Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

The Friend quickly enquired the reason of such, a course of treatment towards the sick man, and was informed by the "Prophet" that the man was bewitched, and that he had made those incisions for the purpose of extracting the combustible matter that the witch had thrown into him. On hearing this assertion, the Friend told him that there was no such thing as witch and witchcraft; that he was wounding the poor man sorely, and bade him begone. He commenced dressing the wounds, and pretty soon the "Prophet" retired, apparently quite provoked. Late in the night following, the Friend was aroused by some one at his door wishing to get in, and at the same time exclaiming, in broken English, "They killee me-they killee me!" The Friend, on opening the door, found the applicant to be an Indian woman with her little daughter, some ten years old; and on going with her to the Government interpreter, who lived near, she told him that a little messenger had come to her house and informed her privately, that the chiefs were then in council, and that she (the Indian woman) was certainly condemned to die, on the charge of having bewitched the sick man above alluded to; and she had come to the Quake-lee for protection.

The Friend not having full confidence in this interpreter, only remarked to the woman, "that if he attempted to protect her on such an occasion, he thought it would be at the risk, not only of his own life, but also that of his family." He, however, quickly procured another interpreter, the son of the Government blacksmith, a person in whom, on such an occasion, he could confidently rely; and having another interview with the woman, she gave them the same relation in regard to her situation, and promised very cheerfully that, if the "Qua ke-lee" would undertake to protect her, she would obey in all things of which they could give her an understanding. During this short interval, it appeared the Friend had matured a plan of operation, which he now disclosed, and which wass-that if they could keep the woman and her child concealed through the coming day, and he could procure the necessary reliable assistance, he would send them direct to his neighborhood, over one hundred miles distant. To this proposition the poor woman quickly assented, fully believing that if she could be found she would be executed; and the blacksmith, promptly entering into his views, cheerfully proffered all the assistance in his power.

The subject of keeping her and her little daughter sufficiently concealed through the coming day, was now a question of the deepest interest to every one present, or at all concerned in so difficult a matter; and as the day was now drawing near, it became necessary that this should be attended to quickly. They were, therefore, taken to the upper chamber of the dwelling, (which was only one and a half stories high,) and placed between two beds on the bed

stead, and the covering carefully spread, as though nothing but the beds were there. Here they were to remain, and really did, through the whole of the coming day.* I believe before the middle of that day, the mills, the stable, the meat-house, the dwelling and even the chamber where the poor creatures lay, were respectively and carefully searched by Indians, who, doubtless, had been sent by the chiefs for that purpose.

Towards the middle of the day-to that family one of deep thoughtfulness and anxiety, and especially so to the superintendent-came the chief, Wi-os-se-coh, (Capt. Wolf,) a noble-spirited man, and, in many respects, an ornament to his nation, and informed the Friend privately of what had recently taken place among them, as though he did not at all suspect that his friend knew anything about it. The Friend gladly embraced the opportunity of fully unfolding his mind to this chief, on the subject of witches and witchcraft; and simplifying his language to the understanding of the man, he earnestly expostulated with him on the cruelty and inhumanity of their practice of frequently putting their people to death, on a bare charge of this kind. Wi-osse-coh left him apparently somewhat confused, or disturbed, to find that he and his friend should entertain such conflicting views on what before had seemed to him so important a matter. About an hour after this interview, he returned, and, in private, expressed strong conviction that the Friend knew more of the facts in the case than he before was aware of, and questioned him so closely relative to the woman, that the Friend doubtless manifested symptoms of fear of detection and a willingness to waive the subject; on seeing which, the chief voluntarily told him he need not be afraid to tell him all he knew about it, and labored to assure him that, so far from betraying, he would protect him to the utmost of his ability. As the Friend had long reposed much confidence in this chief, he now felt the conviction forcibly, that if he could only so work upon his feelings, as thereby to secure his influence and assistance, that this very trying affair might yet be brought to a peaceful and satisfactory conclusion; though, under all the circumstances of the case, it seemed almost like "hoping against hope." He, however, ventured to say to Wi-os-se-coh, "that he believed the woman whom they had condemned to die, and for whom the Indians had been making diligent search, was out of their reach, and that he thought they would never see her face again-unless they altogether abandoned the idea of executing her; and, further, that he had thought, as soon as he could bring it about, he would take his family and go home, and abandon the mission entirely.

A small dog, which had, during the night, kept vered by the Indians, would betray them, was disclose to her, and which the Friend believed, if discopatched by his own hands,

At this rather unlooked for disclosure, the, her stead; that he was now there unarmed and Chief manifested some surprise, and for a time entirely at their mercy; and that he supposed seemed absorbed in thought; but after recover- they would have to take him and do with him ing himself a little, he told the Friend that "the as they saw meet." On hearing this last senChiefs were then in session on the occasion at tence, Captain Wolf, who all the time had been their counsel-house," and proposed "that if the standing near, now stepped close to the Friend, Friend would accompany him there, and then and took hold of his arm, expressing at the same promise the Chiefs that he would be answerable time, in language and tone, and with a countefor the woman, he believed he could influence nance not to be mistaken, "Me Qua-ke-lee them to agree, that she should not be put to friend," and then called upon the Chiefs most death." imperatively, not to suffer their friend the Quaker to be in the least harmed or molested; and that "if they were still determined not to submit to the proposition, he was ready to offer his own life for that of his friend."

This was just what the Friend much desired, but to accomplish it he believed would indeed prove the trial of his faith. On making his prospects known to his family, some of whom now manifested the deepest interest for their welfare in general, and for him in particular, he calmly expressed his belief" that, if he were faithful in the discharge of his whole duty on this trying occasion, He, whose protecting care he had often witnessed to be near, would not forsake him in the needful time."

I believe it is not asserting too much, to say, that some of the living members of that family, now after a lapse of more than thirty years, often, very often, remember the events of that day with feelings of humility and gratitude.

This unlooked for, yet spirited and courageous movement in their noble Chief, whose purpose could be no longer misunderstood nor easily thwarted; as well as the composure, resignation and Christian firmness of the Friend, whose compassionate eye had been overlooking them, and whose feeling heart had yearned towards them with all the affection and tenderness of a parent; seemed for a time to check every movement, and indeed to change the countenances of some of the most ferocious among them.

At this critical stage of the business, when The Friend then waited on the before men- wonder and amazement had taken hold on them, tioned blacksmith, informed him of what had and when probably no one present could foresee passed between himself and the Chief (Captain the result, the Chiefs, one by one, to the number Wolf), and requested the assistance of his youth-of six or eight, walked deliberately up to the ful son as interpreter. This man, knowing the practice of the Indians on such an occasion, after expressing some doubts of success, remarked, that "as he had resolved in the beginning to assist in this difficult affair, he was willing to go

with them."

Friend, and with countenances that bespoke the
purest friendship, each in his turn offered his
hand, and such of them as could speak some
English, repeated at the same time,
me Qua
ke-lee friend, me Qua-ke-lee friend."


The government blacksmith also embraced the opportunity of showing them that he too was the Quaker's friend; so that the Friend was now closely surrounded by a number, some of whom, but a little while before, were, apparently enemies in hostile attitude, but who now greeted him as their friend.

Accordingly those four individuals repaired to the council-house one and a half miles distant, where they met twenty or more of the Chiefs and principal men of the nation. On entering the door Captain Wolf, in a commanding tone, bade them, "be still and hear." He then briefly told them the occasion of their sudden appearance As soon as these feelings, produced by the among them; and in a short speech he rehearsed impulse of the moment, had a little subsided, and to them the several interviews between him- some order was restored, Captain Wolf began to self and his friend, and finally told them the address his people in an eloquent and powerful proposition he had made to his friend the "Qua-speech, in which he told them, that "the woman ke-lee;" on hearing which they began to move around, and converse among themselves, and a number of them being painted, and having more or less arms about them, they began indeed to present a hostile and formidable appearance.

The Friend, who with the rest of his company had been standing as silent spectators, now addressed them through his interpreter, with a remarkably composed and dispassionate manner and countenance, informing them that he had come with his friends Wi-os-se-coh and Sim-metta, to intercede for the life of the woman whom they had condemned to die; but seeing they appeared determined to pursue their own course, he felt resigned and prepared to offer himself in

whom they had so cautiously condemned the evening before, by some means unknown to them all, had disappeared; and though the most diligent search had been made, no trace of her could yet be found; that if his friend, the Quaker, had sent her to the white people for protection and they, the Chiefs, did not pardon and recall her, it would indeed be a lasting disgrace to their nation; and that if their friends the Quakers, should for this reason finally break up the mission, that had been begun and thus far carried on entirely for their (the Indian's) benefit, to whom then should they look for help?"

This able and very excellent address, of which the above few sentences constitute but a small

part, delivered as it was, in feeling, affectionate | again moved, with his family, to "Friends' Esand impressive language, truly wrought out a tablishment," five miles south of Wapaghkonetta, desirable and most satisfactory result; so that for the purpose of resuming the school which had after a short discussion among themselves, those been previously dismissed by the Committee, counsellors, I believe to a man, (except the be- partly in consequence of the unsettled situation fore named "Prophet," who about this time, of the Indians. left them in disgust,) came forward and cheer- Soon after the school was put in operation, his fully offered their hands in token of friendship; old and tried friend, the Indian Agent, called to and then unitedly, as with the voice of one man, see him. They spent several hours very agreesolemnly promised, that if the Friend would re-ably together, freely conversing on various substore the woman to her people, she should be protected by them; and then called on their old friend the blacksmith, to witness the covenant they had made; and he assenting, told them, "that he should not only stand as a witness to this, but also as surety for the faithful performance on the part of his friend the Quaker. The Friend and his companion, (Captain Wolf going with them), now returned to his anxious family, relieved indeed of a burden which, for near twenty-four hours, had borne with impressive weight upon him; but now bearing the glad tidings to them, that the woman was pardoned and his own life spared. In company with the interpreter he soon repaired to the chamber where the woman still quietly lay, and briefly told her what had been effected in her behalf; on hearing which, she burst into tears, and exclaimed in broken English, "they will kil-lee me, they will kil-lee me.'

After a suitable pause the Friend admitted Captain Wolf to the chamber, who told her in a pleasant and affable manner "to be no longer doubting, but to believe what had been told her." He then in his own language and with his native eloquence, narrated to her all that had transpired, not only in the councils of the Chiefs, but also between himself and their mutual friend the "Quaker," and labored much to assure her of the truth that she was pardoned.

jects connected with Indian affairs. In the course of this interesting interview, the Friend remarked, "that he found many of the Indians still in a very unsettled condition, and desirous to sell their lands, and move over the Mississippi; that, in consequence of this, he had resumed the school and his labors among them, under much discouragement; that it appeared to him while they were in this situation little permanent good could be done them; and should they ere long be removed to the far west, and located among the wild tribes of the wilderness, it seemed to him that the labors of Friends would soon be entirely lost."

The writer of this article being then present, still vividly remembers the glow of countenance, and animated language and manner, of that excellent man, the agent, when he replied nearly as follows:

I feel

"For your encouragement, Friend bound to tell you the honest conviction of my own mind; that if the labors of the Friends have done no other good, the simple fact, that by your individual exertion and faithfulness in saving the life of Polly Butler,* you have so completely broken up the heathenish practice that once existed, of frequently putting some of their people to death on the charge of witchcraft, is sufficient to reward for all the labor and money spent. For," continued he, "I have never heard of an Notwithstanding all this, the poor woman re-instance of one of them being put to death on a mained in the family some time, and for several similar charge since that memorable time.” days was afraid to be seen by her people; but 6th month, 1852. she afterwards returned to her own house, where she lived unmolested several years, and then, as was believed by her friends, died a natural death. The warmest friendship, closest attachment and nearest intimacy, between the Friend and this excellent Chief, Captain Wolf, subsisted for several years, or during the lifetime of the latter; he never permitted the Chiefs to decide upon any important question without first consulting his friend, the Quaker.

The writer often heard the Friend speak with manifest emotions of humility and gratitude, testifying, "that if Divine power had not interposed, he could never have achieved what he did; and if the Everlasting Arm had not been underneath to support, he should certainly have fallen by the way." This little narrative may be properly closed with the relation of a fact intimately connected with it.

In the autumn of 1825, this devoted Friend


The foregoing narrative being submitted to J. Johnston, he returned the reply contained in the


the Shawanoese nation, the principal subject in the "Polly Butler, charged with being a witch, in preceding narrative, and who was saved from a violent death by the timely, firm, and persevering efforts of Isaac Harvey, then in charge of the Friends' Mission at Wapaghkonetta, Ohio, was the daughter of General Richard Butler, by a of the same union, and he became a distinguished Shawanoese woman. A son also was the offspring chief in peace and war among the Shawanoese; being in authority during the whole of my agency over this nation, a period of almost thirty years.

General Butler was an Indian trader before the

Revolutionary war, spoke the language of the natives, and, as was customary with persons of those

The English name of the before-mentioned woman.

pursuits, took an Indian wife. His son and daughter bore a striking resemblance to the Butler family, many of whom I knew in early life. The General was second in command in the army of St. Clair, and was killed on the 4th of November, 1791, in battle with the combined Indians of the North-west, on the ground on which Fort Recovery was afterwards built, distant from Greenville fourteen miles.

Witchcraft was universally believed in by all the Indian tribes.-The foregoing narrative is substantially true. JOHN JOHNSTON,

Formerly Agent for Indian Affairs in the North-west, and U. S. Commissioner." Dayton, Ohio, October 17, 1853.


In a former number of this work we gave a short account of the new science of Submarine Geography, by means of which it has been shown that the great undulatory beds of the oceans may be as accurately mapped for all practical purposes of navigation, as are the mountains and valleys of our own dry earth. In that paper we dwelt upon the deep-sea soundings which had been carried on by the Government of the United States, and of some of the more immediate results of the knowledge thus acquired.

Current-charts and maps of the hills and valleys of Old Ocean formed but one portion of the labors of our persevering brethren across the Atlantic. A most important feature in their scientific proceedings was so to track the winds met with in the navigation of the highways of the seas, as to be able to lay down with tolerable accuracy a complete chart of the various currents of the atmosphere in every part of the world, at all times of the year: in short, to construct a huge Air Map.

The proceedings of the American government since that paper was printed, may be learned by what transpired at a public meeting convened a short time ago, in the Merchants' Room at Lloyd's, for the purpose of receiving a communication from Lieutenant Maury, of the United States Navy, in reference to the co-operation of British commanders with those of America in carrying on a series of atmospheric observations.

Already a knowledge of the hitherto unnoticed variable winds has enabled navigators to shorten their voyages to some parts of the world by fully one-third of the usual time, and in a few instances to one-half. In speaking of the growing importance of our intercourse with the Australian colonies, Lieutenant Maury expressed his belief, that in a very few years the run to and from Australia from this country, would be accomplished by ordinarily good sailing vessels in one hundred and forty days, instead of, as at present, one hundred and eighty to two hundred days. It is not, therefore, to be wondered at, that ship-owners, merchants, and mariners should take a deep interest

in them. Time has ever been considered as money; and surely this was never more truly the case than at the present moment, when electric telegraphs, high-pressure locomotives, and improved screws are doing all that electricity, steam, and iron can do, to annihilate space and bring distant places together. In thus looking, however, to shortening the voyage to and from the other side of the globe, no new and costly mechanical appliances are needed; no novel power is thought of; not a new rope is required; not an extra square yard of canvas is asked for; all that is needed is a thorough knowledge of the winds at sea, so that the navigator may, by avoiding such of them as are adverse to him, make use only of those which are in his favor.

In so far as this practical matter-of-fact end is arrived at, the man of the world will, of course, feel warmly interested in the inquiry. But the sympathies of the student of science are not less enlisted on the same side; for he will by such means gather together many new and beautiful facts, serving to illustrate the economy of nature in some of her grandest operations. Without a doubt it will be through a knowledge of the world of winds, that we shall arrive at an understanding of many phenomena at present but guessed at. The course and duration of the air-currents will explain the fertility or sterility of many large tracts of country. The direction of the winds will go far to account for the luxuriant growth of particular plants in particular localities. The winds will be found to be the great ministers of good throughout the surface of this globe, carrying on their invisible wings precious gifts yielded up by ocean to fertilize and beautify the earth in far dis tant places; and by a still wider and higher influence, so to equalize the ever-recurring disturb ances of temperature, moisture, and electricity, as to fit the world for the life and health of the many species-animal and vegetable-which exist upon its varied face.

"Fickle as the wind" is not an inapt adage when applied to the local character of the winds. But looking at the general course of the air-cur rents over the ocean, if we follow the many windroads which stretch across the deep, we shall see that, so far from possessing any features of insta bility, the circulation of the atmosphere about u is fully as regular and well-defined, as are the mo tions of the earth itself, and the other grea bodies of our system. In fact, the winds are part of that wondrous and beautiful whole which was called forth when "He measured the water in the hollow of his hand, and comprehended th dust in a measure, and weighed the mountains i scales and the hills in a balance." Long befor modern science had told us anything concernin atmospheric phenomena, an inspired writer pr mulgated the whole system-"The wind goet towards the south, and turneth about unto th north; it whirleth about continually, and th wind returneth again according to his circuits

This passage really indicates what has been passing in the world of winds since earth was created. The aberrations of air currents upon land are but the eddies and offsets of the great atmospheric tides, caused by geological irregularities, just as we find dead water and whirlpools amidst the largest rivers.

The winds must no longer be regarded as types of instability, but rather as ancient and faithful chroniclers; we have but to consult them intelligently to gather from them great natural truths. In order to learn the course of ocean currents, investigators have long been in the habit of casting into the sea bottles, labelled and marked, so that on these being found cast ashore at remote places, their course might be made known to the world. What man does with the waters, nature accomplishes, unasked, with the air. She strangely places tallies and marks upon the wings of the wind in certain parts of the globe, by which the philosophers in a distant country may recognize the same wind, and so trace it in its path over

ocean and over land.

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The sirocco, or African dust, which, in spring and autumn, has long been observed falling in the vicinity of the Cape de Verdes, Malta, Genoa, Lyons, and the Tyrol, was believed to have been brought from the great sandy deserts of Africa by the prevailing winds coming from that quarter, and the theory appeared plausible enough. Men of science were, however, not content to take this supposition as it stood, and, thanks to recent improvements in the construction of microscopes, one persevering philosopher, Ehrenberg, has been enabled to ascertain the precise nature, and, consequently, the original source of this supposed African dust. His examinations have demonstrated that this rain-dust does not belong to the mineral, but to the vegetable kingdom: that it consists not of earthy particles finely divided, but of minute infusoria and organisms whose habitat is not Africa, but South America, and that, too, in the region of the south-west trade-winds. The professor was not content with examining one specimen; he compared the "rain-dust" gathered at the Cape de Verdes with that collected at Genoa, Lyons, and Malta; and so closely did they all resemble each other, that they might have been pronounced as taken from one spot. Nay, more than this, one species of infusoria, the eunotia amphyoxis, has often been found in this dust with its green ovaries, and therefore capable of


That this dust could not have come from Africa is evident from its hue, which is red, or cinnamon color, whereas the sands from the great African deserts are all white or grayish.

Carrying this inquiry still further we shall, by its means, arrive at a key to the entire system of atmospheric currents. We have said that the rain-dust falls in the spring and autumn: the actual time has been at periods of thirty or forty days after the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. It requires no argument to demonstrate that these

minute particles of organic matter must have been lifted from the surface of the earth, not during a rainy season, but at a period when everything in the vegetable kingdom was parched and dry, and consequently in a fit condition for being carried aloft and whirled through the upper realms of air on the wings of the wind.-Household Words.

(To be continued.)


The New York Evening Post contains some interesting facts and figures in relation to the Sandwich Islands. They are situated between the 19th and 22d degrees of north latitude, on a direct line from San Francisco to Hong Kong, being 2,260 miles from the former place, 5,000 from the latter. Their aggregate area is about 6,100 square miles, and their native population is thus estimated :

Hawaii, 20,000; Oahu, 18,000; Niani, 18,000; Kania, 5,000; Molokai, 2,500; Niihau, 700; Lanai, 300. Total, 64,500.

In 1849, it was estimated at 80,000; but it is rapidly decreasing, and will probably become extinct. The majority of foreign residents in the Islands are American, and the prevailing influences are American. The Islands can be of little importance to any other nation-they must become of great importance to the United States. From all accounts, the general opinion of their people is in favor of annexation, and the presumption is, that nothing but the consent of our Government is wanting to consummate the measure. The Intelligencer and some other Conservative prints are alarmed at the prospect, but we cannot see what there is in the measure at all mischievous. They wonder how they are to be governed. Shall they be admitted as a Territory, or a State, or a Colony? As a Territory, doubtless, until their population and condition shall enable them to ask recognition as a State. We have several smaller States than they would constitute. For example, Rhode Island has an arca of only 1,120 square miles; Delaware, 2,200; Connecticut, 4,829. Even Massachusetts contains but 8,500, and New Jersey only 7,490.

We do not see why a Territorial Government would not work just as well in them as in Oregon. One is about as accessible as the other. A steamer would bring a Territorial delegate from the Islands to San Francisco about as soon as from Oregon.-National Era.


The best start that can be given to a child, is to put him in a way to earn his own living. Let him have a faithful training at some good trade or honest profession. Let him know how bread tastes that has been earned by his own sweat. Such bread will taste sweet, and he will know its value. Men should earn their living, and then they should enjoy it. It is injustice to themselves, when they have carned it, not to use all

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