Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ROBERT LINDSAY and FREDERIC MACKIE.-It is stated in the British Friend, of last month, that these Friends have completed their service in New Zealand, and had proceeded to Sidney, in

New South Wales.

passage by Congress of any bill, which will permit the introduction of slavery, either now or at any future period, into any portion of the territory of Nebraska, or in anywise infringe upon the eighth section of the "Act passed in the year 1820," commonly called the Missouri Compro

MARRIED,-At Friends' Meeting House, at Sand-mise Act, which declares, "that in all that terribank, Indiana, on the 19th ult., JOHN A. OUTLAND, of Parke county, Indiana, to ISABEL, daughter of Jesse and Zilpha Pul, of Sandbank.

DIED,-At Pawtucket, on the 5th inst., JETHRO F. MITCHELL, of Middletown, R. I., an esteemed member and elder of Rhode Island Monthly Meeting, aged nearly 76 years.

On the 20th of Twelfth month, at her residence, in Raysville, Henry county, Indiana, of typhoid fever, HANNAH, wife of Joel Pusey, in the 61st year of her age, a valuable member of Spiceland Monthly Meeting. This dear Friend sustained, through life, the brightness of the Christian character, and she awaited the approaches of the undeniable messenger, with calmness and hope, declaring that death had no terror, nor would the grave have any victory. She was enabled to impart much weighty and useful

counsel to those who visited her.

On the 8th of Twelfth month last, at his residence, in Chatham county, N. C., THOMAS STOUT, a member of Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, aged about 71 years.

tory ceded by France to the United States, under the name of Louisiana, which lies North of 36 deg. 30 min., North latitude, not included within the limits of the State contemplated by this Act, Slavery and involuntary servitude, otherwise than as the punishment of crime, shall be and is hereby forever prohibited."

The following report, though rather out of season is published in the "Review" at the request of the Managers :—

The Philadelphia Association of Friends for the
Instruction of Poor Children.

At a meeting of the Association, held First month, 2nd, 1854, the following Friends were appointed officers for the ensuing year, viz :

Clerk.-Edward Richie.

Treasurer.-Richard Richardson.

Managers.-John M. Whitall, Joel Cadbury, Israel H. Johnson, Richd. Richardson, Thomas Lippincott, Mark Balderston, James Kite, Chas.

On the 30th of Seventh month last, of pul-J. Allen, Samuel Walton, Benjamin H. Pitfield, monary disease, HULDAH, wife of Jacob Votaw, Joseph S. Elkinton, Edward Sharpless.

in the 27th year of her age, a member of Missine

wa Monthly Meeting, Indiana. Reposing on the

Annual Report.

mercy of God; through a crucified and risen Sa- To the Philadelphia Association of Friends for the Instruction of Poor Children,

viour she evinced as she approached the solemn

close, a foretaste of the joys to come-retaining The Managers Report: her understanding and the power of expression

to the last.

On the 22d of the Twelfth month last, of pulmonary consumption, LUCINDA, wife of Hanuel Hunt, in the 38th year of her age, a valuable member of Richland Monthly Meeting, Iowa.

The subjoined Memorial has been prepared for signatures, and it is sincerely to be hoped that it will arrest the attention of our philanthropic citi. zens, and that they will speedily express their decided opposition to the flagrant violation of the faith of government, as well as disregard of the prosperity of our common country, which is attempted by the bill now before Congress for the establishment of territorial governments in Ne


That the Schools have been continued under the care of the same teachers as last year, except that a new Principal has been appointed in the Infant department; the former Principal having resigned, after having faithfully served the Association for nearly sixteen years. The Schools have been visited by committees of the Board twice a month; and from their reports it appears, that, in general, good order has been maintained, and that the scholars are advancing as fast as can be expected from their circumstances in life, and the irregularity of their attendance. During the last few months, more attention has been given to the writing of the children in the Infant department, and their improvement in this branch has been quite remarkable. The difficulty of satisfactorily conducting this School, both as regards the behaviour of the children, and their advancement in their studies, has from time to

To the Senate and House of Representatives of time claimed the attention of the Board; and we the United States of America, in Congress


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The undersigned citizens of the State of*respectfully, but earnestly remonstrate against the

The name to be filled with the pen.

have latterly been endeavouring to render this department more efficient.

In this effort we have, we believe, the cordial co-operation of the teachers.

The system of teaching Geography in concert has been lately introduced in both rooms, we

hope to advantage. In the Girls' School in-, in the Greek Classics. It is curious that our creased attention has been given to Mental English word spirit has a similar origin from the Arithmetic, and one day in the week continues Latin spiritus, and that from spiro to breathe. to be devoted to sewing. These two branches we consider especially important to children of the class that come under our care. A few of the more advanced girls being desirous to learn English Grammar, they have lately commenced the study of it.

The passage before us affords a beautiful example of the manner in which our Redeemer condescended to adapt his discourse to the weakness of his hearers. His illustrations were freqently drawn from passing objects, the lilies of the field, the sparrows, the fields white unto The average attendance during the year has harvest. In the present case the wind, whose been 42 in the Girls' School, and 61 in the In- voice was heard in the stillness of night, afforded fant department. The number now on the list, both an illustration and an argument. It is plain is 68 in the former, and 86 in the latter School. from the previous verses that Nicodemus habituA small sum has been expended for dry-goods ally referred everything to the senses. Spiritual to be made up into clothing by the scholars. operations were incomprehensible to him. Our This clothing and several pairs of shoes have Saviour, condescending to his low estate, reminds been distributed amongst the most destitute of him that in the case of the wind, which one of the children. The cost of the shoes was $14.91. his senses was wholly unable to discover, he did We have received $40 from the estate of not refuse to confide in other testimony-he Abm. Keyser, of Germantown, being part of a knew of its existence by its results-" So is every sum left to his executor, in trust, to be dis-one that is born of the spirit." tributed among such benevolent institutions in this city as he might think proper.

Our income has for several years been inadequate for the support of the Schools; and during the last two years it has been materially reduced, owing to the store No. 12 North Front street having been for a considerable time without a tenant. We trust, however, that the deficiency will be fully made up by the liberality of Friends; and it would be encouraging to the Managers to receive from those who may feel disposed to aid their efforts in this way, such donations as would render our regular income sufficient for maintaining the Schools to the full extent of their usefulness.

Signed by direction and on behalf of the Board of Managers, CHARLES J. ALLEN, Clerk. Philadelphia, 12th mo. 29th, 1853.

The use of words both in their primitive and derived meaning is very frequent in the New Testament, as in other Greek writings; and although this circumstance may rarely occasion difficulty in ascertaining the true meaning of the writer, it may properly suggest a caution how we tamper with our excellent version of the Holy Scriptures. The faithfulness of this translation has been so well tested by the criticisms of friends and opponents that it may fairly be considered as no longer in question; nor, when we recall the various unsuccessful attempts to improve it, can we look for advantage from its revision.

While, however, we rely with confidence upon the accuracy of our version, much satisfaction is to be derived from the careful perusal of the New Testament in the original Greek. It will often happen that while the meaning of a word is correctly rendered, something of its full force is JOHN III. V. 8, AND OUR ENGLISH VERSION. true of compound words which abound in Greek. abated by the translation; and this is especially In a note to the last No. of the "Review," it It may not be possible to convey all the ideas was suggested that the Greek word, in this pas- suggested by the original word without inconsage, rendered wind, might "be more literally venient circumlocution. He, therefore, who is if not more correctly" translated spirit. This able, by an analysis of the word, to discover its remark having called my attention to the text, I primitive as well as its derived meaning, will have again been struck with its exceeding beauty often perceive a beauty or appropriateness and force as given in our English version. An in its use which is lost to others. Let a single examination of the original does not lead me to example illustrate my meaning. In Matthew ii., concur with the suggestion. The word pneuma v. 6, the prophecy of Micah, respecting our is derived from pneo, to breathe or blow. Hence Saviour, is quoted, " for out of thee shall come a its original meaning is air in motion, whether the Governor that shall rule (or as in the margin breath or the wind. In the former of these feed) my people Israel." Now it is by no means senses it is used 2 Thess. ii. v. 8. It is easy to un-clear that this version could be improved-yet derstand how the word, in addition to its literal or primitive meaning, came to be applied to the breath of life, life itself, the life-giving spirit, the soul, the spirit released from the flesh, (as in Luke xxiv. v. 39,) and finally in its most exalted sense to the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter or the Holy Spirit Instances of its use in all these senses excepting the last, frequently occur

recurring to the Greek we find the word rendered rule or feed is poimanei, and tracing this to its roots we get the original meaning of the compound word," to take charge of a flock as a shepherd;" combining the ideas of ruling and feeding, and making the passage parallel to that in which He who is thus spoken of describes himself as "the good Shepherd."

The facilities for the study of Greek have lately apostle did, with being the chief of sinners. But been much increased, and are afforded, I believe, when brought to such a sight and sense as this, in most of the large institutions under the care may the repenting and returning prodigal never of Friends in this country. Although very few forget that he has a Saviour, a Mediator, an Admay be able to become proficients in it, a com-vocate with the Father; and may he never forparatively small portion of time diligently im- get tremblingly to rejoice in him: for if there proved will admit the student to the true enjoy-be a class of mankind who are more than others ment resulting from an intelligent perusal of the New Testament in the original.

P. K. D.


(Continued from page 251.)

He is the happy man whose life e'en now
Shows somewhat of that happier life to come;
. . whom peace, the fruit

Of virtue, and whom virtue, fruit of faith,
Prepare for happiness; bespeak him one
Content, indeed, to sojourn while he must
Below the skies, but having there his home.
Cowper's Task.

the objects of redeeming love and mercy, it might seem to be these sinners, the unworthiest and vilest of the human race. So that to my own often depressed mind, I would say, 'as thou hast received mercy, and hast tasted that the Lord is gracious, see that thou faint not, nor grow weary in well doing.'"

"To -Whatever may be my experience, I still believe the only true and safe rest to consist in an unlimited surrender and submission to the Divine will. And Oh! when my poor heart is now and then softened into this disposition, how precious is the experience! "To -The kind attentions and opi- Yes, my dear friend, though under a sense of nions of my friends sometimes humble me; for the greatest unworthiness, I may do myself the though I think I behold in the practice of Chris-justice to say, that the experience just alluded to tianity a beautiful and inestimable object to aim at, and am at times concerned to recommend the glorious attainment of it to others, yet, in pressing after it, my own conflicts are such that I can pretty often feelingly apply to myself this line of one of our admired poets:

For me scarce hoping to obtain that rest.' Is it not strange that, after all I have in mercy suffered, there should yet be in me the least inclination to deviate from the paths of holiness and peace, or to linger in the way of manifested duty? In spite of self-love, this is most surprising, and must surely rank among the most incontestable proofs of a fallen nature, and of the consequent need I have of a compassionate and powerful Redeemer. These considerations are humbling to the natural mind; but let us not faint, though I am ready to think that not only myself, but many others cannot dwell much too low to be just above despair. This might appear almost, to some, a frightful sentiment, but it will not, I believe, much alarm thee; for it may probably form a part of thy experience, that those who know the most of their Creator and themselves, are by this knowledge baptized into deep humiliation: yea, such at seasons is their abasement, under a view of the Divine mercy and forbearance on the one hand, and their own omissions and commissions on the other, that, with the poor publican, they are not only ready to smite upon the breast, but are even prepared to go a little way with the scribe also, in concluding themselves not as other men are.

"Here their paths divide: it was the effect of his self-righteousness to think himself better than others, but it is that of the Christian's self-knowledge to feel himself worse than those with whom he was acquainted; so that, taking all things into acccount, he charges himself, as the great

is indeed prized by me above all price; so that neither gold, nor gems, spices nor perfumes, nor, could it be obtained, even the superadded favor of all the princes in the universe, bear, in my present estimate of things, any comparison with that situation of mind, wherein the denial of our own will, and the doing that of the Creator, is felt to be not more a duty than a delight. But do not imagine from this luxuriance of expression, that I am constantly, or even frequently, a pos sessor of the inestimable enjoyment described. No, I neither deserve, nor is it possible that I could bear, such a fruition long together, and therefore it may be that the intervals wherein it is vouchsafed, seem

'Like angels' visits, few and far between.' Yet let the tribute of thanksgiving and praise ascend before the throne of mercy, that such seasons are ever known by the inhabitants of this lower world, and that even in its remotest solitudes; and thou wouldst find it difficult, my friend, to meet with one more secluded, both as to body and mind, than Gedney often is to me; but, peace, my heart! the hand is blest that gives and takes away."


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-Former experience has convinced me that though we may have to travel over dreary ground we must not think of taking up a rest here, indeed that no rest can be found upon it, but more probably a total discomfiture and overthrow both of faith and practice, and I am not yet willing to die a death so inglorious; for the Christian warfare, erroneous as the general notion is concerning it, appears to me both noble and dignified. Thus thinking, I have fled from despondency to resources; and whilst I seize with eager gratitude the proffered hand of friendship, I search the Scriptures, and endeavor to bow my soul before Him, who is not only

described therein as "walking in darkness," but as the succor of the afflicted. I trust these endeavors have not been entirely fruitless, as I find myself enabled to lift up my head in hope that all may still work together for good, to which I am further encouraged by the apprehension, that some important truths have been in the course of the present dispensation, more deeply than ever impressed upon my mind.

At the present session a new Nebraska Bill has been reported by the Senate Committee on Territories, which, should it unhappily receive the sanction of Congress, will open all the unorganized territory of the Union to the ingress of Slavery.

We arraign this bill as a gross violation of a sacred pledge; as a criminal betrayal of precious rights; as part and parcel of an atrocious plot to exclude from a vast unoccupied region emigrants It appears to me a good sign when we can from the Old World, and free laborers from our relish scenes of affliction, and when we find the own states, and convert it into a dreary region of attention of our minds turning from the dazzling despotism, inhabited by masters and slaves. objects, and slippery ways of gaiety and greatness, Take your maps, fellow-citizens, we entreat and gently inclining, (for He whose tender mer-you, and see what country it is which this bill cies are over all his works does not break that gratuitously, and recklessly, proposes to open to which is willing to bend,)-I therefore say Slavery. gently inclining, as I have somewhere seen it agreeably expressed

"To bend to sorrow's path for that alone, Leads to the land where sorrow is unknown."

From the south-western corner of Missouri pursue the parallel of 36 deg. 30 min. north latitude, westwardly across the Arkansas, across the north fork of the Canadian to the north-eastern This, though a true, appears a strange doctrine, angle of Texas; then follow the north-eastern not only to the votaries of pleasure, but to those boundary of Texas to the western limit of New who are at ease in their possessions and have Mexico; then proceed along that western line to nothing to vex them. It would once have ap- its northern termination; then again turn westpeared strange to me; and though the avidity wardly, and follow the northern line of New with which, in my most ignorant and unbelieving Mexico to the crest of the Rocky Mountains; days I pursued through a variety of its fleeting forms, transitory and unsubstantial enjoyments; though the blind eagerness received an early and a severe check, yet I have even in the cool of the day painfully to acknowledge my journeyings from the land of bondage to have been by tardy and devious steps, and my progress towards a better country to have been, to be, attended with many, I fear, voluntary interruptions; and after all that I have seen, heard, and felt, I find it to be still a trial and at times no small one, to use this world as not abusing it; and amidst divers other instances wherein danger lies, as it were in ambush, not to love the dear relations and friends which remain to me, out of the divine will or with a selfish and unsanctified affection.

(To be continued.)


The Representatives of Ohio, to their Constituents. Washington, Thursday, January 19, 1854. FELLOW CITIZENS :-As Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the United States, it is our duty to warn our constituencies whenever imminent danger menaces the freedom of our institutions, or the permanency of our Union: such danger as, we firmly believe, now impends, and we earnestly solicit your prompt attention to it.

At the last session of Congress, a bill for the organization of the Territory of Nebraska, passed the House of Representatives, with an overwhelming majority. That bill was based on the principle of excluding slavery from the new territory. It was not taken up for consideration in the Senate, and consequently failed to become a law.

then ascend northwardly along the crest of that
mountain range to the line which separates the
United States from the British possessions in
North America, on the 49th parallel of north
latitude; then pursue your course eastwardly
along that line to the White Earth river, which
falls into the Missouri from the north; descend
that river to its confluence with the Missouri;
descend the Missouri, along the western boundary
of Minnesota, of Iowa, of Missouri, to the point
where it ceases to be a boundary line, and enters
the state to which it gives its name; then con-
tinue your southward course along the western
limit of that state to the point from which you
set out.
You have now made the circuit of the
proposed Territory of Nebraska. You have tra-
versed the vast distance of more than three thou-
sand miles. You have traced the outline of an
area of 485,000 square miles; more than twelve
times as great as that of Ohio.

This immense region, occupying the very heart of the North American continent, and larger, by 33,000 square miles, than all the existing free states, excluding California-this immense region, embracing all the unorganized territory of the nation, except the comparatively insignificant district of Indian territory north of Red River, and between Arkansas and Texas, and now for more than thirty years regarded, by the common consent of the American people, as consecrated to freedom, by statute and by compactthis immense region the bill now before the Senate, without reason and without excuse, but in flagrant disregard of sound policy and sacred faith, proposes to open to Slavery,

We beg your attention, fellow citizens, to a few historical facts.

The original settled policy of the United States, | ney-General. Each of these eminent men, three clearly indicated by the Jefferson Proviso of of them being from Slave States, gave a written 1784, and by the ordinance of 1787, was non- opinion, affirming its constitutionality, and thereextension of Slavery. upon the act received the sanction of the President, himself also from a Slave State.

In 1803, Louisiana was acquired by purchase from France. At that time there were some twenty-five or thirty thousand slaves in this Territory, most of them within what is now the State of Louisiana; a few only further north, on the west bank of the Mississippi. Congress, instead of providing for the abolition of Slavery in this Territory, permitted its continuance. In 1812 the State of Louisiana was organized, and admitted into the Union with Slavery.

In 1818, six years later, the inhabitants of the Territory of Missouri applied to Congress for authority to form a State Constitution, and for admission into the Union. There were at that time in the whole territory acquired from France, outside of the State of Louisiana, not three thousand


There was no apology in the circumstances of the country for the continuance of Slavery. The original national policy was against it; and not less the plain language of the treaty under which the Territory had been acquired from France.

It was proposed, therefore, to incorporate in the bill, authorizing the formation of a State-government, a provision requiring that the Constitution of the new State should contain an article providing for the abolition of existing slavery, and prohibiting the further introduction of slaves.

This provision was vehemently and pertinaciously opposed; but finally prevailed in the House of Representatives by a decided vote. In the Senate it was rejected, and in consequence of the disagreement between the two houses, the bill was lost.

Nothing is more certain in history than the fact, that Missouri could not have been admitted as a Slave State, had not certain members from the Free States been reconciled to the measure by the incorporation of this prohibition into the act of admission. Nothing is more certain than that this prohibition has been regarded and accepted by the whole country as a solemn compact against the extension of Slavery into any part of the Territory acquired from France, lying north of 36 deg. 30 min., and not included in the new State of Missouri. The same Act let it be ever remembered, which authorized the formation of a Constitution for that State without a clause forbidding Slavery, consecrated beyond question and beyond honest recall, the whole remainder of the Territory to Freedom and to Free Institutions for ever. For more than thirty years-during more than half the period of our national existence under our present Constitution, this compact has been universally regarded and acted upon as inviolable American law. In conformity with it Iowa was admitted as a Free State, and Minnesota has been organized as a Free Territory.

It is a strange and ominous fact, well calculated to awaken the worst apprehensions, and the most fearful forebodings of future calamity, that it is now deliberately purposed to repeal this prohibition, by implication or directly-the latter certainly the manlier way-and thus to subvert this compact, and allow Slavery in all the yet unorganized territory.

We cannot, in this address, review the various At the next session of Congress the contro- pretences under which it was attempted to cloak versy was renewed with increased violence. It this monstrous wrong; but we must not altowas terminated at length by a compromise. Mis-gether omit to notice one. souri was allowed to come into the Union with It is said that the territory of Nebraska susslavery, but a section was inserted in the act tains the same relations to slavery as did the terauthorizing her admission, excluding slavery for- ritory acquired from Mexico prior to 1850, and ever, from all the territory acquired from France, that the pro-slavery clauses of the bill are necesnot included in the new State, lying north of sary to carry into effect the compromises of that 36 deg. 30 min. We quote the prohibitory sec- year.


No assertion could be more groundless.

"SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That in all Three acquisitions of territory have been made that territory ceded by France to the United by treaty. The first was from France. Out of States, under the name of Louisiana, which lies this territory have been created the three slave north of 36 deg. 30 min. of north latitude, and States of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri, and included within the limits of the state contem- the single free State of Iowa. The controversy, plated by this act, slavery and involuntary servi- which arose in relation to the then unorganized tude, otherwise than as the punishment of crimes, portion of this territory was closed in 1820, by shall be, and is hereby forever prohibited."-Act the Missouri act, containing the Slavery prohibiMarch 6, 1820, 3 U. S. Statutes at Large, 545. tion as has been already stated. This controThe question of the constitutionality of this versy related only to territory acquired from prohibition was submitted by President Monroe France. The act by which it was terminated, to his Cabinet. John Quincy Adams was then was confined by its own express terms to the Secretary of State; John C. Calhoun was Secre- same territory, and had no relation to any other. tary of War; William H. Crawford was Secretary The second acquisition was from Spain. Floof the Treasury; and William Wirt was Attorrida, the territory thus acquired, was yielded to

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