Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

and unquestionable restraint upon the sovereignty of Territories and States. Now I call upon the Senate to remark, that the right of taxation, said to be essential to the very existence of government, is abridged in the bill now before us.

For myself I do not doubt the power of Congress to fasten this restriction upon the Territory and afterward upon the State, as has been always done; but I am at a loss to see on what grounds this can be placed, which will not also support the prohibition of Slavery. The former is an unquestionable infringement of sovereignty as declared by our Supreme Court, far more than can be asserted of the latter.

I am unwilling to admit, that the prohibition of Slavery in the Territories is in any just sense infringement of the local sovereignty. Slavery an infringement of the local sovereignty. Slavery


[blocks in formation]

In several places, in the present and preceding volumes of the Review, allusion has been made to an address, adopted by our brethren of Europe at their Yearly Meeting, held in London in the year 1849, on the subject of slavery and the slave trade, which, in the course of that and the succeeding years, was presented by deputations appointed on behalf of that meeting, to most of the sovereigns of Europe, and also to the Emperor of Brazil; by all of whom this address appears to have been respectfully received.

is an infraction of the immutable law of Nature, and, as such, cannot be considered a natural incident to any sovereignty, especially in a country which has solemnly declared in its Declaration of Independence, the inalienable right of all men to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In an age of civilization and in a land of rights, Slavery may still be tolerated in fact; but its The last Yearly Meeting of London, appreprohibition, within a municipal jurisdiction, by hending it a religious duty to circulate this adthe Government thereof, as by one of the States dress on this continent, four Friends, viz., Josiah of the Union, cannot be considered an infraction of natural right; nor can its prohibition by Con- Forster, William Forster, John Candlers and gress in the Territories be regarded as an in-William Holmes, were separated for the service, fringement of the local sovereignty. The asserted right to make a slave is against natural right, and can be no just element of sovereignty.

Conclusion next week.



and arrived in the United States in the autumn of last year. They proceeded to Washington, and presented a copy of their address to the President; and subsequently visited nearly all the Midland and Southern States, and were readily afforded an opportunity to present and read this address to the Governors of these States. Soon after their interview with the Governor of Tennessee, our beloved and honored friend William Forster was removed by death, as already stated

afterwards visited most of the Northern and Eastern States, and readily obtained interviews with the Governors of those States.

These devoted advocates of universal righteous

This body convened as usual, on Second day, the 17th inst. The weather was stormy and unpleasant on that day, as it had been on the pre-in this periodical. The three surviving Friends ceding. From this cause, no doubt, the number in attendance appeared rather smaller than we commonly see on similar occasions. Only two ministers, members of another Yearly Meeting, (Ohio), with certificates, were present. The morning session was chiefly occupied withness, having completed the service assigned, emthe customary preliminary business, and the read- barked at New York, in the steamer Atlantic, on ing of the epistles, eight in number, viz., the gen- the 15th inst.; and, it may be hoped, that by the eral and particular epistles from London, one time this notice reaches our distant subscribers, from Ireland, and one from each of the Yearly or not long afterwards, they may be permitted to Meetings of Friends on this continent, New England in safety on their native shore, carrying land excepted, from which none was offered this their sheaves with them. year. A committee was separated to essay replies to these communications.

In the afternoon session, after the reappointment of the clerk and assistant, (William Evans and Samuel Hilles,) three appellants from the judgment of a Monthly Meeting, confirmed by

Our readers will find, in the present number, a copy of this excellent Christian address. It is with peculiar satisfaction that the editor gives to this remarkable document such publicity and circulation as his pages can furnish.

Our readers will please to correct the 21st line, | To the Association of Friends for the Free Inpage 488, by substituting the word serves in place

of seems.

MARRIED, At Friends' meeting, in New York city, on Fourth day, 12th inst., LINDLEY MURRAY FERRIS, of Coldenham, Orange county, New York, to MARY MURRAY, daughter of Robert I. Murray.

DIED,-Of a protracted disease, on the Ist inst., at his residence in Union county, Indiana, in the 69th year of his age, WILLIAM TALBERT, a valuable and esteemed Member and Elder of Salem Monthly Meeting. A few hours before his departure he admonished such of his family as could be collected about his bed, to live in harmony and peace; and testified that his hope of salvation rested on the mercy of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this city, on Fourth day morning, the 22d instant, in the 82d year of her age, ELIZABETH HALLOWELL, widow of the late William Hallowell, a member of the Northern District Monthly Meeting. In this city, on the 10th inst., in the 77th year of her age, PHEBE JACKSON, a member of the Northern District Monthly Meeting.

[blocks in formation]

The committee having charge of Friends' Establishment among the Shawnee Indians, are desirous of employing two young men to labor on the farm, (practical farmers are desirable.) They also want to engage a teacher in the School, and a female to assist in the family; a middle aged man and his wife for teacher and assistant in the family, would be preferable. Application to be made to Simon Hadley, or John Hadley, Jr., Sligo, Clinton County, Ohio, who will give any information necessary. Friends of good character, and of religious experience are desirable.

struction of Adult Colored persons.

The Managers report: That both schools were duly opened on the evening of the 3d of 10th month, last, at the usual place on Raspberry street, under the charge of the same Friends who acted as principals last season, with the usual number of assistants.

On the evening the schools were opened 32 men and 73 women were enrolled as scholars. The female department rapidly filled up; that for men more gradually but steadily.

The schools were kept open five evenings in each week, until the 28th of 2d month, when they were closed for the season.

The whole number of men entered as scholars was 131, and of women 248; the average attendance of the former for the season was 421, and of the latter nearly 58.

The order in both schools was satisfactory, and the industry of the teachers gave strong evidence of their interest in the work before them. A

lively interest also appears to be felt by most of the pupils in their studies, and in some instances a marked degree of progress was made.

The Moral Almanac and a selection of Friends' Tracts were distributed among the scholars, and a few copies of the New Testament were procured and sold to them at a reduced price,

At the close, numerous observations made by the scholars evinced their sense of the usefulness of the schools, and it is to be hoped that the benefits resulting from them may increase.

In conclusion we would express our belief that if Friends would manifest their interest by more frequent visits, the stimulus of such encouragement would prove decidedly advantageous to the schools.

Officers of the Association. Secretary-Chas. J. Allen. Treasurer-John C. Allen. Managers-Nath. H. Brown, Wm. L. Edwards, Francis Bacon, Wm. H. Burr, Anthony M. Kimber, Edward Sharpless, Samuel Allen, Samuel Woolman, William L. Bailey.


For Friends' Review..

Another Planet Discovered.-"The London Times announces the almost simultaneous discovery of another planet, between Mars and Jupiter, by astronomers at Bishop's and Radcliffe observatories. This is, we believe, the twenty-eighth planet now known to exist between Mars and Jupiter, eight (or nine ?) of which were discovered by Mr. Hind, Mr. Bishop's principal astronomer, and now another by an assistant there."Boston Traveller.

The names of the asteroids, revolving between Mars and Jupiter, with the times of their disCovery, and the astronomers by whom they were first seen, as far as known to the editor, have been given in previous numbers of the Review.

As these notices are scattered through seve

ral parts, their exhibition, in a connected form, will probably be acceptable to some of our readers.

Name. Discovered. By 1801 1 mo. 1 Piazzi

1 Ceres

[blocks in formation]


8 Flora

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

5 mo. 20 Hind

[blocks in formation]

18 Melpomene 1852
19 Fortuna 1852
20 Massilla

22 Lutitia
23 Thalia

8 mo. 22 Hind

a gentleman whom I knew to be somewhat more acquainted with America than the others. The words I can only imperfectly give, but the rebuke will never leave me.

"Sir,' said he, very earnestly, we admit that the times look dark here in Europe, and that there is much wrong here, but we do not admit the right of your country to rebuke it. There is a system now with you, worse than any thing which we know of Tyranny-your Slavery. It is a disgrace and a blot on your free government, and on a Christian State. We have nothing in Russia or Hungary which is so degrading, and we have nothing which so crushes the mind. And more than this, we hear now of a law, just passed by your National Assembly, which would disgrace the cruel code of the Bilk.Germ. Czar. We hear of free men and women hunted London. by dogs over your mountains, and sent back, without trial, to a bondage worse than our serfs have ever known. We here in Europe have many excuses in ancient evils and deep-laid prejudices; but you, the young, free people of this age, to be passing again, afresh, such measures of unmitigated wrong and oppression! have not been able to understand it.'



1852 9 mo. 22 Charconnai Marseilles.
1852 11 mo. 16 Hind
1852 11 mo. 25 Goldschmidt London.
1852 12 mo. 15 Hind

If the asteroid announced at the head of this article is actually the twenty-eighth known to revolve between Mars and Jupiter, the editor would feel obliged if any of his correspondents would point out the source from which authentic information respecting the other four may be obtained.

Herschel, at page 606 of his Outlines of Astronomy, gives the elements of the orbits of the nine asteroids which were known when that was written. E. L.


The following incident is related by Charles Loring Brace, a young American traveller, in his notice of his visit to Germany. The efforts of the Hungarians to shake off the Austrian yoke had become the subject of discussion; on which

occasion our American observes:

"I spoke now in words which my opponent could not help attending to, of the wrongs of that unhappy land, of its noble and rational struggles for freedom, of the crushing attacks of Russia, and of the Austrian tyranny, of whose abuses we heard each day in the papers.

"I could not avoid, as I was upon it, and as I knew my audience well, speaking sadly also of the oppression over the dear old German Fatherland. I alluded to their strict police laws, to the open acts of injustice from the authorities everywhere, and mentioned that well-known measure of injustice by which, lately, liberal editors had been imprisoned and banished. I said that the times seemed dark in the Old World-and that we in the New looked with pity over all this, and longed to right it again. I had spoken with very considerable feeling, and the company had listened intently; but here I was interrupted by


"I must say that the blood tingled to my cheeks as he spoke."-London Friend.


A recent decision of the Supreme Court of Michigan, fully sustains the Prohibitory Liquor Law of that State. The last Detroit Free Democrat has the following in reference to it:

"The vote of June last, gave us a prohibitory cided in favor of prohibition. It was a fitting law. It was a glorious day when the people desubject for rejoicing, and the moral and temperate men of the State did rejoice.

"But this happiness was soon clouded over by a serious doubt of the constitutionality of the law. This was not removed by the indecision of the Supreme Court, as exhibited in the action of the Court of a month since. But to-day a full and final decision has been made by the Court, declaring that

"The act entitled An act prohibiting the ma nufacturing of Intoxicating Beverages and the traffic therein,' IS CONSTITUTIONAL.

"This restores the victory won last summer, and so nearly lost in the Courts. The city is full of rejoicing! The people are in extacies! The rumsellers are overwhelmed with confusion !

"The moment the result was known, vigorous measures were begun to enforce the law. Efforts have been made within the last hour or two all over the city, to find a place where intoxicating liquors are sold, but in vain! To-day, Detroit is a Temperance city. As on the second and a few succeeding days of December, all the dealers in the poison are scared.

"Now is the time for vigorous action. Thousands of dollars have been poured into the Temperance Treasury, by the dime fund' collections, and the tide is swelling. And the utmost efforts will be made to compel obedience to the law. The law will be enforced in Detroit! "The following is the order of the Court: IN SUPREME COURT. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN,



This cause, and the questions reserved thereon by the Circuit Court for the county of Wayne, for the opinion of this court, having been submitted to this court and fully examined and considered; It is ordered, That it be certified to the said Circuit Court, as the opinion of this court, that the defendant is not exempt from the penalties of the act entitled "An act prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating beverages and the traffic therein," because he manufactures and sells strong beer, for which the State has made no provision to pay him; nor is he exempt from its prohibition because of his contracts; and that the act entitled "An act prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating beverages and the traffic therein," is constitutional.


The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune, writes under date of March 14: "There is a good deal of speculation in private circles on the subject of re-opening the African Slave Trade. The Southern men cannot consistently oppose it on any other ground than that it would interfere with the present monopoly of negro-breeding enjoyed by Virginia, Maryland, &c. There are men from the Gulf States who openly advocate it as a measure of unquestionable humanity, as well as a measure affording them great advantages. They assert that there is no reason they should pay the Virginians $1,200 or $1,500 a head for their mixed blood, when they can get first-rate field hands from Guinea for $150 a piece."

We may well expect this to be the next demand; and if the Nebraska bill passes, this measure will pass if proposed.-Ind. F. Dem.

Extract from Dr. Wayland's speech on the

Nebraska bill:

"Now I affirm that this proposed measure is in the gravest sense revolutionary-far more so than if it enacted that the office of President should be abolished, and its place supplied by an hereditary monarch. This latter might be done, and yet the great object for which the Government was established be maintained; but here the great object for which the Government was formed is not changed, but reversed. The particular manner in which the agents of a Govern

ment are to be related to each other and to the people, is of far less consequence than the principle by which all their action is to be directed. An insurance company is formed to protect buildings from loss by fire. It establishes its laws and elects its officers. But if its object be reversed, and it devotes itself to setting buildings on fire, it were vain to tell me that they elected their president in the same manner, or that the clerks and the President were not permitted to interfere with the duties of each other. Nor, were I an original member of such a company, could I, by any cry of union, be persuaded to be a partner to their transactions. I should say, the object being changed, the association is dissolved, and I will be a partaker in none of your villainy. Now, I cannot but consider this measure as if precisely this character. We united to form a Government on the principle of the Declaration of Independence and the preamble of the Constitution-namely to establish justice and secure the blessings of liberty; to illustrate to the world the truth that all men are endowed by their Creator with an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This bill reverses this principle, and makes this Government declare that men are not endowed with these rights, and that our object is not to establish justice or secure the blessings of liberty, but to extend Slavery over our whole domain, and transmit it to our children as their heritage for ever. force of such a revolution is to dissolve the Government itself; for when the essential element of a compact is reversed, every contracting party is released from his obligations in respect to it. I therefore protest against this bill as revolutionary, and giving just cause for a dissolution of the Union."-N. Y. Recorder.



It was in one night that four thousand persons perished in the plague of London 1665. It was by night that the army of Sennacherib was destroyed. Both in England and on the continent a large proportion of cholera cases in its several forms have been observed to have occurred between one and two o'clock in the morning; the danger of exposure to night air has been a theme of physicians from time immemorial; but it is remarkable that they have never yet called in the aid of chemistry to account for the fact.

It is at night that the stratum of air nearest the ground must always be the most charged with the particles of animalized matter given out from the skin, and deleterious gases, such as carbonic acid gas, the product of respiration, and sulphuretted hydrogen, the product of the sewers. In the day, gases and various substances of all kinds rise in the air by the rarefaction of the heat; at night, when this rarefaction leaves them, they fall by an increase of gravity if imperfectly mixed with the atmosphere, while the gases evolved

during the night, instead of ascending, remain | our jailors attest it. Those who urge a prohibi at nearly the same level. It is known that car-tory law, and those who regard it as unconstitu bonic acid gas, at a low temperature, partakes so tional, have no difference of opinion as to this nearly of the nature of a fluid, that it may be poured out of one vessel into another; it rises at the temperature at which it is exhaled from the lungs, but its tendency is toward the floor, or the bed of the sleeper, in cold and unventilated


fact. Directly or indirectly, intemperance is chargeable with three-fourths of all the crimes committed. Where it does not lead immediate ly to violations of the law, it does remotely, by superinducing poverty, or by brutalizing its victims. If it fails to make the drunkard himself an outlaw, it takes its revenge by educating his children for the jail or the gallows.

At Hamburg the alarm of cholera at night in some parts of the city was so great, that on some occasions many refused to go to bed lest they But others, beside the inebriate, share the should be attacked unawares in their sleep. guilt of intemperance. The grand jury has deSitting up, they probably kept their stoves or clared that there are five thousand grogshops in open fires burning for the sake of warmth, and Philadelphia, or an average of one to every that warmth giving the expansion to any dele- hundred men, women and children in this great terious gases present, which would best promote metropolis. This legion of taverns, beer shops their escape, and promote their dilution in the and hotels, acts as a direct bounty on drunkenatmosphere, the means of safety were thus un-ness. With the extension of these resorts, as consciously assured. At Sierra Leone, the na- might have been expected, the number of comtives have a practice in the sickly season of keep-mitments has advanced proportionally. A few ing fires constantly burning in their huts at night, assigning that the fires keep away the evil spirits, to which in their ignorance they attribute fever and ague. Latterly Europeans have begun to adopt the same practice, and those who have tried it assert that they have now entire immunity from the tropical fevers to which they were formerly subject.

years ago there was less than half the quantity of drinking saloons that there are now: and there are, at present, twice as many crimes as there were then. Yet these places exist either by direct sanction of the law, or in consequence of a neglect to administer the law. In either case society is primarily to blame. We are all alike guilty in this matter. Every man who has a vote, every citizen who has influence, should exert it to reduce the number of these nuisances, if not entirely to extirpate them. While they continue to lie in wait at every corner, intemperance will increase, poverty gain new victims, and the jail and gallows fatten on their hecatombs of human sacrifice.

In the epidemics of the middle ages, fires used to be lighted in the streets for the purification of the air; and in the plague of London, of 1665, fires in the streets were at one time kept burning incessantly, till extinguished by a violent storm of rain. Latterly, trains of gunpowder have been fired, and cannon discharged for the same object; but it is obvious that these measures, although That there should be a wide difference of opisound in principle, must necessarily, out of doors, nion as to the best method of eradicating inbe on too small a scale, as measured against an temperance it is natural to expect. While we ocean of atmospheric air, to produce any sensible ourselves hold that there can be no permanent effect. Within doors, however, the case is differ- reform which does not begin with the individual, ent. It is quite possible to heat a room suf- and that laws to be lasting must be founded on ficiently to produce a rarefaction and consequent the fixed convictions of the great body of the dilution of any malignant gases it may contain, community, we are not prepared to condemn and it is of course the air of the room, and that those, who, in view of this tremendous evil, bealone, at night, which comes into immediate con-lieve that penal statutes, in this one instance, tact with the lungs of a person sleeping.- West

minster Review.


may safely lead the public opinion. There may be some social sores of such magnitude that nothing but the cautery or the knife will effect a cure. Medicines for the blood may answer in less severe diseases or may preserve the health of the It is a fact conceded, that notwithstanding the patient after the excision; but intemperance may vast material progress we are making; notwith-be so cancerous in its nature, that, unless it is standing our free institutions; notwithstanding our common schools; notwithstanding our newspapers, crime, instead of diminishing, grows more formidable continually. Why is this? We will endeavor to explain the apparent paradox. The solution is at once a warning and a rebuke. The great highway to crime is acknowledged to be intemperance. On this point, men of all parties, all sects, and all localities are agreed. Our lawyers concede it, our judges proclaim it,

first utterly extirpated, there is no hope. One thing is certain, palliatives have not sufficed hitherto, but have only seemed to aggravate the crime. With all our enlightement we are, to speak plainly, a very drunken people. Free trade in taverns has crowded our alms houses, filled our prisons, and found constant victims for the gal lows. Go around the question as we will, it comes back to what it was. Any legislation which will stay or cure the evil, will be hailed by the pub

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