Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

on such a mission. They were men of dignity, bate, grow up in ignorance deplored by all, and of appearance and demeanor, and of such evident fall short of the blessing which all propose to sincerity of religious feeling, as to win for them bestow upon them. No one disputes the unrespect and courtesy, and we are glad to know, deniable axiom, that every child, irrespective of that by the President, and by all the Governors sex, creed, or station, ought to be educated; yet they had seen, except the Governor of Missouri, nothing, comparatively, is done to promote it they were received with the consideration which upon an extensive and systematic scale, and the was due to them personally, and as representa- consequence is, the evil is progressive, and goes tives of a body which has ever been foremost in on multiplying until it issues in its fatal results acts of charity. They had visited all the Middle of crime and practical infidelity. and Southwestern States, and now one of them Of the various kinds of education the homehas given his life, in a manner, to the good cause education takes the lead in importance, and dein which he was engaged. He died after an ill-termines the future character of the offspring. ness of a month, brought on by the exposure of a winter journey, at the age of near seventy. To a wide circle in England this announcement will cause the keenest sorrow, and it will seem doubly afflicting that he should have died so far from home and nearest kindred. Mr. Forster was a brother-in-law of the late Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, and was a near connection also of Elizabeth Fry and the Gurneys. He had travelled extensively on the Continent on missions similar to the present, and had stood before most of the sovereigns of Europe, to plead for the oppressed. His latest journey of this kind was to Spain, and he had twice before made what are called religious visits to this country. Indeed his whole life has been devoted to labors of love.

At a time like this, when so many of our publie men are striving to advance themselves by extending the area of slavery, it seems fitting to call attention to the self-sacrificing labors of a good man for the cause of freedom, and at length, what may be called his martyrdom. Surely there is a voice which speaks to us from his distant and lonely grave.

On the Importance of Educating the Children of the Poor, Females more especially.

The want of systematic education for the children of the forlorn and penniless is one of the crying evils of the times. At Westow Hill, Norwood, 900 children are reared in the ways of cleanliness, intelligence, and industry. The same might be done elsewhere, and the good that would accrue to the community is incalculable.

Every one agrees that ignorance prevails to an alarming extent, and that its only corrective is education. But some maintain that it should be religious, rather than secular; others, secular, rather than religious; and others again maintain, that the secular and the religious should be conjoined. The real difficulty, therefore, really lies in these conflicting views of religion; for every person, or party of persons, has his own opinions, and what this party or person thinks true, the other person or party thinks untrue. There is no end to the dispute, since there is no acknowledged umpire to settle the controversy. In the meanwhile the unfortunate beings, who are the unconscious subjects of this ceaseless de

This is the light in which we behold woman in
her proper sphere of action. It is the noblest
office which could have been devised for her.-
With the first dawn of thought, she determines
the future destinies of mankind.
In after years
it is impossible to obliterate the earliest impres-
sion of our infancy. Tendencies, good, bad or
indifferent, have been implanted before we were
conscious of our existence, and they have taken
root so deeply, that it is beyond all human force
to tear them from within us.
Our tutors may
subsequently add something to our instruction,
and we, at last, may do something for ourselves;
but the starting point of our educational career,
good or bad, rests exclusively with our mothers
and nurses.

"'Tis education forms the common mind;

Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined." To educate the female children of the poor in common school learning and in the humble duties of domestic life, lies at the very foundation of social reform, as being the future wives, mothers and sisters, and moral educators of the succeeding generation.

London Friend.


J. P.

According to the report made to the Legisla ture in 1850, by Mr. Thomas S. Fernon, the area of the city proper is 1402 acres; Southwark, 5082 acres; Northern Liberties, 320 acres; Spring Garden, 1100 acres; Kensington, 1238 ac.es; Moyamensing, 1486 acres; 7 Boroughs, 5384 acres; 12 Townships, 63,000 total, 74,239 acres. The estimates vary from this amount to 77,000 acres. The consolidated city extends from Darby creek on the south to Poquessing creck on the north, a distance of twenty-two miles, and up the Schuylkill, measuring from Kensington about ten miles. It is estimated that there are one hundred and twenty square miles in the city. According to the calculation of the Consolidation Committee in November last, the debt of the city, county, and districts, was $14,961,735. To this, $1,500,000 since contracted, should be added-making the aggregate near nineteen millions and a half. The property of the various corporations in stocks, real estate, etc., is valued at about $14,000,000. The pop

ulation at this time is probably 500,000. The assessed valuation of the real estate is nearly $139,000,000.

Though some garden weeds are more deeply rooted than others, there are few that will not yield to a steady pull, every part of the top being grasped at the same time; but, if a few only of the sprouts be tugged at, they are apt to break off, and leave the rest to produce a succession. DILLWYN.


FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-The mail steamship Baltic arrived at New York on the 20th, and the Europa on the 25th ult., bringing Liverpool dates respectively to the 8th and 11th ult.

The Russian Ambassadors had left London and Paris and repaired to Brussels. The English and French Governments were acting in concert in all respects, concerning affairs in the East. Instruc. tions were to be sent to Sir G. Hamilton Seymour and Count Castelbajac, directing them to place themselves exactly on the same footing, and the diplomatic functions of the two States will be suspended in the same manner.

A large army of English and French troops is to be sent to the assistance of Turkey, and two formidable fleets are to be ready to commence operations immediately on the breaking up of winter.

The British Government has issued an order calling on all Greenwich Pensioners, under 60 years of age, to attend at the Pension Office for inspection by Admiralty officers, to ascertain their fitness for


A modification of the Turkish Cabinet has taken

place. Riza and Achmed Pasha have succeeded the Seraskier and Capudan Pasha, the Ministers of War and Marine.

Omar Pasha had crossed the Danube with a large

army, and divided the Russian army, the right wing of which was at Krajova, the left at Galatz, and the centre at Bucharest. Omar's object in this movement was supposed to be to attack the rear of the Russian army on its march from Krajova against


Great preparations were making by the Russian General for an attack upon the Turkish strongholds. Omar Pasha, on the other hand, had divided his forces into three corps, and was closely watching

the movements of the Russians. Several encounters between small detachments of the two armies had taken place, resulting favorably to the Turks.

A Greek conspiracy had been discovered at Widdin. A priest named Athanasius was the ostensible head of the conspirators, but it is rumored that proofs have been discovered connecting it with the Court of Athens. Forty-four persons of note in Constantinople are implicated. Important papers have been seized by the Turkish police, and the plot has been traced through Bulgaria, Smyrna, &c., and the principal islands in the Archipelago.

The condition of the Wallachian peasantry is deplorable, the Russians having deprived them of every means of subsistence, not leaving them even corn for sowing. An entire corps of 500 Wallachians had passed over to the Turks.

The combined fleets returned to their anchorage off Constantinople on the 22d of the 1st month, without having seen a single Russian ship-of-war during their three weeks' cruise. They were to re-enter the Black Sea on the 28th, having taken in a supply of fresh provisions. Two Turkish convoys, with men and ammunition for Varna and Batoum, would sail under the protection of the allied fleets.

No reply to the last ultimatum of England and France had been received from Petersburg.

ENGLAND.-The Preston manufacturers had reopened their mills and offered to guarantee constant employment to all operatives who would resume work on the old terms. The operatives had resolved not to accept their terms, but to insist on an advance of ten per cent.

SPAIN.-Letters from Madrid of the 6th ult. state, that a democratic conspiracy had been discovered, and that fourteen persons had been arrested, flagrante delicto, being a portion of a revolutionary


INDIA AND CHINA.-Advices have been received from Shanghai to 12th month 17th, and from Amoy to 12th month 24th. Canton and Ningpo remained quiet. Matters had resumed their usual course at Amoy. A large portion of Shanghai had been des troyed by fire by the Imperialists. A portion of the revolutionary forces had proceeded northward from Nankin. and had taken Tien Sing, about 80 miles from Pekin.

The Emperor of Japan is dead. On such occasions the court goes into morning, and no inter course is held with foreign nations for three years.

The U. S. steam frigate Susquehanna and the sloop of war Plymouth were at Hong Kong. The Lexington was daily expected.

CALIFORNIA. The steamship Northern Light, with California dates to the 1st ult., arrived at

New York on the 23d

racter. The yield of gold had not been so great as The news generally is not of an important chawas expected, and a heavy stock of goods being in the market, several large failures had taken place.

The brig Caroline, which carried out Capt. Walker's expedition, had been captured by a Mexican cruiser. News from Ensenada to 1st month 17th had been received. The marauders remained in camp at that place awaiting reinforcements and making preparations for a march to Sonora.

The U. S. frigate Portsmouth had been ordered to Ensenada, and a steamship was to be chartered to aid in the maintenance of military law.

ult., Senator Johnson reported a bill to organize into separate territories the Choctaw, Cherokee and Creek Indian country. The bill was ordered to be printed. The debate on the Nebraska bill consumed the greater part of the week. Senators Pettit of In diana, Hunter of Virginia, Butler and Brown spoke in support of the bill, and Senator Sumner made an able and eloquent speech in opposition thereto. A large number of petitions were presented from the northern States, against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise.

DOMESTIC. CONGRESS.-In Senate on the 20th

In the House of Representatives, a bill for extending the pre-emption privilege to California, passed on the 20th ult.

On the 21st the Homestead bill was debated in

Committee of the whole House. It was opposed by Deril and Smith of Virginia, and supported by Dawson of Penna. and Smith of New York.






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[Continued from page 388.]

“Liverpool, Seventh month, 20th, 1820. "My dearly beloved Wife and Children,-I am nearly four thousand miles away from you in body, but present in spirit. My heart is full of solicitude for you, that wisdom and prudence may mark all your steps; that whilst your hands are employed in the necessary concerns of life, your minds may be inwardly engaged to procure heavenly food. My pathway, since I left you, has been marked with many sorrows, and I receive them as my necessary food, that I may keep my body in subjection, and that the Lord in all things may have the praise. He has seen meet to administer the rod, and also has been pleased to grant me his sustaining staff, to comfort and support the lonely traveller. Then, why art thou cast down, O my soul, as if no sorrow was like unto thy sorrow? Suffering has been the path which the Lord's servants have ever trod unto blessedness; for call to mind the former times, the days of many generations,' and see which of them were without their share of suffering. Nay, recollect the sufferings of the Lord, of whom the Father gave this testimony, 'This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,'- -The just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.' How inexpressible his agony when in the garden, under the weight of the great work he came to finish! His sweat was as it were great drops of blood. Betrayed by one of his disciples, denied by another, and finally forsaken by them all; and when about to suffer the painful, ignominious death upon the cross, his language was,-His, who had done no sin, neither was any guile found in his mouth,-in that most pinching hour, His solemnly affecting language was, 'My God, my

No. 26.

God, why hast thou forsaken me?' And, as it became Him, in bringing many souls unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through suffering, why shouldst thou think it hard, O my soul, to taste a little of that cup which thy Lord drank so deeply of, when, in thy of gathering souls to God? When thou passest measure, thou art now engaged in the same work through the waters he will be with thee, and through the fires thou shalt not be burned. Therefore, take courage, O my soul, for no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly. Here you may see a little of the travail of the soul of your husband and father. Secondthis city last Fifth-day the first time I was able day morning.-I attended Monthly Meeting in to get out; attended forenoon meeting yesterday; the afternoon put off at my request till six o'clock, and general invitation given. I opened with the declaration of our Saviour, Except ye be converted and become as little children,' &c. Friends said it was a very solid meeting, and most of those who took me by the hand had faces wet with tears."

"Glasgow, Eighth month, 21st, 1820. "Most affectionately beloved Wife and Children,-Your favors of 24th of Fifth month, and 27th of Sixth month, were duly received. I was tenderly affected on hearing of your being so unwell, and the continuance of the affliction of my dearest earthly connexion, but hope, through mercy, when I hear from you again, things will be more agreeable to the desire of my heart, for I never felt more deeply interested in your welfare. Many are the prayers that ascend, and the tears that flow down my cheeks for your preservation in the pavilion of Divine love; that none of the suggestions of the Accuser of the Brethren may be able to move you off the true foundation. I have been eleven days in Scotland, and spent five at Edinburgh; visited all the families of Friends in that great city, the most beautiful in the kingdom of Great Britain; had three public meetings; they were interesting opportunities. The Scotch are an open, kind-hearted people, and I frequently think I can discover the countenance of a brother or sister, a son or daughter, among them. Feeling quite clear of Edinburgh, left it on 5th day morning, and rode 42 miles to this place. On 7th day visited all the families of Friends, and yesterday attended meeting in

be suffered to hurt it, in the progressive stages through which it has to pass; that, sheltered in the tender blade, and protected in the ripening ear, by that love which causeth the joy that is known in the presence of the holy angels, the full corn will be nourished until ripe fruit be brought forth, to the praise of the great Husbandman, and to the exaltation of his ever excellent name."

"Liverpool, Tenth month, 30th, 1820.

the morning, and had a very crowded public one | own nature, where, I humbly hope, nothing will at six o'clock. It was believed there were 4000 persons there; the prospect was an awful one to me, to see so many of the great and mighty of this world. The Russian Minister, his consort, and attendants were very near me. But in a little time the power of Truth arose, and they all gave me close attention. To-morrow I expect to attend Friends' Two Months' Meeting here, and afterward set out for Aberdeen, 150 miles north of this. I shall attend the Half Year's Meeting (which will be this day week) if nothing should prevent, and quickly after that, I expect to return to this place, and embark for Ireland. Isaac Hadwen is still with me; he has been a very agreeable, attentive companion; expects to return home when I sail for Ireland, and Edward Wilson is to unite with me as a companion; thus I am provided for. I am, through Divine mercy, in good health; climate and food agree with me. I try to attend to my duty faithfully through the day, and generally sleep sweetly at night.

"Glasgow, Ninth month, 6th, 1820. "I have got along, so far, to my humbling admiration, sustained and supported through all the conflicts that fall to my lot, for which I praise the Being that gave me existence. I pass on through hundreds and thousands and meet no face I ever saw before; none but those who have passed through similar scenes know what it is to feel one's self a stranger in a foreign land, far from wife and children and every near and dear connexion. But all these privations I would gladly endure, if I may but be made use of as an instrument in the Divine hand to beget souls unto Himself, and my own poor soul permitted to occupy some remote corner in his glorious kingdom, there to behold more faithful spirits in their acts of adoration; or that I even may be made a stepping-stone for saints to pass over to glory. My mind is at this time remarkably taken from the world, to behold all mundane things drawing to a point of nothingness and vanity. When the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, I tremble lest my many deviations may not be done away before that day of the Lord shall come, wherein I must appear naked before my Judge. My mind has been dipped into deep feeling with you of late, some of you in an especial manner, who I believe can say with Job formerly, Wearisome days and nights are appointed me.' O, how I travail for my children and grand-children! that they may walk in the ways of Truth. Your active minds have often been arrested by the hand of the dear Master, and had impressions made upon them which I hope will be lasting. The seed so plentifully SOW, I believe has not all fallen upon stony ground, nor has it all been choked with thorns and.briars; on the contrary, through adorable meray, some of it has found soil congenial to its


"My dearly beloved Wife and and Children, -With tender emotions I sit down to commune with you, and although the mighty deep now rolls between us, my spirit is united with yours in the bond and convenant of light and life: thus kindred spirits mingle in that fellowship which the world knows not of, because it is only spiritually discerned. May we be favored to keep in the everlasting patience, through all the tribulations that may be dispensed to us in unerring wisdom, that, when time to us may be no more, we may receive an admission into those habitations where the enemy will cease to trouble and where the weary will for ever rest. I am resigned to my lot, body, soul, and spirit. Methinks I see a hand removing all perishable things from me, under which I desire to stand as a weaned child, craving nothing but what is quite convenient for me.

I arrived here last night from Ireland, in health, and safety, through the mercy of my blessed Creator, having spent seven weeks there and had many solid and interesting meetings. Last Sixth-day morning we took the steam-boat from Dublin to Holyhead; there was a lively breeze of wind when we set out, and it increased to a tremendous gale; the waves rose as high as the top of the mast, and we were indeed dreadfully tossed. I stood in the cabin door, and held fast by a rope, viewing with astonishment the scene. In a degree of solemn quiet, I thought upon my wife, my children, my friends, and my home; and my soul centred in a deep repose, safe anchored on its God, whose voice is mightier than the sound of many waters. In this situation we continued for about six hours, when, contrary to all human calculation, we arrived in safety at our destined port. I expect to tarry a few days with my kind friends Isaac and Susannah Hadwen, and then set out again to the east side of England. I am in good health, but feel little, which is often my lot when surrounded with company; then I retire inward, which is the alone place of safety, and sometimes, while dwelling on the steps which led to this separation from all that I hold dearest on the earth, I receive the intimation, that he that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh back, is not fit for the kingdom of Heaven; so I am encouraged to go forward, and mind my own business, let others do what they may. Ŏ! the world, the world, how unsettled, how unstable, how uncertain is every

for the purpose of distillation; and has more re-trative of the working efficiency of the two syscently limited the use of such liquors to purposes tems, and encourages the hope that when Chrisstrictly medicinal; and having witnessed the tians generally shall be led to perceive the ungreat practical benefits of these provisions of scriptural character of a State-cramped Church, their discipline, they hail with gratitude and joy we shall have a dissolution of the unwarrantable the deep and wide-spread conviction in the pub- alliance, and a consequent impetus given to the lie mind that the present and eternal welfare of Christian energies of the entire Christian comindividuals and the best interests of our beloved munity.-London Friend. country alike call for speedy action in the premises.

Whatever doubts may be entertained by some of the efficiency of legal measures in reforming those who have long indulged in the use of intoxicating drinks, your memorialists confidently believe, and respectfully submit, that by suppressing the exhibition and sale of them, great benefit would result to those who have not become habitual drinkers; and particularly, and most emphatically, to the millions who are yet to enter upon the active stage of life.

Your memorialists, therefore, respectfully but earnestly ask for the enactment of stringent laws to arrest the onward course of this insidious but potent enemy of the prosperity and welfare of the State.

Signed, on behalf and by direction of a meeting of the Representatives of the Society aforesaid, held in New York, on the 17th of First month, 1854. WM. WOOD, Clerk.



It gives us much pleasure to quote the substance of a letter recently received from a member of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts, proving that our friends are active and earnest in that country in the advocacy of the principle of the inviolability of human life. It will be seen that the punishment of death, or, as we deem it, legal homicide, is practically abolished in Massachusetts :

"DEAR FRIEND,-You ask what I mean by saying that capital punishment is virtually abolished in Massachusetts? I will answer by giving a brief history of the matter:

the State prison for one year, and until the governor shall issue a warrant for their execution.' This is the substance, though not the exact letter of the Bill. When it came up I was confined to my lodgings by illness, and in courtesy to me it was laid upon the table. As I did not recover in season to bring it up before the adjournment, the measure, of course, was lost.

"In 1850, while the unfortunate Dr. Webster was under trial for the murder of Parkman, the public mind was, of course, very much agitated in regard to his fate, and after his conviction efforts were made for a pardon. I well knew that such efforts were vain, and that the only chance to save him would be by changing the law. Being at that time a member of the Senate, I A very important document has recently been brought in a Bill to the effect, that persons conprinted "by authority of the Registrar-Gene-victed of a capital offence shall be confined in ral." It is a report made by Horace Mann, upon the Census Returns of 1851, as they affect the state of religious worship in England and Wales. Copious tables are given, showing the amount of accommodation provided for religious worship by all denominations,-the relative proportion of worshippers attending Episcopal and Dissenting places of worship, and the numerical statistics of each separate body. The informa- "At the next session of the Legislature, petition thus obtained is truly important, though at tions were sent in, as they had been for many the same time it is in many respects, sadly dis- years before, for the abolition of capital punishcouraging. It shows how much is yet to be ac- ment. The subject was referred to a committee complished in winning a very large proportion of of both branches, and the petitioners were althe population even within sound of the gospel, lowed a hearing. I was present and had the and in providing accommodation adequate to the mortification to hear several orthodox clergymen numerical strength of the nation. Out of a opposing the petitions, and giving theological ar population of nearly eighteen millions, only guments in support of the gallows. Towards the 6,356,222 were found to have united in the ser- close of the hearing I got up, and stated to the vices of public worship on the "Census Sunday," committee that in my view the best course to be Third Month 30th, 1851. Of these, however, adopted would be to take the Bill which I had it is encouraging to find that considerably more presented the year previous before the Senate, than half were those drawn together under the and report it to the Legislature. I perceived at system of voluntary church support. The so- once that the suggestion took,' and in a few called Church of England, with all its costly ap- days the law I have referred to was passed by pliances of compulsory support, could only draw both Houses. It virtually, and doubtless uttertogether 2,971,258 worshippers, whilst the num-ly, abolishes all capital punishments. A similar ber worshipping as protestant dissenters, and under other forms of belief, numbered, 3,384,964. This important fact is most significant as illus

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law has been in operation in the State of Maine for some ten years, and not a single execution has taken place, nor is there any increase of cap

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