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that an open door is left for those messengers, times walked to the water's edge, in snow nearly who may yet visit any part of this interesting two feet in depth, and rowed herself, in her boat, portion of the Lord's vineyard."

One of the Friends engaged on the foregoing

visit, remarks:

"As regards the little flock in and around Stavanger, it is a comfort to be able to confirm the view already impressed on the minds of those who have been in frequent correspondence with them. Solid and orderly in their deportment, and weighty in spirit before the Lord, they appear as the 'savour of life unto life.'

"We remark, amongst ourselves, that their gravity, and faithful maintenance of the principles and testimonies professed by them, amidst surrounding difficulties; the tenderness of their spirits, and daily walk, are deeply interesting and instructive."

In reference to the education of children, he


across. Her family are bright examples. Two of her brothers are now convinced."

In 1846, the meeting for sufferings gave its sanction to the re-printing in the Danish language of Robert Barclay's Apology; engaging to bear three-fourths of the expense. An agreement was entered into with a printer in Stavanger, to print one thousand copies. After much deliberation, in order to adapt it to the Danish language of the present time, it was concluded to have the work revised by a competent person— great change in the construction of the language having taken place since the last edition was printed.

Friends of Stavanger have also lately printed two little tracts, in addition to the short account of George Fox, already noticed, viz.: The Guide to true Peace, well known to Friends in England; and Extracts from the Writings of William Smith. They were assisted in the expense of the latter, by our friend, James Midgley, of Rochdale.

The Friends who lately visited them, were much impressed with the necessity of extending to them some assistance with regard to the proper education of the children, both of those who are members, and of such as attend their religious meetings, though not members.


"According to the plan established here, a schoolmaster is appointed by the clergy to a certain district, within the limits of which he is expected to teach; and the law provides, that the inhabitants should receive him into their houses, alternately, to lodge; and that a room shall be set apart for tuition, to which the children of the neighborhood are required to come. The question has been raised, 'If the Bible is the class-Tasted has hitherto been the principal teacher; book of the school in lieu of the Lutheran Cate- but on account of his advancing years and infirm chism, will Friends be satisfied?' This subject health, and want of proper support to the school, claimed serious attention in the conference. The it has been given up. The Friends of Stavantender care manifested by the Friends of Sta- ger proposed that Absjorn O. Kloster, a young vanger, lest by seeking relief from the present man in a good degree convinced of our princiburdens, they should in any manner become in- ples, though not a member, should come over to volved in (fresh) trials, was striking; and we England to be instructed in our language. The endeavored to encourage their honest desire, pa- meeting for sufferings, on being consulted, gave tiently to suffer, rather than take any step not its consent, agreeing to defray the chief part of sufficiently satisfactory. the charge. Accordingly, in the Third month. of 1847, he came over, and was sent to Friends' Agricultural School, at Ayton, to be under the tuition of George Dixon. After spending six months in that establishment, he was for a similar period with Robert Doeg, of Harraby Hill, near Carlisle, where he made good progress, and greatly endeared himself to the family, by his sweet, innocent deportment, and pious frame of mind. He returned home about the close of the Fourth month, 1848, and has since entered upon his duties as a schoolmaster, in a room hired for the purpose, and has had good success.

"It is agreed that, in future, an account of sufferings shall be prepared and brought up annually to the Yearly Meeting, to be held in the Sixth month, beginning the last First-day.

"We have visited the families in this place both those of members, and such as are accustomed to attend our meetings. The tenderness we have witnessed amongst them, and their cordial reception of our visits, in their humble dwellings, have been much to our comfort; and, in not a few instances, have we been ministered unto-though not by word, yet by the salutation of their spirits in love. From day to day, we feel our responsibility, and the necessity for watchfulness, amongst this awakened people.

"We were yesterday on an island, half a mile from this town, called Hundvaag. We had twelve religious opportunities, and a meeting in the evening, where about one hundred were present.

"A young woman of the island, in her lively zeal to attend the meeting at Stavanger, has at

The government lays great stress on all children receiving proper school instruction; and as Friends cannot conscientiously avail themselves of the Lutheran schools, it is, on every ground, peculiarly desirable that proper steps should be taken to promote and secure this important object.

The number over whom Friends may be expected to exercise some care, in these respects, is now very considerable.

8th mo. 4th, 1846.-Elias Tasted, in a letter to a Friend, expresses his satisfaction with the visit of the three Friends. "I can say it was a tendering visit to all of us, and to many others. They were very much favored in speaking to the different states amongst us, and with great labor they visited the families of Friends, as well as single persons, in their own houses. They have had many meetings amongst us, and one for the town's people, in which they delivered several good testimonies, which were well received. They have also had a public meeting at Bergen, and have travelled to Christiania. Endre Dahl has been their interpreter the whole time.”

Another Friend writes, "The true brotherly love is no respecter of persons. This we perceived in a high degree, when the Friends were visiting us. May we, then, all be preserved in true love to God, praying for the Spirit of Christ, by which only can we make intercession one for another. May every one that the Lord has laid his work upon, take heed to his high and holy calling; depending only on that living fountain from which alone the thirsty soul can be refreshed. I desire that I may so walk before the Lord, as that I could, in truth as well as in words, call myself thy friend and brother in Christ."

(To be continued.)

The early part of this Narrative was related by the
missionary who conveyed the two orphan children to
Switzerland.-J. YEARDLEY.

Stamford Hill, First Month, 1851.

"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."-PROVERBS Viii. 17.

overpowered by immense numbers of the Turks, they were slaughtered by thousands-their wives and children driven captive and sold for slavesand their property taken away.

This unhappy island was the birth-place of "Amanda," who was born about the year 1815. Her father was a rich merchant, her eldest brother was slain in the civil war, and her mother died of a broken heart. Shortly after, a band of Turkish ruffians attacked the merchant's house, and plundered his property. He escaped with his two remaining children, Amanda and a brother two years older, and took refuge in the cottage of a Turkish woman, to whom he had been kind in the days of his prosperity; but on hearing that he was pursued by the Turks, he was again obliged to flee with his son; the poor little Amanda was unable to accompany them, and he gave her in charge to the woman, who promised to protect her. When the Turks demanded the father, they were assured that he was not there; enraged at not finding him, they seized Amanda by the hair, declaring she was a Greek and were dragging her away, when the woman cried out, she is my own daughter, and you dare not destroy the child of a Turkish mother. stratagem of the merciful woman, although faulty, saved the life of the innocent Amanda from the cruel hands of the ruffians. At midnight the father returned to fetch his child, and with tears, expressed his gratitude for her pre



Early the next morning, with his loved Amanda and her brother, he took advantage of a vessel just sailing for Ancona, on the coast of Italy, where he arrived in safety. In this forlorn situation he was visited by a missionary, who was returning to Switzerland, not finding in The traveller who makes a voyage in the Gre- Greece any room for the gospel message; but the cian Archipelago, may have a beautiful view of poor merchant had received his death-blow. The one of those mountainous islands, that was re-loss of his son, his wife, and his property were presented by English travellers in bygone days, too much for him to bear, and the missionary as a "Garden inhabited by a happy people." was made instrumental in leading him to faith in The natives are a hardy race. The dress of the that All-sufficient Saviour, who alone could give men consists of a short jacket and waistcoat with-him rest; when hopeless of life, he consigned out a collar, a red sash round the waist, a small red cap on the crown of the head, and sandals on their feet: they wear mustachoes, which give them a fierce appearance. The women are considered beautiful, and have intelligent countenances, their dress simple, and their occupation laborious.

Agriculture is not in a high state of cultivation on the island. The mode of threshing is still that mentioned in scripture-treading out the corn by oxen.

his precious children to the care of this gospel messenger, who received them as a gift from heaven, and engaged to place them in the Institution at Beuggen, in Switzerland. The merchant's heart was relieved, he clung to his Saviour and died in peace.

Amanda was only six years old, when these distressing scenes occurred, but they made an impression on her susceptible heart not to be forgotten; and a trait of pensive sorrow was ever after stamped upon her countenance. The pious Many of the Grecians were wealthy merchants, missionary faithfully fulfilled his charge, and conand the inhabitants, who lived in the more re-veyed the two orphans to the Institution, and mote parts of the island, were peaceable ;-but when the Greek Revolution broke out, in the year 1821, they were compelled to take up arms and join the Insurrection; the Greeks made a great effort to obtain their liberty—but being

committed them to the care of the excellent Professor Z- the director, and it was under his pious instruction that Amanda first evinced a bias in favor of religion.

These orphans remained a few years at Beug

gen, and by their progress in learning gave satisfaction to their teachers, when it was concluded by some pious friends who were interested for them, that it would be better to remove them to the Institution at Locle. When they entered this Asylum, the excellent foundress, M. A. Calame, was struck with the pensive air of Amanda, and hearing the affecting circumstances of her history, became much interested for her; indeed, M. A. C. possessed a particular talent for entering into the individual character of her pupils, and exercised a powerful influence on their minds, by directing their attention to the convictions of the Holy Spirit in their own hearts, which she had many proofs was early experi enced by children. Amanda evinced a very susceptible mind in this respect, and these feelings were cherished by her adopted mother, to whom she became tenderly attached. The boy was placed under the care of the master, and also received a portion of M. A. C.'s maternal care and counsel. He remained some years at Locle, and was then placed with a merchant at Marseilles, and from all we have heard, is a steady, respectable character.

Amanda received instruction with so much ease and avidity, that it was concluded to educate her for a teacher, and she was placed in the first class; her pious turn of mind and amiable manners had an inviting influence on those who surrounded her, and they often conversed together on the love of their blessed Redeemer, and the necessity of seeking the direction of His Spirit, in retirement; with this view, Amanda and another of their little company, were deputed to solicit from their beloved superintendent, a closet, where they might retire to wait upon the Lord, and for prayer. M. A. C. was delighted with this proof of early piety, and immediately allotted a place for the purpose, with a desire that the Divine blessing might rest upon


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A few suggestions on the importance of the Cultivation of Cotton in Africa, in reference to the abolition of Slavery in America.

By the true philanthropist of the present day, whose sympathies are enlisted for the oppressed of all countries, and of every race, any suggestion that may lead to even a partial improvement of condition will be received with favor. And on the people of the United States chiefly rests the responsibility of discovering the best mode of emancipating three and a half millions of bondmen in their midst; and of providing for their future welfare, when emancipated. This has been deemed so difficult a subject-so complex in its political, social, and economical bearings, that many well-disposed persons have been willing to pass it by, as a question to be solved by time, or by the superior wisdom of a future age; although aware that every successive year increases and strengthens the evil.

But there are some who believe that the pres ent is the proper time for action, and that they have a duty to perform in this great work, that should not be neglected. To such it is desired to make a few suggestions, under a belief that, with proper effort, much may be done now to effect the desired result, and that measures may be commenced immediately, which will eventuate at no distant period, in a general emancipation, without violence of any kind, and without any collision with the laws of the land.

It was at this period that the Institution was visited by a gospel minister from America, a na- As slavery originated in the spirit of gain, by tive of France, and thoroughly capable of enter- which alone it is still sustained, it is proposed to ing into all its interesting minutia. Upon him make use of the same agency to accomplish its the anointing oil was richly poured, and he had overthrow. It is generally conceded that the religious meetings with the various classes in the profit derived from the culture of cotton is the Asylum. The hearts of these dear children were chief support of slavery in America, and this deeply penetrated with the gospel truths he ut- being the most vulnerable point, is that towards tered. M. A. C. informed him of the request which the attack on the institution should be that had been made, for the closet as a place for directed; for whatever shall prove available in prayer; she also told him that Amanda had con- making slave labor unprofitable, must of course fessed a desire, that was raised in her heart, to cause the demand for that labor to cease. instruct the young women, on her return to her proposed to accomplish this result by means of own country, in the truths of the gospel. Amanda the cultivation of cotton in Africa, with the use was introduced to the minister, who expressed of free labor. As the soil of Africa is much much sympathy with her, and strongly encour- more fertile than that of the United States, and aged her to abide under her religious impressions, is particularly adapted to the growth of cotton, telling her that two ministers of the Society of the advantages in its favor must be apparent to Friends, in England, were intending, in a few the most superficial observer; for not only can months, to pay a religious visit to the Grecian all the best varieties at present cultivated in the Isles, and probably they might conduct her there; United States, be more cheaply raised in West

It is

ern or Central Africa, but there are several kinds, in Africa; for it is not to be supposed that slaindigenous to that continent, of superior quality, very will continue long anywhere when it is found that have been highly approved in the English to be unprofitable. market. When it is remembered that this plant is perennial in Africa, and produces very much more than it does in America, where it must be planted annually, the superiority of the former over the latter will be very obvious; but in comparing the cost of labor in the two countries, the difference is still greater in favor of the free labor of Africa, over the slave labor of America.

To make this apparent to the most skeptical, it is only necessary to compare the value of slaves in Africa, with the market price of the same class of laborers in the United States. The foreign slave traders usually pay from ten to fifteen dollars for each slave, in trade-goods at an enormous profit; so that the cash value of a good field-hand may be safely estimated at from five to ten dollars; while the same laborer in America would cost from five hundred to one thousand dollars. This comparison shows the real difference in the value of labor to be estimated in calculating the relative cost of the production of this important staple, the variation in the price of which so seriously affects our commercial prosperity as to make the information respecting it of the first importance on every arrival from Europe. As this comparison, however, is only between slave labor in the two countries, and as the object of encouraging the increased production of cotton in Africa, is to liberate the bondman there as well as here, some may be inclined to doubt whether the native African in a state of freedom can be so stimulated by the love of gain and the hope of improving his condition, as to compete successfully with the compulsory labor used here. But it must be remembered how vast is the population of Africa, and that the employment of even a very small part of it, for a few hours each day, would give a greater amount of labor than that obtained by compulsion from the smaller number in the United States. And when we take into view the difference in the cost of living, the exceeding productiveness of the soil, and that much less clothing is required in that tropical climate than with us, may we not reasonably calculate from these facts, that cotton more than equal to the whole product of the United States, can be obtained from the free sons of Africa in their native land, at less than one-half of its present cost, while amply compensating the laborer and, at the same time, greatly improving his condition in other respects? This plan is, then, simply to make the immense profits at present derived by the slave-trader from his iniquitous business, together with the great emolument accruing to the planter in the United States from the unrequited labor of his slaves, both available to the African himself. And the same process that thus benefits the free laborer, as a necessary consequence, liberates the bondman in America, and emancipates the uncounted millions of slaves

All the Bible arguments of southern theologians, or the patriotic appeals of pro-slavery politicians, will not avail to sustain an institution that occasions a clear loss to every individual connected with it. Both slavery itself and its adjunct, the fugitive slave law, will then be numbered with the things that were. Instead of laws for the protection of this species of property, we shall see, as John Randolph predicted, the master running away from the slave. Succeeding generations will read the history of the present time, in constant wonder that such an institution as human slavery could have existed so long among a professedly Christian and enlightened people, glorying in an eminent degree in the republican principles of their government.

Assuming, then, that the free labor of Africa may be made available, if properly applied, to the abolition of slavery in both countries, the question will naturally arise, as to the best mode of accomplishing so desirable an object, in the shortest time possible; and also that the greatest amount of good, as well as the chief profit, shall result to the advantage of the entire African race.

To this end, care should be taken that the business of collecting, cleaning, pressing, and exporting the cotton, should not be monopolized either by English or American capitalists, nor by any associations of white men, with even very philanthropic views in regard to the abolition of slavery. The most suitable agents to promote the success of the measure, whose exertions could be made to advance their own interest and that of their posterity, while they were using the most effective measures for eradicating one of the greatest evils of the present age, are enterprising colored men from the United States, properly educated, so as to be qualified for the work; and who are capable of appreciating the immense benefits to the world, that must result from their labors. These men could form settlements on the whole Western coast of Africa, between the parallels of 20 deg. north and 20 deg. south latitude, which would include Upper and Lower Guinea and Gambia-selecting, of course, the most eligible points on the coast, not already possessed by other powers, from whence they could gradually extend themselves into the interior. They would thus be enabled to control the vast and continually increasing commerce of a hitherto unexplored region, comprising the larger and better portion of Central Africa-sufficient of itself, with the improvements in cultivation naturally introduced by civilization, to form a large and very lucrative portion of the commerce of the world.

The important results that must follow from the success of this scheme, cannot fail to strike every one who will give it attention. The down

fall of American slavery is inevitable, and with | or rest, the key of which is confided to the guide.

it the whole system of servitude throughout the world; for with the great advantages thus shown that Africa possesses for the cultivation of cotton over the more expensive lands and labor in America, is it to be doubted for a moment that it can be profitably raised at much less than onehalf of the price it has commanded in the United States, for many years past?

(To be continued.)



The following notice of the ascent of Mount Etna, is extracted from the acount of "A cruise in the Ægean," performed in 1845 by Walter Watson, of London.

The ascent was made by our voyager, in company with the Captain and Surgeon of the ship, while coasting the island of Sicily. They made their departure from Catania at five o'clock in the afternoon, in order to reach the summit by daybreak next morning.

It must be borne in mind that the ascension of this mountain must be made from the very level of the sea, not, as in the ascent of Mount Blanc, from a valley situated at an altitude of more than 3,000 feet, which is reached by a gradual, almost imperceptible, change; and the keen, bracing air invigorates the traveller, who has here to contend with the enervating effects of an Italian sun. In this extreme change of temperature, probably, consists the real danger of the excursion, and, as will be seen in the course of my narrative, it was most severely felt by our lamented friend, the captain; indeed, I question whether it was not, in some respects, the remote cause of his premature death.

In the darkness of the night they are depicted as making the ascent, advancing through the forest, without being able to distinguish a tree from a mass of lava, while the wind whistled through the trees and the keen air afflicted their senses, with nothing to guide or guard them but the instinct and sure-footedness of the mules, who "seemed to feel their way in the dark with their hoofs, as the blind do with their hands." For two hours during the ascent our travellers slept on the backs of the faithful animals. Having arrived at the grotto Casa delle Neve, they halted, but soon mounted again. The road grew rougher, and the wind more piercing, as they emerged from the "wooded" into the "desert" region. The cold completely benumbed the extremities, and strange visions visited each sleepwaking, half-clairvoyant adventurer. The blackness of the ground they traversed sufficiently accounted for the intense darkness which surrounded them, though the cloudless sky above was bespangled with brilliant stars. They bivouacked at "La Casa Inglese," a rough, substantial building, about 40 feet by 12, consisting of three rooms, and erected as a place of refuge

It was a quarter to five in the morning while the party was engaged here in refreshment: accordingly, they found it impossible to reach the summit soon enough to see the sun rise, and hastened to the brow of a neighboring hill for that purpose.

From this eminence we could command an extensive view of the Italian coast, having in the background the bold and varied outline of the Calabrian mountains. Then, indeed, the cold and fatigue of the night voyage were soon forgotten in the contemplation of this wonderful sight. The usual precursors of sunrise, the gray clouds, the red mist, and the golden halo, successively cleared away, and the glorious orb rose in cloudless majesty between the southernmost peaks of the Apennines. As there is no twilight in this altitude, the greater part of the island was thus suddenly displayed before our gaze, except where the mountain still intercepted the sun's rays. The deep shadow not finding space, on account of its great length, to be contained within the limits of the land, rested on the gray sea-mist far away over the blue waves of the Mediterranean, where the vapory outline of the mountain seemed to be bent upwards into the air. The increasing warmth rapidly dispersed the morning mist, and opened to us a panoramic view, which, though far inferior to that seen from the crater, will yet abundantly repay the toil and expense incurred by any one who has had the good fortune to ascend even thus far in fine weather. The thermometer now stood at 45°, and the bracing air, which was delightfully refreshing, invigorated us for the toil of climbing the crater-in itself a small mountain rising to the height of a thousand feet, and, as we found to our cost, more steep and difficult of access than all the rest of the volcano together, as far as we had to do with it. Seen from a little distance, it appears almost perpendicular, such is the steepness of the side; and the work of ascending is more than usually toilsome from the deep coating of soft ashes and scoria, where the foot sinks without gaining a firm foothold-for half the step forward is lost in slipping backwards again. I have accomplished many a steep climb in Switzerland, where at least every step was so much distance gained; but never encountered a task to be compared with this cruelly deceptive hill, which, when we started, it seemed a bare half-hour's task to scale. The approach to the crater from the house of refuge lies over a deep bed of lava, cracked and broken, and tumbled about in masses of every possible shape and dimension, as if the Cyclops had been wont to empty in this place the refuse from this vast forge. This uncomfortable walk, where a false step would infallibly be marked by a broken shin at least, extends about a quarter of a mile, with occasional beds of firm snow to revive one's courage and comfort the feet. We had not

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