five columns in one of our daily papers.

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